Esempio n. 1
static const struct sigevent* timerIntHandler(void* data, int id) {
  struct timespec tp;
  TimerIntData* myData = (TimerIntData*)data;
  uint64_t new_tsc = ClockCycles();

  clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tp);

  if(new_tsc > myData->prev_tsc) {
    myData->cur_delta = new_tsc - myData->prev_tsc;
  /* when hell freezeth over, thy TSC shall roll over */
  } else {
    myData->cur_delta = myData->prev_delta;
  /* 4/6 weighted average */
  myData->filtered_delta = (40 * myData->cur_delta + 60 * myData->prev_delta) / 100;
  myData->prev_delta = myData->cur_delta;
  myData->prev_tsc = new_tsc;

  if(myData->counter < 2) {

  myData->last_clock = timespec2nsec(&tp);
  return NULL;

Esempio n. 2
int main ()
    struct timespec clockval, prevclockval;
    uint64_t        delta;
    uint64_t        cycs [NumSamples];
    int             i;

    setvbuf (stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);

    printf ("\nClockTime deltas:\n");

     *  capture some clock changes 

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, &prevclockval);
        do {
            clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, &clockval);
        } while (clockval.tv_sec  == prevclockval.tv_sec &&
                 clockval.tv_nsec == prevclockval.tv_nsec);
        delta = ((uint64_t) clockval.tv_sec * BILLION + (uint64_t) clockval.tv_nsec) -
                ((uint64_t) prevclockval.tv_sec * BILLION + (uint64_t) prevclockval.tv_nsec);
        printf ("prev %u.%09lu, new %u.%09lu, delta %llu\n",
                prevclockval.tv_sec, prevclockval.tv_nsec, 
                clockval.tv_sec, clockval.tv_nsec, 

     *  next, we very quickly snapshot some values of the ClockCycles
     *  call.  We don't do any printf's, as we want to see the speed
     *  with which the "for" loop executes.

    printf ("%d ClockCycles values:\n", NumSamples);

    for (i = 0; i < NumSamples; i++) {
        cycs [i] = ClockCycles ();

     *  now, print out the delta's, so we can easily compute how much
     *  time each "for" loop iteration took.

    printf ("%llu\n", cycs [0]);
    for (i = 1; i < NumSamples; i++) {
        printf ("%llu, delta %llu (decimal)\n",
                cycs [i], cycs [i] - cycs [i - 1]);

    printf ("%s:  main, exiting\n", progname);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 3
double get_tick_count_ha()	
	uint64_t cps, cycle;
    double 	sec;

    cycle=ClockCycles( );

    cps = SYSPAGE_ENTRY(qtime)->cycles_per_sec;


Esempio n. 4
static void *timer_thread( void *p )
    int       pool_id;
    int       ret;
    uint64_t  clk;
    uint64_t  rdata;
    int       timeout;

    ret = yarrow_add_source( Yarrow, &pool_id );
    if( ret != 0 )
        slogf( _SLOGC_CHAR, _SLOG_CRITICAL, 
               "random: Unable to get pool_id for timer thread." );
        return NULL;

    timeout = 100;
    rdata = 0;

    while( 1 )
        if( Yarrow )
            yarrow_output( Yarrow, (uint8_t *)&rdata, sizeof( rdata ) );
            /* Wait for between 10ms and 1033ms */
            timeout = ( rdata & 0x3FF ) + 10;

        delay( timeout );
        clk = ClockCycles();
        clk = clk ^ rdata;

        if( Yarrow )
            yarrow_input( Yarrow, (uint8_t *)&clk, sizeof( clk ), pool_id, 8 );

    return NULL;
Esempio n. 5
static Boolean
getTime (ClockDriver *self, TimeInternal *time) {

#ifdef __QNXNTO__
  static TimerIntData tmpData;
  int ret;
  uint64_t delta;
  double tick_delay;
  uint64_t clock_offset;
  struct timespec tp;
  if(!tDataUpdated) {
    memset(&tData, 0, sizeof(TimerIntData));
    if(ThreadCtl(_NTO_TCTL_IO, 0) == -1) {
      ERROR(THIS_COMPONENT"QNX: could not give process I/O privileges");
      return FALSE;

    tData.cps = SYSPAGE_ENTRY(qtime)->cycles_per_sec;
    tData.ns_per_tick = 1000000000.0 / tData.cps;
    tData.prev_tsc = ClockCycles();
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tp);
    tData.last_clock = timespec2nsec(&tp);
    ret = InterruptAttach(0, timerIntHandler, &tData, sizeof(TimerIntData), _NTO_INTR_FLAGS_END | _NTO_INTR_FLAGS_TRK_MSK);

    if(ret == -1) {
      ERROR(THIS_COMPONENT"QNX: could not attach to timer interrupt");
      return FALSE;
    tDataUpdated = TRUE;
    time->seconds = tp.tv_sec;
    time->nanoseconds = tp.tv_nsec;

  memcpy(&tmpData, &tData, sizeof(TimerIntData));

  delta = ClockCycles() - tmpData.prev_tsc;

  /* compute time since last clock update */
  tick_delay = (double)delta / (double)tmpData.filtered_delta;
  clock_offset = (uint64_t)(tick_delay * tmpData.ns_per_tick * (double)tmpData.filtered_delta);

  /* not filtered yet */
  if(tData.counter < 2) {
    clock_offset = 0;

    DBGV("QNX getTime cps: %lld tick interval: %.09f, time since last tick: %lld\n",
    tmpData.cps, tmpData.filtered_delta * tmpData.ns_per_tick, clock_offset);

    nsec2timespec(&tp, tmpData.last_clock + clock_offset);

    time->seconds = tp.tv_sec;
    time->nanoseconds = tp.tv_nsec;
  return TRUE;

#if defined(_POSIX_TIMERS) && (_POSIX_TIMERS > 0)

	struct timespec tp;
	if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tp) < 0) {
		PERROR(THIS_COMPONENT"clock_gettime() failed, exiting.");
	time->seconds = tp.tv_sec;
	time->nanoseconds = tp.tv_nsec;


	struct timeval tv;
	gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
	time->seconds = tv.tv_sec;
	time->nanoseconds = tv.tv_usec * 1000;

#endif /* _POSIX_TIMERS */
#endif /* __QNXNTO__ */

    return TRUE;

Esempio n. 6
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    db_clt_typ *pclt = NULL;
    char hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN+1];
    db_data_typ db_data;
    posix_timer_typ *ptmr;
    int recv_type;
    int millisec = 5000;
    trig_info_typ trig_info;
    uint64_t ticksPerMilliSec = SYSPAGE_ENTRY(qtime)->cycles_per_sec / 1000000;
    unsigned count = 0;
    unsigned total_diff = 0;

    /* Initialize the database. */
    get_local_name(hostname, MAXHOSTNAMELEN);
    if( (pclt = database_init(argv[0], hostname, DEFAULT_SERVICE,
			      COMM_QNX6_XPORT )) == NULL )
	fprintf(stderr, "Database initialization error in ids_io\n");
	veh_done( pclt );
	exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

    /* Initialize the timer. */
    if ((ptmr = timer_init(millisec, DB_CHANNEL(pclt))) == NULL)
	printf("timer_init failed\n");
	exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
    if( setjmp( exit_env ) != 0 )
	printf("average timediff = %u\n", total_diff / count);
	veh_done( pclt );
	exit( EXIT_SUCCESS );
	sig_ign( sig_list, sig_hand );

    for( ;; )
	/* Now wait for a trigger. */
	recv_type= clt_ipc_receive(pclt, &trig_info, sizeof(trig_info));

	if (recv_type == DB_TIMER)
	    printf("received timer alarm\n");
	else if(DB_TRIG_VAR(&trig_info) ==  200)
	    /* Read DB_DII_OUT_VAR and send DII control
	     * to the hardware. */
	    if( clt_read( pclt, 200, 200, &db_data ) == FALSE)
		fprintf( stderr, "clt_read( DB_DII_OUT_VAR ).\n" );

		uint64_t *incoming_time = (uint64_t*) db_data.value.user;
		uint64_t timediff = ClockCycles() - *incoming_time;
		timediff /= ticksPerMilliSec;
		total_diff += timediff;
	    printf("Unknown trigger, recv_type %d\n", recv_type);
void SampleLoopTask::Task(){
	int cnt = 0;
	int region;
	int attempt = 0;
	static int dout = 1;
	static double error = 0;
	int last_status = 0;
	double pos_prev = 0;
	double pCmd_prev = 0;
	double vCmd_prev = 0;
	int obj_ang_index = 0; // to keep continuous angle value when acrossing pi(or -pi).
	uint64_t cycle, cycle_prev;

