bool Thread::Start(ThreadState initialState)
    if (initialState == NotRunning)
        return 0;
    if (GetThreadState() != NotRunning)
        OVR_DEBUG_LOG(("Thread::Start failed - thread %p already running", this));
        return 0;

    // Free old thread handle before creating the new one

    ExitCode        = NULL;
    ThreadFlags     = (initialState == Running) ? OVR_THREAD_STARTED : OVR_THREAD_START_SUSPENDED;
    ThreadHandle = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(0, (unsigned)StackSize,
                                           Thread_Win32StartFn, this, 0, (unsigned*)&IdValue);

    // Failed? Fail the function
    if (ThreadHandle == 0)
        ThreadFlags = 0;
        return 0;
    return 1;
    // Thread should not running while object is being destroyed,
    // this would indicate ref-counting issue.
    //OVR_ASSERT(IsRunning() == 0);
    // Clean up thread.    
    ThreadHandle = 0;