Esempio n. 1
void clusclus::ComputeSampleDistances()
	#pragma omp parallel for
	for(int i=0; i<num_samples; i++)
		for(int j=0; j<i+1; j++)
			sample_distances[i*(i+1)/2+j]= ComputeDistance(features[i],features[j]);
Esempio n. 2
void CRegionalMetaModel::Train( const string& strTrainData, const string& strValidData )
	int nInputs = GetInputs();
	int nOutputs = GetOutputs();

	vector< vector<REAL> > vcInputs;
	vector< vector<REAL> > vcOutputs;
	vector< REAL > vcPtCen = m_vcPtCen;
	dist_pair_vector vcDists;
	vector< vector<int> > vcIdSet;


	//read all the data into vcInputs and vcOutputs.
	ReadTrainingData( strTrainData, nInputs, nOutputs, vcInputs, vcOutputs );

	//compute the distance to the center point.
	ComputeDistance( vcInputs, vcPtCen, vcDists );

	//subdivid the training data into clusters.
	SubdividTrainingData( vcDists, vcIdSet, m_nMinCutPts );

	//create the training set for each hierarch.
	for( int i=0; i<vcIdSet.size(); i++ ){
		sort( vcIdSet[i].begin(), vcIdSet[i].end() );
		//write a training set to files and run the matlab trainer
		WriteTrainingFile( REG_TRAIN_FILE, REG_VALID_FILE, vcInputs, vcOutputs, vcIdSet[i] );
		CMetaModel* pModel = CreateMetaModel();

		CTrustRegion* pRegion = new CTrustRegion();
		ComputeTrustRegion( pRegion, vcInputs, vcIdSet[i] );

		m_vcMetaModels.push_back( pModel );
		pRegion->SetModelId( m_vcMetaModels.size()-1 );
		m_vcRegions.push_back( pRegion );

	cdump<<"training finsihed:"<<vcIdSet.size()<<" nets were trained!"<<endl;
Esempio n. 3
void cSkeleton<_DataType>::Skeletonize(char *OutFileName, _DataType MatMin, _DataType MatMax)

	BinarySegment(MatMin, MatMax); // Using only Min & Max intensity values
//	BinarySegment2(MatMin, MatMax); // Removing the zero 2nd D values
	SaveInitVolume(MatMin, MatMax);

	ComputeDistance(); // Compute the distance from bondary field

	ComputeGVF(); // Allocate memory to "GVFDistance_mf" and Compute GVF
	FlagNonUniformGradient(); // Marking nonuniform voxels
	SaveVolume(VoxelFlags_muc, (float)0.0, (float)255.0, "Flagged");
	printf ("The flagged voxel volume is saved\n"); fflush(stdout);

	SaveVolume(VoxelFlags_muc, (float)0.0, (float)255.0, "Connected");
	printf ("The Connected voxel volume is saved\n"); fflush(stdout);
	int		MaxCCLoc_Ret;
	ConnectedComponents("CC", MaxCCLoc_Ret);
	SaveVolume(CCVolume_muc, (float)0.0, (float)255.0, "CCVolume");
	printf ("The Connected Component volume is saved\n"); fflush(stdout);

	int		MaxCCLoc = MaxCCLoc_Ret, RootLoc_Ret, EndLoc_Ret;
	FindingRootAndEndLoc(MaxCCLoc, RootLoc_Ret, EndLoc_Ret);

	int		Threshold_Distance = 70;
	ComputeSkeletons(RootLoc_Ret, EndLoc_Ret, Threshold_Distance);
	SaveVolume(Skeletons_muc, (float)0.0, (float)255.0, "Skeletons");
	printf ("The skeleton volume dataset is saved\n"); fflush(stdout);

Esempio n. 4
int RTreeOverlap(struct Point *P, struct Rect *R, float max_distance, int dist_func)
	register struct Point *p = P;
	register struct Rect *r = R;
	float dist_array[NUMDIMS];
	float distance;
	register int i/*, j*/;
	assert(p && r);

	for (i=0; i<NUMDIMS; i++)
	  if (p->position[i] < r->boundary[i])
	  else if (p->position[i] > r->boundary[i+NUMDIMS])
	  else /* r->boundary[i] <= p->position[i] <= r->boundary[i+NUMDIMS]*/

	distance=ComputeDistance(dist_array, dist_func);
	if (distance > max_distance) return FALSE;
	else return TRUE;
Esempio n. 5
/* arr is the string, curr is the current index to start permutation from and size is sizeof the arr */
unsigned long permutation(struct city **arr, int curr, int size)
	if(curr == size-1) {
		return ComputeDistance(arr, size);
	} else {
		unsigned long largestDist = 0, dist;
		int i;
		for(i=curr; i<size; i++)
			if (i != curr) {
				swap(&arr[curr], &arr[i], sizeof(struct city *));
			dist = permutation(arr, curr+1, size);
			if (i != curr) {
				swap(&arr[curr], &arr[i], sizeof(struct city *));
			if (largestDist < dist) {
				largestDist = dist;
		return largestDist;
void MergeInsignificantProtos(LIST ProtoList, const char* label,
                              CLUSTERER	*Clusterer, CLUSTERCONFIG *Config) {
  PROTOTYPE	*Prototype;
  bool debug = strcmp(test_ch, label) == 0;

