static void chap_Respond_old(struct chap *chap, char *name, char *key, u_char type #ifdef HAVE_DES , int lm #endif ) { u_char *ans; ans = chap_BuildAnswer(name, key, chap->, chap->challenge.peer, type #ifdef HAVE_DES , lm #endif ); if (ans) { ChapOutput(chap->auth.physical, CHAP_RESPONSE, chap->, ans, *ans + 1 + strlen(name), name); #ifdef HAVE_DES chap->NTRespSent = !lm; #endif free(ans); } else ChapOutput(chap->auth.physical, CHAP_FAILURE, chap->, "Out of memory!", 14, NULL); }
static void chap_Respond(struct chap *chap, char *name, char *key #ifndef NODES , u_char type, int lm #endif ) { u_char *ans; ans = chap_BuildAnswer(name, key, chap->, chap->challenge.peer #ifndef NODES , type, chap->challenge.local, chap->authresponse, lm #endif ); if (ans) { ChapOutput(chap->auth.physical, CHAP_RESPONSE, chap->, ans, *ans + 1 + strlen(name), name); #ifndef NODES chap->NTRespSent = !lm; MPPE_IsServer = 0; /* XXX Global ! */ #endif free(ans); } else ChapOutput(chap->auth.physical, CHAP_FAILURE, chap->, "Out of memory!", 14, NULL); }
/***************************************************************************** 函 数 名 : chap_Success 功能描述 : 构造Success帧并发送 输入参数 : l - PPP链接 输出参数 : 无 返 回 值 : 无 调用函数 : 被调函数 : 修改历史 : 1.日 期 : 2008年10月25日 作 者 : liukai 修改内容 : porting from BSD *****************************************************************************/ static VOS_VOID chap_Success(struct link *l) { struct authinfo *authp = &(l->chap.auth); const VOS_CHAR *pcMsg = "Welcome!!"; /* follow BSD use "Welcome!!" as message */ /* Success body: */ /* * ------------- * | Message | * ------------- */ ChapOutput(l, CHAP_SUCCESS, authp->id, (VOS_UCHAR *)pcMsg, VOS_StrLen((VOS_CHAR *)pcMsg), VOS_NULL_PTR); l->lcp.auth_ineed = 0; /* after Authentication, clear flag to authenticate peer */ if (0 == l->lcp.auth_iwait) /* auth_iwait: 0, authentication to peer is not complete or no need to authentication, !0, authentication to peer is complete */ { /* * Either I didn't need to authenticate, or I've already been * told that I got the answer right. */ chap_ReInit(&(l->chap)); if (PHASE_AUTHENTICATE == l->phase) { l->phase = PHASE_NETWORK; l->ipcp.fsm.state = ST_CLOSED; fsm_Open(&(l->ipcp.fsm)); PPP_MNTN_LOG(PS_PID_APP_PPP, 0, PS_PRINT_NORMAL, "goto ipcp stage!\r\n"); } } return; } /* chap_Success */
/***************************************************************************** 函 数 名 : chap_Respond 功能描述 : 构造Response帧并发送 输入参数 : l - PPP链接 name - 待填写的Name值 输出参数 : 无 返 回 值 : 无 调用函数 : 被调函数 : 修改历史 : 1.日 期 : 2008年10月24日 作 者 : liukai 修改内容 : porting from BSD *****************************************************************************/ static VOS_VOID chap_Respond(struct link *l, const VOS_CHAR *name) { VOS_UCHAR aucResponseBody[1+MD5DIGESTSIZE+AUTHLEN]; VOS_UINT32 len; /* length of Response body */ VOS_UINT32 ulHashValueLoop; /* Response body: */ /* * ------------------- --------------------- ---------- * | HASH-Size(1B) | HASH-Value(16B) | Name | * ------------------- --------------------- ---------- */ len = 1 + MD5DIGESTSIZE + VOS_StrLen((VOS_CHAR *)name); /* BSD always thinks user name is not beyong AUTHLEN octets */ aucResponseBody[0] = MD5DIGESTSIZE; /* as CHAP only support MD5, MD5 hash value is 16 octets */ /* in our product, when rx-ed Challenge from PC, just response hash value with zero */ for (ulHashValueLoop = 1; ulHashValueLoop <= MD5DIGESTSIZE; ulHashValueLoop ++) { aucResponseBody[ulHashValueLoop] = 0x00; } if ((VOS_NULL_PTR != name) && ('\0' != *name)) { PS_MEM_CPY(&aucResponseBody[1+MD5DIGESTSIZE], name, VOS_StrLen((VOS_CHAR*)name)); } ChapOutput(l, CHAP_RESPONSE, (l->, aucResponseBody, len, name); return; } /* chap_Respond */