	// for acceleration calculation
	double u = 0; 
	double alpha = 0;
	double DuDeta1Bar =0;
	double DuDeta2 =0; 
	double DalphaDeta1Bar =0;
	double DalphaDeta2 =0; 
	double eta1Bar = 0; 
	double z = 0;
	// to use eta2D in calculation of shD
	double eta2_prev = 0; 
	double eta2D = 0; 
	double eta2D_prev = 0; 
	double elapsedSec = 0;

	double feedforwardVal = 0;
	uint64_t cycle1, cycle2;

		ncycles = ClockCycles();
		sec=(double)(ncycles - ncycles_prev)/cps;
		ncycles_prev = ncycles;
		// Read Inputs
		HW->ProcessInput(); // all digital & analog, encoders reading.
		// Get status of camera
		last_status = HW->ReadDigitalBit(IoHardware::FRAME_STATUS);
		// Send out pulse to trigger camera
		HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::CAMERA_TRIGGER, 1);
		HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::CAMERA_TRIGGER, 0);
		// test
		//cycle1 = ClockCycles();

		if(camera) {// && !lost){
			// Wait for camera to process data, with timeout counter
			while(HW->ReadDigitalBit(IoHardware::FRAME_STATUS) == last_status){
				if(++attempt == (int)(6.0e5/SAMPLE_RATE)) { // 5.0e5 must be found out by experiments to give the smallest time to determine an error status
					HW->SetAnalogOut(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0); 
					HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::MOTOR_ENABLE, MOTOR_OFF);
					HW->motorStatus = MOTOR_OFF;
					lost = 1;
					FATAL_ERROR("Frame not received -");
					//strcpy(err_msg, "Frame not received -"); // // not work this way.
			attempt = 0;
			vnum[0] = -99;
			int n = VNET->Recv();

			region = (int)vnum[0];
				case 0: //ROI_0:
					obj.x0 = vnum[1]; //mm
					obj.y0 = vnum[2]; //mm
				case 1: //ROI_1:
					obj.x1 = vnum[1]; //mm
					obj.y1 = vnum[2]; //mm
					HW->SetAnalogOut(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0); 
					HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::MOTOR_ENABLE, MOTOR_OFF);
					HW->motorStatus = MOTOR_OFF;
					printf("roi-vnum[0]:%d\n", region);
					FATAL_ERROR("Object lost -");
					lost = 1;
			obj.x = (obj.x0 + obj.x1)/2/1000; // convert to m
			obj.y = (obj.y0 + obj.y1)/2/1000;
			double obj_raw_angle = atan2(obj.y1-obj.y0, obj.x1-obj.x0); // within -pi to pi

			// to keep continuous angle value when acrossing pi(or -pi).
			obj.theta = obj_raw_angle + obj_ang_index*2*3.141592; // converted angle
			if ( fabs(obj.theta - obj.theta_prev) > 3.141592 ) {
				if (obj.theta_prev > obj.theta) // pi to -pi region change
				obj.theta = obj_raw_angle + obj_ang_index*2*3.141592; // newly converted angle
			// calculation of the object angular velocity
			obj.angVel = (obj.theta - obj.theta_prev) / sec; // the use of SAMPLE_RATE may not be a big difference.
			// low pass filter
			double alpha = 0.038; //0.02
			obj.angVel = alpha*obj.angVel + (1-alpha)*obj.angVel_prev;
			// calculation of the hand angular velocity
			handTheta = -(HW->GetEncoderCount(IoHardware::ENC_0)) * ENC_RAD_PER_CNT / GR / 4; // just access the data previously read by GetEnc...()
			handVel = (handTheta - handTheta_prev) /sec; //* SAMPLE_RATE;
			handVel = alpha*handVel + (1-alpha)*handVel_prev;
			// calculation of sh and \dot sh (=shD)
			sh = (obj.theta - handTheta) / K_R;
			eta2 = asin(-(obj.x-OBJ_X_OFFSET)/(RHO_H+RHO_O)); // alternative way to get eta2;

			/// test, eta2 compensation
			//eta2 = eta2 - 0.004*sin(obj.theta + 1.885); 
			// new method for shD, thus eta1 feedback
			eta2D = (eta2 - eta2_prev) / sec;
			eta2D = alpha*eta2D + (1-alpha)*eta2D_prev;
			shD = RHO_H*(eta2D - handVel);
			eta1 = M22*shD + M12*handVel;

			// calculation of the control input (acceleration command)
			eta1Bar = eta1 - COEFF_ETA1_STAR;
			z = handVel - TARGET_THETAHD;
			if (eta2 == 0) {
				u = -GAIN_K1*eta1Bar;
			else {
				u = -GAIN_K1*eta1Bar*sin(eta2)/eta2 - GAIN_K2*eta2;
			alpha = (u - COEFF_sig2*eta1Bar)/COEFF_sig3;
			if (eta2 == 0) {
				DuDeta1Bar = -GAIN_K1;
				DuDeta2 = -GAIN_K2;
			else {
				DuDeta1Bar = -GAIN_K1*sin(eta2)/eta2;
				DuDeta2 = -GAIN_K1*eta1Bar*( (cos(eta2)*eta2 - sin(eta2))/(eta2*eta2) ) - GAIN_K2;
			DalphaDeta1Bar = (DuDeta1Bar - COEFF_sig2)/COEFF_sig3;
			DalphaDeta2 = DuDeta2/COEFF_sig3;

			vInp = DalphaDeta1Bar*COEFF_sig1*sin(eta2) + DalphaDeta2*(COEFF_sig2*eta1Bar+COEFF_sig3*z) - eta2*COEFF_sig3 - GAIN_C*(z - alpha);
			aCmd = vInp; // calculated acceleration command
			obj.theta_prev = obj.theta;
			obj.angVel_prev = obj.angVel;
			handTheta_prev = handTheta;
			handVel_prev = handVel;
			eta2D_prev = eta2D;
			eta2_prev = eta2;
		else { // Because the vision system keeps sending the data, QNX must read them, otherwise the vision system will get a send error.
		// test
		if (fabs(handVel) > 7.0 ) {//rad/sec
			HW->SetAnalogOut(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0); 
			HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::MOTOR_ENABLE, MOTOR_OFF);
			HW->motorStatus = MOTOR_OFF;
			lost = 1;
		// reading & calculating output
		// feedback
		cycle = ClockCycles();
		elapsedSec = (double)(cycle - cycle_prev)/cps;
		cycle_prev = cycle;
		//HW->ProcessInput(); // because of the encoder reading. Do not use this again. This takes a long time.
		enc = -(HW->ReadEncoder(IoHardware::ENC_0)); // direct read. Not working?
		pos = (enc * ENC_RAD_PER_CNT) / GR / 4; // convert to rad. GR:gear ratio (50). 4?
		vel = (pos - pos_prev) / elapsedSec; // to calculate more exact velocity.
		// This is necessary for not having motor run unexpectedly when swtiching from motor off to motor on.
		if(HW->motorStatus == MOTOR_ON) {
			// acceleration inner loop
			// Notice that using no filtering velocity
			vCmd = vCmd_prev + aCmd / SAMPLE_RATE; 
			pCmd = pCmd_prev + vCmd_prev / SAMPLE_RATE + 0.5 * aCmd / (SAMPLE_RATE*SAMPLE_RATE);

			iCmd = calcI(vCmd, aCmd); // feedforward control. 
			feedforwardVal = iCmd;
			//iCmd += (150* (pCmd - pos) + 0.6 * (vCmd - vel) + Ki * error); // Ki 0
			//iCmd += (200* (pCmd - pos) + 0.6 * (vCmd - vel) + Ki * error); // Ki 0
			//iCmd += (350* (pCmd - pos) + 1.0 * (vCmd - vel) + Ki * error); // Ki 0
			iCmd += (150* (pCmd - pos) + 0.9 * (vCmd - vel) + Ki * error); // Ki 0
			pos_prev = pos;
			pCmd_prev = pCmd;
			vCmd_prev = vCmd;
		else {
			iCmd = 0;


