void CFlashUIGotoAndPlayBaseNode::GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig &config ) { static const SInputPortConfig in_config[] = { CreateMovieClipsPort(), CreateInstanceIdPort(), InputPortConfig_Void( "GotoAndPlay", "GotoAndPlay to frame" ), InputPortConfig_Void( "GotoAndStop", "GotoAndStop to frame" ), InputPortConfig<int>( "FrameId", -1, "Frame Number, -1 = use FrameName"), InputPortConfig<string>( "FrameName", "FrameName, only used if FrameId is set to -1" ), InputPortConfig_Void( 0 ), {0} }; static const SInputPortConfig in_config_tmpl[] = { CreateMovieClipsForTmplPort(), CreateInstanceIdPort(), CreateTmplInstanceNamePort(), InputPortConfig_Void( "GotoAndPlay", "GotoAndPlay to frame" ), InputPortConfig_Void( "GotoAndStop", "GotoAndStop to frame" ), InputPortConfig<int>( "FrameId", -1, "Frame Number, -1 = use FrameName"), InputPortConfig<string>( "FrameName", "FrameName, only used if FrameId is set to -1" ), InputPortConfig_Void( 0 ), }; static const SOutputPortConfig out_config[] = { OutputPortConfig_Void( "OnGotoAndPlay", "On GotoAndPlay" ), OutputPortConfig_Void( "OnGotoAndStop", "On GotoAndStop" ), {0} }; config.pInputPorts = IsTemplate() ? in_config_tmpl : in_config; config.pOutputPorts = out_config; config.sDescription = "Access to MovieClips"; config.SetCategory(EFLN_APPROVED); }
void CFlashUIVariableBaseNode::GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig &config ) { static const SInputPortConfig in_config[] = { CreateVariablesPort(), CreateInstanceIdPort(), InputPortConfig_Void( "Set", "Set value" ), InputPortConfig_Void( "Get", "Get value" ), InputPortConfig_AnyType( "Value", "Value to set" ), InputPortConfig_Void( 0 ), {0} }; static const SInputPortConfig in_config_tmpl[] = { CreateVariablesForTmplPort(), CreateInstanceIdPort(), CreateTmplInstanceNamePort(), InputPortConfig_Void( "Set", "Set value" ), InputPortConfig_Void( "Get", "Get value" ), InputPortConfig_AnyType( "Value", "Value to set" ), InputPortConfig_Void( 0 ), }; static const SOutputPortConfig out_config[] = { OutputPortConfig_Void( "OnSet", "On set value" ), OutputPortConfig_AnyType( "Value", "Value" ), {0} }; config.pInputPorts = IsTemplate() ? in_config_tmpl : in_config; config.pOutputPorts = out_config; config.sDescription = "Access to Variables"; config.SetCategory(EFLN_APPROVED); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------- void CFlashUIDisplayNode::GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig &config ) { static const SInputPortConfig in_config[] = { CreateElementsPort(), CreateInstanceIdPort(), InputPortConfig_Void( "show", "Display UI element" ), InputPortConfig_Void( "hide", "Hide UI element" ), InputPortConfig_Void( "unload", "Unload UI element" ), InputPortConfig_Void( "requestHide", "Send request for hide to flash asset, to allow fade out" ), InputPortConfig_Void( "init", "Inits the flash file" ), InputPortConfig_Void( "reload", "Reloads the flash file" ), InputPortConfig_Void( "unloadBootstrapper", "Unloads the bootstrapper for this UI Element. Will unload all Instances of this element" ), InputPortConfig_Void( "reloadBootstrapper", "Reloads the bootstrapper for this UI Element. Will reload all Instances of this element" ), {0} }; static const SOutputPortConfig out_config[] = { OutputPortConfig_Void( "onShow", "Triggered when display was called" ), OutputPortConfig_Void( "onHide", "Triggered when hide was called" ), OutputPortConfig_Void( "onUnload", "Triggered when unload was called" ), OutputPortConfig_Void( "onRequestHide", "Triggered when hide was requested" ), OutputPortConfig_Void( "onInit", "Triggered when init was called" ), OutputPortConfig_Void( "onReload", "Triggered when reload was called" ), OutputPortConfig_Void( "onUnloadBootstrapper", "Triggered when unload bootstrapper was called" ), OutputPortConfig_Void( "onReloadBootstrapper", "Triggered when reload bootstrapper was called" ), {0} }; config.sDescription = "Node to display/hide/reload UIElements"; config.pInputPorts = in_config; config.pOutputPorts = out_config; config.SetCategory( EFLN_APPROVED ); }