static void chap_Challenge(struct authinfo *authp) { struct chap *chap = auth2chap(authp); int len; log_Printf(LogDEBUG, "CHAP%02X: Challenge\n", authp->physical->link.lcp.want_authtype); len = strlen(authp->physical->dl->bundle->; /* Generate new local challenge value */ if (!*chap->challenge.local) chap_ChallengeInit(authp); #ifndef NODES if (authp->physical->link.lcp.want_authtype == 0x81) ChapOutput(authp->physical, CHAP_CHALLENGE, authp->id, chap->challenge.local, 1 + *chap->challenge.local, NULL); else #endif ChapOutput(authp->physical, CHAP_CHALLENGE, authp->id, chap->challenge.local, 1 + *chap->challenge.local + len, NULL); }
static void chap_Success_old(struct authinfo *authp) { datalink_GotAuthname(authp->physical->dl, authp->; ChapOutput(authp->physical, CHAP_SUCCESS, authp->id, "Welcome!!", 10, NULL); authp->physical->link.lcp.auth_ineed = 0; if (Enabled(authp->physical->dl->bundle, OPT_UTMP)) physical_Login(authp->physical, authp->; if (authp->physical->link.lcp.auth_iwait == 0) /* * Either I didn't need to authenticate, or I've already been * told that I got the answer right. */ datalink_AuthOk(authp->physical->dl); }
/***************************************************************************** 函 数 名 : chap_Challenge 功能描述 : 构造Challenge帧并发送 输入参数 : l - PPP链接 输出参数 : 无 返 回 值 : 无 调用函数 : 被调函数 : 修改历史 : 1.日 期 : 2008年10月25日 作 者 : liukai 修改内容 : porting from BSD *****************************************************************************/ VOS_VOID chap_Challenge(struct link *l) { struct chap *chap = &(l->chap); VOS_UINT32 len, i; VOS_UINT8 *cp; VOS_UINT32 ulTick; const VOS_CHAR acLocalChallenge[] = "HUAWEI_CHAP_SRVR"; /* we always use "HUAWEI_CHAP_SRVR" as Name of Challenge */ /* Challenge body: */ /* * ------------------------ --------------------- ---------- * | Challenge-Size(1B) | Challenge-Value | Name | * ------------------------ --------------------- ---------- */ len = VOS_StrLen((VOS_CHAR *)acLocalChallenge); if (0x0 == *(chap->challenge.local)) { /* as each time local[0] is 0x0, here is always true */ ulTick = VOS_GetTick(); VOS_SetSeed(ulTick); /* use current tick as seed of random algorithm */ cp = chap->challenge.local; /*AT2D19295 测试组建议challenge中随机字符串长度固定为16,和标杆一致 */ *cp++ = (VOS_UINT8)(MD5DIGESTSIZE); /* *cp++ = (VOS_UINT8)(PS_RAND(CHAPCHALLENGELEN-MD5DIGESTSIZE) + MD5DIGESTSIZE); 随机字串长度本为任意长度, 存放在local的第一个字节,为了防止对端只支持MD5而要求长度为16, 特意保证长度至少16字节 */ for (i = 0; i < *(chap->challenge.local); i++) { *cp++ = (VOS_UINT8)PS_RAND(PS_NULL_UINT8+1); /* 随机字串 */ } /* use memcpy instead of strcpy, as "The Name should not be NUL or CR/LF terminated." in RFC1994 */ PS_MEM_CPY(cp, acLocalChallenge, len); } /* each time send challenge, record its packet */ ChapBufferChallengePacket(chap, chap->, chap->challenge.local, 1 + *(chap->challenge.local) + len); ChapOutput(l, CHAP_CHALLENGE, chap->, chap->challenge.local, 1 + *(chap->challenge.local) + len, VOS_NULL_PTR); /* 1: challenge length, *local: 随机字串长度, len: Name length */ return; } /* chap_Challenge */
