Esempio n. 1
void PopulationPool::Update() {
    m_population = 0.0f;
    float future_population = 0.0f;
    // sum population from all PopCenters in this pool
    for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = m_pop_center_ids.begin(); it != m_pop_center_ids.end(); ++it) {
        if (TemporaryPtr<const PopCenter> center = GetPopCenter(*it)) {
            m_population += center->CurrentMeterValue(METER_POPULATION);
            future_population += center->NextTurnCurrentMeterValue(METER_POPULATION);
    m_growth = future_population - m_population;
Esempio n. 2
void PopulationPool::Update() {
    m_population = 0.0f;
    float future_population = 0.0f;
    // sum population from all PopCenters in this pool
    for (int pop_center_id : m_pop_center_ids) {
        if (std::shared_ptr<const PopCenter> center = GetPopCenter(pop_center_id)) {
            m_population += center->CurrentMeterValue(METER_POPULATION);
            future_population += center->NextTurnCurrentMeterValue(METER_POPULATION);
    m_growth = future_population - m_population;
Esempio n. 3
void ResourcePool::Update() {
    //DebugLogger() << "ResourcePool::Update for type " << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(m_type);
    // sum production from all ResourceCenters in each group, for resource point type appropriate for this pool
    MeterType meter_type = ResourceToMeter(m_type);
    MeterType target_meter_type = ResourceToTargetMeter(m_type);

    if (INVALID_METER_TYPE == meter_type || INVALID_METER_TYPE == target_meter_type)
        ErrorLogger() << "ResourcePool::Update() called when m_type can't be converted to a valid MeterType";

    // zero to start...

    // temporary storage: indexed by group of systems, which objects
    // are located in that system group?
    std::map<std::set<int>, std::set<TemporaryPtr<const UniverseObject> > > system_groups_to_object_groups;

    // for every object, find if a connected system group contains the object's
    // system.  If a group does, place the object into that system group's set
    // of objects.  If no group contains the object, place the object in its own
    // single-object group.
    std::vector<TemporaryPtr<const UniverseObject> > objects = Objects().FindObjects<const UniverseObject>(m_object_ids);
    for (std::vector<TemporaryPtr<const UniverseObject> >::const_iterator it = objects.begin();
         it != objects.end(); ++it)
        TemporaryPtr<const UniverseObject> obj = *it;
        int object_id = obj->ID();
        int object_system_id = obj->SystemID();
        // can't generate resources when not in a system
        if (object_system_id == INVALID_OBJECT_ID)

        // is object's system in a system group?
        std::set<int> object_system_group;
        for (std::set<std::set<int> >::const_iterator groups_it = m_connected_system_groups.begin();
                groups_it != m_connected_system_groups.end(); ++groups_it)
            const std::set<int> sys_group = *groups_it;
            if (sys_group.find(object_system_id) != sys_group.end()) {
                object_system_group = sys_group;

        // if object's system is not in a system group, add it as its
        // own entry in m_connected_object_groups_resource_output and m_connected_object_groups_resource_target_output
        // this will allow the object to use its own locally produced
        // resource when, for instance, distributing pp
        if (object_system_group.empty()) {
            object_system_group.insert(object_id);  // just use this already-available set to store the object id, even though it is not likely actually a system

            float obj_output = obj->GetMeter(meter_type) ? obj->CurrentMeterValue(meter_type) : 0.0f;
            m_connected_object_groups_resource_output[object_system_group] = obj_output;

            float obj_target_output = obj->GetMeter(target_meter_type) ? obj->CurrentMeterValue(target_meter_type) : 0.0f;
            m_connected_object_groups_resource_target_output[object_system_group] = obj_target_output;

        // if resource center's system is in a system group, record which system
        // group that is for later

    // sum the resource production for object groups, and store the total
    // group production, indexed by group of object ids
    for (std::map<std::set<int>, std::set<TemporaryPtr<const UniverseObject> > >::const_iterator
         object_group_it = system_groups_to_object_groups.begin();
         object_group_it != system_groups_to_object_groups.end(); ++object_group_it)
        const std::set<TemporaryPtr<const UniverseObject> >& object_group = object_group_it->second;
        std::set<int> object_group_ids;
        float total_group_output = 0.0f;
        float total_group_target_output = 0.0f;
        for (std::set<TemporaryPtr<const UniverseObject> >::const_iterator obj_it = object_group.begin();
             obj_it != object_group.end(); ++obj_it)
            TemporaryPtr<const UniverseObject> obj = *obj_it;
            if (obj->GetMeter(meter_type))
                total_group_output += obj->CurrentMeterValue(meter_type);
            if (obj->GetMeter(target_meter_type))
                total_group_target_output += obj->CurrentMeterValue(target_meter_type);
        m_connected_object_groups_resource_output[object_group_ids] = total_group_output;
        m_connected_object_groups_resource_target_output[object_group_ids] = total_group_target_output;
