Esempio n. 1
int SrvrLoadWorldFromFile( uint32_t client_id, FILE *file, INDEX iWorld )
	FILE *pFile;
	PWORLD world = GetSetMember( WORLD, &g.worlds, iWorld );
	int sz = 0, cnt, version, size;
	char tag[4]; // read in make sure we're still aligned in the file...
	int linesize;
	int nlines;
	int wallsize;
	int nwalls;
	PWALL *wallarray;
	int sectorsize;
	int nsectors;
	PSECTOR *sectorarray;
	int namesize;
	int nnames;
	PNAME *namearray;
	int texturesize;
	int ntextures;
	PFLATLAND_TEXTURE *texturearray;

	INDEX texture;

	if( !world )
		return 0;
		char buffer[256];
      GetNameText( iWorld, world->name, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) );
		Fopen( pFile, buffer, "rb" );
	if( !pFile )
      return 0;
	ResetWorld( iWorld ); // make sure this thing is empty );

	sz += fread( tag, 1, 4, pFile );
	if( strncmp( tag, "FLAT", 4 ) ) 
		Log( "Alignment error in file load... totally invalid file." );
		return 0;
	sz += fread( &size, 1, sizeof( size ), pFile );
	if( size < 10 ) // can assume that it was a version ID
		version = size;
		sz = fread( &version, 1, sizeof( version ), pFile );

	if( version < 8 )
		texture = SrvrMakeTexture( client_id, iWorld, SrvrMakeName( client_id, iWorld, WIDE( "Default" ) ) );
		SrvrSetSolidColor( client_id, iWorld, texture, AColor( 43, 76, 180, 0x80 ) );
	Log1( "Loading version: %d", version );

	sz += fread( tag, 1, 4, pFile );
	if( strncmp( tag, "LINE", 4 ) )
		// was not LINE or FLAT tag...
		Log( "Alignment error in file line load." );
		return 0;

	if( version > 9 )
		sz += fread( &linesize, 1, sizeof( linesize ), pFile );

	sz += fread( &nlines, 1, sizeof(nlines), pFile );
	linearray = (PFLATLAND_MYLINESEG*)Allocate( sizeof( PFLATLAND_MYLINESEG ) * nlines );
	for( cnt = 0; cnt < nlines; cnt++ )
		sz += fread( &lsf, 1, sizeof(LINESEGFILE), pFile );
		pls = GetFromSet( FLATLAND_MYLINESEG, &world->lines );
		pls->pfl = CreateFacetLine( world->object, lsf.r.o, lsf.r.n, lsf.start, lsf.end );
		linearray[cnt] = pls;
		/* some sort of update line... */
		SetRay( &pls->r, &lsf.r );
		if( version < 9 )
			pls->r.o[1] = -pls->r.o[1];
			pls->r.n[1] = -pls->r.n[1];
		pls->dFrom = lsf.start;
		pls->dTo = lsf.end;


	sz += fread( tag, 1, 4, pFile );
	if( strncmp( tag, "WALL", 4 ) )
		Log( "Alignment error in file wall load." );
		return 0;
	if( version > 9 )
		sz += fread( &wallsize, 1, sizeof( wallsize ), pFile );

	sz += fread( &nwalls, 1, sizeof(nwalls), pFile );
	wallarray = (PWALL*)Allocate( sizeof( PWALL ) * nwalls );
	for( cnt = 0; cnt < nwalls; cnt++ )
		wallarray[cnt] = GetFromSet( WALL, &world->walls );
	for( cnt = 0; cnt < nwalls; cnt++ )
		FILEWALLV1 ReadWall1;
		FILEWALLV2 ReadWall2;
		PWALL pwall;
		pwall = wallarray[cnt];
		if( version < 2 )
			sz += fread( &ReadWall1, 1, sizeof( FILEWALLV1 ), pFile );
			pwall->flags = ReadWall1.flags;
			pwall->iSector = ReadWall1.nSector;

			SetLineWorld( world, pwall->iLine, linearray[ReadWall1.nLine] );

