Esempio n. 1
void CL_Gecko_Resize( clgecko_t *instance, int width, int height ) {
	int newWidth, newHeight;

	// early out if bad parameters are passed (no resize to a texture size bigger than the original texture size)
	if( !instance || !instance->browser) {

	newWidth = CeilPowerOf2( width );
	newHeight = CeilPowerOf2( height );
	if ((newWidth != instance->texWidth) || (newHeight != instance->texHeight))
		cl_gecko_unlinktexture( instance );
		instance->texWidth = newWidth;
		instance->texHeight = newHeight;
		cl_gecko_linktexture( instance );
		/* The gecko area will only cover a part of the texture; to avoid
		'old' pixels bleeding in at the border clear the texture. */
		R_ClearTexture( instance->texture );

	osgk_browser_resize( instance->browser, width, height);
	instance->width = width;
	instance->height = height;
Esempio n. 2

Create "snd_renderbuffer" with the proper sound format if the call is successful
May return a suggested format if the requested format isn't available
qboolean SndSys_Init (const snd_format_t* requested, snd_format_t* suggested)
	unsigned int buffersize;
	SDL_AudioSpec wantspec;
	SDL_AudioSpec obtainspec;

	snd_threaded = false;

	Con_DPrint ("SndSys_Init: using the SDL module\n");

	// Init the SDL Audio subsystem
	if( SDL_InitSubSystem( SDL_INIT_AUDIO ) ) {
		Con_Print( "Initializing the SDL Audio subsystem failed!\n" );
		return false;

	buffersize = (unsigned int)ceil((double)requested->speed / 25.0); // 2048 bytes on 24kHz to 48kHz

	// Init the SDL Audio subsystem
	wantspec.callback = Buffer_Callback;
	wantspec.userdata = NULL;
	wantspec.freq = requested->speed;
	wantspec.format = ((requested->width == 1) ? AUDIO_U8 : AUDIO_S16SYS);
	wantspec.channels = requested->channels;
	wantspec.samples = CeilPowerOf2(buffersize);  // needs to be a power of 2 on some platforms.

	Con_Printf("Wanted audio Specification:\n"
				"\tChannels  : %i\n"
				"\tFormat    : 0x%X\n"
				"\tFrequency : %i\n"
				"\tSamples   : %i\n",
				wantspec.channels, wantspec.format, wantspec.freq, wantspec.samples);

	if( SDL_OpenAudio( &wantspec, &obtainspec ) )
		Con_Printf( "Failed to open the audio device! (%s)\n", SDL_GetError() );
		return false;

	Con_Printf("Obtained audio specification:\n"
				"\tChannels  : %i\n"
				"\tFormat    : 0x%X\n"
				"\tFrequency : %i\n"
				"\tSamples   : %i\n",
				obtainspec.channels, obtainspec.format, obtainspec.freq, obtainspec.samples);

	// If we haven't obtained what we wanted
	if (wantspec.freq != obtainspec.freq ||
		wantspec.format != obtainspec.format ||
		wantspec.channels != obtainspec.channels)

		// Pass the obtained format as a suggested format
		if (suggested != NULL)
			suggested->speed = obtainspec.freq;
			// FIXME: check the format more carefully. There are plenty of unsupported cases
			suggested->width = ((obtainspec.format == AUDIO_U8) ? 1 : 2);
			suggested->channels = obtainspec.channels;

		return false;

	snd_threaded = true;

	snd_renderbuffer = Snd_CreateRingBuffer(requested, 0, NULL);
	if (snd_channellayout.integer == SND_CHANNELLAYOUT_AUTO)
		Cvar_SetValueQuick (&snd_channellayout, SND_CHANNELLAYOUT_STANDARD);

	sdlaudiotime = 0;
	SDL_PauseAudio( false );

	return true;