/**************************************************************** * * function : gagent do cloud config. * cloudstatus : gagent cloud status. * return : 0 successful other fail. * Add by Alex.lin --2015-02-28 ****************************************************************/ uint32 Cloud_ConfigDataHandle( pgcontext pgc /*int32 cloudstatus*/ ) { int32 dTime=0; int32 ret =0; int32 respondCode=0; int32 cloudstatus = 0; pgcontext pGlobalVar=NULL; pgconfig pConfigData=NULL; uint16 GAgentStatus = 0; uint8 cloudConfiRxbuf[1024]={0}; int8 *pDeviceID=NULL; fd_set readfd; int32 http_fd; pConfigData = &(pgc->gc); pGlobalVar = pgc; cloudstatus = pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.CloudStatus; GAgentStatus = pgc->rtinfo.GAgentStatus; if( (GAgentStatus&WIFI_STATION_STATUS)!= WIFI_STATION_STATUS) return 1 ; if( strlen( pgc->gc.GServer_ip)>IP_LEN || strlen( pgc->gc.GServer_ip)<7 ) { GAgent_Printf( GAGENT_WARNING,"GServer IP is NULL!!"); return 1; } if( cloudstatus== CLOUD_CONFIG_OK ) { if( pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.http_socketid >0 ) { GAgent_Printf( GAGENT_CRITICAL,"http config ok ,and close the socket."); close( pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.http_socketid ); pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.http_socketid=-1; } return 1; } pDeviceID = pConfigData->DID; http_fd = pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.http_socketid; readfd = pGlobalVar->rtinfo.readfd; if( CLOUD_INIT == cloudstatus ) { GAgent_Printf( GAGENT_INFO,"%s %d",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__ ); if( strlen(pDeviceID)==22 )/*had did*/ { GAgent_Printf( GAGENT_INFO,"Had did !!!!" ); ret = Cloud_ReqGetFid( pgc,OTATYPE_WIFI ); GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus( pgc,CLOUD_RES_GET_TARGET_FID); } else { GAgent_Printf( GAGENT_INFO,"Need to get did!!!" ); GAgent_SetDeviceID( pgc,NULL );//clean did. ret = Cloud_ReqRegister( pgc ); GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus( pgc,CLOUD_RES_GET_DID ); } return 0; } dTime = abs( GAgent_GetDevTime_MS()- pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.send2HttpLastTime ); if( FD_ISSET( http_fd,&readfd )||( (cloudstatus<CLOUD_CONFIG_OK) && (dTime>GAGENT_HTTP_TIMEOUT)) ) { GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_DEBUG,"HTTP Data from Gserver!%d", 2); ret = Cloud_ReadGServerConfigData( pgc,pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.http_socketid,cloudConfiRxbuf,1024 ); respondCode = Http_Response_Code( cloudConfiRxbuf ); GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO,"http read ret:%d cloudStatus : %d",ret,cloudstatus ); GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO,"http response code : %d",respondCode ); switch( cloudstatus ) { case CLOUD_RES_GET_DID: ret = Cloud_ResRegister( cloudConfiRxbuf,ret,pDeviceID,respondCode ); if( (RET_SUCCESS != ret) )/* can't got the did */ { if(dTime>GAGENT_HTTP_TIMEOUT) { GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_ERROR,"res register fail: %s %d",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__ ); GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_ERROR,"go to req register Device id again."); ret = Cloud_ReqRegister( pgc ); } } else { GAgent_SetDeviceID( pgc,pDeviceID ); GAgent_DevGetConfigData( &(pgc->gc) ); GAgent_Printf( GAGENT_DEBUG,"Register got did :%s len=%d",pgc->gc.DID,strlen(pgc->gc.DID) ); ret = Cloud_ReqGetFid( pgc,OTATYPE_WIFI ); GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus( pgc,CLOUD_RES_GET_TARGET_FID ); } break; case CLOUD_RES_GET_TARGET_FID: { /* 获取OTA信息错误进入provision 成功则进行OTA. */ int8 download_url[256]={0}; ret = Cloud_ResGetFid( download_url ,pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.firmwarever ,cloudConfiRxbuf,respondCode ); if( RET_SUCCESS != ret ) { GAgent_Printf( GAGENT_WARNING,"GAgent get OTA info fail! go to provison! "); ret = Cloud_ReqProvision( pgc ); GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus( pgc,CLOUD_RES_PROVISION ); break; } else { ret = Cloud_isNeedOTA( NULL ); if( 0==ret ) { GAgent_Cloud_OTAByUrl( http_fd,download_url ); } GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO," CLOUD_RES_GET_TARGET_FID OK!!"); GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO,"url:%s",download_url); /* go to provision */ ret = Cloud_ReqProvision( pgc ); GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus( pgc,CLOUD_RES_PROVISION ); } break; } case CLOUD_RES_PROVISION: pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.Cloud3Flag = Http_Get3rdCloudInfo( pConfigData->cloud3info.cloud3Name,pConfigData->cloud3info.jdinfo.product_uuid , cloudConfiRxbuf ); /* have 3rd cloud info need save to falsh */ if( pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.Cloud3Flag == 1 ) { GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO,"3rd cloud name:%s",pConfigData->cloud3info.cloud3Name ); GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO,"3re cloud UUID: %s",pConfigData->cloud3info.jdinfo.product_uuid); GAgent_DevSaveConfigData( pConfigData ); } ret = Cloud_ResProvision( pGlobalVar->minfo.m2m_SERVER , &pGlobalVar->minfo.m2m_Port,cloudConfiRxbuf,respondCode); if( ret!