Esempio n. 1
void	Q3_LoadBSPFile(struct quakefile_s *qf)
    dheader_t	*header;

    // load the file header
    //LoadFile(filename, (void **)&header, offset, length);
    LoadQuakeFile(qf, (void **)&header);

    // swap the header
    Q3_SwapBlock( (int *)header, sizeof(*header) );

    if ( header->ident != BSP_IDENT ) {
        Error( "%s is not a 2015 file", qf->filename );
    if ( header->version != BSP_VERSION ) {
        Error( "%s is version %i, not %i", qf->filename, header->version, BSP_VERSION );

    q3_numShaders = Q3_CopyLump( header, LUMP_SHADERS, (void *) &dshaders, sizeof(dshader_t) );
    q3_nummodels = Q3_CopyLump( header, LUMP_MODELS, (void *) &dmodels, sizeof(dmodel_t) );
    q3_numplanes = Q3_CopyLump( header, LUMP_PLANES, (void *) &dplanes, sizeof(dplane_t) );
    q3_numleafs = Q3_CopyLump( header, LUMP_LEAFS, (void *) &dleafs, sizeof(dleaf_t) );
    q3_numnodes = Q3_CopyLump( header, LUMP_NODES, (void *) &dnodes, sizeof(dnode_t) );
    q3_numleafsurfaces = Q3_CopyLump( header, LUMP_LEAFSURFACES, (void *) &dleafsurfaces, sizeof(dleafsurfaces[0]) );
    q3_numleafbrushes = Q3_CopyLump( header, LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES, (void *) &dleafbrushes, sizeof(dleafbrushes[0]) );
    q3_numbrushes = Q3_CopyLump( header, LUMP_BRUSHES, (void *) &dbrushes, sizeof(dbrush_t) );
    q3_numbrushsides = Q3_CopyLump( header, LUMP_BRUSHSIDES, (void *) &dbrushsides, sizeof(dbrushside_t) );
    q3_numDrawVerts = Q3_CopyLump( header, LUMP_DRAWVERTS, (void *) &drawVerts, sizeof(drawVert_t) );
    q3_numDrawSurfaces = Q3_CopyLump( header, LUMP_SURFACES, (void *) &drawSurfaces, sizeof(dsurface_t) );
//	q3_numFogs = Q3_CopyLump( header, LUMP_FOGS, (void *) &dfogs, sizeof(dfog_t) );
    q3_numDrawIndexes = Q3_CopyLump( header, LUMP_DRAWINDEXES, (void *) &drawIndexes, sizeof(drawIndexes[0]) );

    q3_numVisBytes = Q3_CopyLump( header, LUMP_VISIBILITY, (void *) &q3_visBytes, 1 );
    q3_numLightBytes = Q3_CopyLump( header, LUMP_LIGHTMAPS, (void *) &q3_lightBytes, 1 );
    q3_entdatasize = Q3_CopyLump( header, LUMP_ENTITIES, (void *) &dentdata, 1);

//	q3_numGridPoints = Q3_CopyLump( header, LUMP_LIGHTGRID, (void *) &q3_gridData, 8 );


    FreeMemory( header );		// everything has been copied out

    // swap everything


void QuadTreeClass::CreateTreeNode(NodeType* node, float positionX, float positionZ, float width, ID3D10Device* device)
	int numTriangles, i, count, vertexCount, index, vertexIndex;
	float offsetX, offsetZ;
	VertexType* vertices;
	unsigned long* indices;
	bool result;
	D3D10_BUFFER_DESC vertexBufferDesc, indexBufferDesc;
	D3D10_SUBRESOURCE_DATA vertexData, indexData;

	// Store the node position and size.
	node->positionX = positionX;
	node->positionZ = positionZ;
	node->width = width;

	// Initialize the triangle count to zero for the node.
	node->triangleCount = 0;

	// Initialize the vertex and index buffer to null.
	node->vertexBuffer = 0;
	node->indexBuffer = 0;

	// Initialize the vertex array to null.
	node->vertexArray = 0;

	// Initialize the children nodes of this node to null.
	node->nodes[0] = 0;
	node->nodes[1] = 0;
	node->nodes[2] = 0;
	node->nodes[3] = 0;

	// Count the number of triangles that are inside this node.
	numTriangles = CountTriangles(positionX, positionZ, width);

	// Case 1: If there are no triangles in this node then return as it is empty and requires no processing.
	if (numTriangles == 0)

	// Case 2: If there are too many triangles in this node then split it into four equal sized smaller tree nodes.
	if (numTriangles > MAX_TRIANGLES)
		for (i = 0; i<4; i++)
			// Calculate the position offsets for the new child node.
			offsetX = (((i % 2) < 1) ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (width / 4.0f);
			offsetZ = (((i % 4) < 2) ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (width / 4.0f);

