Esempio n. 1
/* Searches for |item| in |tree|.
   If found, initializes |trav| to the item found and returns the item
   as well.
   If there is no matching item, initializes |trav| to the null item
   and returns |NULL|. */
void *
avl_t_find (struct avl_traverser *trav, struct avl_table *tree, void *item)
  struct avl_node *p, *q;

  //assert (trav != NULL && tree != NULL && item != NULL);
  trav->avl_table = tree;
  trav->avl_height = 0;
  trav->avl_generation = tree->avl_generation;
  for (p = tree->avl_root; p != NULL; p = q)
      int cmp = /*tree->avl_compare */CompareMemory (item, p->avl_data, tree->avl_param);

      if (cmp < 0)
        q = p->avl_link[0];
      else if (cmp > 0)
        q = p->avl_link[1];
      else /* |cmp == 0| */
          trav->avl_node = p;
          return p->avl_data;

      //assert (trav->avl_height < AVL_MAX_HEIGHT);
      trav->avl_stack[trav->avl_height++] = p;

  trav->avl_height = 0;
  trav->avl_node = NULL;
  return NULL;
Esempio n. 2
TEST(StringCompare, CompareMemory_Performance) {
  const char* volatile s1 = g_s1;
  const char* volatile s2 = g_s2;
  int total = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) {
    total += CompareMemory(s1, s2, sizeof(g_s1) - 1);
  volatile int n = total;
  (void) n;
Esempio n. 3
/* Search |tree| for an item matching |item|, and return it if found.
   Otherwise return |NULL|. */
void *
avl_find (const struct avl_table *tree, const void *item)
  const struct avl_node *p;

  //assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);
  for (p = tree->avl_root; p != NULL; )
      int cmp = /*tree->avl_compare */CompareMemory(item, p->avl_data, tree->avl_param);

      if (cmp < 0)
        p = p->avl_link[0];
      else if (cmp > 0)
        p = p->avl_link[1];
      else /* |cmp == 0| */
        return p->avl_data;