			if( ReadWall1.nWallInto == -1 )
				pwall->iWallInto = INVALID_INDEX;
				pwall->iWallInto = GetMemberIndex( WALL, &world->walls, wallarray[ReadWall1.nWallInto] );
			pwall->iWallStart = GetMemberIndex( WALL, &world->walls, wallarray[ReadWall1.nWallStart] );
			pwall->iWallEnd = GetMemberIndex( WALL, &world->walls, wallarray[ReadWall1.nWallEnd] );
			sz += fread( &ReadWall2, 1, sizeof( FILEWALLV2 ), pFile );
			pwall->flags = ReadWall2.flags;
			pwall->iSector = ReadWall2.nSector;
			if( ReadWall2.nLine != -1 )
				pwall->iLine = GetMemberIndex( FLATLAND_MYLINESEG, &world->lines, linearray[ReadWall2.nLine] );
				//SetLine( pwall->line, linearray[ReadWall2.nLine] );
				Log( "Wall without line? cant be!" );
				pwall->iLine = INVALID_INDEX;
			if( ReadWall2.nWallInto == -1 )
				pwall->iWallInto = INVALID_INDEX;
				pwall->iWallInto = GetMemberIndex( WALL, &world->walls, wallarray[ReadWall2.nWallInto] );
			pwall->iWallStart = GetMemberIndex( WALL, &world->walls, wallarray[ReadWall2.nWallStart] );
			pwall->iWallEnd = GetMemberIndex( WALL, &world->walls, wallarray[ReadWall2.nWallEnd] );

	sz += fread( tag, 1, 4, pFile );
	if( strncmp( tag, "SECT", 4 ) )
		Log2( "Alignment error in file sector load. %s(%d)", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return 0;
	if( version > 9 )
		sz += fread( &sectorsize, 1, sizeof( sectorsize ), pFile );
	sz += fread( &nsectors, 1, sizeof(nsectors), pFile );
	sectorarray = (PSECTOR*)Allocate( sizeof( PSECTOR ) * nsectors );
	for( cnt = 0; cnt < nsectors; cnt++ )
		FILESECTORV3 ReadSector3;
		FILESECTORV4 ReadSector4;
		FILESECTORV5 ReadSector5;
		FILESECTORV8 ReadSector8;
		INDEX sector;
		sectorarray[cnt] = GetFromSet( SECTOR, &world->sectors );
		sectorarray[cnt]->facet = AddNormalPlane( world->object, VectorConst_0, VectorConst_Z, 0 );
		sector =  GetMemberIndex( SECTOR, &world->sectors, sectorarray[cnt] );
		if( version < 8 )
			// one texture is sufficient...
			// in fact textures should be highly sharable.
			sectorarray[cnt]->iTexture = texture;
		if( version < 4 )
			char name[20];
			sprintf( name, "%d", SectorIDs++ );
			sectorarray[cnt]->name = GetName( &world->names, name );
			sectorarray[cnt]->iName = INVALID_INDEX;
			sz += fread( &ReadSector3, 1, sizeof( FILESECTORV3 ), pFile );
			sectorarray[cnt]->flags = ReadSector3.flags;
			sectorarray[cnt]->iWorld = iWorld;
			SetRay( &sectorarray[cnt]->r, &ReadSector3.r );
			sectorarray[cnt]->iWall = GetMemberIndex( WALL, &world->walls, wallarray[ReadSector3.nwall] );

			if( version < 3 )
				ComputeSectorOrigin( iWorld, sector);
		else if( version < 5 )
			sz += fread( &ReadSector4, 1, sizeof( FILESECTORV4 ), pFile );
			char name[20];
			sprintf( name, "%d", ReadSector4.nID );
			sectorarray[cnt]->name = GetName( &world->names, name );
			if( atoi( name ) > SectorIDs )
			SectorIDs = atoi( name );
			sectorarray[cnt]->iName = INVALID_INDEX;
			sectorarray[cnt]->flags = ReadSector4.flags;
			sectorarray[cnt]->iWorld = iWorld;
			SetRay( &sectorarray[cnt]->r, &ReadSector4.r );
			sectorarray[cnt]->iWall = GetMemberIndex( WALL, &world->walls, wallarray[ReadSector4.nwall] );
		else if( version < 8 )
			sz += fread( &ReadSector5, 1, sizeof( FILESECTORV5 ), pFile );
			sectorarray[cnt]->iName = ReadSector5.nName;
			sectorarray[cnt]->flags = ReadSector5.flags;
			sectorarray[cnt]->iWorld = iWorld;
			SetRay( &sectorarray[cnt]->r, &ReadSector5.r );
			sectorarray[cnt]->iWall = GetMemberIndex( WALL, &world->walls, wallarray[ReadSector5.nwall] );
			sz += fread( &ReadSector8, 1, sizeof( FILESECTORV8 ), pFile );
			sectorarray[cnt]->iName = ReadSector8.nName;
			sectorarray[cnt]->flags = ReadSector8.flags;
			sectorarray[cnt]->iWorld = iWorld;
			SetRay( &sectorarray[cnt]->r, &ReadSector8.r );
			sectorarray[cnt]->iWall = ReadSector8.nwall;
			sectorarray[cnt]->iTexture = ReadSector8.nTexture;
		// walls should all be valid at this point...
		// have valid lines, and valid linkings...
		ComputeSectorPointList( iWorld, sector, NULL );
		ComputeSectorOrigin( iWorld, sector );
		OrderObjectLines( world->object );