		// control output
		//limit current based on motor specs
		if(iCmd > (MAX_CURRENT_MA) ){ // 1.6 mA
			HW->SetAnalogOut(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0); 
			HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::MOTOR_ENABLE, MOTOR_OFF);
			HW->motorStatus = MOTOR_OFF;
			printf("iCmd:%f, pCmd:%f, pos:%f, vCmd:%f, vel:%f, aCmd:%f feedforwardVal:%f cnt:%d\n", iCmd, pCmd, pos, vCmd, vel, aCmd, feedforwardVal, cnt);
			lost = 1;
		else if(iCmd < (-MAX_CURRENT_MA) ){
			HW->SetAnalogOut(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0); 
			HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::MOTOR_ENABLE, MOTOR_OFF);
			HW->motorStatus = MOTOR_OFF;
			printf("iCmd:%f, pCmd:%f, pos:%f, vCmd:%f, vel:%f, aCmd:%f feedforwardVal:%f cnt:%d%f\n", iCmd, pCmd, pos, vCmd, vel, aCmd, feedforwardVal, cnt);
			lost = 1;
			iCmd = -MAX_CURRENT_MA;
		ampVCmd =-iCmd * AMP_GAIN; // convert to analog signal. +-10 V.  -0.86 for 4.5 rad/s. for test use -0.8
		// sign change to agree with camera
		// output signal to amp
			HW->WriteAnalogCh(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, ampVCmd);
			//HW->WriteAnalogCh(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0);
			HW->WriteAnalogCh(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0);

		HW->ProcessOutput(); // all digital & analog writing.

		// set outputs
		/*num[0] = obj.theta; 
		num[1] = obj.angVel;
		num[0] = vInp;//obj.theta; //vInp; //correctedAcc; //eta1; //handVel; //pos; //handTheta; //pos; // angle in rad
		num[1] = eta1;//obj.angVel; //eta1; //feedforwardVal; //pCmd; //eta2; //obj.theta; //vnum[0]; //obj.theta; //vel; //obj.theta;

		num[2] = pos; //feedbackVal; //vCmd; //obj.angVel; //obj.x; //vnum[1]; //obj.x1; //ampVCmd; //obj.x1; // position in m, *10 for cm
		num[3] = eta2; //handTheta; //iCmd; //sec; //elapsedSec; //sec; //vnum[2]; //obj.y1;

	} // while()
	// for some reason, this does not work.
	HW->SetAnalogOut(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0); 
	HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::MOTOR_ENABLE, MOTOR_OFF);
	HW->motorStatus = MOTOR_OFF;
Esempio n. 8
 * The start routine that is executed when the client calls start().
void* Task::startRoutine()
	int result;
	uint64_t preStartCycleTime = 0;
	uint64_t preEndCycleTime = 0;
	uint64_t startCycleTime = 0;
	uint64_t endCycleTime = 0;
	uint64_t postEndCycleTime = 0;

	// Set up some flags used to control task execution
	bool firstRun = true;
	computeComplete = 1;
	testRunning = true;
	preempted = false;
	firstTimerRun = true;

	// Reset the current compute time for this test
	currentComputeTime = 0;

	// Wait until we are released (a test begins)

	// Create the timer and kick it off
	timer_create(CLOCK_REALTIME, &event, &timerID);
	timer_settime(timerID, 0, &timerSpec, NULL);

	// Intermittent wait that is used to make sure every task's timer is started

	// Jump into the test loop where the task will iteratively execute
	// compute cycles when it is scheduled
	while (testRunning)
		// Block on execution semaphore (only after the first cycle)
		if (!firstRun)
			preempted = false;
			firstRun = false;

		// Log pre-compute cycles
		preEndCycleTime = 0;
		preStartCycleTime = ClockCycles();

		// Log the schedule event

		// Begin/resume the compute cycle.
		while (currentComputeTime < (computeTime * NS_PER_MS))
			if (!preempted)
				// Record start compute time jitter
				if (preEndCycleTime == 0)
					preEndCycleTime = ClockCycles();

				// Burn and churn.
				startCycleTime = ClockCycles();
				result = nanospin(&burnTime);
				endCycleTime = ClockCycles();

				// Preemption means that nanospin took longer than expected, so handle that case.
				if (!preempted)
					realComputeTime += (endCycleTime - startCycleTime);
					realComputeTime += TIME_QUANTUM; // unavoidable

				// Check the nanospin return, just to be safe.
				if (result == 0)
					// We're okay - bump up the compute time.
					currentComputeTime += TIME_QUANTUM;
					totalComputationTime += TIME_QUANTUM;
					cout << "Error: Task " << uid << " nanospin() returned: " << result << endl;
				break; // Drop back to the execution semaphore.

		// Check for deadline being hit
		if (currentComputeTime >= (computeTime * NS_PER_MS))
			// Update the new deadline and reset the compute time
			currentComputeTime = 0;

		// Log post compute time cycles
		postEndCycleTime = ClockCycles();
		computeTransitionTime += ((postEndCycleTime - endCycleTime) +
				(preEndCycleTime - preStartCycleTime));

		// Give up the CPU for other tasks to execute

	// Suicide

	// Delete the timer for the period - no longer needed
Esempio n. 9
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	messip_channel_t *ch;
#if !defined(ONEWAY_MESSAGE)
	char rec_buff[80];
	char snd_buff[80];
	int32_t answer;
	int i;
	double d;
#if defined(__QNXNTO__)
	uint64_t cps, cycle1, cycle2, ncycles;
#else /*!__QNXNTO__ */
	struct timespec before, after;
#endif /* __QNXNTO__ */
	int q = 0;

#if 1
    struct sched_param param;
    if ((param.sched_priority=sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO)) == -1)
        fprintf (stderr, "sched_get_priority_max(): %s\n", strerror (errno));
    if (( sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_FIFO, &param)) == -1)
        fprintf (stderr, "sched_setscheduler(): %s\n", strerror (errno));

#if defined(__QNXNTO__)
	/* find out how many cycles per second */
	cps = SYSPAGE_ENTRY(qtime)->cycles_per_sec;
	printf( "This system has %lld cycles/sec.\n",cps );
#endif /* __QNXNTO__ */

do {
	// Locate the channel where to send message to
	ch = messip_channel_connect(NULL, (argc < 2) ? "one" : argv[1], MESSIP_NOTIMEOUT);
	assert(ch != NULL);
#if 1
	// Send messages
	for (i = 0; i < SEND_TIMES; i++) {

		sprintf(snd_buff, "%d", i);
#if defined(__QNXNTO__)
#else /*!__QNXNTO__ */
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &before);
#endif /* __QNXNTO__ */

#if defined(ONEWAY_MESSAGE)
		messip_send(ch, 100, 200, (void *) snd_buff, strlen(snd_buff)+1,	// Type=100 Subtype=200
					&answer, NULL, -1, MESSIP_NOTIMEOUT);
		messip_send(ch, 100, 200, (void *) snd_buff, strlen(snd_buff)+1,	// Type=100 Subtype=200
					&answer, rec_buff, sizeof(rec_buff), MESSIP_NOTIMEOUT);