=0 ) { if(dTime>GAGENT_HTTP_TIMEOUT) { GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_WARNING,"Provision res fail ret=%d.", ret ); GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_WARNING,"go to provision again."); ret = Cloud_ReqProvision( pgc ); } } else { GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO,"Provision OK!"); GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO,"M2M host:%s port:%d",pGlobalVar->minfo.m2m_SERVER,pGlobalVar->minfo.m2m_Port); GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO,"GAgent go to login M2M !"); GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus( pgc,CLOUD_CONFIG_OK ); //login to m2m. GAgent_SetCloudServerStatus( pgc,MQTT_STATUS_START ); if( 1==GAgent_IsNeedDisableDID( pgc ) ) { GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO,"Need to Disable Device ID!"); ret = Cloud_ReqDisable( pgc ); GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus( pgc,CLOUD_RES_DISABLE_DID ); break; } } break; case CLOUD_RES_DISABLE_DID: ret = Cloud_ResDisable( respondCode ); if(ret!=0) { if(dTime>GAGENT_HTTP_TIMEOUT) { GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_WARNING,"Disable Device ID Fail."); } else { GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus ( pgc,CLOUD_CONFIG_OK ); } } else { GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO,"Disable Device ID OK!"); GAgent_SetOldDeviceID( pgc,NULL,NULL,0 ); GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus ( pgc,CLOUD_CONFIG_OK ); } break; case CLOUD_RES_POST_JD_INFO: ret = Cloud_JD_Post_ResFeed_Key( pgc,respondCode ); if( ret!=0 ) { GAgent_Printf( GAGENT_WARNING," Post JD info respond fail!" ); if( dTime>GAGENT_HTTP_TIMEOUT ) { GAgent_Printf( GAGENT_WARNING," Post JD info again"); ret = Cloud_JD_Post_ReqFeed_Key( pgc ); } } else { GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus( pgc,CLOUD_CONFIG_OK ); } break; } pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.send2HttpLastTime = GAgent_GetDevTime_MS(); } }
/**************************************************************** * * function : gagent do cloud config. * cloudstatus : gagent cloud status. * return : 0 successful other fail. * Add by Alex.lin --2015-02-28 ****************************************************************/ uint32 Cloud_ConfigDataHandle( pgcontext pgc /*int32 cloudstatus*/ ) { int32 dTime=0; int32 ret =0; int32 respondCode=0; int32 cloudstatus = 0; pgcontext pGlobalVar=NULL; pgconfig pConfigData=NULL; uint16 GAgentStatus = 0; int8 *pDeviceID=NULL; int8 timeoutflag = 0; uint8 *pCloudConfiRxbuf = NULL; resetPacket(pgc->rtinfo.Txbuf); pCloudConfiRxbuf = pgc->rtinfo.Txbuf->phead; fd_set readfd; int32 http_fd; pConfigData = &(pgc->gc); pGlobalVar = pgc; cloudstatus = pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.CloudStatus; GAgentStatus = pgc->rtinfo.GAgentStatus; if((GAgentStatus&WIFI_STATION_CONNECTED) != WIFI_STATION_CONNECTED) { return 1 ; } if(strlen(pgc->gc.GServer_ip) > IP_LEN_MAX || strlen(pgc->gc.GServer_ip) < IP_LEN_MIN) { //GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_WARNING,"GServer IP is illegal!!"); return 1; } if(CLOUD_CONFIG_OK == cloudstatus) { if(pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.http_socketid > 0) { GAgent_Printf( GAGENT_CRITICAL,"http config ok ,and close the socket."); close( pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.http_socketid ); pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.http_socketid = INVALID_SOCKET; } pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.httpCloudPingTime = 0; pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.ReConnectHttpTime = GAGENT_HTTP_TIMEOUT; return 1; } pDeviceID = pConfigData->DID; http_fd = pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.http_socketid; readfd = pGlobalVar->rtinfo.readfd; if(CLOUD_INIT == cloudstatus) { if(strlen(pDeviceID) == (DID_LEN - 2))/*had did*/ { GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO,"Had did !!!!