			// See if there are any triangles in the new node.
			count = CountTriangles((positionX + offsetX), (positionZ + offsetZ), (width / 2.0f));
			if (count > 0)
				// If there are triangles inside where this new node would be then create the child node.
				node->nodes[i] = new NodeType;

				// Extend the tree starting from this new child node now.
				CreateTreeNode(node->nodes[i], (positionX + offsetX), (positionZ + offsetZ), (width / 2.0f), device);


	// Case 3: If this node is not empty and the triangle count for it is less than the max then 
	// this node is at the bottom of the tree so create the list of triangles to store in it.
	node->triangleCount = numTriangles;

	// Calculate the number of vertices.
	vertexCount = numTriangles * 3;

	// Create the vertex array.
	vertices = new VertexType[vertexCount];

	// Create the index array.
	indices = new unsigned long[vertexCount];

	// Create the vertex array.
	node->vertexArray = new VectorType[vertexCount];

	// Initialize the index for this new vertex and index array.
	index = 0;

	// Go through all the triangles in the vertex list.
	for (i = 0; i<m_triangleCount; i++)
		// If the triangle is inside this node then add it to the vertex array.
		result = IsTriangleContained(i, positionX, positionZ, width);
		if (result == true)
			// Calculate the index into the terrain vertex list.
			vertexIndex = i * 3;

			// Get the three vertices of this triangle from the vertex list.
			vertices[index].position = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position;
			vertices[index].texture = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].texture;
			vertices[index].normal = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].normal;
			indices[index] = index;

			// Also store the vertex position information in the node vertex array.
			node->vertexArray[index].x = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position.x;
			node->vertexArray[index].y = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position.y;
			node->vertexArray[index].z = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position.z;

			// Increment the indexes.

			// Do the same for the next point.
			vertices[index].position = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position;
			vertices[index].texture = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].texture;
			vertices[index].normal = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].normal;
			indices[index] = index;
			node->vertexArray[index].x = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position.x;
			node->vertexArray[index].y = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position.y;
			node->vertexArray[index].z = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position.z;

			// Do the same for the next point also.
			vertices[index].position = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position;
			vertices[index].texture = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].texture;
			vertices[index].normal = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].normal;
			indices[index] = index;
			node->vertexArray[index].x = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position.x;
			node->vertexArray[index].y = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position.y;
			node->vertexArray[index].z = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position.z;

	// Set up the description of the vertex buffer.
	vertexBufferDesc.Usage = D3D10_USAGE_DEFAULT;
	vertexBufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(VertexType) * vertexCount;
	vertexBufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D10_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER;
	vertexBufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
	vertexBufferDesc.MiscFlags = 0;
	//vertexBufferDesc.StructureByteStride = 0;

	// Give the subresource structure a pointer to the vertex data.
	vertexData.pSysMem = vertices;
	vertexData.SysMemPitch = 0;
	vertexData.SysMemSlicePitch = 0;

	// Now finally create the vertex buffer.
	device->CreateBuffer(&vertexBufferDesc, &vertexData, &node->vertexBuffer);

	// Set up the description of the index buffer.
	indexBufferDesc.Usage = D3D10_USAGE_DEFAULT;
	indexBufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(unsigned long) * vertexCount;
	indexBufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D10_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER;
	indexBufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
	indexBufferDesc.MiscFlags = 0;
	//indexBufferDesc.StructureByteStride = 0;

	// Give the subresource structure a pointer to the index data.
	indexData.pSysMem = indices;
	indexData.SysMemPitch = 0;
	indexData.SysMemSlicePitch = 0;

	// Create the index buffer.
	device->CreateBuffer(&indexBufferDesc, &indexData, &node->indexBuffer);

	// Release the vertex and index arrays now that the data is stored in the buffers in the node.
	delete[] vertices;
	vertices = 0;

	delete[] indices;
	indices = 0;

void QuadTree::CreateTreeNode(QuadTreeNode* node,vec2 pos,int width,int numObjs){
	float offsetX,offsetZ;

	node->position.x = pos.x;
	node->position.y = pos.y;
	node->size       = width;
	node->culled     = false;

	node->triangleCount = 0;
	node->indices    = NULL;

	node->objPositions = NULL;
	node->numObjs	   = MAX_TREES;

	for(int child = 0; child < 4; child++)
	  node->nodes[child] = NULL;

	std::vector<unsigned int> triList;

	int numTriangles = CountTriangles(pos,width,triList);

	if(numTriangles == 0) return;

