bool MAPIContact::SetNotes(const String &szNotes, bool bRTF) { #ifdef _WIN32_WCE return SetPropertyString(PR_BODY, szNotes); #else if(!Contact() || IsNull(szNotes)) return false; ULONG nLen = (ULONG)szNotes.GetLength(); HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; LPSTREAM pStream = NULL; if(bRTF) { if(Contact()->OpenProperty(PR_RTF_COMPRESSED, &IID_IStream, STGM_CREATE | STGM_WRITE, MAPI_MODIFY | MAPI_CREATE, (LPUNKNOWN*)&pStream) == S_OK) { IStream *pUncompressed; if(WrapCompressedRTFStream(pStream,MAPI_MODIFY, &pUncompressed) == S_OK) { hr = pUncompressed->Write(szNotes, nLen*sizeof(TCHAR), NULL); if(pUncompressed->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT)==S_OK) pStream->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT); RELEASE(pUncompressed); } } } else { if(Contact()->OpenProperty(PR_BODY, &IID_IStream, 0, MAPI_MODIFY | MAPI_CREATE, (LPUNKNOWN*)&pStream) == S_OK) hr = pStream->Write(szNotes, (nLen+1)*sizeof(TCHAR), NULL); } RELEASE(pStream); return (hr == S_OK); #endif }
bool AddresseeEdit::parse(std::vector<Contact>& contacts) const { typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::escaped_list_separator<wchar_t>, std::wstring::const_iterator, std::wstring> CsvTokenizer; std::wstring t = text(); CsvTokenizer tok(t); for (CsvTokenizer::iterator i = tok.begin(); i != tok.end(); ++i) { std::wstring addressee = *i; boost::trim(addressee); std::wstring::size_type pos = addressee.find_last_of(' '); if (pos != std::string::npos) { std::wstring email = addressee.substr(pos + 1); std::wstring name = addressee.substr(0, pos); boost::trim(email); boost::trim(name); if (email[0] == '<') email = email.substr(1); if (email[email.length() - 1] == '>') email = email.substr(0, email.length() - 1); if (!email.empty()) contacts.push_back(Contact(name, email)); } else if (!addressee.empty()) contacts.push_back(Contact(L"", addressee)); } return true; }
Contact World::find_entity_by_ray(const Ray ray) const { assert(m_impl && m_impl->world_instance_id); auto world = Core_detail::world_index_get_world_data(m_impl->world_instance_id); Data::Physics::Physics_data *phys = world->physics; uint32_t contacts = 0; Data::Physics::Contact contact; Data::Physics::world_find_with_ray( phys, ray.get_origin(), math::vec3_scale( ray.get_direction(), ray.get_distance() ), &contact, 1, &contacts ); if(contacts) { return to_core_contact(&contact); } return Contact(); }
void C4Object::TargetBounds(C4Real &ctco, int32_t limit_low, int32_t limit_hi, int32_t cnat_low, int32_t cnat_hi) { switch (ForceLimits(ctco,limit_low,limit_hi)) { case -1: // stop if (cnat_low==CNAT_Left) xdir=0; else ydir=0; // do calls Contact(cnat_low); break; case +1: // stop if (cnat_hi==CNAT_Right) xdir=0; else ydir=0; // do calls Contact(cnat_hi); break; } }
void ContactManager::AddPair(Fixture *A, Fixture *B) { Vector2 pt, norml; float sep; if ( FindOverlap(A->GetShape(), A->GetBody()->position, B->GetShape(), B->GetBody()->position, norml, pt, sep) ) { assert( A->GetBody() != B->GetBody() ); contacts[numContacts] = Contact(A, B, norml, pt, sep); numContacts++; assert(numContacts < MaxNumContacts); } }
boost::optional<Contact> NarrowPhaseCollisionDetector::object_vs_world(NormalPhysicsObject& object) const { const Vector3d& previousPos = object.previous_position() ? *object.previous_position() : object.position(); const Vector3d& pos = object.position(); int mapIndex = m_boundsManager->lookup_bounds_index(object.bounds_group(), object.posture()); OnionUtil::Transition transition = OnionUtil::find_first_transition(mapIndex, previousPos, pos, m_tree); switch(transition.classifier) { case OnionUtil::RAY_EMPTY: { // The object's movement lies entirely in empty space, so there's no collision. return boost::none; } case OnionUtil::RAY_SOLID: { Vector3d dir = pos - previousPos; if(dir.length_squared() >= EPSILON*EPSILON) { dir.normalize(); transition = OnionUtil::find_first_transition(mapIndex, previousPos - dir * 0.1, pos, m_tree); // If we still haven't found a transition, there's probably no collision to handle. // If we have, fall through to the next case. if(transition.classifier != OnionUtil::RAY_TRANSITION_ES) return boost::none; } else return boost::none; } case OnionUtil::RAY_TRANSITION_ES: { const Vector3d& contactPoint = *transition.location; const Vector3d& contactNormal = transition.plane->normal(); // Calculate the intersection time (as a number in [0,1]). double contactDistSquared = (contactPoint - previousPos).length_squared(); double moveDistSquared = (pos - previousPos).length_squared(); assert(moveDistSquared > 0); double time = sqrt(contactDistSquared / moveDistSquared); return Contact(Vector3d(0,0,0), contactPoint, contactNormal, time, object, mapIndex); } case OnionUtil::RAY_TRANSITION_SE: { // This should never happen (since objects can't move into walls), but better let the object back into // the world if it does happen. return boost::none; } default: { throw Exception("This will never happen as the case statement is exhaustive"); } } }
std::list<Contact> GetSpecContacts( Circle * pCirc, OBB * pOBB ) { vec2 b_pos = pOBB->WorldSpaceClamp( pCirc->v2Center ); vec2 n = glm::normalize( b_pos - pCirc->v2Center ); vec2 a_pos = pCirc->v2Center + n * pCirc->circData.fRadius; float fDist = glm::dot( b_pos - a_pos, n ); // Construct and return return{ Contact( pCirc, pOBB, a_pos, b_pos, n, fDist ) }; }
SICONOS_EXPORT void h0(unsigned int sizeOfq, const double* q, unsigned int sizeOfY, double* y, unsigned int sizeZ, double* z) { unsigned int i; double CC[69]; Contact(CC, q); for (i = 0; i < sizeOfY; i++) y[i] = CC[sizeOfY + i]; }
boost::optional<Contact> NarrowPhaseCollisionDetector::convert_to_world_contact(const boost::optional<Contact>& relativeContact) const { if(!relativeContact) return boost::none; const Contact& rc = *relativeContact; // This makes the relative point on B relative to the centre of B rather than to the centre of A. return Contact(rc.relative_pointA(), rc.relative_pointB() + rc.objectA().position() - rc.objectB()->position(), rc.normal(), rc.time(), rc.objectA(), rc.map_indexA(), rc.objectB(), rc.map_indexB()); }
Contact getContact(){ string name, number; cout << "Please enter the 'Name' of the contact you'd like to enter(case sensitive):"; cin >> name; cout << endl; cout << "Please enter the 'Number' of the contact you'd like to enter:"; cin >> number; cout << endl; return Contact(name,number); }
bool MAPIContact::SetAnniversary(const Time &tm) { SYSTEMTIME st; MAPIEx::SetSystemTime(st, tm); #ifdef _WIN32_WCE return m_pPOOM ? m_pPOOM->SetDate(m_pContact, PR_WEDDING_ANNIVERSARY,tmAnniversary) : false; #else SPropValue prop; prop.ulPropTag = PR_WEDDING_ANNIVERSARY; SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &prop.Value.ft); return (Contact()->SetProps(1, &prop, NULL) == S_OK); #endif }
Contact Contact::Builder::build() { return Contact(firstname, lastname, nickname, login, postaladdr, emailaddr, phonenbr, birthdaydate, favoritemeal, underwearcol, darkestsecret); }
bool MAPIContact::SetBirthday(const Time &tm) { SYSTEMTIME st; MAPIEx::SetSystemTime(st, tm); #ifdef _WIN32_WCE return m_pPOOM ? m_pPOOM->SetDate(m_pContact, PR_BIRTHDAY, st) : false; #else SPropValue prop; prop.ulPropTag = PR_BIRTHDAY; SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &prop.Value.ft); return (Contact()->SetProps(1, &prop, NULL) == S_OK); #endif }
