static void SUNAUDIO_PlayDevice(_THIS) { /* Write the audio data */ if (this->hidden->ulaw_only) { /* Assuming that this->spec.freq >= 8000 Hz */ int accum, incr, pos; Uint8 *aubuf; accum = 0; incr = this->spec.freq / 8; aubuf = this->hidden->ulaw_buf; switch (this->hidden->audio_fmt & 0xFF) { case 8: { Uint8 *sndbuf; sndbuf = this->hidden->mixbuf; for (pos = 0; pos < this->hidden->fragsize; ++pos) { *aubuf = snd2au((0x80 - *sndbuf) * 64); accum += incr; while (accum > 0) { accum -= 1000; sndbuf += 1; } aubuf += 1; } } break; case 16: { Sint16 *sndbuf; sndbuf = (Sint16 *) this->hidden->mixbuf; for (pos = 0; pos < this->hidden->fragsize; ++pos) { *aubuf = snd2au(*sndbuf / 4); accum += incr; while (accum > 0) { accum -= 1000; sndbuf += 1; } aubuf += 1; } } break; } #ifdef DEBUG_AUDIO CheckUnderflow(this); #endif if (write(this->hidden->audio_fd, this->hidden->ulaw_buf, this->hidden->fragsize) < 0) { /* Assume fatal error, for now */ SDL_OpenedAudioDeviceDisconnected(this); } this->hidden->written += this->hidden->fragsize; } else { #ifdef DEBUG_AUDIO CheckUnderflow(this); #endif if (write(this->hidden->audio_fd, this->hidden->mixbuf, this->spec.size) < 0) { /* Assume fatal error, for now */ SDL_OpenedAudioDeviceDisconnected(this); } this->hidden->written += this->hidden->fragsize; } }
void DSP_PlayAudio(_THIS) { /* Write the audio data */ if (ulaw_only) { /* Assuming that this->spec.freq >= 8000 Hz */ int accum, incr, pos; Uint8 *aubuf; accum = 0; incr = this->spec.freq / 8; aubuf = ulaw_buf; switch (audio_fmt & 0xFF) { case 8: { Uint8 *sndbuf; sndbuf = mixbuf; for (pos = 0; pos < fragsize; ++pos) { *aubuf = snd2au((0x80 - *sndbuf) * 64); accum += incr; while (accum > 0) { accum -= 1000; sndbuf += 1; } aubuf += 1; } } break; case 16: { Sint16 *sndbuf; sndbuf = (Sint16 *) mixbuf; for (pos = 0; pos < fragsize; ++pos) { *aubuf = snd2au(*sndbuf / 4); accum += incr; while (accum > 0) { accum -= 1000; sndbuf += 1; } aubuf += 1; } } break; } #ifdef DEBUG_AUDIO CheckUnderflow(this); #endif if (write(audio_fd, ulaw_buf, fragsize) < 0) { /* Assume fatal error, for now */ this->enabled = 0; } written += fragsize; } else { #ifdef DEBUG_AUDIO CheckUnderflow(this); #endif if (write(audio_fd, mixbuf, this->spec.size) < 0) { /* Assume fatal error, for now */ this->enabled = 0; } written += fragsize; } }