BroadPhaseCollisionDetector::propagate_cell(const CellIndex& cell)
	return CellIndex(static_cast<int>(floor(cell.i*0.5)),
//#################### PRIVATE METHODS ####################
BroadPhaseCollisionDetector::determine_cell(const Vector3d& p, double gridSize)
	return CellIndex(static_cast<int>(floor(p.x / gridSize)),
					 static_cast<int>(floor(p.y / gridSize)),
					 static_cast<int>(floor(p.z / gridSize)));
Esempio n. 3
void vtSimpleLodGrid::AllocateCell(int a, int b)
	int i = CellIndex(a,b);

	m_pCells[i] = new vtLOD;
	vtString name;
	name.Format("LOD cell %d %d", a, b);

	// The child of this LOD is only visible up to LODDistance away
	m_pCells[i]->setRange(0, 0.0f, m_fLODDistance);

	// determine LOD center
	FPoint3 lod_center;
	lod_center.x = m_origin.x + ((m_size.x / m_dim) * (a + 0.5f));
	lod_center.y = m_origin.y + (m_size.y / 2.0f);
	lod_center.z = m_origin.z + ((m_size.z / m_dim) * (b + 0.5f));
	if (m_pHeightField)
		m_pHeightField->FindAltitudeAtPoint(lod_center, lod_center.y);

	vtGroup *group = new vtGroup;
	group->setName("LOD group");

const std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<ribi::foam::Cell> > ribi::foam::Mesh::CreateEmptyCells(
  const Files& files)
  std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<ribi::foam::Cell> > cells;
  const CellIndex n_cells = files.GetOwner()->CountNumberOfCells();
  assert(n_cells == files.GetOwner()->CountNumberOfCells());
  assert(n_cells > CellIndex(0));
  for (CellIndex i=CellIndex(0); i!=n_cells; ++i)
    const boost::shared_ptr<Cell> cell(
      new Cell
  return cells;
Esempio n. 5
osg::Group *vtSimpleLodGrid::GetCell(int a, int b)
	int i = CellIndex(a, b);
	vtLOD *pCell = m_pCells[i];
	if (!pCell)
		return NULL;
	return pCell;
Esempio n. 6
void vtSimpleLodGrid::SetDistance(float fLODDistance)
	m_fLODDistance = fLODDistance;

	for (int a = 0; a < m_dim; a++)
		for (int b = 0; b < m_dim; b++)
			vtLOD *lod = m_pCells[CellIndex(a,b)];
			if (lod)
				lod->setRange(0, 0.0f, m_fLODDistance);
Esempio n. 7
osg::Group *vtSimpleLodGrid::FindCellParent(const FPoint3 &point)
	int a, b;

	DetermineCell(point, a, b);
	if (a < 0 || a >= m_dim || b < 0 || b >= m_dim)
		return NULL;

	int i = CellIndex(a, b);
	if (!m_pCells[i])
		AllocateCell(a, b);

	return (osg::Group *) (m_pCells[i]->getChild(0));
BroadPhaseCollisionDetector::determine_overlapped_cells(const Vector3d& mins, const Vector3d& maxs, double gridSize)
	CellIndex minCell = determine_cell(mins, gridSize);
	CellIndex maxCell = determine_cell(maxs, gridSize);

	std::set<CellIndex> ret;
	for(int i=minCell.i; i<=maxCell.i; ++i)
		for(int j=minCell.j; j<=maxCell.j; ++j)
			for(int k=minCell.k; k<=maxCell.k; ++k)
	return ret;
Esempio n. 9
void vtSimpleLodGrid::Setup(const FPoint3 &origin, const FPoint3 &size,
				 int iDimension, float fLODDistance, vtHeightField3d *pHF)
	m_origin = origin;
	m_size = size;
	m_dim = iDimension;
	m_fLODDistance = fLODDistance;
	m_step = m_size / (float)m_dim;

