Esempio n. 1
// Purpose: Create a new Bot and put it in the game.
// Output : Pointer to the new Bot, or NULL if there's no free clients.
CBasePlayer *BotPutInServer( bool bFrozen, int iTeam, int iClass )
	g_iNextBotTeam = iTeam;
	g_iNextBotClass = iClass;

	char botname[ 64 ];
	Q_snprintf( botname, sizeof( botname ), "Bot%02i", BotNumber );

	edict_t *pEdict = engine->CreateFakeClient( botname );

	if (!pEdict)
		Msg( "Failed to create Bot.\n");
		return NULL;

	// Allocate a CBasePlayer for the bot, and call spawn
	ClientPutInServer( pEdict, botname );
	CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = ((CBaseTFPlayer *)CBaseEntity::Instance( pEdict ));
	pPlayer->AddFlag( FL_CLIENT | FL_FAKECLIENT );

	if ( bFrozen )
		pPlayer->AddEFlags( EFL_BOT_FROZEN );

  	if ( iTeam != -1 )
		pPlayer->ChangeTeam( iTeam );


	return pPlayer;
Esempio n. 2
	void FrameUpdatePostEntityThink()

		if ( m_bRespawnAllEntities )
			m_bRespawnAllEntities = false;

			// Don't change globalstate owing to deletion here
			GlobalEntity_EnableStateUpdates( false );

			// Remove all entities
			int nPlayerIndex = -1;
			CBaseEntity *pEnt = gEntList.FirstEnt();
			while ( pEnt )
				CBaseEntity *pNextEnt = gEntList.NextEnt( pEnt );
				if ( pEnt->IsPlayer() )
					nPlayerIndex = pEnt->entindex();
				if ( !pEnt->IsEFlagSet( EFL_KEEP_ON_RECREATE_ENTITIES ) )
					UTIL_Remove( pEnt );
				pEnt = pNextEnt;

			GlobalEntity_EnableStateUpdates( true );

			// Allows us to immediately re-use the edict indices we just freed to avoid edict overflow

			// Reset node counter used during load
			CNodeEnt::m_nNodeCount = 0;

			CRespawnEntitiesFilter filter;
			MapEntity_ParseAllEntities( engine->GetMapEntitiesString(), &filter, true );

			// Allocate a CBasePlayer for pev, and call spawn
			if ( nPlayerIndex >= 0 )
				edict_t *pEdict = engine->PEntityOfEntIndex( nPlayerIndex );
				ClientPutInServer( pEdict, "unnamed" );
				ClientActive( pEdict, false );

				CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ( CBasePlayer * )CBaseEntity::Instance( pEdict );
				SceneManager_ClientActive( pPlayer );