#if defined(__QNXNTO__)
#else /*!__QNXNTO__ */
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &after);
		d = 
#endif /* __QNXNTO__ */
#if defined(ONEWAY_MESSAGE)
		printf("%.9f\n", d);
		printf("%s: %.9f\n", rec_buff, d);
	if (i < SEND_TIMES) {
	messip_channel_disconnect(ch, MESSIP_NOTIMEOUT);
} while(q++ < 3);
	return 0;

void SampleLoopTask::Task() {

    int cnt = 0;
    int region;
    int attempt;

    static int dout = 1;
    static double error = 0;
    /*static int last_status = 0;
    static double pos_prev = 0;
    static double pCmd_prev = 0;
    static double vCmd_prev = 0;
    int last_status = 0;
    double pos_prev = 0;
    double pCmd_prev = 0;
    double vCmd_prev = 0;

    int obj_ang_index = 0; // to keep continuous angle value when acrossing pi(or -pi).
    double obj_x_offset = 0;
    //double obj_y_offset = 0;
    uint64_t cycle, cycle_prev;

    // for acceleration calculation
    double z = 0; //!
    double h = 0; //! linearizing output
    double hD = 0; //!
    double hDD = 0; //!
    double hDDD = 0; //!
    double u =0; //

    double eta2_prev = 0; //!
    double eta2D = 0; //! to use eta2D in calculation of shD
    double eta2D_prev = 0; //! to use eta2D in calculation of shD

    double eta1_prev = 0; //!
    double eta1D = 0; //! to use eta1D instead of sigma1 * sin(eta2)
    double eta1D_prev = 0; //! to use eta1D instead of sigma1 * sin(eta2)

    //double eta_a = 0.015;
    //double eta_b = 0.02;
    //double ETA2 = 0;
    //double SIN_ETA2 = 0;
    //int eta1D_flag = 0;
    double err_sum = 0.0;

    // for SMC
    /*double s = 0;
    double lambda = 3;
    double eta = 0.1;
    double F = 0;
    double k = 0;
    double fHat = 0;
    double uHat = 0;

    double feedforwardVal = 0;
    double feedbackVal = 0;
    //double test_v_prev = 0;
    //double vCmd_prev = 0;
    double elapsedSec = 0;
    uint64_t cycle1, cycle2;
    double elapsedSec1 = 0;
    double elapsedSec2 = 0;
    double obj_vel_uf = 0;
    double vInp_prev = 0;
    //double aCmd_sin = 0;
    //int update_done = 0; // for automatic x_offset update
    //double x_avg = 0;  // for automatic x_offset update
    //double x_max = 0;
    //double x_min = 0;

    while(!lost) {

        ncycles = ClockCycles();
        sec=(double)(ncycles - ncycles_prev)/cps;
        ncycles_prev = ncycles;


        // Read Inputs
        HW->ProcessInput(); // all digital & analog, encoders reading.

        // Get status of camera
        last_status = HW->ReadDigitalBit(IoHardware::FRAME_STATUS);

        // Send out pulse to trigger camera
        HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::CAMERA_TRIGGER, 1);
        HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::CAMERA_TRIGGER, 0);

        // test
        //cycle1 = ClockCycles();

        if(camera) {// && !lost){
            // Wait for camera to process data, with timeout counter
            while(HW->ReadDigitalBit(IoHardware::FRAME_STATUS) == last_status) {
                if(++attempt == (int)(5.0e5/SAMPLE_RATE)) {
                    HW->SetAnalogOut(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0);
                    HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::MOTOR_ENABLE, MOTOR_OFF);
                    HW->motorStatus = MOTOR_OFF;
                    FATAL_ERROR("Frame not received -");
                    //strcpy(err_msg, "Frame not received -");
                    lost = 1;
            attempt = 0;
            // test
            //cycle2 = ClockCycles();
            //elapsedSec1 = (double)(cycle2 - cycle1)/cps;

            vnum[0] = -99;
            int n = VNET->Recv();

            //cycle1 = ClockCycles();
            //elapsedSec2 = (double)(cycle1 - cycle2)/cps;

            region = (int)vnum[0];
            switch(region) {
            case 0: //ROI_0:
                obj.x0 = vnum[1]; //mm
                obj.y0 = vnum[2]; //mm
            case 1: //ROI_1:
                obj.x1 = vnum[1]; //mm
                obj.y1 = vnum[2]; //mm
                //HW->SetAnalogOut(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0);
                //HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::MOTOR_ENABLE, MOTOR_OFF);
                printf("roi-vnum[0]:%d\n", region);
                FATAL_ERROR("Object lost -");
                //strcpy(err_msg, "Object lost -");
                lost = 1;
            obj.x = (obj.x0 + obj.x1)/2/1000; // convert to m
            obj.y = (obj.y0 + obj.y1)/2/1000;
            double obj_raw_angle = atan2(obj.y1-obj.y0, obj.x1-obj.x0); // within -pi to pi
            // compensating angle offset
            // set only once at the beginning
            /*if (obj_x_offset == 0 && obj.x0 != 0 && obj.x1 != 0) {
            	obj_x_offset = obj.x;
            	obj_y_offset = obj.y;
            // object center position compensation
            //obj.x = obj.x - 0.000250544*cos(obj_raw_angle + (-2.410447));

            //uint64_t cycle1 = ClockCycles();

            // to keep continuous angle value when acrossing pi(or -pi).
            obj.theta = obj_raw_angle + obj_ang_index*2*3.141592; // converted angle
            if ( fabs(obj.theta - obj.theta_prev) > 3.141592 ) {
                if (obj.theta_prev > obj.theta) // pi to -pi region change
                obj.theta = obj_raw_angle + obj_ang_index*2*3.141592; // newly converted angle

            // calculation of the object angular velocity
            //obj.angVel = (obj.theta - obj.theta_prev) * SAMPLE_RATE;
            obj.angVel = (obj.theta - obj.theta_prev) / sec;
            obj_vel_uf = obj.angVel;
            // low pass filter
            double alpha = 0.038; //0.02
            obj.angVel = alpha*obj.angVel + (1-alpha)*obj.angVel_prev;

            // calculation of the hand angular velocity
            handTheta = -(HW->GetEncoderCount(IoHardware::ENC_0)) * ENC_RAD_PER_CNT / GR / 4; // just access the data previously read by GetEnc...()
            handVel = (handTheta - handTheta_prev) /sec; //* SAMPLE_RATE;
            //alpha = 0.1;
            handVel = alpha*handVel + (1-alpha)*handVel_prev;

            // calculation of sh and \dot sh (=shD)
            sh = (obj.theta - handTheta) / K_R;
            //shD = (obj.angVel - handVel) / K_R;

            // coordinate transformation
            //eta1 = M22*shD + M12*handVel;
            // eta1D
            //eta1D = (eta1 - eta1_prev) / sec;
            //eta1D = alpha*eta1D + (1-alpha)*eta1D_prev;

            //eta2 = handTheta + sh/RHO_H;
            //obj_x_offset = OBJ_X_OFFSET + 0.0010775*sin(4*handTheta + 0.6422); //   0.0916609 or OBJ_X_OFFSET
            //eta2 = asin(-(obj.x-obj_x_offset)/(RHO_H+RHO_O)); // alternative way to get eta2;
            eta2 = asin(-(obj.x-OBJ_X_OFFSET)/(RHO_H+RHO_O)); // alternative way to get eta2;
            //eta2 = atan(-(obj.x-OBJ_X_OFFSET)/(obj.y-OBJ_Y_OFFSET+RHO_H+RHO_O)); // alternative way to get eta2;
            // xi = handVel;

            //eta2 compensation
            //eta2 = eta2 - 0.004*sin(obj.theta + 1.885);

            // new method for shD, thus eta1 feedback
            eta2D = (eta2 - eta2_prev) / sec;
            eta2D = alpha*eta2D + (1-alpha)*eta2D_prev;
            shD = RHO_H*(eta2D - handVel);
            eta1 = M22*shD + M12*handVel;

            // eta1D
            // don't use this. this creates motor current too high
            //eta1D = (eta1 - eta1_prev) / sec;
            //eta1D = 0.005*eta1D + (1-0.005)*eta1D_prev;