  return NULL;
Esempio n. 4
int ParseLine(unsigned long pid, char * lines, int start, int linesLen, int * skip, int doForceWrite)
	if (pid == NULL || pid == 0)
		return start;
	char cType = lines[start];
	int lineLen = 0, arg2Len = 0, arg1Off = 0, totalLenRead = 0, arg0 = 0;
	int arg0_2 = 0;
	for (lineLen = start; lineLen < linesLen; lineLen++)
		if (lines[lineLen] == '\n' || lines[lineLen] == '\r')
	lineLen -= start;
	int arg3Off = start + lineLen, arg4Off = arg3Off + 1, arg4Len = arg4Off;
	totalLenRead = lineLen;
	if (skip[0] <= 0)
		skip[0] = 0;
		//Parse first line
		while (lines[(start + lineLen) - arg2Len] != ' ')
		while (lines[start + arg1Off] != ' ')
		char addrBuf[4];
		memset(addrBuf, 0, 4);
		ReadHexPartial(lines, start + 1, (arg1Off - 1), addrBuf, (arg1Off - 1)/2);
		arg0 = (int)(((unsigned char)addrBuf[0] << 24) | ((unsigned char)addrBuf[1] << 16) | ((unsigned char)addrBuf[2] << 8) | ((unsigned char)addrBuf[3]));
		ReadHex(lines, start + arg1Off + 1, 8, addrBuf, 4);
		uint64_t addr = (uint64_t)(((unsigned char)addrBuf[0] << 24) | ((unsigned char)addrBuf[1] << 16) | ((unsigned char)addrBuf[2] << 8) | ((unsigned char)addrBuf[3]));
		if (ptrAddr != 0)
			addr = ptrAddr;
			ptrAddr = 0;
		char buf0[arg2Len/2];
		char arg2Temp[arg2Len - 1];
		if (arg0 < 0)
			arg0 = 0;
		char buf1[arg0];
		//Check if theres a second line
		if ((start + lineLen + 1) < linesLen)
			//Parse second line vars (for codes that need the second line
			//Get next code arguments
			while (arg3Off < linesLen && lines[arg3Off] != ' ')
			arg4Off = arg3Off + 1;
			while (arg4Off < linesLen && lines[arg4Off] != ' ')
			arg4Len = arg4Off + 1;
			while (arg4Len < linesLen && lines[arg4Len] != '\r' && lines[arg4Len] != '\n')
			arg4Len -= arg4Off;
			arg4Len = 0;
		char buf0_2[arg4Len/2];
		char buf1_2[(arg4Off - arg3Off)/2];
		if (arg4Len == 0)
			goto skipSecondLine;
		//Get args for second line
		ReadHexPartial(lines, start + lineLen + 2, (arg3Off) - (start + lineLen + 2), addrBuf, ((arg3Off) - (start + lineLen + 2))/2);
		arg0_2 = (uint)(((unsigned char)addrBuf[0] << 24) | ((unsigned char)addrBuf[1] << 16) | ((unsigned char)addrBuf[2] << 8) | ((unsigned char)addrBuf[3]));
		//Get address for second line
		ReadHexPartial(lines, arg3Off + 1, arg4Off - arg3Off - 1, buf0_2, (arg4Off - arg3Off - 1)/2);
		//Get value for second line
		ReadHexPartial(lines, arg4Off + 1, arg4Len - 1, buf1_2, (arg4Len - 1)/2);
		skipSecondLine: ;
		switch (cType)
			case '0': ; //Write bytes (1=OR,2=AND,3=XOR,rest=write)
				switch (arg0)
					case 1: //OR
						ReadHex(lines, (start + lineLen) - arg2Len + 1, arg2Len - 1, buf0, 4);
						//Get source bytes
						get_process_mem(pid, addr, buf1, (arg2Len/2), isDEX, isCCAPI);
						//Or each byte
						for (uint cnt0 = 0; cnt0 < (uint)(arg2Len/2); cnt0++)
							buf1[cnt0] |= buf0[cnt0];
						//Write bytes to dest
						WriteMem(pid, addr, buf1, (arg2Len/2));
					case 2: //AND
						ReadHex(lines, (start + lineLen) - arg2Len + 1, arg2Len - 1, buf0, 4);
						//Get source bytes
						get_process_mem(pid, addr, buf1, (arg2Len/2), isDEX, isCCAPI);
						//And each byte
						for (uint cnt0 = 0; cnt0 < (uint)(arg2Len/2); cnt0++)
							buf1[cnt0] &= buf0[cnt0];
						//Write bytes to dest
						WriteMem(pid, addr, buf1, (arg2Len/2));
					case 3: //XOR
						ReadHex(lines, (start + lineLen) - arg2Len + 1, arg2Len - 1, buf0, 4);
						//Get source bytes
						get_process_mem(pid, addr, buf1, (arg2Len/2), isDEX, isCCAPI);
						//Xor each byte
						for (uint cnt0 = 0; cnt0 < (uint)(arg2Len/2); cnt0++)
							buf1[cnt0] ^= buf0[cnt0];
						//Write bytes to dest
						WriteMem(pid, addr, buf1, (arg2Len/2));
						ReadHex(lines, (start + lineLen) - arg2Len + 1, arg2Len - 1, buf0, 4);
						WriteMem(pid, addr, buf0, (arg2Len/2));
			case '1': //Write text
				//Get total text write size
				while (lines[start + arg1Off] != ' ')
				arg2Len = lineLen - arg1Off;
				strncpy(buf0, lines + (start + lineLen) - arg2Len + 1, arg2Len - 1);
				buf0[arg2Len-1] = '\0';
				WriteMem(pid, addr, buf0, arg2Len - 1);
			case '2': //Write float
				strncpy(buf0, lines + (start + lineLen) - arg2Len + 1, arg2Len - 1);
				float buf2Flt = (float)___atof(buf0); //atof(buf2);
				WriteMem(pid, addr, (char*)&buf2Flt, arg2Len - 1);
				totalLenRead = lineLen;
			case '4': ; //Write condensed
				//Get count
				uint count = (uint)(((unsigned char)buf1_2[0] << 24) | ((unsigned char)buf1_2[1] << 16) | ((unsigned char)buf1_2[2] << 8) | ((unsigned char)buf1_2[3]));
				//Get increment
				uint64_t inc = (uint64_t)(((unsigned char)buf0_2[0] << 24) | ((unsigned char)buf0_2[1] << 16) | ((unsigned char)buf0_2[2] << 8) | ((unsigned char)buf0_2[3]));