void CFlashUIMCPosRotScaleBaseNode::GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig &config ) { static const SInputPortConfig in_config[] = { CreateMovieClipsPort(), CreateInstanceIdPort(), InputPortConfig_Void( "Set", "Set visible/alpha state" ), InputPortConfig_Void( "Get", "Get visible/alpha state" ), InputPortConfig<Vec3>( "Pos", Vec3(0,0,0), "Position"), InputPortConfig<Vec3>( "Rot", Vec3(0,0,0), "Rotation"), InputPortConfig<Vec3>( "Scale", Vec3(1,1,1), "Scale"), InputPortConfig_Void( 0 ), {0} }; static const SInputPortConfig in_config_tmpl[] = { CreateMovieClipsForTmplPort(), CreateInstanceIdPort(), CreateTmplInstanceNamePort(), InputPortConfig_Void( "Set", "Set visible/alpha state" ), InputPortConfig_Void( "Get", "Get visible/alpha state" ), InputPortConfig<Vec3>( "Pos", Vec3(0,0,0), "Position"), InputPortConfig<Vec3>( "Rot", Vec3(0,0,0), "Rotation"), InputPortConfig<Vec3>( "Scale", Vec3(1,1,1), "Scale"), InputPortConfig_Void( 0 ), {0} }; static const SOutputPortConfig out_config[] = { OutputPortConfig_Void( "OnSet", "On set visible/alpha state" ), OutputPortConfig<Vec3>( "Pos", "Position"), OutputPortConfig<Vec3>( "Rot", "Rotation"), OutputPortConfig<Vec3>( "Scale", "Scale"), {0} }; config.pInputPorts = IsTemplate() ? in_config_tmpl : in_config; config.pOutputPorts = out_config; config.sDescription = "Pos/Rot/Scale access to MovieClips"; config.SetCategory(EFLN_APPROVED); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CFlashUIDisplayConfigNode::GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig &config ) { static const SInputPortConfig in_config[] = { CreateElementsPort(), CreateInstanceIdPort(), InputPortConfig_Void( "get", "Get configuration" ), InputPortConfig_Void( "set", "set configuration" ), InputPortConfig<bool>( "cursor", "Enables mouse cursor" ), InputPortConfig<bool>( "mouseEvents", "Enables mouse events" ), InputPortConfig<bool>( "keyEvents", "Enables mouse events" ), InputPortConfig<bool>( "consoleMouse", "Enables use controller stick as mouse on console (only if \"mouseEvents\" is enabled)" ), InputPortConfig<bool>( "consoleCursor", "Enables cursor on console (only if \"cursor\" is enabled)" ), InputPortConfig<bool>( "controllerInput", "Enables controller input" ), InputPortConfig<bool>( "eventsExclusive", "If set to true no other elements will receive events if this element receives them first" ), InputPortConfig<bool>( "fixedProjDepth", "If set to true this element will use pseudo 3D mode. The _z value of each movieclip will only affect its size to give the feeling of \"correct\" depth" ), InputPortConfig<bool>( "forceNoUnload", "If set to true this element will not be unloaded on level unload (flag will be applied to all instances!)" ), InputPortConfig<float>( "alpha", "Alpha" ), InputPortConfig<int>( "layer", "layer of the element" ), {0} }; static const SOutputPortConfig out_config[] = { OutputPortConfig_Void( "OnSet", _HELP("Triggered on set")), OutputPortConfig_Void( "OnGet", _HELP("Triggered on get")), OutputPortConfig<bool>( "isVisible", "Current menu