            //SIN_ETA2 = sin(eta2);
            /*ETA2 = eta2;
            if ( fabs(eta2) < eta_b ) {
            	if (eta2 > eta_a) {
            		//SIN_ETA2 = sin(2*eta2 - 0.02);
            		ETA2 = eta_b/(eta_b - eta_a)*(eta2 - eta_a);
            	else if (eta2 < -eta_a) {
            		ETA2 = eta_b/(eta_b - eta_a)*(eta2 + eta_a);
            	else {
            		ETA2 = 0;

            // original
            // calculation of the control input (acceleration command)
            z = handTheta - TARGET_THETAH;
            h = eta2 - COEFF_sig3*z;
            hD = eta2D - COEFF_sig3*handVel;  // slightly better
            //hD = COEFF_sig2*eta1;
            hDD = COEFF_sig2*COEFF_sig1*sin(eta2);
            //hDD = COEFF_sig2*eta1D; // use directly calculated (filtered) value for eta1D
            /*if (eta1D_flag == 0) {
            	if ( fabs(eta1D - COEFF_sig2*sin(eta2)) < 0.02 ) {
            		eta1D_flag = 1;
            	else {
            		hDD = COEFF_sig2*COEFF_sig1*sin(eta2);
            hDDD = COEFF_sig2*COEFF_sig1*cos(eta2)*eta2D; // slightly better
            //hDDD = COEFF_sig2*COEFF_sig1*cos(eta2)*(COEFF_sig2*eta1 + COEFF_sig3*handVel);

            /* For addition of integral control */
            if(HW->motorStatus == MOTOR_ON) {
                err_sum = err_sum + z*sec;
            else {
                err_sum = 0;
            } // does not working successfully.
            /// test
            err_sum = 0;

            u = -GAIN_K1*hDDD - GAIN_K2*hDD - GAIN_K3*hD - GAIN_K4*h + 100*err_sum;

            vInp = ( u - COEFF_sig2*COEFF_sig1*sin(eta2)*(-eta2D + COEFF_sig1*COEFF_sig2*cos(eta2)) )/(COEFF_sig1*COEFF_sig2*COEFF_sig3*cos(eta2)); // slightly better
            //vInp = ( u - hDD*(-eta2D + COEFF_sig1*COEFF_sig2*cos(eta2)) )/(COEFF_sig1*COEFF_sig2*COEFF_sig3*cos(eta2));

            //vInp = ( u - COEFF_sig2*COEFF_sig1*sin(eta2)*(-COEFF_sig2*eta1-COEFF_sig3*handVel + COEFF_sig1*COEFF_sig2*cos(eta2)) )/(COEFF_sig1*COEFF_sig2*COEFF_sig3*cos(eta2));
            //vInp = ( u - hDD*(-COEFF_sig2*eta1-COEFF_sig3*handVel + COEFF_sig1*COEFF_sig2*cos(eta2)) )/(COEFF_sig1*COEFF_sig2*COEFF_sig3*cos(eta2));
            //vInp = ( u - COEFF_sig2*COEFF_sig1*sin(eta2)*(-COEFF_sig2*eta1-COEFF_sig3*handVel) - COEFF_sig1*COEFF_sig2*cos(eta2)*hDD)/(COEFF_sig1*COEFF_sig2*COEFF_sig3*cos(eta2));

            // Sliding Mode Control
            /*s = hDDD + 3*lambda*hDD + 3*lambda*lambda*hD + lambda*lambda*lambda*h;
            F = 0.02 * COEFF_sig1*COEFF_sig2*abs( -eta2D + COEFF_sig1*COEFF_sig2*cos(eta2) );
            k = F + eta;
            fHat = COEFF_sig1*COEFF_sig2*( -eta2D + COEFF_sig1*COEFF_sig2*cos(eta2) ) * eta2;
            uHat = -fHat - 3*lambda*hDDD - 3*lambda*lambda*hDD - lambda*lambda*lambda*hD;
            u = uHat - k*(s > 0 ? 1 : (s < 0 ? -1 : 0));
            vInp = u /(COEFF_sig1*COEFF_sig2*COEFF_sig3*cos(eta2));

            //test input filter
            //vInp = 0.5*vInp + (1-0.5)*vInp_prev;

            aCmd = vInp; // calculated acceleration command

            obj.theta_prev = obj.theta;
            obj.angVel_prev = obj.angVel;
            handTheta_prev = handTheta;
            handVel_prev = handVel;
            eta2D_prev = eta2D;
            eta2_prev = eta2;

            eta1_prev = eta1;
            eta1D_prev = eta1D;

            vInp_prev = vInp;

            // For resetting of the upright eq. position
            /*if(HW->motorStatus == MOTOR_ON && update_done == 0) {
            	x_avg += obj.x;
            	if (obj.x > x_max) {
            		x_max = obj.x;
            	if (obj.x < x_min) {
            		x_min = obj.x;
            	if ( (cnt%int(SAMPLE_RATE)) == 1 ) {
            		x_avg = x_avg / SAMPLE_RATE;
            		if ( (x_max - x_avg) < 0.001 && (x_avg - x_min) < 0.001 ) {
            			obj_x_offset = x_avg;
            			//x_offset_test = x_avg;
            			update_done = 1;
            		else {
            			x_avg = 0;
            			x_max = obj.x;
            			x_min = obj.x;

            //uint64_t cycle2 = ClockCycles();
            //elapsedSec=(double)(cycle2 - cycle1)/cps;
        else { // Because the vision system keeps sending the data, QNX must read them, otherwise the vision system will get a send error.
            //obj_ang_offset = 0.0; // reset the angle offset
            //aCmd = 0;
            //vCmd_prev = 0;
            //pCmd_prev = 0;

        // test
        if (fabs(handVel) > 7.0 ) {//rad/sec
            HW->SetAnalogOut(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0);
            HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::MOTOR_ENABLE, MOTOR_OFF);
            HW->motorStatus = MOTOR_OFF;
            lost = 1;

        // reading & calculating output
        // feedback
        cycle = ClockCycles();
        elapsedSec = (double)(cycle - cycle_prev)/cps;
        cycle_prev = cycle;

        //HW->ProcessInput(); // because of the encoder reading. Do not use this again. This takes a long time.
        //cycle2 = ClockCycles();
        enc = -(HW->ReadEncoder(IoHardware::ENC_0)); // direct read. Not working?
        //cycle1 = ClockCycles();
        //elapsedSec2 = (double)(cycle1 - cycle2)/cps;
        //enc = -(HW->GetEncoderCount(IoHardware::ENC_0)); // sign change to agree with camera
        pos = (enc * ENC_RAD_PER_CNT) / GR / 4; // convert to rad. GR:gear ratio (50). 4?
        //vel = (pos - pos_prev) * SAMPLE_RATE;
        vel = (pos - pos_prev) / elapsedSec; // to calculate more exact velocity.

