int main(int argC, char* argV[]) { WindowsErrorPopupBlocker(); FileUtil *fileUtil = NULL; const char dirsep = CoinFindDirSeparator(); std::string osilFileNameWithPath; std::string osilFileName; std::string osil; std::string uploadResult; std::string actualServer; /* Replace this URL as needed */ std::string defaultServer = ""; try{ if( argC == 1 || argC > 3 || argV[1] == "-?") throw ErrorClass( "usage: OSFileUpload <filename> [<serverURL>]"); fileUtil = new FileUtil(); time_t start, finish, tmp; osilFileNameWithPath = argV[ 1]; std::cout << "FILE NAME = " << argV[1] << std::endl; std::cout << "Read the file into a string" << std::endl; osil = fileUtil->getFileAsString( osilFileNameWithPath.c_str() ); OSSolverAgent* osagent = NULL; if (argC == 2) actualServer = defaultServer; else actualServer = argV[2]; osagent = new OSSolverAgent(actualServer); // strip off just the file name // modify to into a file C:filename int index = osilFileNameWithPath.find_last_of( dirsep); int slength = osilFileNameWithPath.size(); osilFileName = osilFileNameWithPath.substr( index + 1, slength) ; std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; std::cout << "Place remote synchronous call" << std::endl; start = time( &tmp); uploadResult = osagent->fileUpload(osilFileName, osil); finish = time( &tmp); std::cout << "File Upload took (seconds): "<< difftime(finish, start) << std::endl; std::cout << uploadResult << std::endl; if(fileUtil != NULL) delete fileUtil; return 0; } catch( const ErrorClass& eclass){ std::cout << eclass.errormsg << std::endl; if(fileUtil != NULL) delete fileUtil; return 0; } }
/* Tests if the given string looks like an absolute path to a file. - unix: string begins with `/' - windows: string begins with `\' or `drv:', where drv is a drive designator. */ bool fileAbsPath (const std::string &path) { const char dirsep = CoinFindDirSeparator() ; // If the first two chars are drive designators then treat it as absolute // path (noone in their right mind would create a file named 'Z:' on unix, // right?...) const size_t len = path.length(); if (len >= 2 && path[1] == ':') { const char ch = path[0]; if (('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') || ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z')) { return true; } } return path[0] == dirsep; }
int main (int argc, const char *argv[]) { // Define your favorite OsiSolver OsiClpSolverInterface solver1; // Read in model using argv[1] // and assert that it is a clean model std::string dirsep(1,CoinFindDirSeparator()); std::string mpsFileName; # if defined(SAMPLEDIR) mpsFileName = SAMPLEDIR ; mpsFileName += dirsep+"p0033.mps"; # else if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Do not know where to find sample MPS files.\n"); exit(1); } # endif if (argc>=2) mpsFileName = argv[1]; int numMpsReadErrors = solver1.readMps(mpsFileName.c_str(),""); if( numMpsReadErrors != 0 ) { printf("%d errors reading MPS file\n", numMpsReadErrors); return numMpsReadErrors; } double time1 = CoinCpuTime(); /* Options are: preprocess to do preprocessing time in minutes if 2 parameters and numeric taken as time */ bool preProcess=false; double minutes=-1.0; int nGoodParam=0; for (int iParam=2; iParam<argc;iParam++) { if (!strcmp(argv[iParam],"preprocess")) { preProcess=true; nGoodParam++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[iParam],"time")) { if (iParam+1<argc&&isdigit(argv[iParam+1][0])) { minutes=atof(argv[iParam+1]); if (minutes>=0.0) { nGoodParam+=2; iParam++; // skip time } } } } if (nGoodParam==0&&argc==3&&isdigit(argv[2][0])) { // If time is given then stop after that number of minutes minutes = atof(argv[2]); if (minutes>=0.0) nGoodParam=1; } if (nGoodParam!