Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	#ifdef _MSC_VER

	if (argc < 4) {
		fprintf (stdout, "usage: dParcelGenerator [GrammarFile] [scannerClasName] [OutputFileName]\n");
		fprintf (stdout, "[GrammarFile] name of the file containing a Yacc like Grammar file\n");
		fprintf (stdout, "[ScannerClass] Name of the Scanner Class Generated by dLexGenerator\n");
		fprintf (stdout, "[OutputFileName] name of the file cpp output file\n");
		exit (0);

	const char* const inputRulesFileName = argv[1];
	const char* const scannerClassName = argv[2];
	const char* const outputFileName = argv[3];

	if (!CheckDependency (outputFileName, inputRulesFileName)) {
		FILE* const rules = fopen (inputRulesFileName, "rb");
		if (!rules) {
			fprintf (stdout, "Rule file \"%s\" not found\n",  inputRulesFileName);
			exit (0);

		dString buffer;
		fclose (rules);
		dParserCompiler parcel (buffer, outputFileName, scannerClassName);
	return 0;
Esempio n. 2
/// @brief If there is any compute work then go work on it.
/// @param pContext - pointer to SWR context.
/// @param workerId - The unique worker ID that is assigned to this thread.
/// @param curDrawBE - This tracks the draw contexts that this thread has processed. Each worker thread
///                    has its own curDrawBE counter and this ensures that each worker processes all the
///                    draws in order.
void WorkOnCompute(
    SWR_CONTEXT *pContext,
    uint32_t workerId,
    volatile uint64_t& curDrawBE)
    if (FindFirstIncompleteDraw(pContext, curDrawBE) == false)

    uint64_t lastRetiredDraw = pContext->dcRing[curDrawBE % KNOB_MAX_DRAWS_IN_FLIGHT].drawId - 1;

    DRAW_CONTEXT *pDC = &pContext->dcRing[curDrawBE % KNOB_MAX_DRAWS_IN_FLIGHT];
    if (pDC->isCompute == false) return;

    // check dependencies
    if (CheckDependency(pContext, pDC, lastRetiredDraw))

    SWR_ASSERT(pDC->pDispatch != nullptr);
    DispatchQueue& queue = *pDC->pDispatch;

    // Is there any work remaining?
    if (queue.getNumQueued() > 0)
        bool lastToComplete = false;

        uint32_t threadGroupId = 0;
        while (queue.getWork(threadGroupId))
            ProcessComputeBE(pDC, workerId, threadGroupId);

            lastToComplete = queue.finishedWork();


        if (lastToComplete)
            SWR_ASSERT(queue.isWorkComplete() == true);
            pDC->doneCompute = true;
Esempio n. 3
/// @brief If there is any compute work then go work on it.
/// @param pContext - pointer to SWR context.
/// @param workerId - The unique worker ID that is assigned to this thread.
/// @param curDrawBE - This tracks the draw contexts that this thread has processed. Each worker thread
///                    has its own curDrawBE counter and this ensures that each worker processes all the
///                    draws in order.
void WorkOnCompute(
    SWR_CONTEXT *pContext,
    uint32_t workerId,
    uint32_t& curDrawBE)
    uint32_t drawEnqueued = 0;
    if (FindFirstIncompleteDraw(pContext, workerId, curDrawBE, drawEnqueued) == false)

    uint32_t lastRetiredDraw = pContext->dcRing[curDrawBE % pContext->MAX_DRAWS_IN_FLIGHT].drawId - 1;

    for (uint64_t i = curDrawBE; IDComparesLess(i, drawEnqueued); ++i)
        DRAW_CONTEXT *pDC = &pContext->dcRing[i % pContext->MAX_DRAWS_IN_FLIGHT];
        if (pDC->isCompute == false) return;

        // check dependencies
        if (CheckDependency(pContext, pDC, lastRetiredDraw))

        SWR_ASSERT(pDC->pDispatch != nullptr);
        DispatchQueue& queue = *pDC->pDispatch;