void MergeSort::merge(Data *data, int first, int middle, int last, int (*compar)(Contact&, Contact&)) { int n1 = middle - first + 1; //length of left array int n2 = last - middle; //length of right array vector<Contact> L (n1 + 1, Contact("", "", 0)); //initialize vector of dummy Contacts vector<Contact> R (n2 + 1, Contact("", "", 0)); //initialize vector of dummy Contacts for (int i = 0; i < n1; i++) { //copy left Contacts into left vector L[i] = data->array[first+i]; } for (int j = 0; j < n2; j++) { //copy right Contacts into right vector R[j] = data->array[middle+1+j]; } L[n1] = Contact("zzzz", "address", 99999); //last value equal to high value to be sentinel value R[n2] = Contact("zzzz", "address", 99999); vector<Contact> A ((last - first) + 1, Contact("", "", 0)); //initialize vector to hold sorted array int i = 0; int j = 0; for (int k = 0; k < (last - first) + 1; k++) { //merge them back if (compar( L[i], R[j]) <= 0) { //if L[i] is smaller or equal A[k] = L[i]; i++; } else { A[k] = R[j]; j++; } } int m = 0; for (int n = first; n < last + 1; n++) {//copy back to array data->array[n] = A[m]; m++; } return; }
AddressBookModel::AddressBookModel( QObject* parent, bts::addressbook::addressbook_ptr abook ) :QAbstractTableModel(parent),my( new Detail::AddressBookModelImpl() ) { my->_abook = abook; my->_default_icon.addFile(QStringLiteral(":/images/user.png"), QSize(), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off); const std::unordered_map<uint32_t,bts::addressbook::wallet_contact>& loaded_contacts = abook->get_contacts(); my->_contacts.reserve( loaded_contacts.size() ); for( auto itr = loaded_contacts.begin(); itr != loaded_contacts.end(); ++itr ) { ilog( "loading contacts..." ); my->_contacts.push_back( Contact(itr->second) ); } }
Contact MySqlStorage::getContact(QString jid, QString contactJid) { QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT version, approved, ask, jid, name, subscription, groups FROM qjabberd_contact WHERE user_id = :user_id AND jid = :jid"); query.bindValue(":user_id", getUserId(jid)); query.bindValue(":jid", contactJid); query.exec(); if (query.first()) { return Contact(query.value(0).toString(), query.value(1).toBool(), query.value(2).toString(), query.value(3).toString(), query.value(4).toString(), query.value(5).toString(), QJsonDocument::fromJson(query.value(6).toByteArray()).object().value("groups").toVariant().toStringList().toSet()); } else { return Contact(); } }
// Categories are stored under the multi-value named property CATEGORIES_PROPERTY // Pass in a string of semicolon separated category names bool MAPIContact::SetCategories(const String &szCategories) { #ifdef _WIN32_WCE return SetPropertyString(OUTLOOK_CATEGORIES, szCategories); #else String strCategories = szCategories; int nCount = 0; if (!strCategories.IsEmpty()) nCount++; int nIndex = 0; String strCategory = Tokenize2(strCategories, ";", nIndex); while(strCategory.IsEmpty() && !IsNull(nIndex)) { nCount++; strCategory = Tokenize2(strCategories, ";", nIndex); } HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if(!nCount) { if(DeleteNamedProperty(CATEGORIES_PROPERTY)) return true; } else { LPTSTR* arCategories = new LPTSTR[nCount]; nCount = 0; nIndex = 0; int nLen = 0; strCategory = Tokenize2(strCategories, ";", nIndex); do { nLen = strCategory.GetLength(); if(nLen > 0) { arCategories[nCount] = new TCHAR[nLen+1]; memcpy(arCategories[nCount], (LPCTSTR)strCategory, nLen*sizeof(TCHAR)); arCategories[nCount++][nLen] = (TCHAR)0; strCategory = Tokenize2(strCategories, ";", nIndex); } } while(nLen && !IsNull(nIndex)); LPSPropValue pProp; if(SetNamedMVProperty(CATEGORIES_PROPERTY, (LPCTSTR*)arCategories, nCount, pProp)) { hr=Contact()->SetProps(1, pProp, NULL); MAPIFreeBuffer(pProp); } for(nIndex=0; nIndex < nCount; nIndex++) delete [] arCategories[nIndex]; delete [] arCategories; } return (hr == S_OK); #endif }
void AddressBookModel::reloadContacts() { const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, bts::addressbook::wallet_contact>& loaded_contacts = my->_address_book->get_contacts(); my->_contacts.clear(); my->_contacts.reserve(loaded_contacts.size() ); for (auto itr = loaded_contacts.begin(); itr != loaded_contacts.end(); ++itr) { auto contact = itr->second; ilog("loading contacts..."); my->_contacts.push_back(Contact(contact) ); } std::sort( my->_contacts.begin(), my->_contacts.end()); }