  LIST pProtoList = ProtoList;
  iterate(pProtoList) {
    Prototype = (PROTOTYPE *) first_node (pProtoList);
    if (Prototype->Significant || Prototype->Merged)
    FLOAT32 best_dist = 0.125;
    PROTOTYPE* best_match = NULL;
    // Find the nearest alive prototype.
    LIST list_it = ProtoList;
    iterate(list_it) {
      PROTOTYPE* test_p = (PROTOTYPE *) first_node (list_it);
      if (test_p != Prototype && !test_p->Merged) {
        FLOAT32 dist = ComputeDistance(Clusterer->SampleSize,
                                       Prototype->Mean, test_p->Mean);
        if (dist < best_dist) {
          best_match = test_p;
          best_dist = dist;
    if (best_match != NULL && !best_match->Significant) {
      if (debug)
        tprintf("Merging red clusters (%d+%d) at %g,%g and %g,%g\n",
                best_match->NumSamples, Prototype->NumSamples,
                best_match->Mean[0], best_match->Mean[1],
                Prototype->Mean[0], Prototype->Mean[1]);
      best_match->NumSamples = MergeClusters(Clusterer->SampleSize,
                                             best_match->Mean, Prototype->Mean);
      Prototype->NumSamples = 0;
      Prototype->Merged = 1;
    } else if (best_match != NULL) {
      if (debug)
        tprintf("Red proto at %g,%g matched a green one at %g,%g\n",
                Prototype->Mean[0], Prototype->Mean[1],
                best_match->Mean[0], best_match->Mean[1]);
      Prototype->Merged = 1;
  // Mark significant those that now have enough samples.
  int min_samples = (inT32) (Config->MinSamples * Clusterer->NumChar);
  pProtoList = ProtoList;
  iterate(pProtoList) {
    Prototype = (PROTOTYPE *) first_node (pProtoList);
    // Process insignificant protos that do not match a green one
    if (!Prototype->Significant && Prototype->NumSamples >= min_samples &&
        !Prototype->Merged) {
      if (debug)
        tprintf("Red proto at %g,%g becoming green\n",
                Prototype->Mean[0], Prototype->Mean[1]);
      Prototype->Significant = true;
}	/* MergeInsignificantProtos */
Esempio n. 7
void FindSimilarities(FILE* fp, char* szTable, mysqlpp::Row& row, bool bFindForward)
	int nKeyIndex = COL_KEY1+g_i;
	DWORD dwKeyVal = (DWORD) atoll(row.raw_data(nKeyIndex)); //offset for multikeys
	DWORD dwFileSize = (DWORD) atoll(row.raw_data(COL_SIZE));
	DWORD dwKeyTolerance = (int)( ((float)dwFileSize) * g_fSumToler / 100.0f );
	dwKeyTolerance = max(dwKeyTolerance, MIN_KEY_TOL);
	DWORD ub = dwKeyVal + dwKeyTolerance;
	DWORD lb = bFindForward ? dwKeyVal : dwKeyVal - dwKeyTolerance;

	mysqlpp::Query query = g_pdbcon2->query();
	query << "SELECT * FROM " << szTable << " WHERE ";
	query << g_vStrKeys[g_i].c_str() << " BETWEEN " << lb << " AND " << ub;
//	printf(query.str().c_str());
	mysqlpp::ResUse res = query.use();
	if (!res)
		printf("FindSimilarities: Failed to find similar rows");
		return; //error with query

	mysqlpp::Row rowsim;
	char szFilePath[MAX_PATH];
	char szSimPath[MAX_PATH];
	DWORD dwSimKeyVal;
	sprintf(szFilePath, "%s%s", row.raw_data(COL_PATH), row.raw_data(COL_NAME));
	bool bAddedHeader = false;
		while (rowsim = res.fetch_row())
			sprintf(szSimPath, "%s%s", rowsim.raw_data(COL_PATH), rowsim.raw_data(COL_NAME));
			dwSimKeyVal = (DWORD) atoll(rowsim.raw_data(nKeyIndex));
			// NOTE: Our SQL query doesn't filter out the same file.
			// It also double-counts rows with same key.  This weeds those out.
			// Hopefully, this works.
			if ( (dwKeyVal == dwSimKeyVal) && (strcmp(szSimPath, szFilePath) <= 0) )

			// Count hash key collisions
			// TODO: Do this BEFORE or AFTER other weed-out checks?
			if (dwKeyVal == dwSimKeyVal)