        // Is there any work remaining?
        if (queue.getNumQueued() > 0)
            void* pSpillFillBuffer = nullptr;
            void* pScratchSpace = nullptr;
            uint32_t threadGroupId = 0;
            while (queue.getWork(threadGroupId))
                queue.dispatch(pDC, workerId, threadGroupId, pSpillFillBuffer, pScratchSpace);

            // Ensure all streaming writes are globally visible before moving onto the next draw
Esempio n. 4
/// @brief If there is any compute work then go work on it.
/// @param pContext - pointer to SWR context.
/// @param workerId - The unique worker ID that is assigned to this thread.
/// @param curDrawBE - This tracks the draw contexts that this thread has processed. Each worker thread
///                    has its own curDrawBE counter and this ensures that each worker processes all the
///                    draws in order.
void WorkOnCompute(
    SWR_CONTEXT *pContext,
    uint32_t workerId,
    uint64_t& curDrawBE)
    uint64_t drawEnqueued = 0;
    if (FindFirstIncompleteDraw(pContext, curDrawBE, drawEnqueued) == false)

    uint64_t lastRetiredDraw = pContext->dcRing[curDrawBE % KNOB_MAX_DRAWS_IN_FLIGHT].drawId - 1;

    for (uint64_t i = curDrawBE; curDrawBE < drawEnqueued; ++i)
        DRAW_CONTEXT *pDC = &pContext->dcRing[i % KNOB_MAX_DRAWS_IN_FLIGHT];
        if (pDC->isCompute == false) return;

        // check dependencies
        if (CheckDependency(pContext, pDC, lastRetiredDraw))

        SWR_ASSERT(pDC->pDispatch != nullptr);
        DispatchQueue& queue = *pDC->pDispatch;

        // Is there any work remaining?
        if (queue.getNumQueued() > 0)
            void* pSpillFillBuffer = nullptr;
            uint32_t threadGroupId = 0;
            while (queue.getWork(threadGroupId))
                ProcessComputeBE(pDC, workerId, threadGroupId, pSpillFillBuffer);

Esempio n. 5
/// @brief If there is any BE work then go work on it.
/// @param pContext - pointer to SWR context.
/// @param workerId - The unique worker ID that is assigned to this thread.
/// @param curDrawBE - This tracks the draw contexts that this thread has processed. Each worker thread
///                    has its own curDrawBE counter and this ensures that each worker processes all the
///                    draws in order.
/// @param lockedTiles - This is the set of tiles locked by other threads. Each thread maintains its
///                      own set and each time it fails to lock a macrotile, because its already locked,
///                      then it will add that tile to the lockedTiles set. As a worker begins to work
///                      on future draws the lockedTiles ensure that it doesn't work on tiles that may
///                      still have work pending in a previous draw. Additionally, the lockedTiles is
///                      hueristic that can steer a worker back to the same macrotile that it had been
///                      working on in a previous draw.
/// @returns        true if worker thread should shutdown
bool WorkOnFifoBE(
    SWR_CONTEXT *pContext,
    uint32_t workerId,
    uint32_t &curDrawBE,
    TileSet& lockedTiles,
    uint32_t numaNode,
    uint32_t numaMask)
    bool bShutdown = false;

    // Find the first incomplete draw that has pending work. If no such draw is found then
    // return. FindFirstIncompleteDraw is responsible for incrementing the curDrawBE.
    uint32_t drawEnqueued = 0;
    if (FindFirstIncompleteDraw(pContext, workerId, curDrawBE, drawEnqueued) == false)
        return false;

    uint32_t lastRetiredDraw = pContext->dcRing[curDrawBE % pContext->MAX_DRAWS_IN_FLIGHT].drawId - 1;

    // Reset our history for locked tiles. We'll have to re-learn which tiles are locked.

    // Try to work on each draw in order of the available draws in flight.
    //   1. If we're on curDrawBE, we can work on any macrotile that is available.
    //   2. If we're trying to work on draws after curDrawBE, we are restricted to 
    //      working on those macrotiles that are known to be complete in the prior draw to
    //      maintain order. The locked tiles provides the history to ensures this.
    for (uint32_t i = curDrawBE; IDComparesLess(i, drawEnqueued); ++i)
        DRAW_CONTEXT *pDC = &pContext->dcRing[i % pContext->MAX_DRAWS_IN_FLIGHT];

        if (pDC->isCompute) return false; // We don't look at compute work.

