// select fusion of optical flow measurements
void NavEKF2_core::SelectFlowFusion()
    // Check if the magnetometer has been fused on that time step and the filter is running at faster than 200 Hz
    // If so, don't fuse measurements on this time step to reduce frame over-runs
    // Only allow one time slip to prevent high rate magnetometer data preventing fusion of other measurements
    if (magFusePerformed && dtIMUavg < 0.005f && !optFlowFusionDelayed) {
        optFlowFusionDelayed = true;
    } else {
        optFlowFusionDelayed = false;

    // start performance timer
    // Perform Data Checks
    // Check if the optical flow data is still valid
    flowDataValid = ((imuSampleTime_ms - flowValidMeaTime_ms) < 1000);
    // Check if the optical flow sensor has timed out
    bool flowSensorTimeout = ((imuSampleTime_ms - flowValidMeaTime_ms) > 5000);
    // Check if the fusion has timed out (flow measurements have been rejected for too long)
    bool flowFusionTimeout = ((imuSampleTime_ms - prevFlowFuseTime_ms) > 5000);
    // check is the terrain offset estimate is still valid
    gndOffsetValid = ((imuSampleTime_ms - gndHgtValidTime_ms) < 5000);
    // Perform tilt check
    bool tiltOK = (Tnb_flow.c.z > frontend.DCM33FlowMin);
    // Constrain measurements to zero if we are using optical flow and are on the ground
    if (frontend._fusionModeGPS == 3 && !takeOffDetected && isAiding) {
        flowDataValid = true;

    // If the flow measurements have been rejected for too long and we are relying on them, then revert to constant position mode
    if ((flowSensorTimeout || flowFusionTimeout) && PV_AidingMode == AID_RELATIVE) {
        PV_AidingMode = AID_NONE;
        // reset the velocity
        // store the current position to be used to as a sythetic position measurement
        lastKnownPositionNE.x = stateStruct.position.x;
        lastKnownPositionNE.y = stateStruct.position.y;
        // reset the position

    // if we do have valid flow measurements, fuse data into a 1-state EKF to estimate terrain height
    // we don't do terrain height estimation in optical flow only mode as the ground becomes our zero height reference
    if ((newDataFlow || newDataRng) && tiltOK) {
        // fuse range data into the terrain estimator if available
        fuseRngData = newDataRng;
        // fuse optical flow data into the terrain estimator if available and if there is no range data (range data is better)
        fuseOptFlowData = (newDataFlow && !fuseRngData);
        // Estimate the terrain offset (runs a one state EKF)
        // Indicate we have used the range data
        newDataRng = false;

    // Fuse optical flow data into the main filter if not excessively tilted and we are in the correct mode
    if (newDataFlow && tiltOK && PV_AidingMode == AID_RELATIVE)
        // Set the flow noise used by the fusion processes
        R_LOS = sq(max(frontend._flowNoise, 0.05f));
        // ensure that the covariance prediction is up to date before fusing data
        if (!covPredStep) CovariancePrediction();
        // Fuse the optical flow X and Y axis data into the main filter sequentially
        // reset flag to indicate that no new flow data is available for fusion
        newDataFlow = false;

    // stop the performance timer
int main()

    // open data files
    pImuFile = fopen ("IMU.txt","r");
    pMagFile = fopen ("MAG.txt","r");
    pGpsFile = fopen ("GPS.txt","r");
    pAhrsFile = fopen ("ATT.txt","r");
    pAdsFile = fopen ("NTUN.txt","r");
    pTimeFile = fopen ("timing.txt","r");
    pStateOutFile = fopen ("StateDataOut.txt","w");
    pEulOutFile = fopen ("EulDataOut.txt","w");
    pCovOutFile = fopen ("CovDataOut.txt","w");
    pRefPosVelOutFile = fopen ("RefVelPosDataOut.txt","w");
    pVelPosFuseFile = fopen ("VelPosFuse.txt","w");
    pMagFuseFile = fopen ("MagFuse.txt","w");
    pTasFuseFile = fopen ("TasFuse.txt","w");
    pGpsRawINFile = fopen ("GPSraw.txt","r");
    pGpsRawOUTFile = fopen ("GPSrawOut.txt","w");

    memset(gpsRaw, 0, sizeof(gpsRaw));