	// wrap with an array of simple LOD nodes
	m_pCells = (vtLOD **)malloc(m_dim * m_dim * sizeof(vtLOD *));

	int a, b;
	for (a = 0; a < m_dim; a++)
		for (b = 0; b < m_dim; b++)
			m_pCells[CellIndex(a,b)] = NULL;
	m_pHeightField = pHF;
void FIndirectLightingCache::InterpolateBlock(
	FScene* Scene, 
	const FIndirectLightingCacheBlock& Block, 
	TArray<float>& AccumulatedWeight, 
	TArray<FSHVectorRGB2>& AccumulatedIncidentRadiance)
	const FBoxCenterAndExtent BlockBoundingBox(Block.Min + Block.Size / 2, Block.Size / 2);
	const FVector HalfTexelWorldOffset = BlockBoundingBox.Extent / FVector(Block.TexelSize);	

	if (GCacheLimitQuerySize && Block.TexelSize > 2)
		for (int32 VolumeIndex = 0; VolumeIndex < Scene->PrecomputedLightVolumes.Num(); VolumeIndex++)
			const FPrecomputedLightVolume* PrecomputedLightVolume = Scene->PrecomputedLightVolumes[VolumeIndex];

			// Compute the target query size
			// We will try to split up the allocation into groups that are smaller than this before querying the octree
			// This prevents very large objects from finding all the samples in the level in their octree search
			const float WorldTargetSize = PrecomputedLightVolume->GetNodeLevelExtent(GCacheQueryNodeLevel) * 2;

			const FVector WorldCellSize = Block.Size / FVector(Block.TexelSize);

			// Number of cells to increment by for query blocks
			FIntVector NumStepCells;
			NumStepCells.X = FMath::Max(1, FMath::FloorToInt(WorldTargetSize / WorldCellSize.X));
			NumStepCells.Y = FMath::Max(1, FMath::FloorToInt(WorldTargetSize / WorldCellSize.Y));
			NumStepCells.Z = FMath::Max(1, FMath::FloorToInt(WorldTargetSize / WorldCellSize.Z));
			FIntVector NumQueryStepCells(0, 0, 0);

			// World space size to increment by for query blocks
			const FVector WorldStepSize = FVector(NumStepCells) * WorldCellSize;
			FVector QueryWorldStepSize(0, 0, 0);

			check(NumStepCells.X > 0 && NumStepCells.Y > 0 && NumStepCells.Z > 0);

			// This will track the position in cells of the query block being built
			FIntVector CellIndex(0, 0, 0);

			// This will track the min world position of the query block being built
			FVector MinPosition = Block.Min;

			for (MinPosition.Z = Block.Min.Z, CellIndex.Z = 0; 
				CellIndex.Z < Block.TexelSize;
				MinPosition.Z += WorldStepSize.Z, CellIndex.Z += NumStepCells.Z)
				QueryWorldStepSize.Z = WorldStepSize.Z;
				NumQueryStepCells.Z = NumStepCells.Z;

				// If this is the last query block in this dimension, adjust both the world space and cell sizes to match
				if (CellIndex.Z + NumStepCells.Z > Block.TexelSize)
					QueryWorldStepSize.Z = Block.Min.Z + Block.Size.Z - MinPosition.Z;
					NumQueryStepCells.Z = Block.TexelSize - CellIndex.Z;

				for (MinPosition.Y = Block.Min.Y, CellIndex.Y = 0; 
					CellIndex.Y < Block.TexelSize;
					MinPosition.Y += WorldStepSize.Y, CellIndex.Y += NumStepCells.Y)
					QueryWorldStepSize.Y = WorldStepSize.Y;
					NumQueryStepCells.Y = NumStepCells.Y;

					if (CellIndex.Y + NumStepCells.Y > Block.TexelSize)
						QueryWorldStepSize.Y = Block.Min.Y + Block.Size.Y - MinPosition.Y;
						NumQueryStepCells.Y = Block.TexelSize - CellIndex.Y;

