Clue Letterbox::mathClue(const QString &clue) { Dict::WordList clueWords = QuackleIO::DictFactory::querier()->query(clue); QString word = (*clueWords.begin()).word; int bestChew = 0; QString ret; for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) { QString query = word.left(i) + word.right(word.length() - i - 1); Dict::WordList words = QuackleIO::DictFactory::querier()->query(query); for (Dict::WordList::iterator it = words.begin(); it != words.end(); ++it) { int chew = chewScore((*it).word, word); if (chew > bestChew) { bestChew = chew; ret = (*it).word + " + " +; } } } if (bestChew > 2) return Clue(ret); return Clue(arrangeLettersForUser(word)); }
Clue Letterbox::clueFor(const QString &word) { if (word.isNull()) return Clue(QString::null); if (LetterboxSettings::self()->mathMode) return mathClue(word); return Clue(arrangeLettersForUser(word)); }
std::string MurderWeapon::description() const { _player->receive_clue(Clue::TOOL, Clue(name(), "This is the murder weapon.")); return "There is blood on the weapon."; }
Problem::Problem(Y height, X width, const char* clues[]) : grid_(height, width) { for (Y y(0); y < height; ++y) { for (X x(0); x < width; ++x) { if ('0' <= clues[y][x] && clues[y][x] <= '4') { SetClue(CellPosition(y, x), Clue(clues[y][x] - '0')); } else if (clues[y][x] == '#') { SetClue(CellPosition(y, x), kBlock); } else { SetClue(CellPosition(y, x), kEmpty); } } } }