QList<Contact> Contacts::getContactsFromPhone(){ QPointer<QContactManager> contactManager = new QContactManager(); // QStringList QContactManager::supportedContactTypes () QList<QContact> contactsPhone = contactManager->contacts(); QList<Contact> contacts; foreach (const QContact& contact, contactsPhone) { QContactPhoneNumber phoneNumber = contact.detail<QContactPhoneNumber>(); // QList<QContactPhoneNumber> phoneNumbers = contact.details<QContactPhoneNumber>(); if(!phoneNumber.isEmpty()){ QContactName name = contact.detail<QContactName>(); QString number = phoneNumber.number(); number = number.replace("+",""); QString nameFinal = name.firstName()+" "+name.lastName(); contacts.append(Contact(nameFinal.trimmed(),number)); } }
QList<Contact> MySqlStorage::getContactsList(QString jid) { QList<Contact> contactList; QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT version, approved, ask, jid, name, subscription, groups" " FROM qjabberd_contact WHERE user_id = :user_id"); query.bindValue(":user_id", getUserId(jid)); query.exec(); while ( { contactList << Contact(query.value(0).toString(), query.value(1).toBool(), query.value(2).toString(), query.value(3).toString(), query.value(4).toString(), query.value(5).toString(), QJsonDocument::fromJson(query.value(6).toByteArray()).object().value("groups").toVariant().toStringList().toSet()); } return contactList; }
size_t collide(CircleShape &circle, BoxShape &box, float dt, Contact *pxContacts, size_t numMaxContacts) { dt, pxContacts, numMaxContacts; const Point2f &p1 = circle.body.getPosition(); const Point2f &p2 = box.body.getPosition(); // work in the box's coordinate system const Point2f kDiff = p1 - p2; // compute squared distance and closest point on box float fSqrDistance = 0.0f, fDelta; Point2f kClosest(kDiff * box.GetDir(0), kDiff * box.GetDir(1)); const Point2f &extents = box.GetExtents(); if (kClosest.x < -extents.x) { fDelta = kClosest.x + extents.x; fSqrDistance += fDelta*fDelta; kClosest.x = -extents.x; } else if (kClosest.x > extents.x) { fDelta = kClosest.x - extents.x; fSqrDistance += fDelta*fDelta; kClosest.x = extents.x; } if (kClosest.y < -extents.y) { fDelta = kClosest.y + extents.y; fSqrDistance += fDelta*fDelta; kClosest.y = -extents.y; } else if (kClosest.y > extents.y) { fDelta = kClosest.y - extents.y; fSqrDistance += fDelta*fDelta; kClosest.y = extents.y; } if (fSqrDistance > circle.GetRadius() * circle.GetRadius()) { return 0; } Point2f d = p2 + kClosest - p1; d.Normalize(); pxContacts[0] = Contact(p1 + d * circle.GetRadius(), p2 + kClosest, &circle.body, &box.body); return 1; }
Contact NarrowPhaseCollisionDetector::make_contact(const Vector3d& v0, const SupportMapping_CPtr& mappingA, const SupportMapping_CPtr& mappingB, const Vector3d& relativeMovement, PhysicsObject& objectA, PhysicsObject& objectB) const { Vector3d contactNormal = (-v0).normalize(); Vector3d contactPointA = (*mappingA)(-contactNormal); Vector3d contactPointB = (*mappingB)(contactNormal); double penetrationDepth = (contactPointB - contactPointA).dot(contactNormal); assert(penetrationDepth > 0); double contactDistanceMoved =; double time = contactDistanceMoved > 0 ? 1 - penetrationDepth/contactDistanceMoved : 0; NormalPhysicsObject *nobjectA = dynamic_cast<NormalPhysicsObject*>(&objectA); NormalPhysicsObject *nobjectB = dynamic_cast<NormalPhysicsObject*>(&objectB); int mapIndexA = nobjectA ? m_boundsManager->lookup_bounds_index(nobjectA->bounds_group(), nobjectA->posture()) : -1; int mapIndexB = nobjectB ? m_boundsManager->lookup_bounds_index(nobjectB->bounds_group(), nobjectB->posture()) : -1; return Contact(contactPointA, contactPointB, contactNormal, time, objectA, mapIndexA, objectB, mapIndexB); }