	// fix sector references in walls.
	//for( cnt = 0; cnt < nwalls; cnt++ )
	//	wallarray[cnt]->iSector = wallarray[cnt]->iSector;

	for( cnt = 0; cnt < nwalls; cnt++ )
		if( wallarray[cnt]->iLine == INVALID_INDEX )
			SrvrDestroySector( client_id, iWorld, wallarray[cnt]->iSector );
			Log( "attempting to fix broken walls" );

	if( version >= 5 )
		sz += fread( tag, 1, 4, pFile );
		if( strncmp( tag, "NAME", 4 ) )
			Log2( "Alignment error in name section load. %s(%d)", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
			return 0;
		if( version > 9 )
			sz += fread( &namesize, 1, sizeof( namesize ), pFile );
		sz += fread( &nnames, 1, sizeof(nnames), pFile );
		namearray = (PNAME*)Allocate( sizeof( PNAME ) * nnames );
		for( cnt = 0; cnt < nnames; cnt++ )
			namearray[cnt] = GetFromSet( NAME, &world->names );
			if( version < 6 )
				uint32_t length;
 				namearray[cnt]->name = (struct name_data*)Allocate( sizeof( *namearray[cnt]->name ) );
				sz += fread( &length, 1, sizeof( length ), pFile );
            namearray[cnt]->name[0].length = length;
				namearray[cnt]->name[0].name = (TEXTSTR)Allocate( namearray[cnt]->name[0].length + 1 );
 				sz += fread( namearray[cnt]->name[0].name, 1, namearray[cnt]->name[0].length, pFile );
		      namearray[cnt]->name[0].name[namearray[cnt]->name[0].length] = 0;
		      namearray[cnt]->lines = 1;
			else if( version < 7 )
				int l;
				sz += fread( &namearray[cnt]->lines, 1, sizeof( namearray[cnt]->lines ), pFile );
				if( namearray[cnt]->lines )
					namearray[cnt]->name = (struct name_data*)Allocate( sizeof( *namearray[cnt]->name ) * namearray[cnt]->lines );
					for( l = 0; l < namearray[cnt]->lines; l++ )
						sz += fread( &namearray[cnt]->name[l].length, 1, sizeof( namearray[cnt]->name[l].length ), pFile );
						namearray[cnt]->name[l].name = (TEXTSTR)Allocate( namearray[cnt]->name[l].length + 1 );
						sz += fread( namearray[cnt]->name[l].name, 1, namearray[cnt]->name[l].length, pFile );
						namearray[cnt]->name[l].name[namearray[cnt]->name[l].length] = 0;
					namearray[cnt]->name = NULL;
				int l;
				sz += fread( &namearray[cnt]->flags, 1, sizeof( namearray[cnt]->flags ), pFile );
				sz += fread( &namearray[cnt]->lines, 1, sizeof( namearray[cnt]->lines ), pFile );
				if( namearray[cnt]->lines )
					namearray[cnt]->name = (struct name_data*)Allocate( sizeof( *namearray[cnt]->name ) * namearray[cnt]->lines );
					for( l = 0; l < namearray[cnt]->lines; l++ )
						sz += fread( &namearray[cnt]->name[l].length, 1, sizeof( namearray[cnt]->name[l].length ), pFile );
						namearray[cnt]->name[l].name = (TEXTSTR)Allocate( namearray[cnt]->name[l].length + 1 );
						sz += fread( namearray[cnt]->name[l].name, 1, namearray[cnt]->name[l].length, pFile );
						namearray[cnt]->name[l].name[namearray[cnt]->name[l].length] = 0;
					namearray[cnt]->name = NULL;
		for( cnt = 0; cnt < nsectors; cnt++ )
			if( (int)sectorarray[cnt]->iName == -1 )
				sectorarray[cnt]->iName = INVALID_INDEX;
				int n;
				PNAME pName = namearray[(int)sectorarray[cnt]->name];
				if( pName->name && pName->name[0].name )
					if( ( n = atoi( pName->name[0].name ) ) > SectorIDs )
						SectorIDs = n;
				sectorarray[cnt]->name = pName;
		if( version >= 8 )
			sz += fread( tag, 1, 4, pFile );
			if( strncmp( tag, "TEXT", 4 ) )
				Log2( "Alignment error in texture section load. %s(%d)", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
				return 0;
			if( version > 9 )
				sz += fread( &texturesize, 1, sizeof( texturesize ), pFile );
			sz += fread( &ntextures, 1, sizeof(ntextures), pFile );
			texturearray = (PFLATLAND_TEXTURE*)Allocate( sizeof( PFLATLAND_TEXTURE ) * ntextures );
			for( cnt = 0; cnt < ntextures; cnt++ )
				char flag;
				int nName;
				sz += fread( &nName, 1, sizeof( nName ), pFile );
				texturearray[cnt] = GetFromSet( FLATLAND_TEXTURE, &world->textures );
				texturearray[cnt]->iName = GetMemberIndex( NAME, &world->names, namearray[nName] );
				sz += fread( &flag, 1, sizeof( flag ), pFile );
				texturearray[cnt]->flags.bColor = flag;
				if( flag )
					sz += fread( &texturearray[cnt]->data.color, 1, sizeof(CDATA), pFile );
			//for( cnt = 0; cnt < nsectors; cnt++ )
			//	int ntexture = (int)sectorarray[cnt]->iTexture;
         //   sectorarray[cnt]->texture = NULL;
			//	SetTexture( sectorarray[cnt]->texture, texturearray[ntexture] );
			Release( texturearray );

