Esempio n. 1
ReaderWriterDAE::readNode(const std::string& fname,
        const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options* options) const

    bool bOwnDAE = false;
    DAE* pDAE = NULL;
    if ( options )
        pDAE = (DAE*) options->getPluginData("DAE");        
    std::string ext( osgDB::getLowerCaseFileExtension(fname) );
    if( ! acceptsExtension(ext) ) return ReadResult::FILE_NOT_HANDLED;

    std::string fileName( osgDB::findDataFile( fname, options ) );
    if( fileName.empty() ) return ReadResult::FILE_NOT_FOUND;

    osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "ReaderWriterDAE( \"" << fileName << "\" )" << std::endl;

    if (NULL == pDAE)
        bOwnDAE = true;
        pDAE = new DAE;

    osgdae::daeReader daeReader(pDAE) ;

    // Convert file name to URI
    std::string fileURI = ConvertFilePathToColladaCompatibleURI(fileName);

    if ( ! daeReader.convert( fileURI ) )
        osg::notify( osg::WARN ) << "Load failed in COLLADA DOM conversion" << std::endl;
        return ReadResult::ERROR_IN_READING_FILE;

    if ( options )
        // Return the document URI
        if (options->getPluginData("DAE-DocumentURI"))
            *(std::string*)options->getPluginData("DAE-DocumentURI") = fileURI;
        // Return some additional information about the document
        if (options->getPluginData("DAE-AssetUnitName"))
             *(std::string*)options->getPluginData("DAE-AssetUnitName") = daeReader.m_AssetUnitName;
        if (options->getPluginData("DAE-AssetUnitMeter"))
            *(float*)options->getPluginData("DAE-AssetUnitMeter") = daeReader.m_AssetUnitMeter;
        if (options->getPluginData("DAE-AssetUp_axis"))
            *(domUpAxisType*)options->getPluginData("DAE-AssetUp_axis") = daeReader.m_AssetUp_axis;

    if (bOwnDAE)
        delete pDAE;

    osg::Node* rootNode( daeReader.getRootNode() );
    return rootNode;
Esempio n. 2
ReaderWriterDAE::writeNode( const osg::Node& node,
        const std::string& fname, const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options* options ) const

    bool bOwnDAE = false;
    DAE* pDAE = NULL;

    std::string ext( osgDB::getLowerCaseFileExtension(fname) );
    if( ! acceptsExtension(ext) ) return WriteResult::FILE_NOT_HANDLED;

    // Process options
    bool usePolygon(false);
    bool GoogleMode(false);
    if( options )
        pDAE = (DAE*) options->getPluginData("DAE");        
        std::istringstream iss( options->getOptionString() );
        std::string opt;

      while( std::getline( iss, opt, ',' ) )
        if( opt == "polygon")  usePolygon = true;
        else if (opt == "GoogleMode") GoogleMode = true;
              << "\n" "COLLADA dae plugin: unrecognized option \"" << opt << "\"\n"
              << "comma-delimited options:\n"
              << "\tpolygon = use polygons instead of polylists for element\n"
              << "\tGoogleMode = write files suitable for use by Google products\n"
              << "example: osgviewer -O polygon bar.dae" "\n"
              << std::endl;
    if (NULL == pDAE)
        bOwnDAE = true;
        pDAE = new DAE;

    // Convert file name to URI
    std::string fileURI = ConvertFilePathToColladaCompatibleURI(fname);

    osgdae::daeWriter daeWriter(pDAE, fileURI, usePolygon, GoogleMode );
    daeWriter.setRootNode( node );
    const_cast<osg::Node*>(&node)->accept( daeWriter );

    osgDB::ReaderWriter::WriteResult retVal( WriteResult::ERROR_IN_WRITING_FILE );
    if ( daeWriter.isSuccess() )
        if ( daeWriter.writeFile() )
            retVal = WriteResult::FILE_SAVED;
    if ( options )
        if (!bOwnDAE)
            // Return the document URI used so that users of an external DAE object
            // can locate the correct database
            if (options->getPluginData("DAE-DocumentURI"))
                *(std::string*)options->getPluginData("DAE-DocumentURI") = fileURI;

    if (bOwnDAE)
        delete pDAE;

    return retVal;
ReaderWriterDAE::readNode(const std::string& fname,
        const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options* options) const

    bool bOwnDAE = false;
    DAE* pDAE = NULL;

    // Process options
    osgDAE::daeReader::Options pluginOptions;
    if( options )
        pDAE = (DAE*)options->getPluginData("DAE");

        pluginOptions.precisionHint = options->getPrecisionHint();

        std::istringstream iss( options->getOptionString() );
        std::string opt;
        while (iss >> opt)
            if( opt == "StrictTransparency") pluginOptions.strictTransparency = true;
            else if (opt == "daeTessellateNone")              pluginOptions.tessellateMode = osgDAE::daeReader::TESSELLATE_NONE;
            else if (opt == "daeTessellatePolygonsAsTriFans") pluginOptions.tessellateMode = osgDAE::daeReader::TESSELLATE_POLYGONS_AS_TRIFAN;
            else if (opt == "daeTessellatePolygons")          pluginOptions.tessellateMode = osgDAE::daeReader::TESSELLATE_POLYGONS;
            else if (opt == "daeUsePredefinedTextureUnits") pluginOptions.usePredefinedTextureUnits = true;
            else if (opt == "daeUseSequencedTextureUnits")  pluginOptions.usePredefinedTextureUnits = false;

    std::string ext( osgDB::getLowerCaseFileExtension(fname) );
    if( ! acceptsExtension(ext) ) return ReadResult::FILE_NOT_HANDLED;

    std::string fileName( osgDB::findDataFile( fname, options ) );
    if( fileName.empty() ) return ReadResult::FILE_NOT_FOUND;

    OSG_INFO << "ReaderWriterDAE( \"" << fileName << "\" )" << std::endl;

    if (NULL == pDAE)
        bOwnDAE = true;
        pDAE = new DAE;
    std::auto_ptr<DAE> scopedDae(bOwnDAE ? pDAE : NULL);        // Deallocates locally created structure at scope exit

    osgDAE::daeReader daeReader(pDAE, &pluginOptions);

    // Convert file name to URI
    std::string fileURI = ConvertFilePathToColladaCompatibleURI(fileName);

    if ( ! daeReader.convert( fileURI ) )
        OSG_WARN << "Load failed in COLLADA DOM conversion" << std::endl;
        return ReadResult::ERROR_IN_READING_FILE;

    if ( options )
        // Return the document URI
        if (options->getPluginData("DAE-DocumentURI"))
            *(std::string*)options->getPluginData("DAE-DocumentURI") = fileURI;
        // Return some additional information about the document
        if (options->getPluginData("DAE-AssetUnitName"))
             *(std::string*)options->getPluginData("DAE-AssetUnitName") = daeReader.getAssetUnitName();
        if (options->getPluginData("DAE-AssetUnitMeter"))
            *(float*)options->getPluginData("DAE-AssetUnitMeter") = daeReader.getAssetUnitMeter();
        if (options->getPluginData("DAE-AssetUp_axis"))
            *(domUpAxisType*)options->getPluginData("DAE-AssetUp_axis") = daeReader.getAssetUpAxis();

    osg::Node* rootNode( daeReader.getRootNode() );
    return rootNode;