					for (MinPosition.X = Block.Min.X, CellIndex.X = 0; 
						CellIndex.X < Block.TexelSize;
						MinPosition.X += WorldStepSize.X, CellIndex.X += NumStepCells.X)
						QueryWorldStepSize.X = WorldStepSize.X;
						NumQueryStepCells.X = NumStepCells.X;

						if (CellIndex.X + NumStepCells.X > Block.TexelSize)
							QueryWorldStepSize.X = Block.Min.X + Block.Size.X - MinPosition.X;
							NumQueryStepCells.X = Block.TexelSize - CellIndex.X;

						FVector BoxExtent = QueryWorldStepSize / 2;
						// Use a 0 query extent in dimensions that only have one cell, these become point queries
						BoxExtent.X = NumQueryStepCells.X == 1 ? 0 : BoxExtent.X;
						BoxExtent.Y = NumQueryStepCells.Y == 1 ? 0 : BoxExtent.Y;
						BoxExtent.Z = NumQueryStepCells.Z == 1 ? 0 : BoxExtent.Z;

						// Build a bounding box for the query block
						const FBoxCenterAndExtent BoundingBox(MinPosition + BoxExtent + HalfTexelWorldOffset, BoxExtent);

						checkSlow(CellIndex.X < Block.TexelSize && CellIndex.Y < Block.TexelSize && CellIndex.Z < Block.TexelSize);
						checkSlow(CellIndex.X + NumQueryStepCells.X <= Block.TexelSize
							&& CellIndex.Y + NumQueryStepCells.Y <= Block.TexelSize
							&& CellIndex.Z + NumQueryStepCells.Z <= Block.TexelSize);

						// Interpolate from the SH volume lighting samples that Lightmass computed
		for (int32 VolumeIndex = 0; VolumeIndex < Scene->PrecomputedLightVolumes.Num(); VolumeIndex++)
			const FPrecomputedLightVolume* PrecomputedLightVolume = Scene->PrecomputedLightVolumes[VolumeIndex];
			check(PrecomputedLightVolume->IsUsingHighQualityLightMap() == AllowHighQualityLightmaps(Scene->GetFeatureLevel()));
			// Interpolate from the SH volume lighting samples that Lightmass computed
			// Query using the bounds of all the samples in this block
			// There will be a performance cliff for large objects which end up intersecting with the entire octree
				FBoxCenterAndExtent(BlockBoundingBox.Center + HalfTexelWorldOffset, BlockBoundingBox.Extent), 
void vtkStructuredGridFacelistFilter::Execute()
  int   i, j;

  vtkStructuredGrid *input       = GetInput();
  vtkPolyData       *output      = GetOutput();
  vtkCellData       *inCellData  = input->GetCellData();
  vtkCellData       *outCellData = output->GetCellData();

  int   dims[3];
  int   nX = dims[0];
  int   nY = dims[1];
  int   nZ = dims[2];
  int   numOutCells = 0;
  if (nX > 1)
     numOutCells += 2*(nY-1)*(nZ-1);
     numOutCells += (nY-1)*(nZ-1);
  if (nY > 1)
     numOutCells += 2*(nX-1)*(nZ-1);
     numOutCells += (nX-1)*(nZ-1);
  if (nZ > 1)
     numOutCells += 2*(nX-1)*(nY-1);
     numOutCells += (nX-1)*(nY-1);

  // Copy over the points and the point data.