        // First wait for FE to be finished with this draw. This keeps threading model simple
        // but if there are lots of bubbles between draws then serializing FE and BE may
        // need to be revisited.
        if (!pDC->doneFE) return false;
        // If this draw is dependent on a previous draw then we need to bail.
        if (CheckDependency(pContext, pDC, lastRetiredDraw))
            return false;

        // Grab the list of all dirty macrotiles. A tile is dirty if it has work queued to it.
        auto &macroTiles = pDC->pTileMgr->getDirtyTiles();

        for (auto tile : macroTiles)
            uint32_t tileID = tile->mId;

            // Only work on tiles for this numa node
            uint32_t x, y;
            pDC->pTileMgr->getTileIndices(tileID, x, y);
            if (((x ^ y) & numaMask) != numaNode)

            if (!tile->getNumQueued())

            // can only work on this draw if it's not in use by other threads
            if (lockedTiles.find(tileID) != lockedTiles.end())

            if (tile->tryLock())
                BE_WORK *pWork;

                RDTSC_BEGIN(WorkerFoundWork, pDC->drawId);

                uint32_t numWorkItems = tile->getNumQueued();

                pWork = tile->peek();
                if (pWork->type == DRAW)
                    pContext->pHotTileMgr->InitializeHotTiles(pContext, pDC, workerId, tileID);
                else if (pWork->type == SHUTDOWN)
                    bShutdown = true;

                while ((pWork = tile->peek()) != nullptr)
                    pWork->pfnWork(pDC, workerId, tileID, &pWork->desc);
                RDTSC_END(WorkerFoundWork, numWorkItems);



                // Optimization: If the draw is complete and we're the last one to have worked on it then
                // we can reset the locked list as we know that all previous draws before the next are guaranteed to be complete.
                if ((curDrawBE == i) && (bShutdown || pDC->pTileMgr->isWorkComplete()))
                    // We can increment the current BE and safely move to next draw since we know this draw is complete.
                    CompleteDrawContextInl(pContext, workerId, pDC);



                if (bShutdown)
                // This tile is already locked. So let's add it to our locked tiles set. This way we don't try locking this one again.

    return bShutdown;
Esempio n. 6
StartMultiThreadBuild (
  BUILD_ITEM  **BuildList,
  UINT32      ThreadNumber,
  INT8        *BuildDir

Routine Description:
  Start multi-thread build for a specified build list

  BuildList     - build list for multi-thread build
  ThreadNumber  - thread number for multi-thread build
  BuildDir      - build dir


  0             - Successfully finished the multi-thread build
  other value   - Build failure

  UINT32        Index;
  UINT32        Count;
  BUILD_ITEM    *PreviousBuildItem;
  BUILD_ITEM    *CurrentBuildItem;
  BUILD_ITEM    *NextBuildItem;
  HANDLE        *ThreadHandle;
  INT8          Cmd[MAX_PATH];
  mError        = 0;
  mDone         = 0;
  mThreadNumber = ThreadNumber;
  mBuildDir     = BuildDir;
  mPendingList  = *BuildList;
  *BuildList    = NULL;
  mWaitingList  = NULL;
  mBuildingList = NULL;
  mDoneList     = NULL;
  // Do nothing when mPendingList is empty
  if (mPendingList == NULL) {
    return 0;
  // Get build item count of mPendingList
  Count = 0;
  CurrentBuildItem = mPendingList;
  while (CurrentBuildItem != NULL) {
    CurrentBuildItem = CurrentBuildItem->Next;
  // The semaphore is also used to wake up child threads for exit,
  // so need to make sure "maximum count" >= "thread number".
  if (Count < ThreadNumber) {
    Count = ThreadNumber;
  // Init mSemaphoreHandle
  mSemaphoreHandle = CreateSemaphore (
                       NULL,       // default security attributes
                       0,          // initial count
                       Count,      // maximum count
                       NULL        // unnamed semaphore
  if (mSemaphoreHandle == NULL) {
    Error (NULL, 0, 0, NULL, "failed to create semaphore");
    RestoreBuildList (BuildList);
    return 1;