void KeyhoteeMainWindow::addContact() { if (checkSaving()) { connect(ui->new_contact, &ContactView::savedNewContact, this, &KeyhoteeMainWindow::onSavedNewContact); connect(ui->new_contact, &ContactView::savedNewContact, ui->contacts_page, &ContactsTable::onSavedNewContact); connect(ui->new_contact, &ContactView::canceledNewContact, this, &KeyhoteeMainWindow::onCanceledNewContact); connect(ui->new_contact, &ContactView::canceledNewContact, ui->contacts_page, &ContactsTable::onCanceledNewContact); enableMenu(false); ui->new_contact->setAddingNewContact(true); ui->new_contact->setContact(Contact()); ui->contacts_page->addNewContact(*ui->new_contact); ui->widget_stack->setCurrentWidget(ui->contacts_page); //ui->widget_stack->setCurrentWidget( ui->new_contact); } }
int32_t C4Object::ContactCheck(int32_t iAtX, int32_t iAtY, uint32_t *border_hack_contacts, bool collide_halfvehic) { // Check shape contact at given position Shape.ContactCheck(iAtX,iAtY,border_hack_contacts,collide_halfvehic); // Store shape contact values in object t_contact t_contact=Shape.ContactCNAT; // Contact script call for the first contacted cnat if (Shape.ContactCNAT) for (int32_t ccnat=0; ccnat<4; ccnat++) // Left, right, top bottom if (Shape.ContactCNAT & (1<<ccnat)) if (Contact(1<<ccnat)) break; // Will stop on first positive return contact call! // Return shape contact count return Shape.ContactCount; }
size_t collide(CircleShape &circle1, CircleShape &circle2, float dt, Contact *pxContacts, size_t numMaxContacts) { dt, numMaxContacts; float rR = circle1.GetRadius() + circle2.GetRadius(); const Point2f &p1 = circle1.body.getPosition(); const Point2f &p2 = circle2.body.getPosition(); Point2f d = p2 - p1; float len = d.Length(); if (len > rR) { return 0; } d.Normalize(); pxContacts[0] = Contact(p1 + d * circle1.GetRadius(), p1 + d * (len - circle1.GetRadius()), &circle1.body, &circle2.body); return 1; }
void KeyhoteeMainWindow::addContact() { /* EditContactDialog* editcon = new EditContactDialog(this); editcon->show(); connect( editcon, &QDialog::finished, [=]( int result ){ if( result == QDialog::Accepted ) { auto app = bts::application::instance(); auto profile = app->get_profile(); auto abook = profile->get_addressbook(); abook->store_contact( editcon->getContact() ); } editcon->deleteLater(); }); */ ui->new_contact->setContact( Contact(), ContactView::edit ); ui->widget_stack->setCurrentWidget( ui->new_contact ); }
std::list<Contact> GetSpecContacts( Circle * pA, Circle * pB ) { // find and normalize distance vec2 d = pB->v2Center - pA->v2Center; vec2 n = glm::normalize( d ); // contact points along circumference vec2 a_pos = pA->v2Center + n * pA->Radius(); vec2 b_pos = pB->v2Center - n * pB->Radius(); // distance between circumferences float dist = glm::length( a_pos - b_pos ); if ( IsOverlapping( pA, pB ) ) { dist = -dist; // std::cout << "Negating circle dist" << std::endl; } // Construct and return return{ Contact( pA, pB, a_pos, b_pos, n, dist ) }; }
int DumpContactCommand::Execute() { Networks networks(*config()->config()); if (!networks.IsInitialized()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to load networks."; return 1; } map<const string, Contact> contacts; for (const auto net : networks.networks()) { string lower_case_network_name(; StringLowerCase(&lower_case_network_name); contacts.emplace(lower_case_network_name, Contact(net.dir, false)); } for (const auto& c : contacts) { cout << "CONTACT.NET information: : " << c.first << endl; cout << "===========================================================" << endl; cout << c.second.ToString() << endl; } return 0; }
void C4Object::StopAndContact(C4Real & ctco, C4Real limit, C4Real & speed, int32_t cnat) { ctco = limit; speed = 0; Contact(cnat); }
