Esempio n. 1
void SelectionPlugin::onUndoOperation( const UndoOperationPtr& operation )
	assert( operation != nullptr );

	Class* klass = operation->getType();
	if( !ClassInherits(klass, ReflectionGetType(SelectionOperation)) )

	SelectionOperation* selection = RefCast<SelectionOperation>(operation).get();
Esempio n. 2
ResourceLoader* ResourceManager::findLoaderByClass(const Class* klass)
	for(auto e : resourceLoaders)
		auto& loader = e.value;
		auto resourceClass = loader->getResourceClass();
		if(ClassInherits(resourceClass, klass))
			return loader.get();

	return nullptr;
Esempio n. 3
static void ReflectionWalkArray(ReflectionContext* context)
	const Field* field = context->field;
	std::vector<byte>& array = *(std::vector<byte>*) context->address;

	uint16 elementSize = ReflectionArrayGetElementSize(context->field);
	uint32 arraySize = array.size() / elementSize;

	context->arraySize = arraySize;
	context->walkArray(context, ReflectionWalkType::Begin);
	for(size_t i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
		void* address = (&array[0] + i * elementSize);
		context->elementAddress = address;
		if(FieldIsPointer(field) && !ReflectionWalkPointer(context))

		Object* object = context->object;
		Type* type = context->type;

		context->object = (Object*) context->elementAddress;
		context->type = field->type;

		bool isObject = ClassInherits((Class*) context->type, ObjectGetType());
		if( isObject ) context->type = ClassGetType(context->object);

		if( isObject && !context->type )
			LogDebug("Could not get type out of object");

		context->walkArray(context, ReflectionWalkType::ElementBegin);
		ReflectionWalkType(context, context->type);
		context->walkArray(context, ReflectionWalkType::ElementEnd);

		context->object = object;
		context->type = type;

	context->walkArray(context, ReflectionWalkType::End);
Esempio n. 4
void Camera::cull( RenderBlock& block, const Entity* entity )
	if( !entity ) return;

	// Try to see if this is a Group-derived node.
	Class* klass = entity->getType();
	if( ClassInherits(klass, ReflectionGetType(Group)) )
		const Group* group = (Group*) entity;

		const Array<EntityPtr>& entities = group->getEntities();

		// Cull the children entities recursively.
		for( size_t i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++ )
			const Entity* child = entities[i].get();
			cull( block, child );


	// If this is a visible.renderable object, then we perform frustum culling
	// and then we push it to a list of things passed later to the renderer.


	if( !entity->isVisible() )

	const Transform* transform = entity->getTransform().get();
	const BoundingBox& box = transform->getWorldBoundingVolume();

	bool isCulled = !entity->getTag(Tags::NonCulled);
	if( frustumCulling && isCulled && !frustum.intersects(box) )

	#pragma TODO("Fix multiple geometry instancing")

	const Array<GeometryPtr>& geoms = entity->getGeometry();

	for( size_t i = 0; i < geoms.size(); i++ )
		const GeometryPtr& geometry = geoms[i];
		geometry->appendRenderables( block.renderables, transform );

#if 0
	const LightPtr& light = entity->getComponent<Light>();
	if( light ) 
		LightState ls;
		ls.light = light.get();
		ls.transform = transform.get();
		block.lights.pushBack( ls );

	const ComponentMap& components = entity->getComponents();
	for( auto it = components.begin(); it != components.end(); it++ )
		const ComponentPtr& component = it->value;

		if( !component->isDebugRenderableVisible() )

		DebugDrawFlags flags = (DebugDrawFlags) 0;
		component->onDebugDraw(drawer, flags);