=argc-2&&argc>=2) { printf("Usage <file> [preprocess] [time <minutes>] or <file> <minutes>\n"); exit(1); } solver1.initialSolve(); // Reduce printout solver1.setHintParam(OsiDoReducePrint,true,OsiHintTry); // See if we want preprocessing OsiSolverInterface * solver2=&solver1; #if PREPROCESS==1 CglPreProcess process; if (preProcess) { /* Do not try and produce equality cliques and do up to 5 passes */ solver2 = process.preProcess(solver1,false,5); if (!solver2) { printf("Pre-processing says infeasible\n"); exit(2); } solver2->resolve(); } #endif CbcModel model(*solver2); model.solver()->setHintParam(OsiDoReducePrint,true,OsiHintTry); // Set up some cut generators and defaults // Probing first as gets tight bounds on continuous CglProbing generator1; generator1.setUsingObjective(true); generator1.setMaxPass(1); generator1.setMaxPassRoot(5); // Number of unsatisfied variables to look at generator1.setMaxProbe(10); generator1.setMaxProbeRoot(1000); // How far to follow the consequences generator1.setMaxLook(50); generator1.setMaxLookRoot(500); // Only look at rows with fewer than this number of elements generator1.setMaxElements(200); generator1.setRowCuts(3); CglGomory generator2; // try larger limit generator2.setLimit(300); CglKnapsackCover generator3; CglRedSplit generator4; // try larger limit generator4.setLimit(200); CglClique generator5; generator5.setStarCliqueReport(false); generator5.setRowCliqueReport(false); CglMixedIntegerRounding2 mixedGen; CglFlowCover flowGen; // Add in generators // Experiment with -1 and -99 etc model.addCutGenerator(&generator1,-1,"Probing"); model.addCutGenerator(&generator2,-1,"Gomory"); model.addCutGenerator(&generator3,-1,"Knapsack"); // model.addCutGenerator(&generator4,-1,"RedSplit"); model.addCutGenerator(&generator5,-1,"Clique"); model.addCutGenerator(&flowGen,-1,"FlowCover"); model.addCutGenerator(&mixedGen,-1,"MixedIntegerRounding"); // Say we want timings int numberGenerators = model.numberCutGenerators(); int iGenerator; for (iGenerator=0;iGenerator<numberGenerators;iGenerator++) { CbcCutGenerator * generator = model.cutGenerator(iGenerator); generator->setTiming(true); } OsiClpSolverInterface * osiclp = dynamic_cast< OsiClpSolverInterface*> (model.solver()); // go faster stripes if (osiclp) { // Turn this off if you get problems // Used to be automatically set osiclp->setSpecialOptions(128); if(osiclp->getNumRows()<300&&osiclp->getNumCols()<500) { //osiclp->setupForRepeatedUse(2,0); osiclp->setupForRepeatedUse(0,0); } } // Uncommenting this should switch off all CBC messages // model.messagesPointer()->setDetailMessages(10,10000,NULL); // Allow rounding heuristic CbcRounding heuristic1(model); model.addHeuristic(&heuristic1); // And local search when new solution found CbcHeuristicLocal heuristic2(model); model.addHeuristic(&heuristic2); // Redundant definition of default branching (as Default == User) CbcBranchUserDecision branch; model.setBranchingMethod(&branch); // Definition of node choice CbcCompareUser compare; model.setNodeComparison(compare); // Do initial solve to continuous model.initialSolve(); // Could tune more double objValue = model.solver()->getObjSense()*model.solver()->getObjValue(); double minimumDropA=CoinMin(1.0,fabs(objValue)*1.0e-3+1.0e-4); double minimumDrop= fabs(objValue)*1.0e-4+1.0e-4; printf("min drop %g (A %g)\n",minimumDrop,minimumDropA); model.setMinimumDrop(minimumDrop); if (model.getNumCols()<500) model.setMaximumCutPassesAtRoot(-100); // always do 100 if possible else if (model.getNumCols()<5000) model.setMaximumCutPassesAtRoot(100); // use minimum drop else model.setMaximumCutPassesAtRoot(20); model.setMaximumCutPasses(10); //model.setMaximumCutPasses(2); // Switch off strong branching if wanted // model.setNumberStrong(0); // Do more strong branching if small if (model.getNumCols()<5000) model.setNumberStrong(10); model.setNumberStrong(20); //model.setNumberStrong(5); model.setNumberBeforeTrust(5); model.solver()->setIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart,100); // If time is given then stop after that number of minutes if (minutes>=0.0) { std::cout<<"Stopping after "<<minutes<<" minutes"<<std::endl; model.setDblParam(CbcModel::CbcMaximumSeconds,60.0*minutes); } // Switch off most output if (model.getNumCols()<3000) { model.messageHandler()->setLogLevel(1); //model.solver()->messageHandler()->setLogLevel(0); } else { model.messageHandler()->setLogLevel(2); model.solver()->messageHandler()->setLogLevel(1); } //model.messageHandler()->setLogLevel(2); //model.solver()->messageHandler()->setLogLevel(2); //model.setPrintFrequency(50); //#define DEBUG_CUTS #ifdef DEBUG_CUTS // Set up debugger by name (only if no preprocesing) if (!preProcess) { std::string problemName ; model.solver()->getStrParam(OsiProbName,problemName) ; model.solver()->activateRowCutDebugger(problemName.c_str()) ; } #endif #if PREPROCESS==2 // Default strategy will leave cut generators as they exist already // so cutsOnlyAtRoot (1) ignored // numberStrong (2) is 5 (default) // numberBeforeTrust (3) is 5 (default is 0) // printLevel (4) defaults (0) CbcStrategyDefault strategy(true,5,5); // Set up pre-processing to find sos if wanted if (preProcess) strategy.setupPreProcessing(2); model.setStrategy(strategy); #endif // Do complete search model.branchAndBound(); std::cout<<mpsFileName<<" took "<<CoinCpuTime()-time1<<" seconds, " <<model.getNodeCount()<<" nodes with objective " <<model.getObjValue() <<(!model.status() ? " Finished" : " Not finished") <<std::endl; // Print more statistics std::cout<<"Cuts at root node changed objective from "<<model.getContinuousObjective() <<" to "<<model.rootObjectiveAfterCuts()<<std::endl; for (iGenerator=0;iGenerator<numberGenerators;iGenerator++) { CbcCutGenerator * generator = model.cutGenerator(iGenerator); std::cout<<generator->cutGeneratorName()<<" was tried " <<generator->numberTimesEntered()<<" times and created " <<generator->numberCutsInTotal()<<" cuts of which " <<generator->numberCutsActive()<<" were active after adding rounds of cuts"; if (generator->timing()) std::cout<<" ( "<<generator->timeInCutGenerator()<<" seconds)"<<std::endl; else std::cout<<std::endl; } // Print solution if finished - we can't get names from Osi! - so get from OsiClp if (model.getMinimizationObjValue()<1.0e50) { #if PREPROCESS==1 // post process OsiSolverInterface * solver; if (preProcess) { process.postProcess(*model.solver()); // Solution now back in solver1 solver = & solver1; } else { solver = model.solver(); } #else OsiSolverInterface * solver = model.solver(); #endif int numberColumns = solver->getNumCols(); const double * solution = solver->getColSolution(); // Get names from solver1 (as OsiSolverInterface may lose) std::vector<std::string> columnNames = *solver1.getModelPtr()->columnNames(); int iColumn; std::cout<<std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed|std::ios::showpoint)<<std::setw(14); std::cout<<"--------------------------------------"<<std::endl; for (iColumn=0;iColumn<numberColumns;iColumn++) { double value=solution[iColumn]; if (fabs(value)>1.0e-7&&solver->isInteger(iColumn)) std::cout<<std::setw(6)<<iColumn<<" " <<columnNames[iColumn]<<" " <<value<<std::endl; } std::cout<<"--------------------------------------"<<std::endl; std::cout<<std::resetiosflags(std::ios::fixed|std::ios::showpoint|std::ios::scientific); } return 0; }
CbcGenCtlBlk::CbcGenCtlBlk () { version_ = CBC_GENERIC_VERSION ; /* It's unclear to me that this is a good choice for dfltDirectory. Makes sense for commands, but seems unnecessary for data files. Perhaps a null string instead? */ char dirsep = CoinFindDirSeparator() ; dfltDirectory_ = (dirsep == '/' ? "./" : ".\\") ; lastMpsIn_ = "" ; allowImportErrors_ = false ; lastSolnOut_ = "stdout" ; printMode_ = 0 ; printMask_ = "" ; paramVec_ = 0 ; genParams_.first_ = 0 ; genParams_.last_ = 0 ; cbcParams_.first_ = 0 ; cbcParams_.last_ = 0 ; osiParams_.first_ = 0 ; osiParams_.last_ = 0 ; verbose_ = 0 ; paramsProcessed_ = 0 ; defaultSettings_ = true ; debugCreate_ = "" ; debugFile_ = "" ; debugSol_.numCols_ = -1 ; debugSol_.values_ = 0 ; printOpt_ = 0 ; /* Assigning us_en to cur_lang_ is entirely bogus, but CoinMessages::Language does not provide an `unspecified' code. */ msgHandler_ = new CoinMessageHandler() ; ourMsgHandler_ = true ; cur_lang_ = CoinMessages::us_en ; msgs_ = 0 ; logLvl_ = 0 ; totalTime_ = 0.0 ; model_ = 0 ; dfltSolver_ = 0 ; goodModel_ = false ; bab_.majorStatus_ = BACInvalid ; bab_.minorStatus_ = BACmInvalid ; bab_.where_ = BACwInvalid ; bab_.haveAnswer_ = false ; bab_.answerSolver_ = 0 ; preProcess_ = CbcGenCtlBlk::IPPSOS ; cutDepth_ = -1 ; probing_.action_ = CbcGenCtlBlk::CGIfMove ; probing_.proto_ = 0 ; probing_.usingObjective_ = true ; probing_.maxPass_ = 3 ; probing_.maxPassRoot_ = 3 ; probing_.maxProbe_ = 10 ; probing_.maxProbeRoot_ = 50 ; probing_.maxLook_ = 10 ; probing_.maxLookRoot_ = 50 ; probing_.maxElements_ = 200 ; probing_.rowCuts_ = 3 ; clique_.action_ = CbcGenCtlBlk::CGIfMove ; clique_.proto_ = 0 ; clique_.starCliqueReport_ = false ; clique_.rowCliqueReport_ = false ; clique_.minViolation_ = 0.1 ; flow_.action_ = CbcGenCtlBlk::CGIfMove ; flow_.proto_ = 0 ; gomory_.action_ = CbcGenCtlBlk::CGIfMove ; gomory_.proto_ = 0 ; gomory_.limit_ = 50 ; gomory_.limitAtRoot_ = 512 ; knapsack_.action_ = CbcGenCtlBlk::CGIfMove ; knapsack_.proto_ = 0 ; // landp_action_ = CbcGenCtlBlk::CGOff ; // landp_.proto_ = 0 ; mir_.action_ = CbcGenCtlBlk::CGIfMove ; mir_.proto_ = 0 ; oddHole_.action_ = CbcGenCtlBlk::CGOff ; oddHole_.proto_ = 0 ; redSplit_.action_ = CbcGenCtlBlk::CGRoot ; redSplit_.proto_ = 0 ; twomir_.action_ = CbcGenCtlBlk::CGRoot ; twomir_.proto_ = 0 ; twomir_.maxElements_ = 250 ; fpump_.action_ = CbcGenCtlBlk::CGOn ; fpump_.proto_ = 0 ; combine_.action_ = CbcGenCtlBlk::CGOn ; combine_.proto_ = 0 ; combine_.trySwap_ = 1 ; greedyCover_.action_ = CbcGenCtlBlk::CGOn ; greedyCover_.proto_ = 0 ; greedyEquality_.action_ = CbcGenCtlBlk::CGOn ; greedyEquality_.proto_ = 0 ; localTree_.action_ = CbcGenCtlBlk::CGOff ; localTree_.proto_ = 0 ; localTree_.soln_ = 0 ; localTree_.range_ = 10 ; localTree_.typeCuts_ = 0 ; localTree_.maxDiverge_ = 0 ; localTree_.timeLimit_ = 10000 ; localTree_.nodeLimit_ = 2000 ; localTree_.refine_ = true ; rounding_.action_ = CbcGenCtlBlk::CGOn ; rounding_.proto_ = 0 ; djFix_.action_ = false ; djFix_.threshold_ = 1.0e100 ; priorityAction_ = CbcGenCtlBlk::BPOff ; /* The value for numBeforeTrust is as recommended by Achterberg. Cbc's implementation doesn't really have a parameter equivalent to Achterberg's dynamic limit on number of strong branching evaluations, so go with a fairly large default. As of 06.12.16, the magic number for shadow price mode meant `use shadow prices (penalties, I think) if there's no strong branching info'. */ chooseStrong_.numBeforeTrust_ = 8 ; chooseStrong_.numStrong_ = 100 ; chooseStrong_.shadowPriceMode_ = 1 ; return ; }
/* Tests if file readable and may change name to add compression extension. Here to get ZLIB etc in one place stdin goes by unmolested by all the fussing with file names. We shouldn't close it, either. */ bool fileCoinReadable(std::string & fileName, const std::string &dfltPrefix) { if (fileName != "stdin") { const char dirsep = CoinFindDirSeparator(); std::string directory ; if (dfltPrefix == "") { directory = (dirsep == '/' ? "./" : ".\\") ; } else { directory = dfltPrefix ; if (directory[directory.length()-1] != dirsep) { directory += dirsep ; } } bool absolutePath = fileAbsPath(fileName) ; std::string field = fileName; if (absolutePath) { // nothing to do } else if (field[0]=='~') { char * home_dir = getenv("HOME"); if (home_dir) { std::string home(home_dir); field=field.erase(0,1); fileName = home+field; } else { fileName=field; } } else { fileName = directory+field; } } // I am opening it to make sure not odd FILE *fp; if (strcmp(fileName.c_str(),"stdin")) { fp = fopen ( fileName.c_str(), "r" ); } else { fp = stdin; } #ifdef COIN_HAS_ZLIB if (!fp) { std::string fname = fileName; fname += ".gz"; fp = fopen ( fname.c_str(), "r" ); if (fp) fileName=fname; } #endif #ifdef COIN_HAS_BZLIB if (!fp) { std::string fname = fileName; fname += ".bz2"; fp = fopen ( fname.c_str(), "r" ); if (fp) fileName=fname; } #endif if (!fp) { return false; } else { if (fp != stdin) { fclose(fp); } return true; } }