				//Get write
				ReadHex(lines, (start + lineLen) - arg2Len + 1, arg2Len - 1, buf0, arg2Len / 2);
				for (uint cnt4 = 0; cnt4 < count; cnt4++)
					WriteMem(pid, addr + (uint64_t)(cnt4 * inc), buf0, (arg2Len/2));
					if (arg0_2 != 0)
						*(uint*)buf0 += (arg0_2 << (((arg2Len/2) % 4) * 8));
			case '6': //Write pointer
				//Get offset
				ReadHexPartial(lines, (start + lineLen) - arg2Len + 1, arg2Len - 1, buf0, (arg2Len - 1)/2);
				uint64_t offset = (uint64_t)(((unsigned char)buf0[0] << 24) | ((unsigned char)buf0[1] << 16) | ((unsigned char)buf0[2] << 8) | ((unsigned char)buf0[3]));
				//Get address at pointer
				get_process_mem(pid, addr, buf0, 4, isDEX, isCCAPI);
				ptrAddr = (uint64_t)(((unsigned char)buf0[0] << 24) | ((unsigned char)buf0[1] << 16) | ((unsigned char)buf0[2] << 8) | ((unsigned char)buf0[3]));
				ptrAddr += offset;
			case 'A': //Copy paste
				switch (arg0)
					case 1:
						//if (typeA_Copy)
						//	_free(typeA_Copy);
						//Get count
						ReadHexPartial(lines, (start + lineLen) - arg2Len + 1, arg2Len - 1, buf0, (arg2Len - 1)/2);
						uint count = (uint)(((unsigned char)buf0[0] << 24) | ((unsigned char)buf0[1] << 16) | ((unsigned char)buf0[2] << 8) | ((unsigned char)buf0[3]));
						typeA_Size = count;
						//typeA_Copy = (char *)_malloc(count);
						typeA_Copy = (char *)mem_alloc(0);
						get_process_mem(pid, addr, typeA_Copy, 4, isDEX, isCCAPI);
						memcpy(arg2Temp, lines + ((start + lineLen) - arg2Len + 1), arg2Len - 1);
					case 2:
						if (!typeA_Copy || typeA_Size <= 0)
						WriteMem(pid, addr, typeA_Copy, typeA_Size);
			case 'B': //Find Replace
				//Only work when doForceWrite is true (1) which means everytime the user activates Artemis from the in game XMB
				//Don't want to waste time constantly searching
				if (!doForceWrite)
				//Get end addr
				ReadHex(lines, (start + lineLen) - arg2Len + 1, arg2Len - 1, addrBuf, 4);
				uint64_t endAddr = (uint64_t)(((unsigned char)addrBuf[0] << 24) | ((unsigned char)addrBuf[1] << 16) | ((unsigned char)addrBuf[2] << 8) | ((unsigned char)addrBuf[3]));
				//new (COP) length
				uint binc = arg4Len/2;
				//original (OGP) length
				uint cmpSize = (arg4Off - arg3Off)/2;
				//Flip addresses
				uint64_t temp = 0;
				if (endAddr < addr) { temp = addr; addr = endAddr; endAddr = temp; }
				for (uint64_t curAddr = addr; curAddr < endAddr; curAddr += (scanInc - cmpSize))
					if (get_process_mem(pid, curAddr, (char *)memBuf, scanInc, isDEX, isCCAPI) >= 0)
						//So we stop it each loop before (scanInc - cmpSize) in the instance that
						//the result is the last 2 bytes, for instance, and the compare is actually 4 bytes (so it won't result even though it should)
						//This fixes that
						for (uint64_t boff = 0; boff < (scanInc - cmpSize); boff++)
							//Break if count reached
							if (arg0 > 0 && temp >= (uint64_t)arg0)
							if ((curAddr + boff) >= endAddr)
							if (CompareMemoryBuffered((char *)memBuf, boff, buf0_2, cmpSize))
								//printf ("Instance found at 0x%08x, writing 0x%x (%d)\n", curAddr + boff, *(uint*)buf1_2, binc);
								WriteMem(pid, curAddr + boff, buf1_2, binc);
								//Just skip in case the replacement has, within itself, the ogp
								//We subtract one because it gets added back at the top of the loop
								boff += binc - 1;
				totalLenRead = lineLen;
			case 'D': //Write conditional
				ReadHex(lines, (start + lineLen) - arg2Len + 1, arg2Len - 1, buf0, 4);
				int DisCond = CompareMemory(pid, addr, buf0, arg2Len / 2);
				if (!DisCond)
					skip[0] += arg0;
			case 'E': //Write conditional (bitwise)
				ReadHex(lines, (start + lineLen) - arg2Len + 1, arg2Len - 1, buf0, 4);
				int EisCond = CompareMemoryAnd(pid, addr, buf0, arg2Len / 2);
				if (!EisCond)
					skip[0] += arg0;
			case 'F': //Copy bytes
				//Get destination
				ReadHex(lines, (start + lineLen) - arg2Len + 1, arg2Len - 1, buf0, 4);
				uint64_t dest = (uint64_t)(((unsigned char)buf0[0] << 24) | ((unsigned char)buf0[1] << 16) | ((unsigned char)buf0[2] << 8) | ((unsigned char)buf0[3]));
				//Get source bytes
				get_process_mem(pid, addr, buf1, arg0, isDEX, isCCAPI);
				//Write bytes to dest
				WriteMem(pid, dest, buf1, arg0);
	return start + totalLenRead;
Esempio n. 5
/* Deletes from |tree| and returns an item matching |item|.
   Returns a null pointer if no matching item found. */
void *
avl_delete (struct avl_table *tree, const void *item)
  /* Stack of nodes. */
  struct avl_node *pa[AVL_MAX_HEIGHT]; /* Nodes. */
  unsigned char da[AVL_MAX_HEIGHT];    /* |avl_link[]| indexes. */
  int k;                               /* Stack pointer. */