        // This is necessary for not having motor run unexpectedly when swtiching from motor off to motor on.
        if(HW->motorStatus == MOTOR_ON) {

            /*double T_period = 0.2; //2;
            // sinusoidal wave
            aCmd = -2*DEG2RAD*(2*3.141592/T_period)*(2*3.141592/T_period)*sin(2*3.141592*(cnt)/SAMPLE_RATE/T_period);
            //aCmd_sin = aCmd;
            if (cnt == 1) { // at the beginning
            	// because of the sinusoidal wave
            	vCmd_prev = 2*DEG2RAD*(2*3.141592/T_period);

            // acceleration inner loop
            // Notice that using no filtering velocity
            vCmd = vCmd_prev + aCmd / SAMPLE_RATE;
            pCmd = pCmd_prev + vCmd_prev / SAMPLE_RATE + 0.5 * aCmd / (SAMPLE_RATE*SAMPLE_RATE);
            //pCmd = pCmd_prev + vCmd / SAMPLE_RATE;
            //vCmd = vCmd_prev + aCmd * elapsedSec;
            //pCmd = pCmd_prev + vCmd * elapsedSec;

            iCmd = calcI(vCmd, aCmd); // feedforward control.
            feedforwardVal = iCmd;

            //iCmd += (150* (pCmd - pos) + 0.6 * (vCmd - vel) + Ki * error); // Ki 0
            //iCmd += (200* (pCmd - pos) + 0.6 * (vCmd - vel) + Ki * error); // Ki 0
            //iCmd += (350* (pCmd - pos) + 1.0 * (vCmd - vel) + Ki * error); // Ki 0
            iCmd += (150* (pCmd - pos) + 0.9 * (vCmd - vel) + Ki * error); // Ki 0

            pos_prev = pos;
            pCmd_prev = pCmd;
            vCmd_prev = vCmd;
        else {
            iCmd = 0;


        // control output
        //limit current based on motor specs
        if(iCmd > (MAX_CURRENT_MA) ) { // 1.6 mA
            HW->SetAnalogOut(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0);
            HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::MOTOR_ENABLE, MOTOR_OFF);
            HW->motorStatus = MOTOR_OFF;
            printf("iCmd:%f, pCmd:%f, pos:%f, vCmd:%f, vel:%f, aCmd:%f feedforwardVal:%f cnt:%d\n", iCmd, pCmd, pos, vCmd, vel, aCmd, feedforwardVal, cnt);
            lost = 1;
            iCmd = MAX_CURRENT_MA;
        else if(iCmd < (-MAX_CURRENT_MA) ) {
            HW->SetAnalogOut(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0);
            HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::MOTOR_ENABLE, MOTOR_OFF);
            HW->motorStatus = MOTOR_OFF;
            printf("iCmd:%f, pCmd:%f, pos:%f, vCmd:%f, vel:%f, aCmd:%f feedforwardVal:%f cnt:%d%f\n", iCmd, pCmd, pos, vCmd, vel, aCmd, feedforwardVal, cnt);
            lost = 1;
            iCmd = -MAX_CURRENT_MA;

        ampVCmd =-iCmd * AMP_GAIN; // convert to analog signal. +-10 V.  -0.86 for 4.5 rad/s. for test use -0.8
        // sign change to agree with camera

        // output signal to amp
        if(!done) {
            HW->WriteAnalogCh(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, ampVCmd);
            //HW->WriteAnalogCh(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0);
        else {
            HW->WriteAnalogCh(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0);


        HW->ProcessOutput(); // all digital & analog writing.

        // keep the position angle within 2pi
        //if ( pos > (mu_k+1)*2*3.141592 )
        //	mu_k++;
        //pos = pos - mu_k*2*3.141592;

        /*num[0] = sec; //aCmd; //correctedAcc; //eta1; //handVel; //pos; //handTheta; //pos; // angle in rad
        num[1] = elapsedSec1; //test_v_prev; //feedforwardVal; //pCmd; //eta2; //obj.theta; //vnum[0]; //obj.theta; //vel; //obj.theta;
        num[2] = elapsedSec2; //feedbackVal; //vCmd; //obj.angVel; //obj.x; //vnum[1]; //obj.x1; //ampVCmd; //obj.x1; // position in m, *10 for cm
        num[3] = vCmd; //handTheta; //iCmd; //sec; //elapsedSec; //sec; //vnum[2]; //obj.y1;

        // set outputs
        num[0] = vInp; //correctedAcc; //eta1; //handVel; //pos; //handTheta; //pos; // angle in rad
        num[1] = eta1; //feedforwardVal; //pCmd; //eta2; //obj.theta; //vnum[0]; //obj.theta; //vel; //obj.theta;
        num[2] = pos; //feedbackVal; //vCmd; //obj.angVel; //obj.x; //vnum[1]; //obj.x1; //ampVCmd; //obj.x1; // position in m, *10 for cm
        num[3] = eta2; //handTheta; //iCmd; //sec; //elapsedSec; //sec; //vnum[2]; //obj.y1;

        // acceleration innerloop
        /*num[0] = aCmd; //aCmd;
        num[1] = pCmd;
        num[2] = pos;
        //num[1] = feedforwardVal;
        //num[2] = feedbackVal;
        num[3] = vCmd;

        // motor modeling
        /*num[0] = pos;
        num[1] = iCmd;
        num[2] = cnt;
        num[3] = 0;

    } // while()

    // for some reason, this does not work.
    HW->SetAnalogOut(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0);
    HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::MOTOR_ENABLE, MOTOR_OFF);
    HW->motorStatus = MOTOR_OFF;

void SampleLoopTask::Task() {

    int cnt = 0;
    int region;
    int attempt;

    static int dout = 1;
    static int last_status = 0;
    static double pos_prev = 0;
    static double pCmd_prev = 0;
    static double vCmd_prev = 0;
    static double error = 0;

    int temp = 0;

    int mu_k = 0; // for test
    int obj_ang_index = 0; // to keep continuous angle value when acrossing pi(or -pi).
    //double obj_ang_offset = 0.0; // to subtract the object's angle at equilibrium position when inputting 'c' (camera)
    double obj_x_offset = 0;
    double obj_y_offset = 0;
    uint64_t cycle, cycle_prev;

    double eta1_prev = 0;
    double feedforwardVal = 0;
    double feedbackVal = 0;
    double test_v_prev = 0;
    //double vCmd_prev = 0;
    double elapsedSec = 0;
    uint64_t cycle1, cycle2;
    double elapsedSec1 = 0;
    double elapsedSec2 = 0;
    double aCmd_sin = 0;
    double obj_vel_uf = 0;
    double vInp_prev = 0;
    double x_avg = 0;  // for automatic x_offset update
    double x_max = 0;
    double x_min = 0;
    //int update_count = 0;  // for automatic x_offset update
    //int update_trigger = 0; // for automatic x_offset update
    int update_done = 0; // for automatic x_offset update
    double x_offset_test = 0;
    int switching_done = 0; // for controller swtiching

    while(!lost) {

        ncycles = ClockCycles();
        sec=(double)(ncycles - ncycles_prev)/cps;
        ncycles_prev = ncycles;


        // Read Inputs
        HW->ProcessInput(); // all digital & analog, encoders reading.

        // Get status of camera
        last_status = HW->ReadDigitalBit(IoHardware::FRAME_STATUS);

        // Send out pulse to trigger camera
        HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::CAMERA_TRIGGER, 1);
        HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::CAMERA_TRIGGER, 0);

        // test
        //cycle1 = ClockCycles();

        if(camera) {// && !lost){
            // Wait for camera to process data, with timeout counter
            while(HW->ReadDigitalBit(IoHardware::FRAME_STATUS) == last_status) {
                if(++attempt == (int)(1e8/SAMPLE_RATE)) {
                    HW->SetAnalogOut(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0);
                    HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::MOTOR_ENABLE, MOTOR_OFF);
                    FATAL_ERROR("Frame not received -");
                    //strcpy(err_msg, "Frame not received -");
                    lost = 1;
            attempt = 0;
            // test
            //cycle2 = ClockCycles();
            //elapsedSec1 = (double)(cycle2 - cycle1)/cps;

            vnum[0] = -99;
            int n = VNET->Recv();

            //cycle1 = ClockCycles();
            //elapsedSec2 = (double)(cycle1 - cycle2)/cps;

            region = (int)vnum[0];
            switch(region) {
            case 0: //ROI_0:
                obj.x0 = vnum[1]; //mm
                obj.y0 = vnum[2]; //mm
            case 1: //ROI_1:
                obj.x1 = vnum[1]; //mm
                obj.y1 = vnum[2]; //mm
                //HW->SetAnalogOut(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0);
                //HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::MOTOR_ENABLE, MOTOR_OFF);
                printf("roi-vnum[0]:%d\n", region);
                FATAL_ERROR("Object lost -");
                //strcpy(err_msg, "Object lost -");
                lost = 1;
            obj.x = (obj.x0 + obj.x1)/2/1000; // convert to m
            obj.y = (obj.y0 + obj.y1)/2/1000;
            double obj_raw_angle = atan2(obj.y1-obj.y0, obj.x1-obj.x0); // within -pi to pi
            // compensating angle offset
            // set only once at the beginning
            if (obj_x_offset == 0 && obj.x0 != 0 && obj.x1 != 0) {
                obj_x_offset = obj.x;
                obj_y_offset = obj.y;

                x_offset_test = obj.x; // test

            //uint64_t cycle1 = ClockCycles();