\r\n go to Provision" ); ret = Cloud_ReqProvision( pgc ); GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus( pgc,CLOUD_RES_PROVISION ); } else { GAgent_Printf( GAGENT_INFO,"Need to get did!!!" ); GAgent_SetDeviceID( pgc,NULL );/*clean did*/ ret = Cloud_ReqRegister( pgc ); GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus( pgc,CLOUD_RES_GET_DID ); } return 0; } dTime = abs(GAgent_GetDevTime_S()- pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.send2HttpLastTime); if(FD_ISSET( http_fd,&readfd ) || ((cloudstatus != CLOUD_CONFIG_OK) && (dTime > pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.ReConnectHttpTime))) { GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_DEBUG,"HTTP Data from Gserver!%d", 2); if(dTime > pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.ReConnectHttpTime) { if(pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.http_socketid > 0) { close(pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.http_socketid); pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.http_socketid = INVALID_SOCKET; } respondCode = -1; } else { ret = Cloud_ReadGServerConfigData( pgc,pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.http_socketid,pCloudConfiRxbuf,1024 ); if(ret <= 0) { if(pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.http_socketid > 0) { close(pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.http_socketid); pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.http_socketid = INVALID_SOCKET; GAgent_SetGServerSocket( pgc,pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.http_socketid ); } respondCode = -1; } else { respondCode = Http_Response_Code( pCloudConfiRxbuf ); } } GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO,"http read ret:%d cloudStatus : %d Response code: %d",ret,cloudstatus,respondCode ); switch( cloudstatus ) { case CLOUD_RES_GET_DID: ret = Cloud_ResRegister( pCloudConfiRxbuf,ret,pDeviceID,respondCode ); if(RET_SUCCESS != ret)/* can't got the did */ { if(dTime > pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.ReConnectHttpTime) { timeoutflag = 1; GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_ERROR,"res register fail: %s %d",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__ ); GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_ERROR,"go to req register Device id again."); ret = Cloud_ReqRegister( pgc ); } } else { pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.ReConnectHttpTime = GAGENT_HTTP_TIMEOUT; pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.httpCloudPingTime = 0; pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.firstConnectHttpTime = GAgent_GetDevTime_S(); GAgent_SetDeviceID( pgc,pDeviceID ); GAgent_DevGetConfigData( &(pgc->gc) ); GAgent_Printf( GAGENT_DEBUG,"Register got did :%s len=%d",pgc->gc.DID,strlen(pgc->gc.DID) ); GAgent_Printf( GAGENT_DEBUG,"GAgent go to Provision!!!"); ret = Cloud_ReqProvision( pgc ); GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus( pgc,CLOUD_RES_PROVISION ); } break; case CLOUD_RES_PROVISION: pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.Cloud3Flag = Http_Get3rdCloudInfo( pConfigData->cloud3info.cloud3Name,pConfigData->cloud3info.jdinfo.product_uuid , pCloudConfiRxbuf ); /* have 3rd cloud info need save to falsh */ if( pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.Cloud3Flag == 1 ) { GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO,"3rd cloud name:%s",pConfigData->cloud3info.cloud3Name ); GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO,"3re cloud UUID: %s",pConfigData->cloud3info.jdinfo.product_uuid); GAgent_DevSaveConfigData( pConfigData ); } ret = Cloud_ResProvision( pGlobalVar->minfo.m2m_SERVER , &pGlobalVar->minfo.m2m_Port,pCloudConfiRxbuf,respondCode); if( ret!=0 ) { if(dTime > pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.ReConnectHttpTime) { timeoutflag = 1; GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_WARNING,"Provision res fail ret=%d.", ret ); GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_WARNING,"go to provision again."); ret = Cloud_ReqProvision( pgc ); } else { ret = Cloud_ReqGetFid( pgc,OTATYPE_WIFI ); GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus( pgc,CLOUD_RES_GET_TARGET_FID ); } } else { pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.ReConnectHttpTime = GAGENT_HTTP_TIMEOUT; pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.httpCloudPingTime = 0; pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.firstConnectHttpTime = GAgent_GetDevTime_S(); //login to m2m. GAgent_SetCloudServerStatus( pgc,MQTT_STATUS_START ); ret = Cloud_ReqGetFid( pgc,OTATYPE_WIFI ); GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus( pgc,CLOUD_RES_GET_TARGET_FID ); GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO,"Provision OK!"); GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO,"M2M host:%s port:%d",pGlobalVar->minfo.m2m_SERVER,pGlobalVar->minfo.m2m_Port); GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO,"GAgent go to update OTA info and login M2M !"); } break; case CLOUD_RES_GET_TARGET_FID: { /* 鑾峰彇OTA淇℃伅閿欒杩涘叆provision 鎴愬姛鍒欒繘琛孫TA. */ int8 *download_url = NULL; int8 disableDIDflag=0; download_url = (int8 *)malloc(256); if(NULL == download_url) { GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_WARNING, "ota malloc fail!go to provison"); GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus( pgc,CLOUD_RES_PROVISION ); break; } ret = Cloud_ResGetFid( download_url ,pGlobalVar->gc.FirmwareVer ,pCloudConfiRxbuf,respondCode ); if( RET_SUCCESS != ret ) { if(dTime > pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.ReConnectHttpTime) { timeoutflag = 1; ret = Cloud_ReqGetFid( pgc,OTATYPE_WIFI ); GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus( pgc,CLOUD_RES_GET_TARGET_FID ); GAgent_Printf( GAGENT_WARNING,"GAgent get OTA info Timeout do it again! "); } else { GAgent_Printf( GAGENT_WARNING,"GAgent get OTA respondCode:%d,go to check disaable Device!",respondCode ); disableDIDflag=1; } } else { pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.ReConnectHttpTime = GAGENT_HTTP_TIMEOUT; pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.httpCloudPingTime = 0; pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.firstConnectHttpTime = GAgent_GetDevTime_S(); ret = Cloud_isNeedOTA( NULL ); if( 0==ret ) { GAgent_Cloud_OTAByUrl( http_fd,download_url ); GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO," CLOUD_RES_GET_TARGET_FID OK!!"); GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO,"url:%s",download_url); } else { disableDIDflag=1; } } if( 1==disableDIDflag ) { if( 1==GAgent_IsNeedDisableDID( pgc ) ) { GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO,"Need to Disable Device ID!"); ret = Cloud_ReqDisable( pgc ); GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus( pgc,CLOUD_RES_DISABLE_DID ); break; } } GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus ( pgc,CLOUD_CONFIG_OK ); free(download_url); break; } case CLOUD_RES_DISABLE_DID: ret = Cloud_ResDisable( respondCode ); if(ret!=0) { if(dTime > pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.ReConnectHttpTime) { timeoutflag = 1; GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_WARNING,"Disable Device ID Fail."); } else { GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus ( pgc,CLOUD_CONFIG_OK ); } } else { pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.ReConnectHttpTime = GAGENT_HTTP_TIMEOUT; pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.httpCloudPingTime = 0; pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.firstConnectHttpTime = GAgent_GetDevTime_S(); GAgent_Printf(GAGENT_INFO,"Disable Device ID OK!"); GAgent_SetOldDeviceID( pgc,NULL,NULL,0 ); GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus ( pgc,CLOUD_CONFIG_OK ); } break; case CLOUD_RES_POST_JD_INFO: ret = Cloud_JD_Post_ResFeed_Key( pgc,respondCode ); if( ret!=0 ) { GAgent_Printf( GAGENT_WARNING," Post JD info respond fail!" ); if( dTime > pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.ReConnectHttpTime ) { timeoutflag = 1; GAgent_Printf( GAGENT_WARNING," Post JD info again"); ret = Cloud_JD_Post_ReqFeed_Key( pgc ); } } else { pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.ReConnectHttpTime = GAGENT_HTTP_TIMEOUT; pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.httpCloudPingTime = 0; pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.firstConnectHttpTime = GAgent_GetDevTime_S(); GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus( pgc,CLOUD_CONFIG_OK ); } break; default: break; } if(timeoutflag) { pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.ReConnectHttpTime += (10 * ONE_SECOND); pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.httpCloudPingTime++; if(pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.httpCloudPingTime == 10) { ret = Cloud_ReqProvision( pgc ); GAgent_SetCloudConfigStatus( pgc,CLOUD_RES_PROVISION ); pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.httpCloudPingTime = 0; } if((GAgent_GetDevTime_S()-pgc->rtinfo.waninfo.firstConnectHttpTime) >= 2 * ONE_HOUR) { GAgent_DevReset(); } } pGlobalVar->rtinfo.waninfo.send2HttpLastTime = GAgent_GetDevTime_S(); } return 0; }