Esempio n. 1
void COORD::UnitTest()
    assert(COORD(3, 3) + COORD(2, 2) == COORD(5, 5));
    COORD coord(5, 2);
    coord += COORD(2, 5);
    assert(coord == COORD(7, 7));
    assert(COORD(2, 2) + North == COORD(2, 3));
    assert(COORD(2, 2) + East == COORD(3, 2));
    assert(COORD(2, 2) + South == COORD(2, 1));
    assert(COORD(2, 2) + West == COORD(1, 2));
    assert(Compass[E_NORTH] == North);
    assert(Compass[E_EAST] == East);
    assert(Compass[E_WEST] == West);
    assert(Compass[E_SOUTH] == South);
    assert(Clockwise(E_NORTH) == E_EAST);
    assert(Clockwise(E_EAST) == E_SOUTH);
    assert(Clockwise(E_SOUTH) == E_WEST);
    assert(Clockwise(E_WEST) == E_NORTH);
    assert(Opposite(E_NORTH) == E_SOUTH);
    assert(Opposite(E_EAST) == E_WEST);
    assert(Opposite(E_SOUTH) == E_NORTH);
    assert(Opposite(E_WEST) == E_EAST);
    assert(Anticlockwise(E_NORTH) == E_WEST);
    assert(Anticlockwise(E_EAST) == E_NORTH);
    assert(Anticlockwise(E_SOUTH) == E_EAST);
    assert(Anticlockwise(E_WEST) == E_SOUTH);
    assert(ManhattanDistance(COORD(3, 2), COORD(-4, -7)) == 16);
    assert(DirectionalDistance(COORD(3, 2), COORD(-4, -7), E_NORTH) == -9);
    assert(DirectionalDistance(COORD(3, 2), COORD(-4, -7), E_EAST) == -7);
    assert(DirectionalDistance(COORD(3, 2), COORD(-4, -7), E_SOUTH) == 9);
    assert(DirectionalDistance(COORD(3, 2), COORD(-4, -7), E_WEST) == 7);
Esempio n. 2
void Mutate2(Poly* PolyList)
	// Mutate2: Iterate through the list and for each triangle, attempt to mutate 10 times in a row before continuing
	static int Iterator = 0;
	static int IterCount = -1;

	if (IterCount >= 10)
		IterCount = 0;
		Iterator += 1;
		if (Iterator >= POLYGON_COUNT) Iterator = 0;

	unsigned int MutationCount = rand() % 10;
	if		(MutationCount < 3)	MutationCount = 1;
	else if	(MutationCount < 5)	MutationCount = 2;
	else if	(MutationCount < 7)	MutationCount = 3;
	else if	(MutationCount < 9)	MutationCount = 4;
	else						MutationCount = 5;

	unsigned int	RandomMutator;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MutationCount; i++)
		TempPolygon = PolyList[Iterator];
		RandomMutator = rand() % (4 + VERTEX_COUNT * 2);
		switch (RandomMutator)
		case 0:
		case 1:
		case 2:
			PolyList[Iterator].Color[RandomMutator] = rand() % 256;
			if (~PolyList[Iterator].BitFlag & DEFINED_BIT) PolyList[Iterator].Color[3] = rand() % 256;

		case 3:
			PolyList[Iterator].Color[RandomMutator] = rand() % 256;

			if (RandomMutator - 4 < VERTEX_COUNT)	PolyList[Iterator].X[RandomMutator - 4] = rand() % Target->w;
			else									PolyList[Iterator].Y[RandomMutator - 4 - VERTEX_COUNT] = rand() % Target->h;
		PolyList[Iterator].BitFlag |= DEFINED_BIT;

		// Test to see if the evolution was successful. If not, place the temporary polygon back in the list.
		if (TestEvolution() == false) PolyList[Iterator] = TempPolygon;
Esempio n. 3
void Mutate1(Poly* PolyList)
	// Mutate1: Choose a random triangle and commit X random mutations, where X is 
	// a partially random number between 1 and 5.
	unsigned int MutationCount = rand() % 10;
	if		(MutationCount < 3)	MutationCount = 1;
	else if	(MutationCount < 5)	MutationCount = 2;
	else if	(MutationCount < 7)	MutationCount = 3;
	else if	(MutationCount < 9)	MutationCount = 4;
	else						MutationCount = 5;

	unsigned int	RandomMutator;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MutationCount; i++)
		ListIterator = rand() % POLYGON_COUNT;
		TempPolygon = PolyList[ListIterator];
		RandomMutator = rand() % (4 + VERTEX_COUNT * 2);
		switch (RandomMutator)
		case 0:
		case 1:
		case 2:
			PolyList[ListIterator].Color[RandomMutator] = rand() % 256;
			if (~PolyList[ListIterator].BitFlag & DEFINED_BIT) PolyList[ListIterator].Color[3] = rand() % 256;

		case 3:
			PolyList[ListIterator].Color[RandomMutator] = rand() % 256;

			if (RandomMutator - 4 < VERTEX_COUNT)	PolyList[ListIterator].X[RandomMutator - 4] = rand() % Target->w;
			else									PolyList[ListIterator].Y[RandomMutator - 4 - VERTEX_COUNT] = rand() % Target->h;
		PolyList[ListIterator].BitFlag |= DEFINED_BIT;

		// Test to see if the evolution was successful. If not, place the temporary polygon back in the list.
		if (TestEvolution() == false) PolyList[ListIterator] = TempPolygon;
void IFXNeighborResController::UpdateEdgesInMap(U32 meshIndex)
  ResolutionState* state = &(m_pMeshStates[meshIndex]);
  IFXUpdates* pUpdates = m_pUpdatesGroup->GetUpdates(meshIndex);
  IFXResolutionChange* rc = &(pUpdates->pResChanges[state->resolutionChangeIndex - 1]);

