Esempio n. 1
// Computes the noise_density_ by summing the number of elements in a
// neighbourhood of each grid cell.
void StrokeWidth::ComputeNoiseDensity(TO_BLOCK* block, TabFind* line_grid) {
  // Run a preliminary strokewidth neighbour detection on the medium blobs.
  line_grid->InsertBlobList(true, true, false, &block->blobs, false, this);
  BLOBNBOX_IT blob_it(&block->blobs);
  for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !blob_it.cycled_list(); blob_it.forward()) {
  // Remove blobs with a good strokewidth neighbour from the grid.
  for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !blob_it.cycled_list(); blob_it.forward()) {
    BLOBNBOX* blob =;
    if (blob->GoodTextBlob() > 0)
  // Insert the smaller blobs into the grid.
  line_grid->InsertBlobList(true, true, false, &block->small_blobs,
                            false, this);
  line_grid->InsertBlobList(true, true, false, &block->noise_blobs,
                            false, this);
  if (noise_density_ != NULL)
    delete noise_density_;
  IntGrid* cell_counts = CountCellElements();
  noise_density_ = cell_counts->NeighbourhoodSum();
  delete cell_counts;
  // Clear the grid as we don't want the small stuff hanging around in it.
Esempio n. 2
// Computes and returns the noise_density IntGrid, at the same gridsize as
// this by summing the number of small elements in a 3x3 neighbourhood of
// each grid cell. good_grid is filled with blobs that are considered most
// likely good text, and this is filled with small and medium blobs that are
// more likely non-text.
// The photo_map is used to bias the decision towards non-text, rather than
// supplying definite decision.
IntGrid* CCNonTextDetect::ComputeNoiseDensity(bool debug, Pix* photo_map,
        BlobGrid* good_grid) {
    IntGrid* noise_counts = CountCellElements();
    IntGrid* noise_density = noise_counts->NeighbourhoodSum();
    IntGrid* good_counts = good_grid->CountCellElements();
    // Now increase noise density in photo areas, to bias the decision and
    // minimize hallucinated text on image, but trim the noise_density where
    // there are good blobs and the original count is low in non-photo areas,
    // indicating that most of the result came from neighbouring cells.
    int height = pixGetHeight(photo_map);
    int photo_offset = IntCastRounded(max_noise_count_ * kPhotoOffsetFraction);
    for (int y = 0; y < gridheight(); ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < gridwidth(); ++x) {
            int noise = noise_density->GridCellValue(x, y);
            if (max_noise_count_ < noise + photo_offset &&
                    noise <= max_noise_count_) {
                // Test for photo.
                int left = x * gridsize();
                int right = left + gridsize();
                int bottom = height - y * gridsize();
                int top = bottom - gridsize();
                if (ImageFind::BoundsWithinRect(photo_map, &left, &top, &right,
                                                &bottom)) {
                    noise_density->SetGridCell(x, y, noise + photo_offset);
            if (debug && noise > max_noise_count_ &&
                    good_counts->GridCellValue(x, y) > 0) {
                tprintf("At %d, %d, noise = %d, good=%d, orig=%d, thr=%d\n",
                        x * gridsize(), y * gridsize(),
                        noise_density->GridCellValue(x, y),
                        good_counts->GridCellValue(x, y),
                        noise_counts->GridCellValue(x, y), max_noise_count_);
            if (noise > max_noise_count_ &&
                    good_counts->GridCellValue(x, y) > 0 &&
                    noise_counts->GridCellValue(x, y) * kOriginalNoiseMultiple <=
                    max_noise_count_) {
                noise_density->SetGridCell(x, y, 0);
    delete noise_counts;
    delete good_counts;
    return noise_density;