  // Init mEventHandle
  mEventHandle = CreateEvent( 
                   NULL,     // default security attributes
                   FALSE,    // auto-reset event
                   TRUE,     // initial state is signaled
                   NULL      // object not named
  if (mEventHandle == NULL) { 
    Error (NULL, 0, 0, NULL, "failed to create event");
    CloseHandle (mSemaphoreHandle);
    RestoreBuildList (BuildList);
    return 1;
  // Init mCriticalSection
  InitializeCriticalSection (&mCriticalSection);
  // Create build item log dir
  sprintf (mLogDir, "%s\\Log", mBuildDir);
  _mkdir (mLogDir);
  // Create child threads for muti-thread build
  ThreadHandle = malloc (ThreadNumber * sizeof (HANDLE));
  if (ThreadHandle == NULL) {
    Error (NULL, 0, 0, NULL, "failed to allocate memory");
    CloseHandle (mSemaphoreHandle);
    CloseHandle (mEventHandle);
    RestoreBuildList (BuildList);
    return 1;
  for (Index = 0; Index < ThreadNumber; Index++) {
    ThreadHandle[Index] = CreateThread (
                            NULL,           // default security attributes
                            0,              // use default stack size
                            ThreadProc,     // thread function
                            (LPVOID)Index,  // argument to thread function: use Index as thread id
                            0,              // use default creation flags
                            NULL            // thread identifier not needed
    if (ThreadHandle[Index] == NULL) {
      Error (NULL, 0, 0, NULL, "failed to create Thread_%d", Index);
      mError       = 1;
      ThreadNumber = Index;
      // Make sure to wake up every child thread for exit
      ReleaseSemaphore (mSemaphoreHandle, ThreadNumber, NULL);
  // Loop until error occurred or no more build items pending for build
  for (;;) {
    WaitForSingleObject (mEventHandle, INFINITE);
    if (mError) {
    Count = 0;
    EnterCriticalSection (&mCriticalSection);
    PreviousBuildItem = NULL;
    CurrentBuildItem  = mPendingList;
    while (CurrentBuildItem != NULL) {
      NextBuildItem = CurrentBuildItem->Next;
      if (CheckDependency (CurrentBuildItem->DependencyList)) {
        // Move the current build item from mPendingList
        if (PreviousBuildItem != NULL) {
          PreviousBuildItem->Next = NextBuildItem;
        } else {
          mPendingList = NextBuildItem;
        // Add the current build item to the head of mWaitingList
        CurrentBuildItem->Next = mWaitingList;
        mWaitingList = CurrentBuildItem;
      } else {
        PreviousBuildItem = CurrentBuildItem;
      CurrentBuildItem  = NextBuildItem;
    LeaveCriticalSection (&mCriticalSection);
    ReleaseSemaphore (mSemaphoreHandle, Count, NULL);
    if (mPendingList == NULL) {

  // Wait until all threads have terminated
  WaitForMultipleObjects (ThreadNumber, ThreadHandle, TRUE, INFINITE);
  if (mError && (mBuildingList != NULL)) {
    // Dump build failure log of the first build item which doesn't finish the build
    printf ("\tnmake -nologo -f %s all\n", mBuildingList->Makefile);
    sprintf (Cmd, "type %s\\%s_%s_%d.txt 2>NUL", mLogDir, mBuildingList->BaseName,
             mBuildingList->Processor, mBuildingList->Index);
    _flushall ();
    if (system (Cmd)) {
      Error (NULL, 0, 0, NULL, "failed to run \"%s\"", Cmd);