		Release( namearray );

	if( version > 9 )
		if( sz != size )
			Log2( "Total load size %d is not %d", sz, size );

	//for( cnt = 0; cnt < nsectors; cnt++ )
		//PSECTOR pSector = sectorarray[cnt];
		// again with the min/max fetch with
		// spacetree add
		//pSector->spacenode = AddSpaceNode( &world->spacetree, pSector, min, max );

	Release( linearray );
	Release( wallarray );
	Release( sectorarray );
	return version;
Esempio n. 2
int DrawTextureSolidColor( PCOMMON pc, INDEX iSector, CDATA color )
	int npoints, n;
	_POINT *pointlist;
	PDISPLAY display = ControlData( PDISPLAY, pc );
	DISPLAYPOINT display_points[16];
	int top;
	// at this point - 4 extra points 1 for each 
	// clipping side of the display is sufficient 
	// when we introduce more clip plane - the current
	// count of planes must be added worst case;
	pointlist = ComputeSectorPointList( display->pWorld, iSector, &npoints );
	//pointlist = sector->pointlist;
	//npoints = sector->npoints;

	//lprintf( WIDE("points %p count %d"), pointlist, npoints );

	for( n = 0; n < npoints; n++ )
		display_points[n][0] = DISPLAY_X( display, pointlist[n][0] );
		display_points[n][1] = DISPLAY_Y( display, pointlist[n][1] );
		//Log3( "Point id: %d at: (%d,%d)", n
		//				, display_points[n][0]
		//				, display_points[n][1] );


	npoints = ClipDisplayPointsToScreen( npoints, display_points );
	if( !IsTextureVisible( pc, npoints, display_points ) )
		//Release( display_points );
		return FALSE;
	if( npoints ) // if any points are left to display....
		int y;
		LINEDEL left, right;
		top = FindTopPoint( npoints, display_points );
		//Log1( "Top point is : %d", top ); = = top;
		left.from = right.from = top;
		left.len = right.len = 0;

		y = display_points[top][1];
				if( !left.len )
					left.from =;
					if( !StepLineDelta( &left, -1, npoints, display_points ) )
               			//Log( "Breaking loop on step left delta" );
					if( == right.from )
						//Log( "Leaving loop cause left overlapped right." );
				//Log2( "Stepped Left... doing loop len: %d %d", left.len, left.err );
				while( left.len && left.err < 0 )
					left.err += left.dely;
					left.x += left.xinc;				
				//Log1( "did loop... doing final increments %d", left.len );
				if( left.len )
					left.err -= left.delx;
					//Log( "Supposed to go back and restep left!" );
					goto leftloop;

				if( !right.len )
					right.from =;
					if( !StepLineDelta( &right, 1, npoints, display_points ) )
						//Log( "Breaking loop on step right delta" );
					if( == left.from )
						//Log( "Leaving loop cause right overlapped left." );
				//Log1( "Stepped Right... doing loop len: %d", right.len );
				while( right.len && right.err < 0 )
					right.err += right.dely;
					right.x += right.xinc;				
				//Log1( "did loop... doing final increments %d", right.len );
				if( right.len )
					right.err -= right.delx;
					//Log( "Supposed to go back and restep right!" );
					goto rightloop;

				if( right.x > left.x )
					do_hlineAlpha( display->pImage, y, left.x, right.x-1, color );
				//BlatColorAlpha( display->pImage, left.x, y, right.x-left.x, 1, color );
			//	Log4( "DrawLine (%d,%d) - (%d,%d)", left.x, left.y, right.x, right.y );
		} while( 1 ); // rely on internal break....
	for( n = 0; n < npoints; n++ )
		plot( display->pImage, display_points[n][0]
								  , display_points[n][1]
								  , Color( 255, 0, 0 ) );
	//Release( pointlist );
	//Release( display_points );	
	return TRUE;