  // Have the cell data allocate memory.

  vtkCellArray *polys = vtkCellArray::New();
  vtkIdTypeArray *list = vtkIdTypeArray::New();
  vtkIdType *nl = list->GetPointer(0);
  // Left face
  int cellId = 0;
  for (i = 0 ; i < nY-1 ; i++)
    for (j = 0 ; j < nZ-1 ; j++)
      *nl++ = 4;
      *nl++ = PointIndex(0, i, j, nX, nY, nZ);
      *nl++ = PointIndex(0, i, j+1, nX, nY, nZ);
      *nl++ = PointIndex(0, i+1, j+1, nX, nY, nZ);
      *nl++ = PointIndex(0, i+1, j, nX, nY, nZ);
      int cId = CellIndex(0, i, j, nX, nY, nZ);
      outCellData->CopyData(inCellData, cId, cellId);
  // Right face
  if (nX > 1)
    for (i = 0 ; i < nY-1 ; i++)
      for (j = 0 ; j < nZ-1 ; j++)
        *nl++ = 4;
        *nl++ = PointIndex(nX-1, i, j, nX, nY, nZ);
        *nl++ = PointIndex(nX-1, i+1, j, nX, nY, nZ);
        *nl++ = PointIndex(nX-1, i+1, j+1, nX, nY, nZ);
        *nl++ = PointIndex(nX-1, i, j+1, nX, nY, nZ);
        int cId = CellIndex(nX-2, i, j, nX, nY, nZ);
        outCellData->CopyData(inCellData, cId, cellId);
  // Bottom face
  for (i = 0 ; i < nX-1 ; i++)
    for (j = 0 ; j < nZ-1 ; j++)
      *nl++ = 4;
      *nl++ = PointIndex(i, 0, j, nX, nY, nZ);
      *nl++ = PointIndex(i+1, 0, j, nX, nY, nZ);
      *nl++ = PointIndex(i+1, 0, j+1, nX, nY, nZ);
      *nl++ = PointIndex(i, 0, j+1, nX, nY, nZ);
      int cId = CellIndex(i, 0, j, nX, nY, nZ);
      outCellData->CopyData(inCellData, cId, cellId);
  // Top face
  if (nY > 1)
    for (i = 0 ; i < nX-1 ; i++)
      for (j = 0 ; j < nZ-1 ; j++)
        *nl++ = 4;
        *nl++ = PointIndex(i, nY-1, j, nX, nY, nZ);
        *nl++ = PointIndex(i, nY-1, j+1, nX, nY, nZ);
        *nl++ = PointIndex(i+1, nY-1, j+1, nX, nY, nZ);
        *nl++ = PointIndex(i+1, nY-1, j, nX, nY, nZ);
        int cId = CellIndex(i, nY-2, j, nX, nY, nZ);
        outCellData->CopyData(inCellData, cId, cellId);
  // Back face
  for (i = 0 ; i < nX-1 ; i++)
    for (j = 0 ; j < nY-1 ; j++)
      *nl++ = 4;
      *nl++ = PointIndex(i, j, 0, nX, nY, nZ);
      *nl++ = PointIndex(i, j+1, 0, nX, nY, nZ);
      *nl++ = PointIndex(i+1, j+1, 0, nX, nY, nZ);
      *nl++ = PointIndex(i+1, j, 0, nX, nY, nZ);
      int cId = CellIndex(i, j, 0, nX, nY, nZ);
      outCellData->CopyData(inCellData, cId, cellId);
  // Front face
  if (nZ > 1)
    for (i = 0 ; i < nX-1 ; i++)
      for (j = 0 ; j < nY-1 ; j++)
        *nl++ = 4;
        *nl++ = PointIndex(i, j, nZ-1, nX, nY, nZ);
        *nl++ = PointIndex(i+1, j, nZ-1, nX, nY, nZ);
        *nl++ = PointIndex(i+1, j+1, nZ-1, nX, nY, nZ);
        *nl++ = PointIndex(i, j+1, nZ-1, nX, nY, nZ);
        int cId = CellIndex(i, j, nZ-2, nX, nY, nZ);
        outCellData->CopyData(inCellData, cId, cellId);
  polys->SetCells(numOutCells, list);

Esempio n. 12
HTMLTableCellElement::GetCellIndex(int32_t* aCellIndex)
  *aCellIndex = CellIndex();
  return NS_OK;