  DeleteCriticalSection (&mCriticalSection);
  for (Index = 0; Index < ThreadNumber; Index++) {
    CloseHandle (ThreadHandle[Index]);
  free (ThreadHandle);
  CloseHandle (mSemaphoreHandle);
  CloseHandle (mEventHandle);
  RestoreBuildList (BuildList);

  return mError;
Esempio n. 7
/// @brief If there is any BE work then go work on it.
/// @param pContext - pointer to SWR context.
/// @param workerId - The unique worker ID that is assigned to this thread.
/// @param curDrawBE - This tracks the draw contexts that this thread has processed. Each worker thread
///                    has its own curDrawBE counter and this ensures that each worker processes all the
///                    draws in order.
/// @param lockedTiles - This is the set of tiles locked by other threads. Each thread maintains its
///                      own set and each time it fails to lock a macrotile, because its already locked,
///                      then it will add that tile to the lockedTiles set. As a worker begins to work
///                      on future draws the lockedTiles ensure that it doesn't work on tiles that may
///                      still have work pending in a previous draw. Additionally, the lockedTiles is
///                      hueristic that can steer a worker back to the same macrotile that it had been
///                      working on in a previous draw.
void WorkOnFifoBE(
    SWR_CONTEXT *pContext,
    uint32_t workerId,
    volatile uint64_t &curDrawBE,
    std::unordered_set<uint32_t>& lockedTiles)
    // Find the first incomplete draw that has pending work. If no such draw is found then
    // return. FindFirstIncompleteDraw is responsible for incrementing the curDrawBE.
    if (FindFirstIncompleteDraw(pContext, curDrawBE) == false)

    uint64_t lastRetiredDraw = pContext->dcRing[curDrawBE % KNOB_MAX_DRAWS_IN_FLIGHT].drawId - 1;

    // Reset our history for locked tiles. We'll have to re-learn which tiles are locked.

    // Try to work on each draw in order of the available draws in flight.
    //   1. If we're on curDrawBE, we can work on any macrotile that is available.
    //   2. If we're trying to work on draws after curDrawBE, we are restricted to 
    //      working on those macrotiles that are known to be complete in the prior draw to
    //      maintain order. The locked tiles provides the history to ensures this.
    for (uint64_t i = curDrawBE; i < GetEnqueuedDraw(pContext); ++i)
        DRAW_CONTEXT *pDC = &pContext->dcRing[i % KNOB_MAX_DRAWS_IN_FLIGHT];

        if (pDC->isCompute) return; // We don't look at compute work.

        // First wait for FE to be finished with this draw. This keeps threading model simple
        // but if there are lots of bubbles between draws then serializing FE and BE may
        // need to be revisited.
        if (!pDC->doneFE) break;
        // If this draw is dependent on a previous draw then we need to bail.
        if (CheckDependency(pContext, pDC, lastRetiredDraw))

        // Grab the list of all dirty macrotiles. A tile is dirty if it has work queued to it.
        std::vector<uint32_t> &macroTiles = pDC->pTileMgr->getDirtyTiles();

        for (uint32_t tileID : macroTiles)
            MacroTileQueue &tile = pDC->pTileMgr->getMacroTileQueue(tileID);
            // can only work on this draw if it's not in use by other threads
            if (lockedTiles.find(tileID) == lockedTiles.end())
                if (tile.getNumQueued())
                    if (tile.tryLock())
                        BE_WORK *pWork;


                        uint32_t numWorkItems = tile.getNumQueued();

                        if (numWorkItems != 0)
                            pWork = tile.peek();
                            if (pWork->type == DRAW)
                                InitializeHotTiles(pContext, pDC, tileID, (const TRIANGLE_WORK_DESC*)&pWork->desc);

                        while ((pWork = tile.peek()) != nullptr)
                            pWork->pfnWork(pDC, workerId, tileID, &pWork->desc);
                        RDTSC_STOP(WorkerFoundWork, numWorkItems, pDC->drawId);



                        // Optimization: If the draw is complete and we're the last one to have worked on it then
                        // we can reset the locked list as we know that all previous draws before the next are guaranteed to be complete.
                        if ((curDrawBE == i) && pDC->pTileMgr->isWorkComplete())
                            // We can increment the current BE and safely move to next draw since we know this draw is complete.

                        // This tile is already locked. So let's add it to our locked tiles set. This way we don't try locking this one again.