Esempio n. 1
double CompareScreenshot(const u8 *pixels, int w, int h, int stride, const std::string screenshotFilename, std::string &error)
	u32 *pixels32 = (u32 *) pixels;
	// We assume the bitmap is the specified size, not including whatever stride.
	u32 *reference = (u32 *) calloc(w * h, sizeof(u32));

	FILE *bmp = fopen(screenshotFilename.c_str(), "rb");
	if (bmp)
		// The bitmap header is 14 + 40 bytes.  We could validate it but the test would fail either way.
		fseek(bmp, 14 + 40, SEEK_SET);
		fread(reference, sizeof(u32), w * h, bmp);
		error = "Unable to read screenshot: " + screenshotFilename;
		return -1.0f;

	u32 errors = 0;
	for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
			errors += ComparePixel(pixels32[y * stride + x], reference[y * w + x]);


	return (double) errors / (double) (w * h);
Esempio n. 2
void FillWorker(unsigned long x, unsigned long y, char color, char oldColor)
    SetPixel(x, y, color);
    if (ComparePixel(x, y-1, oldColor))
        FillWorker(x, y-1, color, oldColor);
    if (ComparePixel(x, y+1, oldColor))
        FillWorker(x, y+1, color, oldColor);
    if (ComparePixel(x-1, y, oldColor))
        FillWorker(x-1, y, color, oldColor);
    if (ComparePixel(x+1, y, oldColor))
        FillWorker(x+1, y, color, oldColor);
Esempio n. 3
static float FindPixel(ImgType s1, int r1, int c1, 
					   ImgType s2, int *pr2, int *pc2,
					   int BLOCK_SIZEX, int BLOCK_SIZEY, 
					   int SEARCH_SIZEX, int SEARCH_SIZEY, 
					   int OFFSET_X, int OFFSET_Y, int NORMALIZE)
	int r2=(*pr2) + OFFSET_Y, c2=(*pc2) + OFFSET_X;
	float best = 999999999999.0f, current, central=0;
	float worst = 0;
	int i, j;
	int delx = SEARCH_SIZEX;
	int dely = SEARCH_SIZEY;
	for (i = -dely+OFFSET_Y; i <= dely+OFFSET_Y; i++)
		for (j = -delx+OFFSET_X; j <= delx+OFFSET_X; j++)
			int r1d = (*pr2)+i;
			int c1d = (*pc2)+j;
			if (c1 + BLOCK_SIZEX < IMG_W && c1 - BLOCK_SIZEX >= 0 &&
				r1 + BLOCK_SIZEY < IMG_H && r1 - BLOCK_SIZEY >= 0 &&
				c1d + BLOCK_SIZEX < IMG_W && c1d - BLOCK_SIZEX >= 0 &&
				r1d + BLOCK_SIZEY < IMG_H && r1d - BLOCK_SIZEY >= 0)
				current = ComparePixel(s1,r1,c1,s2,r1d,c1d,BLOCK_SIZEX,BLOCK_SIZEY,NORMALIZE);
				if (i==0 && j==0)
					central = current;

				if (current<best || (current==best && i==0 && j==0))
					r2 = (*pr2)+i;
					c2 = (*pc2)+j;
					best = current;

				if (current > worst)
					worst = current;

	*pr2 = r2;
	*pc2 = c2;

	float safe = 10;
	return (fabs(worst-best)+safe)/(best+safe);