  IFXMesh* pMesh = 0;
  m_pMeshGroup->GetMesh(meshIndex, pMesh);
  IFXFaceIter faceIter;

  // Update modified edges
  U32 endUpdate = state->faceUpdateIndex;
  U32 update;
  for ( update = endUpdate - rc->numFaceUpdates; update < endUpdate; ++update)
    IFXFaceUpdate* pFaceUpdate = &(pUpdates->pFaceUpdates[update]);
    U32 p = m_pVertexMap->Convert(meshIndex, pFaceUpdate->newDown);
    U32 q = m_pVertexMap->Convert(meshIndex, pFaceUpdate->newUp);
    if (p == q)
      // This is a face update for a non-position attribute change.
      // Example:  better normals at corners of cube.
      // We are only concerned with updates that affect geometry.

    U32 faceIndex = pFaceUpdate->face;
    IFXFace* pFace = faceIter.Index(faceIndex);
    U32 childCorner = pFaceUpdate->corner;
    U32 cwCorner = Clockwise(childCorner);
    U32 ccwCorner = CounterClockwise(childCorner);
    U32 c = m_pVertexMap->Convert(meshIndex, pFace->Vertex(childCorner));
    U32 x = m_pVertexMap->Convert(meshIndex, pFace->Vertex(cwCorner));
    U32 y = m_pVertexMap->Convert(meshIndex, pFace->Vertex(ccwCorner));

    // AddOrReplaceEdge does one of two things:
    //   In the case of vertex merge, it will add any new edges.
    //   In the case of a manifold merge, it will replace the
    //     reference of a potentially deleted neighbor face with
    //     a valid reference.
    m_pEdgeMap->AddOrReplaceEdge(x, p, meshIndex, faceIndex, ccwCorner);
    m_pEdgeMap->AddOrReplaceEdge(y, p, meshIndex, faceIndex, cwCorner);

    m_pEdgeMap->RemoveEdge(x, c);
    m_pEdgeMap->RemoveEdge(y, c);

  // Remove deleted edges
  U32 prevNumFaces = state->prevNumFaces;
  U32 faceIndex;
  for ( faceIndex = state->numFaces; faceIndex < prevNumFaces; ++faceIndex)
    IFXFace* pFace = faceIter.Index(faceIndex);
    U32 a = m_pVertexMap->Convert(meshIndex, pFace->Vertex(0));
    U32 b = m_pVertexMap->Convert(meshIndex, pFace->Vertex(1));
    U32 c = m_pVertexMap->Convert(meshIndex, pFace->Vertex(2));

    FindNonDeletedFaceForEdge(a, b);
    FindNonDeletedFaceForEdge(b, c);
    FindNonDeletedFaceForEdge(c, a);

void IFXNeighborResController::AnalyzeMergingEdges(U32 meshIndex, U32 resolution)
  ResolutionState* state = &(m_pMeshStates[meshIndex]);
  IFXUpdates* pUpdates = m_pUpdatesGroup->GetUpdates(meshIndex);
  IFXResolutionChange* rc = &(pUpdates->pResChanges[state->resolutionChangeIndex - 1]);

  IFXMesh* pMesh = 0;
  m_pMeshGroup->GetMesh(meshIndex, pMesh);
  IFXFaceIter faceIter;

  U32 endUpdate = state->faceUpdateIndex;
  U32 update;
  for ( update = endUpdate - rc->numFaceUpdates; update < endUpdate; ++update)
    IFXFaceUpdate* pFaceUpdate = &pUpdates->pFaceUpdates[update];
    U32 p = m_pVertexMap->Convert(meshIndex, pFaceUpdate->newDown);
    U32 q = m_pVertexMap->Convert(meshIndex, pFaceUpdate->newUp);
    if (p == q)
      // This is a face update for a non-position attribute change.
      // Example:  better normals at corners of cube.
      // We are only concerned with updates that affect geometry.

    IFXFace* pFace = faceIter.Index(pFaceUpdate->face);
    U32 childCorner = pFaceUpdate->corner;
    U32 cwCorner = Clockwise(childCorner);
    U32 ccwCorner = CounterClockwise(childCorner);
    IFXASSERT(pFaceUpdate->newUp == pFace->Vertex(childCorner));
    U32 c = m_pVertexMap->Convert(meshIndex, pFace->Vertex(childCorner));
    U32 x = m_pVertexMap->Convert(meshIndex, pFace->Vertex(cwCorner));
    U32 y = m_pVertexMap->Convert(meshIndex, pFace->Vertex(ccwCorner));

    // Let c = child vertex
    // Let p = parent vertex
    // Let x = cw of child
    // Let y = ccw of child
    // If the xp edge exists:  Look for a face that is common
    //   to the lists around edge xp and xc.  If a face exists,
    //   it is assumed that this face is a deleted face and
    //   the disparate lists will be joined when the face removed.
    //   If a common face is not found, then this is a distal
    //   edge merge.
    // If the xp edge does not exist:  A merge does not exist
    //   because there is only one list.
    // The check can be accomplished by walking the faces
    // around the first edge and setting a visited flag.  Then
    // we walk around the second edge looking for a visited flag.
    BOOL distalMerge = CheckForDistalMerge(x, c, p); // xc and xp edge
    if (distalMerge)
      AddDistalMergeRecord(resolution, x, c, p); // xc and xp edge

    distalMerge = CheckForDistalMerge(y, c, p); // yc and yp edge
    if (distalMerge)
      AddDistalMergeRecord(resolution, y, c, p); // xc and xp edge