    // read test data from files for first timestamp

    while (!endOfData)
        if ((IMUmsec >= msecStartTime) && (IMUmsec <= msecEndTime))
            // Initialise states, covariance and other data
            if ((IMUmsec > msecAlignTime) && !statesInitialised && (GPSstatus == 3))

            // If valid IMU data and states initialised, predict states and covariances
            if (statesInitialised)
                // Run the strapdown INS equations every IMU update
                // debug code - could be tunred into a filter mnitoring/watchdog function
                float tempQuat[4];
                for (uint8_t j=0; j<=3; j++) tempQuat[j] = states[j];
                quat2eul(eulerEst, tempQuat);
                for (uint8_t j=0; j<=2; j++) eulerDif[j] = eulerEst[j] - ahrsEul[j];
                if (eulerDif[2] > pi) eulerDif[2] -= 2*pi;
                if (eulerDif[2] < -pi) eulerDif[2] += 2*pi;
                // store the predicted states for subsequent use by measurement fusion
                // Check if on ground - status is used by covariance prediction
                // sum delta angles and time used by covariance prediction
                summedDelAng = summedDelAng + correctedDelAng;
                summedDelVel = summedDelVel + correctedDelVel;
                dt += dtIMU;
                // perform a covariance prediction if the total delta angle has exceeded the limit
                // or the time limit will be exceeded at the next IMU update
                if ((dt >= (covTimeStepMax - dtIMU)) || (summedDelAng.length() > covDelAngMax))
                    summedDelAng = summedDelAng.zero();
                    summedDelVel = summedDelVel.zero();
                    dt = 0.0f;

            // Fuse GPS Measurements
            if (newDataGps && statesInitialised)
                // Convert GPS measurements to Pos NE, hgt and Vel NED
                calcvelNED(velNED, gpsCourse, gpsGndSpd, gpsVelD);
                calcposNED(posNED, gpsLat, gpsLon, gpsHgt, latRef, lonRef, hgtRef);
                posNE[0] = posNED[0];
                posNE[1] = posNED[1];
                hgtMea =  -posNED[2];
                // set fusion flags
                fuseVelData = true;
                fusePosData = true;
                fuseHgtData = true;
                // recall states stored at time of measurement after adjusting for delays
                RecallStates(statesAtVelTime, (IMUmsec - msecVelDelay));
                RecallStates(statesAtPosTime, (IMUmsec - msecPosDelay));
                RecallStates(statesAtHgtTime, (IMUmsec - msecHgtDelay));
                // run the fusion step
                fuseVelData = false;
                fusePosData = false;
                fuseHgtData = false;

            // Fuse Magnetometer Measurements
            if (newDataMag && statesInitialised)
                fuseMagData = true;
                RecallStates(statesAtMagMeasTime, (IMUmsec - msecMagDelay)); // Assume 50 msec avg delay for magnetometer data
                fuseMagData = false;
            if (statesInitialised) FuseMagnetometer();

            // Fuse Airspeed Measurements
            if (newAdsData && statesInitialised && VtasMeas > 8.0f)
                fuseVtasData = true;
                RecallStates(statesAtVtasMeasTime, (IMUmsec - msecTasDelay)); // assume 100 msec avg delay for airspeed data
                fuseVtasData = false;

            // debug output
            //printf("Euler Angle Difference = %3.1f , %3.1f , %3.1f deg\n", rad2deg*eulerDif[0],rad2deg*eulerDif[1],rad2deg*eulerDif[2]);
        // read test data from files for next timestamp
        if (IMUmsec > msecEndTime)
            endOfData = true;