ContactView::ContactView(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::ContactView() ), _validForm(false) { _address_book = nullptr; ui->setupUi(this); _addingNewContact = false; _editing = false; _modified = false; message_tools = new QToolBar( ui->toolbar_container ); QGridLayout* grid_layout = new QGridLayout(ui->toolbar_container); grid_layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); grid_layout->setSpacing(0); ui->toolbar_container->setLayout(grid_layout); grid_layout->addWidget(message_tools, 0, 0); ui->email->setVisible (false); //unsupported ui->phone->setVisible (false); ui->phone_label->setVisible (false); ui->email_label->setVisible (false); ui->privacy_comboBox->setVisible (false); ui->privacy_level_label->setVisible (false);//unsupported //default contact view: info page ui->contact_pages->setCurrentIndex(info); /// add identity observer IdentityObservable::getInstance().addObserver( ui->widget_Identity ); send_mail = new QAction( QIcon( ":/images/128x128/contact_info_send_mail.png"), tr("Mail"), this); chat_contact = new QAction( QIcon( ":/images/chat.png"), tr("Chat"), this); edit_contact = new QAction( QIcon(":/images/128x128/contact_info_edit.png"), tr("Edit"), this); share_contact = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/128x128/contact_share.png"), tr("Share contact"), this); request_contact = new QAction( QIcon(":/images/128x128/contact_info_request_authorisation.png"), tr("Request authorisation"), this); save_contact = new QAction( QIcon(":/images/128x128/contact_info_save.png"), tr( "Save"), this ); cancel_edit_contact = new QAction( QIcon(":/images/128x128/contact_info_cancel_edit.png"), tr("Discard changes"), this); connect(ui->icon_view, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &ContactView::onIconSearch); message_tools->addAction(send_mail); message_tools->addAction(chat_contact); message_tools->addAction(share_contact); message_tools->addAction(request_contact); separatorToolBar = message_tools->addSeparator (); message_tools->addAction(edit_contact); message_tools->addAction(save_contact); message_tools->addAction(cancel_edit_contact); QLabel *label = new QLabel((tr(" Create new contact"))); label_createContact = message_tools->addWidget (label); QFont font; font.setBold(true); font.setPointSize (16); label->setFont (font); ui->khid_pubkey->setMode(KeyhoteeIDPubKeyWidget::ModeWidget::ShowContact); connect(save_contact, &QAction::triggered, this, &ContactView::onSave); connect(cancel_edit_contact, &QAction::triggered, this, &ContactView::onCancel); connect(edit_contact, &QAction::triggered, this, &ContactView::onEdit); connect(send_mail, &QAction::triggered, this, &ContactView::onMail); connect(chat_contact, &QAction::triggered, this, &ContactView::onChat); connect(share_contact, &QAction::triggered, this, &ContactView::onShareContact); connect(request_contact, &QAction::triggered, this, &ContactView::onRequestContact); connect(ui->firstname, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &ContactView::firstNameChanged); connect(ui->lastname, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &ContactView::lastNameChanged); connect( ui->privacy_comboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(privacyLevelChanged(int))); connect(ui->email, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &ContactView::emailChanged); connect(ui->phone, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &ContactView::phoneChanged); connect(ui->notes, &QPlainTextEdit::textChanged, this, &ContactView::notesChanged); connect(ui->sendButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ContactView::onSend); connect(ui->chat_input, &QPlainTextEdit::textChanged, this, &ContactView::onTextChanged); connect(ui->contact_pages, &QTabWidget::currentChanged, this, &ContactView::currentTabChanged); connect(ui->mining_effort_slider, &QSlider::valueChanged, this, &ContactView::onMiningEffortSliderChanged); connect(ui->khid_pubkey, &KeyhoteeIDPubKeyWidget::currentState, this, &ContactView::onStateWidget); contactEditable(false); ui->chat_input->installEventFilter(this); checkSendMailButton(); setContact(Contact() ); }