            // to keep continuous angle value when acrossing pi(or -pi).
            obj.theta = obj_raw_angle + obj_ang_index*2*3.141592; // converted angle
            if ( fabs(obj.theta - obj.theta_prev) > 3.141592 ) {
                if (obj.theta_prev > obj.theta) // pi to -pi region change
                obj.theta = obj_raw_angle + obj_ang_index*2*3.141592; // newly converted angle

            // calculation of the object angular velocity
            //obj.angVel = (obj.theta - obj.theta_prev) * SAMPLE_RATE;
            obj.angVel = (obj.theta - obj.theta_prev) / sec;
            obj_vel_uf = obj.angVel;
            // low pass filter
            double alpha = 0.038; //0.06; //0.038; //0.02
            obj.angVel = alpha*obj.angVel + (1-alpha)*obj.angVel_prev;

            // calculation of the hand angular velocity
            handTheta = -(HW->GetEncoderCount(IoHardware::ENC_0)) * ENC_RAD_PER_CNT / GR / 4; // just access the data previously read by GetEnc...()
            handVel = (handTheta - handTheta_prev) / sec; //* SAMPLE_RATE;
            //alpha = 0.1;
            handVel = alpha*handVel + (1-alpha)*handVel_prev;

            // calculation of sh and \dot sh (=shD)
            sh = (obj.theta - handTheta) / K_R;
            shD = (obj.angVel - handVel) / K_R;

            // coordinate transformation
            eta1 = M22*shD + M12*handVel;
            //test filtering
            //eta1 = alpha*eta1 + (1-alpha)*eta1_prev;
            //eta1_prev = eta1;

            //eta2 = handTheta + sh/RHO_H;
            eta2 = asin(-(obj.x-obj_x_offset)/(RHO_H+RHO_O)); // alternative way to get eta2;

            // calculation of the control input (acceleration command)
            //xi := handVel;
            //eta1D := COEFF_D * sin(eta2); // COEFF_D
            //eta2D := COEFF_A * eta1 - xi/COEFF_B;
            //double GAIN_C2 = GAIN_C2_FAR;
            double GAIN_C2 = GAIN_C2_FAR;
            /*if ( abs(eta2) < 0.03 && abs(handVel) < 0.2) { //0.015 ) { // eta2=0.015(0.86 deg) : 3.45 mm in x
            //if ( abs(eta2) < 0.03 ) { //0.015 ) {
            	GAIN_C2 = GAIN_C2_NEAR;
            double TANH = tanh(GAIN_C1*eta1 + GAIN_C2*eta2);
            alpha_eta = COEFF_B * (COEFF_A*eta1 + GAIN_C0*TANH + GAIN_C3*eta2);
            DalphaDeta1 = COEFF_B * ( COEFF_A + GAIN_C0*(1-TANH*TANH)*GAIN_C1 );
            DalphaDeta2 = COEFF_B * ( GAIN_C0*(1-TANH*TANH)*GAIN_C2 + GAIN_C3 );
            vInp = -GAIN_C * (handVel - alpha_eta) + DalphaDeta1*(COEFF_D * sin(eta2)) + DalphaDeta2*(COEFF_A * eta1 - handVel/COEFF_B);
            //vInp = 0.05*vInp + (1-0.05)*vInp_prev;
            aCmd = vInp; // calculated acceleration command

            obj.theta_prev = obj.theta;
            obj.angVel_prev = obj.angVel;
            handTheta_prev = handTheta;
            handVel_prev = handVel;
            vInp_prev = vInp;

            // automatic x offset update (old)
            /*if (eta2*eta2 + handVel*handVel/100 < 0.00325) {
            	update_trigger = 1;
            if (update_trigger == 1 && update_done != 1) {
            	update_count += 1;
            	x_avg += obj.x;
            	if (update_count > SAMPLE_RATE) { // averaging for 1 sec.
            		//obj_x_offset = x_avg / update_count;
            		x_offset_test = x_avg / update_count;
            		update_trigger = 0;
            		update_count = 0;
            		update_done = 1;

            // automatic x offset update
            /*if(HW->motorStatus == MOTOR_ON && update_done == 0) {
            	x_avg += obj.x;
            	if (obj.x > x_max) {
            		x_max = obj.x;
            	if (obj.x < x_min) {
            		x_min = obj.x;
            	if ( (cnt%int(SAMPLE_RATE)) == 1 ) {
            		x_avg = x_avg / SAMPLE_RATE;
            		if ( (x_max - x_avg) < 0.001 && (x_avg - x_min) < 0.001 ) {
            			//obj_x_offset = x_avg;
            			x_offset_test = x_avg;
            			update_done = 1;
            		else {
            			x_avg = 0;
            			x_max = obj.x;
            			x_min = obj.x;

            // Switching to a Linear Controller
            /*if (HW->motorStatus == MOTOR_ON) {
            	if (switching_done == 1) {
            		aCmd = -(2565.2*eta1 + 292.0*eta2 + 16.1*handVel); // pole placement:sigma = 2.3, zeta = 0.85, third pole at 5sigma
            	else if ( eta2*eta2 + 0.01*handVel*handVel < 0.003125 ) {
            		switching_done = 1;

            //uint64_t cycle2 = ClockCycles();
            //elapsedSec=(double)(cycle2 - cycle1)/cps;
        else { // Because the vision system keeps sending the data, QNX must read them, otherwise the vision system will get a send error.
            //obj_ang_offset = 0.0; // reset the angle offset
            //aCmd = 0;
            //vCmd_prev = 0;
            //pCmd_prev = 0;

        // test
        if (fabs(handVel) > 5.0 ) {//rad/sec
            HW->SetAnalogOut(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0);
            HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::MOTOR_ENABLE, MOTOR_OFF);
            HW->motorStatus = MOTOR_OFF;

        // reading & calculating output
        // feedback
        cycle = ClockCycles();
        elapsedSec = (double)(cycle - cycle_prev)/cps;
        cycle_prev = cycle;

        //HW->ProcessInput(); // because of the encoder reading. Do not use this again. This takes a long time.
        //cycle2 = ClockCycles();
        enc = -(HW->ReadEncoder(IoHardware::ENC_0)); // direct read. Not working?
        //cycle1 = ClockCycles();
        //elapsedSec2 = (double)(cycle1 - cycle2)/cps;
        //enc = -(HW->GetEncoderCount(IoHardware::ENC_0)); // sign change to agree with camera
        pos = (enc * ENC_RAD_PER_CNT) / GR / 4; // convert to rad. GR:gear ratio (50). 4?
        //vel = (pos - pos_prev) * SAMPLE_RATE;
        vel = (pos - pos_prev) / elapsedSec; // to calculate more exact velocity.