static void chap_Failure(struct authinfo *authp) { #ifndef NODES char buf[1024], *ptr; #endif const char *msg; #ifndef NORADIUS struct bundle *bundle = authp->physical->link.lcp.fsm.bundle; if (*bundle->radius.cfg.file && bundle->radius.errstr) msg = bundle->radius.errstr; else #endif #ifndef NODES if (authp->physical->link.lcp.want_authtype == 0x80) { snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "E=691 R=1 M=Invalid!"); msg = buf; } else if (authp->physical->link.lcp.want_authtype == 0x81) { int i; ptr = buf; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "E=691 R=0 C="); ptr += strlen(ptr); for (i=0; i<16; i++) { snprintf(ptr, buf + sizeof buf - ptr, "%02X", *(auth2chap(authp)->challenge.local+1+i)); ptr += strlen(ptr); if (ptr > buf + sizeof buf) break; } snprintf(ptr, buf + sizeof buf - ptr, " V=3 M=Invalid!"); msg = buf; } else #endif msg = "Invalid!!"; ChapOutput(authp->physical, CHAP_FAILURE, authp->id, msg, strlen(msg) + 1, NULL); datalink_AuthNotOk(authp->physical->dl); }
static void chap_Success(struct authinfo *authp) { struct bundle *bundle = authp->physical->dl->bundle; const char *msg; datalink_GotAuthname(authp->physical->dl, authp->; #ifndef NODES if (authp->physical->link.lcp.want_authtype == 0x81) { #ifndef NORADIUS if (*bundle->radius.cfg.file && bundle->radius.msrepstr) msg = bundle->radius.msrepstr; else #endif msg = auth2chap(authp)->authresponse; MPPE_MasterKeyValid = 1; /* XXX Global ! */ } else #endif #ifndef NORADIUS if (*bundle->radius.cfg.file && bundle->radius.repstr) msg = bundle->radius.repstr; else #endif msg = "Welcome!!"; ChapOutput(authp->physical, CHAP_SUCCESS, authp->id, msg, strlen(msg), NULL); authp->physical->link.lcp.auth_ineed = 0; if (Enabled(bundle, OPT_UTMP)) physical_Login(authp->physical, authp->; if (authp->physical->link.lcp.auth_iwait == 0) /* * Either I didn't need to authenticate, or I've already been * told that I got the answer right. */ datalink_AuthOk(authp->physical->dl); }
static void chap_Challenge_old(struct authinfo *authp) { struct chap *chap = auth2chap(authp); int len, i; char *cp; len = strlen(authp->physical->dl->bundle->; if (!*chap->challenge.local) { /* as each time, local is NULL, here is always true */ randinit(); cp = chap->challenge.local; #ifndef NORADIUS if (*authp->physical->dl->bundle->radius.cfg.file) { /* For radius, our challenge is 16 readable NUL terminated bytes :*/ *cp++ = 16; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) *cp++ = (random() % 10) + '0'; } else #endif { #ifdef HAVE_DES if (authp->physical->link.lcp.want_authtype == 0x80) *cp++ = 8; /* MS does 8 byte callenges :-/ */ else #endif *cp++ = random() % (CHAPCHALLENGELEN-16) + 16; /* 随机字串长度本身设为随机值, 放在local的第一个字节 */ for (i = 0; i < *chap->challenge.local; i++) *cp++ = random() & 0xff; /* 随机字串 */ } memcpy(cp, authp->physical->dl->bundle->, len); } ChapOutput(authp->physical, CHAP_CHALLENGE, authp->id, chap->challenge.local, 1 + *chap->challenge.local + len, NULL); /* 1: Value-Size, *local: 随机字串长度, len: Name length */ }
static void chap_Failure_old(struct authinfo *authp) { ChapOutput(authp->physical, CHAP_FAILURE, authp->id, "Invalid!!", 9, NULL); datalink_AuthNotOk(authp->physical->dl); }