  struct avl_node *p;   /* Traverses tree to find node to delete. */
  int cmp;              /* Result of comparison between |item| and |p|. */

  //assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL);

  k = 0;
  p = (struct avl_node *) &tree->avl_root;
  for (cmp = -1; cmp != 0;
       cmp = /*tree->avl_compare */CompareMemory (item, p->avl_data, tree->avl_param))
      int dir = cmp > 0;

      pa[k] = p;
      da[k++] = (unsigned char)dir;

      p = p->avl_link[dir];
      if (p == NULL)
        return NULL;
  item = p->avl_data;

  if (p->avl_link[1] == NULL)
    pa[k - 1]->avl_link[da[k - 1]] = p->avl_link[0];
      struct avl_node *r = p->avl_link[1];
      if (r->avl_link[0] == NULL)
          r->avl_link[0] = p->avl_link[0];
          r->avl_balance = p->avl_balance;
          pa[k - 1]->avl_link[da[k - 1]] = r;
          da[k] = 1;
          pa[k++] = r;
          struct avl_node *s;
          int j = k++;

          for (;;)
              da[k] = 0;
              pa[k++] = r;
              s = r->avl_link[0];
              if (s->avl_link[0] == NULL)

              r = s;

          s->avl_link[0] = p->avl_link[0];
          r->avl_link[0] = s->avl_link[1];
          s->avl_link[1] = p->avl_link[1];
          s->avl_balance = p->avl_balance;

          pa[j - 1]->avl_link[da[j - 1]] = s;
          da[j] = 1;
          pa[j] = s;

  //tree->avl_alloc->libavl_free (/*tree->avl_alloc,*/ p);

  //assert (k > 0);
  while (--k > 0)
      struct avl_node *y = pa[k];

      if (da[k] == 0)
          if (y->avl_balance == +1)
          else if (y->avl_balance == +2)
              struct avl_node *x = y->avl_link[1];
              if (x->avl_balance == -1)
                  struct avl_node *w;
                  //assert (x->avl_balance == -1);
                  w = x->avl_link[0];
                  x->avl_link[0] = w->avl_link[1];
                  w->avl_link[1] = x;
                  y->avl_link[1] = w->avl_link[0];
                  w->avl_link[0] = y;
                  if (w->avl_balance == +1)
                    x->avl_balance = 0, y->avl_balance = -1;
                  else if (w->avl_balance == 0)
                    x->avl_balance = y->avl_balance = 0;
                  else /* |w->avl_balance == -1| */
                    x->avl_balance = +1, y->avl_balance = 0;
                  w->avl_balance = 0;
                  pa[k - 1]->avl_link[da[k - 1]] = w;
                  y->avl_link[1] = x->avl_link[0];
                  x->avl_link[0] = y;
                  pa[k - 1]->avl_link[da[k - 1]] = x;
                  if (x->avl_balance == 0)
                      x->avl_balance = -1;
                      y->avl_balance = +1;
                    x->avl_balance = y->avl_balance = 0;
          if (y->avl_balance == -1)
          else if (y->avl_balance == -2)
              struct avl_node *x = y->avl_link[0];
              if (x->avl_balance == +1)
                  struct avl_node *w;
                  //assert (x->avl_balance == +1);
                  w = x->avl_link[1];
                  x->avl_link[1] = w->avl_link[0];
                  w->avl_link[0] = x;
                  y->avl_link[0] = w->avl_link[1];
                  w->avl_link[1] = y;
                  if (w->avl_balance == -1)
                    x->avl_balance = 0, y->avl_balance = +1;
                  else if (w->avl_balance == 0)
                    x->avl_balance = y->avl_balance = 0;
                  else /* |w->avl_balance == +1| */
                    x->avl_balance = -1, y->avl_balance = 0;
                  w->avl_balance = 0;
                  pa[k - 1]->avl_link[da[k - 1]] = w;
                  y->avl_link[0] = x->avl_link[1];
                  x->avl_link[1] = y;
                  pa[k - 1]->avl_link[da[k - 1]] = x;
                  if (x->avl_balance == 0)
                      x->avl_balance = +1;
                      y->avl_balance = -1;
                    x->avl_balance = y->avl_balance = 0;

  return (void *) item;