Esempio n. 1
__global__ void Kernel_integrate(
        bool flipVertical4render,
        unsigned int xSize, unsigned int ySize, unsigned int zSize, 
        ComputeT xMin, ComputeT yMin, ComputeT zMin, 
        ComputeT unit, ComputeT margin, 
        unsigned int width, unsigned int height, 
        const float* depth, const ComputeT* pose, const ComputeT* intrinsics, StorageT *tsdf, uint8_t *weight) {

    unsigned int x = blockIdx.x;
    unsigned int y = threadIdx.x;

    ComputeT xWorld = xMin + x * unit;
    ComputeT yWorld = yMin + y * unit;
    ComputeT zWorld = zMin;

    ComputeT xCamera = pose[0] * xWorld + pose[1] * yWorld + pose[2] *zWorld + pose[3];
    ComputeT yCamera = pose[4] * xWorld + pose[5] * yWorld + pose[6] *zWorld + pose[7];
    ComputeT zCamera = pose[8] * xWorld + pose[9] * yWorld + pose[10] *zWorld + pose[11];

    ComputeT xDelta = pose[2] * unit;
    ComputeT yDelta = pose[6] * unit;
    ComputeT zDelta = pose[10] * unit;

    unsigned int idx_offset = (x * ySize + y) * zSize;

    for (unsigned int z = 0; z < zSize; ++z, xCamera += xDelta, yCamera += yDelta, zCamera += zDelta){

        ComputeT xOzCamera = xCamera / zCamera;
        ComputeT yOzCamera = yCamera / zCamera;

        int px = roundf(intrinsics[0] * xOzCamera + intrinsics[2]);
        int py = roundf(intrinsics[4] * yOzCamera + intrinsics[5]);

        if (px < 0 || px >= width || py < 0 || py >= height) continue;

        float p_depth = *(depth + (flipVertical4render? (height-1 - py): py) * width + px);

        if (p_depth == 0.0) continue;

        ComputeT diff = ((ComputeT)p_depth - zCamera) * sqrtf(1.0 + xOzCamera * xOzCamera + yOzCamera * yOzCamera);

        if(diff > -margin){
            ComputeT v_new = fminf(1.0, diff/margin); //tsdf

            v_new = 1.0 - fabs(v_new); // 1-tdf // comment this out if you want to use tsdf

            unsigned int idx = idx_offset + z;

            uint8_t w  = weight[idx];
            ComputeT v = GPUStorage2ComputeT(tsdf[idx]);

            tsdf[idx] = GPUCompute2StorageT(fmin(fmax((ComputeT(w)*v + v_new)/(ComputeT(w + 1)), -1.f), 1.f));
            weight[idx] = min(w+1,254);
// Helper function which clips the segment against the edge indicated by the flag argument
static inline void IntersectSide( ClipVert *v1, ClipVert *v2, ClipVert *v, BOOL color, BOOL light, BOOL tex, UInt32 flag )
	float	x, y, z, t;
	float	dx, dy, dz;	

	// Compute the parametric location of the intersection of the edge and the clip plane
	dx = TheStateStack.ClipInfoPool[v2->xyz].csX - TheStateStack.ClipInfoPool[v1->xyz].csX;
	dy = TheStateStack.ClipInfoPool[v2->xyz].csY - TheStateStack.ClipInfoPool[v1->xyz].csY;
	dz = TheStateStack.ClipInfoPool[v2->xyz].csZ - TheStateStack.ClipInfoPool[v1->xyz].csZ;
	t = ComputeT(TheStateStack.ClipInfoPool[v1->xyz].csX, 
				 flag );
	ShiAssert( (t >= -0.002f) && (t <= 1.002f) );
	// Compute the camera space intersection point
	TheStateStack.ClipInfoPool[v->xyz].csZ = z = TheStateStack.ClipInfoPool[v1->xyz].csZ + t * (dz);
	TheStateStack.ClipInfoPool[v->xyz].csX = x = TheStateStack.ClipInfoPool[v1->xyz].csX + t * (dx);	// Note: either dx or dy is used only once, so could
	TheStateStack.ClipInfoPool[v->xyz].csY = y = TheStateStack.ClipInfoPool[v1->xyz].csY + t * (dy);	// be avoided, but this way, the code is more standardized...

	// Now interpolate any other vertex parameters required
	if (color) {
		TheColorBank.ColorPool[v->rgba].r = TheColorBank.ColorPool[v1->rgba].r +
			t * (TheColorBank.ColorPool[v2->rgba].r - TheColorBank.ColorPool[v1->rgba].r);
		TheColorBank.ColorPool[v->rgba].g = TheColorBank.ColorPool[v1->rgba].g +
			t * (TheColorBank.ColorPool[v2->rgba].g - TheColorBank.ColorPool[v1->rgba].g);
		TheColorBank.ColorPool[v->rgba].b = TheColorBank.ColorPool[v1->rgba].b +
			t * (TheColorBank.ColorPool[v2->rgba].b - TheColorBank.ColorPool[v1->rgba].b);
		TheColorBank.ColorPool[v->rgba].a = TheColorBank.ColorPool[v1->rgba].a +
			t * (TheColorBank.ColorPool[v2->rgba].a - TheColorBank.ColorPool[v1->rgba].a);
	if (light) {
		TheStateStack.IntensityPool[v->I] = TheStateStack.IntensityPool[v1->I] +
			t * (TheStateStack.IntensityPool[v2->I] - TheStateStack.IntensityPool[v1->I]);
	if (tex) {
		v->uv.u = v1->uv.u + t * (v2->uv.u - v1->uv.u);
		v->uv.v = v1->uv.v + t * (v2->uv.v - v1->uv.v);

	// Now determine if the point is out to the sides
	if (flag & (CLIP_TOP | CLIP_BOTTOM)) {
		TheStateStack.ClipInfoPool[v->xyz].clipFlag = GetHorizontalClipFlags( x, z );
	} else {
		TheStateStack.ClipInfoPool[v->xyz].clipFlag = ON_SCREEN;

	// Compute the screen space coordinates of the new point
	register float OneOverZ = 1.0f / z;
	TheStateStack.XformedPosPool[v->xyz].z = z;
	TheStateStack.XformedPosPool[v->xyz].x = TheStateStack.XtoPixel( x * OneOverZ );
	TheStateStack.XformedPosPool[v->xyz].y = TheStateStack.YtoPixel( y * OneOverZ );
Esempio n. 3
auto Deg2Rad(Scalar deg) {
	using ComputeT = typename std::conditional<std::is_floating_point<Scalar>::value, Scalar, long double>::type;
	return deg / ComputeT(180) * Constants<ComputeT>::Pi;
Esempio n. 4
auto Rad2Deg(Scalar rad) {
	using ComputeT = typename std::conditional<std::is_floating_point<Scalar>::value, Scalar, long double>::type;
	return rad / Constants<ComputeT>::Pi * ComputeT(180);