	if(numTriangles > MAX_TRIANGLES){

	  for(int child = 0; child < 4; child++){
		offsetX = (((child % 2) < 1) ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (width/4.0f);
		offsetZ = (((child % 4) < 2) ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (width/4.0f);

		node->nodes[child] = new QuadTreeNode();
		CreateTreeNode(node->nodes[child],vec2(pos.x + offsetX,pos.y + offsetZ),width/2,numObjs/2); 


	node->triangleCount = numTriangles;

	int vertexCount = numTriangles * 3;

	node->indices = new unsigned int[vertexCount];

	int index = 0;

	int numTris = triList.size();

	double startTime2 = glfwGetTime();

	for(int triangle = 0; triangle < numTris; triangle++){

		  int vertIndex = triList[triangle] * 3;

		  node->indices[index++]  = vertIndex++;
		  node->indices[index++]  = vertIndex++;
		  node->indices[index++]  = vertIndex++;

	node->objPositions = new vec3[numObjs];
	node->numObjs = numObjs;

	//generate tree coords
	for(int obj = 0; obj < numObjs; obj++){
		int index = (rand() << 3) % vertexCount;

		float slope = 1.0f - m_normals[node->indices[index]].y;

		if(slope > 0.7f) continue;

		node->objPositions[obj] = m_vertices[node->indices[index]];

Esempio n. 4
void CSGPQuadTree::CreateTreeNode(CSGPTerrain* pTerrain, NodeType* node, float positionX, float positionZ, float width)
	// Store the node position and size.
	node->positionX = positionX;
	node->positionZ = positionZ;
	node->width = width;

	// Initialize the triangle count to zero for the node.
	node->triangleCount = 0;

	// Initialize the children nodes of this node to null.
	node->nodes[0] = NULL;
	node->nodes[1] = NULL;
	node->nodes[2] = NULL;
	node->nodes[3] = NULL;

	// Initialize the terrain chunks of this node to null.

	// Count the number of triangles that are inside this node.
	uint32 numTriangles = CountTriangles(pTerrain, positionX, positionZ, width);

	// Case 1: If there are no triangles in this node then return as it is empty and requires no processing.
	if(numTriangles == 0)

	// Case 2: If there are too many triangles in this node then split it into four equal sized smaller tree nodes.
	// If QuadNode smaller than one chunk, Do not split!
	float offsetX, offsetZ;
	if( (numTriangles > MAX_QUAD_TRIANGLES) && (width > SGPTT_TILE_METER * SGPTT_TILENUM) )
		for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
			// Calculate the position offsets for the new child node.
			offsetX = (((i % 2) < 1) ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (width / 4.0f);
			offsetZ = (((i % 4) < 2) ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (width / 4.0f);

			// See if there are any triangles in the new node.
			uint32 count = CountTriangles(pTerrain, (positionX + offsetX), (positionZ + offsetZ), (width / 2.0f));
			if(count > 0)
				// If there are triangles inside where this new node would be then create the child node.
				node->nodes[i] = new NodeType;

				// Extend the tree starting from this new child node now.
				CreateTreeNode(pTerrain, node->nodes[i], (positionX + offsetX), (positionZ + offsetZ), (width / 2.0f));
				node->NodeBoundingBox += node->nodes[i]->NodeBoundingBox;


	// Case 3: If this node is not empty and the triangle count for it is less than the max then 
	// this node is at the bottom of the tree so the list of terrain chunks to store in it.
	node->triangleCount = numTriangles;

	// Go through all the terrain chunks in this zone
	uint32 center_x = uint32(positionX / SGPTT_TILE_METER / SGPTT_TILENUM);
	uint32 center_z = uint32(positionZ / SGPTT_TILE_METER / SGPTT_TILENUM);
	int32 center_width = int32(width / SGPTT_TILE_METER / SGPTT_TILENUM);
	uint32 chunk_index = 0;
	if( center_width == 1 )
		chunk_index = (pTerrain->GetTerrainChunkSize() - 1 - center_z) * pTerrain->GetTerrainChunkSize() + center_x;
		node->terrainchunks.add( pTerrain->m_TerrainChunks[chunk_index] );
		node->NodeBoundingBox += pTerrain->m_TerrainChunks[chunk_index]->m_BoundingBox;
		for( int32 j = -center_width/2; j<center_width/2; j++ )
			for( int32 i = -center_width/2; i<center_width/2; i++ )
				chunk_index = (pTerrain->GetTerrainChunkSize() - center_z + j) * pTerrain->GetTerrainChunkSize() +
					(center_x + i);
				node->terrainchunks.add( pTerrain->m_TerrainChunks[chunk_index] );
				node->NodeBoundingBox += pTerrain->m_TerrainChunks[chunk_index]->m_BoundingBox;