state" ), OutputPortConfig<bool>( "hasCursor", "Current cursor state" ), OutputPortConfig<bool>( "hasMouseEvents", "Current mouse event state" ), OutputPortConfig<bool>( "hasKeyEvents", "Current key event state" ), OutputPortConfig<bool>( "isConsoleMouse", "Current console mouse state" ), OutputPortConfig<bool>( "isConsoleCursor", "Current console cursor state" ), OutputPortConfig<bool>( "isControllerInput", "Current controller input state" ), OutputPortConfig<bool>( "isEventsExclusive", "Current event exclusive state" ), OutputPortConfig<bool>( "isFixedProjDepth", "Current fixedProjDepth state" ), OutputPortConfig<bool>( "isForceNoUnload", "Current forceNoUnload state" ), OutputPortConfig<float>( "alpha", "Current alpha value" ), OutputPortConfig<int>( "layer", "layer of the element" ), {0} }; config.sDescription = "Node to setup flags for UIElements"; config.pInputPorts = in_config; config.pOutputPorts = out_config; config.SetCategory( EFLN_APPROVED ); }
void CFlashUIMCVisibleBaseNode::GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig &config ) { static const SInputPortConfig in_config[] = { CreateMovieClipsPort(), CreateInstanceIdPort(), InputPortConfig_Void( "Set", "Set visible/alpha state" ), InputPortConfig_Void( "Get", "Get visible/alpha state" ), InputPortConfig<bool>( "Visible", true, "Visible true/false"), InputPortConfig<float>( "Alpha", "Alpha (0-1)" ), InputPortConfig_Void( 0 ), {0} }; static const SInputPortConfig in_config_tmpl[] = { CreateMovieClipsForTmplPort(), CreateInstanceIdPort(), CreateTmplInstanceNamePort(), InputPortConfig_Void( "Set", "Set visible/alpha state" ), InputPortConfig_Void( "Get", "Get visible/alpha state" ), InputPortConfig<bool>( "Visible", true, "Visible true/false"), InputPortConfig<float>( "Alpha", "Alpha (0-1)" ), InputPortConfig_Void( 0 ), {0} }; static const SOutputPortConfig out_config[] = { OutputPortConfig_Void( "OnSet", "On set visible/alpha state" ), OutputPortConfig<bool>( "IsVisible", "Visible true/false" ), OutputPortConfig<float>( "AlphaVal", "Current Alpha value (0-1)" ), {0} }; config.pInputPorts = IsTemplate() ? in_config_tmpl : in_config; config.pOutputPorts = out_config; config.sDescription = "Visible/Alpha access to MovieClips"; config.SetCategory(EFLN_APPROVED); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CFlashUIAdvanceNode::GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig &config ) { static const SInputPortConfig in_config[] = { CreateElementsPort(), CreateInstanceIdPort(), InputPortConfig_Void( "Advance", "Advance the flash player" ), InputPortConfig<float>( "Delta", 0, "Delta time for advance"), {0} }; static const SOutputPortConfig out_config[] = { OutputPortConfig_Void( "onAdvance", "Triggered when advance was called" ), {0} }; config.sDescription = "Node to advance a UIElement"; config.pInputPorts = in_config; config.pOutputPorts = out_config; config.SetCategory( EFLN_APPROVED ); }
void CFlashUIMCTemplateRemoveNode::GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig &config ) { static const SInputPortConfig in_config[] = { CreateElementsPort(), CreateInstanceIdPort(), CreateTmplInstanceNamePort(), InputPortConfig_Void( "Remove", "Removes the given MovieClip" ), InputPortConfig_Void( 0 ), {0} }; static const SOutputPortConfig out_config[] = { OutputPortConfig_Void( "OnRemove", "Triggered once the MovieClip was removed" ), {0} }; config.pInputPorts = in_config; config.pOutputPorts = out_config; config.sDescription = "Removes a MovieClip"; config.SetCategory(EFLN_APPROVED); }