			// Discard files that differ more than 50% in size
			// Perhaps this should be tolerance% of the file?
			// ***** Add a global to count this 
			DWORD dwSimSize = (DWORD) atoll(rowsim.raw_data(COL_SIZE));
			if ( (dwSimSize > 3*dwFileSize/2) || (dwFileSize > 3*dwSimSize/2) ) 
			// Discard files with too large a sum table distance
			DWORD dwDist = ComputeDistance(row, rowsim);
			DWORD dwMaxSumDist = (int) ( ((float)(dwFileSize+dwSimSize) * g_fSumToler / 200.0f) );
			if (dwDist > max(dwMaxSumDist, MIN_SUM_TOL))

			// Files are similar... report
			// Print current "row" for the first time
			if (!bAddedHeader && g_bReportAll)
				fprintf(fp, "%s\n", szFilePath);
				bAddedHeader = true;

			// Print found similarity
			if ( false && (dwDist == 0) && AreRowsSameFile(row, rowsim) ) //don't print identical
				if (g_bReportAll)
					fprintf(fp, "  <same> %s\n", szFilePath);
				/* // This code deletes identical files, should that be desired
				char szFilePath[MAX_PATH];
				sprintf(szFilePath, "%s%s", row.raw_data(1), row.raw_data(0));
			else if (g_bReportAll)
				fprintf(fp, "  %6d %s\n", dwDist, szSimPath);
	catch (const mysqlpp::EndOfResults& ){} // thrown when no more rows

	if (bAddedHeader)
		fprintf(fp, "\n");
}	// FindSimilarities
Esempio n. 8
T CDistancePointTriangle<T>::ComputeDistanceSqr()
  T dist = ComputeDistance();
  return dist * dist;
Esempio n. 9
int VisionControl::ProcessImage()
        ColorImage *image = NULL;
        Threshold threshold(60,100,90,255,20,255);
        ParticleFilterCriteria2 criteria[] = {IMAQ_MT_AREA,AREA_MINIMUM,65535,false,false};
        BinaryImage *thresholdImage = image->ThresholdHSV(threshold);
        BinaryImage *convexHullImage = thresholdImage->ConvexHull(false);
        BinaryImage *filteredImage = convexHullImage->ParticleFilter(criteria, 1);
        vector<ParticleAnalysisReport> *reports = filteredImage->GetOrderedParticleAnalysisReports();
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < reports->size(); i++)
            ParticleAnalysisReport *report = &(reports->at(i));
            // first, determine if this is a particle we are looking at.
            if(report->boundingRect.left > 320/2 || report->boundingRect.left + report->boundingRect.width < 320/2)
                // particle is not lined up with center of vision
                // note: may not want to do this for autonomous!
            double aspectRatio = AspectRatio(filteredImage, report);

            double difference3ptGoal = fabs(1-(aspectRatio / ((54.f+4+4)/(12.f+4+4))));
            double difference2ptGoal = fabs(1-(aspectRatio / ((54.f+4+4)/(21.f+4+4))));
            if(difference2ptGoal < 0.25 && difference2ptGoal < difference3ptGoal)
                m_elevation = 0;
                m_distance = ComputeDistance(thresholdImage, report, true);
                m_relativeAzimuth = 0;
            else if(difference3ptGoal < 0.25 && difference3ptGoal < difference2ptGoal)
                m_elevation = 0;
                m_distance = ComputeDistance(thresholdImage, report, false);
                m_relativeAzimuth = 0;
                // didn't sufficiently match a target!
        Scores *scores = new Scores[reports->size()];
        //Iterate through each particle, scoring it and determining whether it is a target or not
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < reports->size(); i++)
            ParticleAnalysisReport *report = &(reports->at(i));
            scores[i].rectangularity = ScoreRectangularity(report);
            scores[i].aspectRatioOuter = ScoreAspectRatio(filteredImage, report, true);
            scores[i].aspectRatioInner = ScoreAspectRatio(filteredImage, report, false);
            scores[i].xEdge = ScoreXEdge(thresholdImage, report);
            scores[i].yEdge = ScoreYEdge(thresholdImage, report);
            if(ScoreCompare(scores[i], false))
                printf("particle: %d  is a High Goal  centerX: %f  centerY: %f \n", i, report->center_mass_x_normalized, report->center_mass_y_normalized);
                printf("Distance: %f \n", ComputeDistance(thresholdImage, report, false));
            else if (ScoreCompare(scores[i], true))
                printf("particle: %d  is a Middle Goal  centerX: %f  centerY: %f \n", i, report->center_mass_x_normalized, report->center_mass_y_normalized);
                printf("Distance: %f \n", ComputeDistance(thresholdImage, report, true));
                printf("particle: %d  is not a goal  centerX: %f  centerY: %f \n", i, report->center_mass_x_normalized, report->center_mass_y_normalized);
            printf("rect: %f  ARinner: %f \n", scores[i].rectangularity, scores[i].aspectRatioInner);
            printf("ARouter: %f  xEdge: %f  yEdge: %f  \n", scores[i].aspectRatioOuter, scores[i].xEdge, scores[i].yEdge);	
        delete image;
        delete thresholdImage;
        delete convexHullImage;
        delete filteredImage;
        delete reports;
        //delete scores;
        return 1;
    return 0;