        // This is necessary for not having motor run unexpectedly when swtiching from motor off to motor on.
        if(HW->motorStatus == MOTOR_ON) {

            /*double T_period = 0.2; //2;
            // sinusoidal wave
            aCmd = -2*DEG2RAD*(2*3.141592/T_period)*(2*3.141592/T_period)*sin(2*3.141592*(cnt)/SAMPLE_RATE/T_period);
            //aCmd_sin = aCmd;
            if (cnt == 1) { // at the beginning
            	// because of the sinusoidal wave
            	vCmd_prev = 2*DEG2RAD*(2*3.141592/T_period);

            // acceleration inner loop
            // Notice that using no filtering velocity
            vCmd = vCmd_prev + aCmd / SAMPLE_RATE;
            pCmd = pCmd_prev + vCmd_prev / SAMPLE_RATE + 0.5 * aCmd / (SAMPLE_RATE*SAMPLE_RATE);
            //pCmd = pCmd_prev + vCmd / SAMPLE_RATE;
            //vCmd = vCmd_prev + aCmd * elapsedSec;
            //pCmd = pCmd_prev + vCmd * elapsedSec;
            test_v_prev = vCmd_prev;

            iCmd = calcI(vCmd, aCmd); // feedforward control. Not being used currently.
            feedforwardVal = iCmd;

            //iCmd += (150* (pCmd - pos) + 0.6 * (vCmd - vel) + Ki * error); // Ki 0
            //iCmd += (200* (pCmd - pos) + 0.6 * (vCmd - vel) + Ki * error); // Ki 0
            //iCmd += (350* (pCmd - pos) + 1.0 * (vCmd - vel) + Ki * error); // Ki 0
            iCmd += (150* (pCmd - pos) + 0.9 * (vCmd - vel) + Ki * error); // Ki 0

            pos_prev = pos;
            pCmd_prev = pCmd;
            vCmd_prev = vCmd;
        else {
            iCmd = 0;


        // control output
        //limit current based on motor specs
        if(iCmd > (MAX_CURRENT_MA) ) { // 1.6 mA
            HW->SetAnalogOut(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0);
            HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::MOTOR_ENABLE, MOTOR_OFF);
            HW->motorStatus = MOTOR_OFF;
            printf("iCmd:%f, pCmd:%f, pos:%f, vCmd:%f, vel:%f, feedforwardVal:%f\n", iCmd, pCmd, pos, vCmd, vel, feedforwardVal);
            iCmd = MAX_CURRENT_MA;
        else if(iCmd < (-MAX_CURRENT_MA) ) {
            HW->SetAnalogOut(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0);
            HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::MOTOR_ENABLE, MOTOR_OFF);
            HW->motorStatus = MOTOR_OFF;
            printf("iCmd:%f, pCmd:%f, pos:%f, vCmd:%f, vel:%f, feedforwardVal:%f\n", iCmd, pCmd, pos, vCmd, vel, feedforwardVal);
            iCmd = -MAX_CURRENT_MA;

        ampVCmd =-iCmd * AMP_GAIN; // convert to analog signal. +-10 V.  -0.86 for 4.5 rad/s. for test use -0.8
        // sign change to agree with camera

        // output signal to amp
        if(!done) {
            HW->WriteAnalogCh(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, ampVCmd);
            //HW->WriteAnalogCh(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0);
        else {
            HW->WriteAnalogCh(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0);


        HW->ProcessOutput(); // all digital & analog writing.

        // keep the position angle within 2pi
        //if ( pos > (mu_k+1)*2*3.141592 )
        //	mu_k++;
        //pos = pos - mu_k*2*3.141592;

        /*num[0] = sec; //aCmd; //correctedAcc; //eta1; //handVel; //pos; //handTheta; //pos; // angle in rad
        num[1] = elapsedSec1; //test_v_prev; //feedforwardVal; //pCmd; //eta2; //obj.theta; //vnum[0]; //obj.theta; //vel; //obj.theta;
        num[2] = elapsedSec2; //feedbackVal; //vCmd; //obj.angVel; //obj.x; //vnum[1]; //obj.x1; //ampVCmd; //obj.x1; // position in m, *10 for cm
        num[3] = vCmd; //handTheta; //iCmd; //sec; //elapsedSec; //sec; //vnum[2]; //obj.y1;

        // set outputs
        /*num[0] = obj_vel_uf; //vInp; //correctedAcc; //eta1; //handVel; //pos; //handTheta; //pos; // angle in rad
        num[1] = vel; //eta1; //feedforwardVal; //pCmd; //eta2; //obj.theta; //vnum[0]; //obj.theta; //vel; //obj.theta;
        num[2] = obj.angVel; //feedbackVal; //vCmd; //obj.angVel; //obj.x; //vnum[1]; //obj.x1; //ampVCmd; //obj.x1; // position in m, *10 for cm
        num[3] = aCmd; //handTheta; //iCmd; //sec; //elapsedSec; //sec; //vnum[2]; //obj.y1;

        num[0] = handVel;
        num[1] = aCmd; //x_offset_test;  // //obj_x_offset;
        num[2] = switching_done; //obj.x;
        num[3] = eta2;

        /*num[0] = handVel;
        num[1] = eta1;
        num[2] = vel;
        num[3] = eta2;

        /*num[0] = vInp;
        num[1] = eta1;
        num[2] = pos;
        num[3] = eta2;

        // acceleration innerloop
        /*num[0] = aCmd;
        num[1] = pCmd;
        num[2] = pos;
        //num[1] = feedforwardVal;
        //num[2] = feedbackVal;
        num[3] = vCmd;

        // motor modeling
        /*num[0] = pos;
        num[1] = iCmd;
        num[2] = cnt;
        num[3] = 0;

    } // while()

    // for some reason, this does not work.
    HW->SetAnalogOut(IoHardware::AMP_SIGNAL, 0.0);
    HW->WriteDigitalBit(IoHardware::MOTOR_ENABLE, MOTOR_OFF);
    HW->motorStatus = MOTOR_OFF;

Esempio n. 12
main(int argc,char *argv[])
	CoolImage *image;
	int x,y;
	int i,j;
	PtWidget_t *win;
	PtArg_t args[3];
	PhDim_t dim={m_W,m_H};
	PhPoint_t pos={50,250};
	int fd; //Bt878 driver file descriptor
	int fd_temp;
	int size_read;
	struct timeval tv;
    fd_set rfd;
    int n;
	int error;
	int counter = 0;
	int counter_mean = 0;
	int file = 0;

	//Timing calculation
    uint64_t cps, cycle1, cycle2, ncycles;
    float sec;
    float msec;

	// if a paramater was passed, grab it as the blit type 
	if (argc>1) blittype=atoi(argv[1]);

	// initialize our connection to Photon, and create/realize a window 

	// Allocate and fill a series of NUMIMAGES images with a little 
	// fading type animation.  Put your own animation in here if you like.

     *    Set a 5 second timeout.
    tv.tv_sec = 5;
    tv.tv_usec = 0;

	image = AllocBuffer(m_W,m_H,fd);	
	if (file != 2)
	init_bttvx(2,0, m_W,m_H,0,0);
	BttvxSetImageBuffer(0, image->buffer);
	fd_temp = fd;
	FD_ZERO( &rfd );
	FD_SET( fd, &rfd );
		//fd = open("/net/europa/dev/bttvx0",O_RDWR);
		//if ( fd > 0 )
			///switch ( n = select( 1 + max( fd,0 ),
			///   &rfd, 0, 0, &tv ) ) 
			///  case -1:
			///	perror( "select" );
			///	return EXIT_FAILURE;
			///  case  0:
			///	puts( "select timed out" );
			///	break;
			///  default:
				//printf( "descriptor ready ...\n");
				//if( FD_ISSET( console, &rfd ) )
				//  puts( " -- console descriptor has data pending" );
				//if( FD_ISSET( serial, &rfd ) )
				//  puts( " -- serial descriptor has data pending" );
				/* Read the text */

				cycle1=ClockCycles( );

			///	size_read = read( fd, image->buffer, W*H*deep );
		   if (file != 2)
		   	case 0:
		   	case 1:
		   	case 2:
		   if (file!=2)
		   cycle2=ClockCycles( );

		   //printf("%lld cycles elapsed \n", ncycles);

		   /* find out how many cycles per second */
		   cps = SYSPAGE_ENTRY(qtime)->cycles_per_sec;
		   //printf( "This system has %lld cycles/sec.\n",cps );
		   msec +=sec;
		   if (counter_mean == 250 )
		   	msec = msec/counter_mean;
		   	printf("The cycles in seconds is %f \n",msec);
		   	counter_mean = 0;
		   	msec = 0;

	//printf("Blitted %d frames using method %d\n",REPS*NUMIMAGES,blittype);

	// now free the images
	close( fd );
	/// hide the window and destroy it.