void CFlashUIElementInstanceNode::GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig &config ) { static const SInputPortConfig in_config[] = { CreateElementsPort(), CreateInstanceIdPort(), InputPortConfig_Void( "Destroy", "Destroy UIElement instance" ), {0} }; static const SOutputPortConfig out_config[] = { OutputPortConfig<int>( "instanceID", "Instance ID for the element that fired the event" ), OutputPortConfig_Void( "onNewInstance", "Triggered when new instance was created" ), OutputPortConfig_Void( "onInstanceDestroyed", "Triggered when instance was destroyed" ), {0} }; config.sDescription = "Node to delete instances of UIElements and receive notifications about new/destroyed instances of an UIElements"; config.pInputPorts = in_config; config.pOutputPorts = out_config; config.SetCategory( EFLN_APPROVED ); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CFlashUIConstraintsNode::GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig &config ) { static const SInputPortConfig in_config[] = { CreateElementsPort(), CreateInstanceIdPort(), InputPortConfig_Void( "set", "Set configuration" ), InputPortConfig_Void( "get", "Get configuration" ), InputPortConfig<int>( "type", 1, _HELP( "Set positioning type (fixed=fixed position, dynamic=fit screen but keep aspect ratio, fullscreen=scale to fullscreen) "), 0, _UICONFIG( "enum_int:Fixed=0,Fullscreen=1,Dynamic=2" ) ), InputPortConfig<int>( "left", "Set left position (fixed mode)" ), InputPortConfig<int>( "top", "Set top position (fixed mode)" ), InputPortConfig<int>( "width", "Set width (fixed mode)" ), InputPortConfig<int>( "height", "Set height (fixed mode)" ), InputPortConfig<bool>( "scale", "Set scale" ), InputPortConfig<int>( "hAlign", 1, _HELP("Set horizontal align (dynamic mode)"), 0, _UICONFIG("enum_int:Left=0,Middle=1,Right=2")), InputPortConfig<int>( "vAlign", 1, _HELP("Set vertical align (dynamic mode)"), 0, _UICONFIG("enum_int:Top=0,Middle=1,Bottom=2")), InputPortConfig<bool>( "maximize", "Set if element is maximized (dynamic mode)" ), {0} }; static const SOutputPortConfig out_config[] = { OutputPortConfig_Void( "OnSet", _HELP("Triggered on set")), OutputPortConfig_Void( "OnGet", _HELP("Triggered on get")), OutputPortConfig<int>( "type", _HELP("Get positioning type (0=fixed position, 1=scaled to fit screen)")), OutputPortConfig<int>( "left", "Get left position" ), OutputPortConfig<int>( "top", "Get top position" ), OutputPortConfig<int>( "width", "Get width" ), OutputPortConfig<int>( "height", "Get height" ), OutputPortConfig<bool>( "scale", "Get scale" ), OutputPortConfig<int>( "hAlign", "Get horizontal align (0:Left, 1:Middle, 2:Right)"), OutputPortConfig<int>( "vAlign", "Get vertical align (0:Bottom, 1:Middle 2:Top"), OutputPortConfig<bool>( "maximize", "Get maximize" ), {0} }; config.sDescription = "Node to setup constraints for UIElements"; config.pInputPorts = in_config; config.pOutputPorts = out_config; config.SetCategory( EFLN_APPROVED ); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CFlashUIScreenPosNode::GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig &config ) { static const SInputPortConfig in_config[] = { CreateElementsPort(), CreateInstanceIdPort(), InputPortConfig_Void( "Get", "Trigger the node" ), InputPortConfig<float>( "PX", 0, "Input screen x-pos (0-1)"), InputPortConfig<float>( "PY", 0, "Input screen y-pos (0-1)"), InputPortConfig<bool>( "StageScaleMode", false, "If flash asset uses stage.scaleMode this must be true,\nthe movieclip must sit in another mc that is manually located in the center of the screen"), {0} }; static const SOutputPortConfig out_config[] = { OutputPortConfig_Void( "onGet", "Triggered when advance was called" ), OutputPortConfig<float>( "PX", "Screen x-pos for selected Flash asset"), OutputPortConfig<float>( "PY", "Screen y-pos for selected Flash asset"), {0} }; config.sDescription = "Node to convert a screen position (Value 0-1) to a actual X,Y position in the flash asset"; config.pInputPorts = in_config; config.pOutputPorts = out_config; config.SetCategory( EFLN_APPROVED ); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CFlashUILayerNode::GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig &config ) { static const SInputPortConfig in_config[] = { CreateElementsPort(), CreateInstanceIdPort(), InputPortConfig_Void( "get", "Get configuration" ), InputPortConfig_Void( "set", "set configuration" ), InputPortConfig<int>( "layer", "layer of the element" ), {0} }; static const SOutputPortConfig out_config[] = { OutputPortConfig_Void( "OnSet", _HELP("Triggered on set")), OutputPortConfig_Void( "OnGet", _HELP("Triggered on get")), OutputPortConfig<int>( "layer", "layer of the element" ), {0} }; config.sDescription = "Node to setup layer of UIElements"; config.pInputPorts = in_config; config.pOutputPorts = out_config; config.SetCategory( EFLN_APPROVED ); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CFlashUIWorldScreenPosNode::GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig &config ) { static const SInputPortConfig in_config[] = { CreateElementsPort(), CreateInstanceIdPort(), InputPortConfig_Void( "Get", "Trigger the node" ), InputPortConfig<Vec3>( "WorldPos", "Input world pos"), InputPortConfig<Vec3>( "Offset", "Offset of the world pos"), InputPortConfig<bool>( "StageScaleMode", false, "If flash asset uses stage.scaleMode this must be true,\nthe movieclip must sit in another mc that is manually located in the center of the screen"), {0} }; static const SOutputPortConfig out_config[] = { OutputPortConfig_Void( "onGet", "Triggered when advance was called" ), OutputPortConfig<Vec3>( "ScreenPos", "Screen in selected selected Flash asset"), OutputPortConfig<float>( "Scale", "If you use 2.5D mode this will return scale for your movieclip simulate the depth."), OutputPortConfig<bool>( "OnScreen", "True if on screen otherwise false"), OutputPortConfig<Vec3>( "Border", "If not on screen x=-1 means left from screen x=1 right from screen, y=-1 top of screen y=1 below the screen"), {0} }; config.sDescription = "Node to convert a world position to a actual X,Y,Z and Scale value in the flash asset"; config.pInputPorts = in_config; config.pOutputPorts = out_config; config.SetCategory( EFLN_APPROVED ); }
void CFlashUIElementListenerNode::GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig &config ) { static const SInputPortConfig in_config[] = { CreateElementsPort(), CreateInstanceIdPort(), {0} }; static const SOutputPortConfig out_config[] = { OutputPortConfig<int>( "instanceID", "Instance ID for the element that fired the event" ), OutputPortConfig_Void( "onInit", "Triggered when flash element was initialized" ), OutputPortConfig_Void( "onUnload", "Triggered when unloaded" ), OutputPortConfig_Void( "onShow", "Triggered when displayed" ), OutputPortConfig_Void( "onHide", "Triggered when hided" ), OutputPortConfig_Void( "onNewInstance", "Triggered when new instance was created" ), OutputPortConfig_Void( "onInstanceDestroyed", "Triggered when instance was destroyed" ), {0} }; config.sDescription = "Node receive notifications about display/hide/load/unload of an UIElements"; config.pInputPorts = in_config; config.pOutputPorts = out_config; config.SetCategory( EFLN_APPROVED ); }