Esempio n. 1
// Create a report file
TQErrCode CBITManager::CreateReportFile(QString ReportFileName)
    // Create HTML report
	CHTML_BITReport HTML_BITReport(ReportFileName);
  catch(EQException& QException)

  return Q_NO_ERROR;
void CSimulateVariableWind::CalculateFire(){

	m_CentralPoints	.Clear();
	m_AdjPoints		.Clear();

	if (m_pDEM->is_InGrid(m_iGridX, m_iGridY,false)){
		m_CentralPoints.Add(m_iGridX, m_iGridY);
		m_pTimeGrid->Set_Value(m_iGridX, m_iGridY,0.0);
	if (CalculateFireSpreading(m_fTimeLimit)){

Esempio n. 3
void AddReports() {

  pRepOut = CreateReport("out", "Standard Output with Columns","Prints an array of data, with each row representing an independent run~you can customize the report to include a variety of columns","stdout","ReportOut");
  AddReportParmString(pRepOut,"Columns to Display (ubcsat -hc for info)","default");
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepOut,"Delay: Set to 1 to print after all runs are complete",&bReportOutputSuppress,0);
  pRepOut->bActive = TRUE;

  pRepStats = CreateReport("stats","Statistics Report","Shows summary statistics from all runs~you can customize the report to include a variety of statistics","stdout","ReportStats");
  pRepStats->bActive = TRUE;
  AddReportParmString(pRepStats,"Statistics to Display (ubcsat -hs for info)","default");

  pRepRTD = CreateReport("rtd","Run-Length and Run-Time Distribution","Similar to (-r out), except results are sorted by search steps,~and include successful runs~you can customize the report to include a variety of columns", "stdout","ReportRTD,SortByStepPerformance");
  AddReportParmString(pRepRTD,"Columns to Display (ubcsat -hc for info)","rtd");

  pRepModel = CreateReport("model","Solution Model","Prints the solution model found from the last run executed~is turned on automatically with the -solve parameter~output format example is: -1 2 3 -4 ... ~meaning variables (1,4) are true, and variables (2,3) are false","stdout","ReportModelPrint");

  pRepCNFStats = CreateReport("cnfstats","Instance Statistics","Provides additional information about the properties of the instance","stdout","ReportCNFStatsPrint");
  pRepState = CreateReport("state","State Information Trace","Provides detailed state information for each search step, including:~the solution quality, the variable flipped, and the state of all variables","stdout","ReportStatePrint");
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepState,"Only print when in local minima",&bReportStateLMOnly,0);
  AddReportParmFloat(pRepState,"Only print at a specific Solution Quality (all if -1)",&fReportStateQuality,-1.0f);

  pRepSolution = CreateReport("solution","Solutions","Prints solutions for every successful run in the format:~1001001101...~where variable 1 is true, 2 is false, 3 is false, etc...","stdout","ReportSolutionPrint");

  pRepUniqueSol = CreateReport("uniquesol","Unique Solutions","Prints the same as (-r solution), except only unique solutions (no repeats)","stdout","ReportUniqueSolPrint");

  pRepBestSol = CreateReport("bestsol","Best Candidate Solutions","Similar to (-r solution), but includes variable assignments for the~best solution quality encountered when no solution is found","stdout","ReportBestSolPrint");

  pRepBestStep = CreateReport("beststep","Steps of Each New Best Solution Quality","Print step information for each new best solution encountered","stdout","ReportBestStepPrint");
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepBestStep,"Include the variable assignment for each new best",&bReportBestStepVars,0);

  pRepTrajBestLM = CreateReport("tbestlm","Trajectory Best Local Minima","Very similar to (-r beststep), except it ignores best solutions that~are improved upon in the next step","stdout","ReportTrajBestLM");
  pRepOptClauses = CreateReport("unsatclauses","Unsatisfied Clauses","Print unsatisfied clauses when the run is complete~mostly useful when -target > 0 -- the format is:~1101111...~where clause 3 was unsatisfied when the run terminated","stdout","ReportUnsatClausesPrint");
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepOptClauses,"Only Include runs where -target solution was reached",&bReportOptClausesSol,0);

  pRepFalseHist = CreateReport("falsehist","Number of False Clauses Histogram","Prints a count (histogram) that shows the distribution~of the number of false clauses throughout the search","stdout","ReportFalseHistPrint");
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepFalseHist,"Only include data from the last N steps",&iReportFalseHistCount,0);

  pRepDistance = CreateReport("distance","Hamming Distance Information","Detailed information for each step of the Hamming Distance~to the closest known solution~Note: Requires solution file (-filesol)","stdout","ReportDistancePrint");
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepDistance,"Only print when in local minima",&bReportDistanceLMOnly,0);

  pRepDistHist = CreateReport("disthist","Hamming Distance Histogram","Prints a count (histogram) that shows the distribution~of the Hamming distance from the solution(s) throughout the search~Note: Requires solution file (-filesol)","stdout","ReportDistHistPrint");
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepDistHist,"Only include data from the last N steps",&iReportDistHistCount,0);

  pRepFlipCounts = CreateReport("flipcount","Variable Flip Count","Prints the number of times each variable was flipped~restarts are counted in the first column (nullflips)","stdout","ReportFlipCountsPrint");

  pRepBiasCounts = CreateReport("biascount","Variable Bias Count","Prints the number of steps each variable was true and false","stdout","ReportBiasCountsPrint");

  pRepUnsatCounts = CreateReport("unsatcount","Clause Unsatisfied Count","Prints the number of steps that each clause was unsatisfied","stdout","ReportUnsatCountsPrint");

  pRepVarLast = CreateReport("varlastflip","Step of Last Variable Flip","Prints the step of the last time each variable was flipped","stdout","ReportVarLastPrint");

  pRepClauseLast = CreateReport("clauselast","Step of Last Clause Unsatisfied","Prints the last step each clause was unsatisfied","stdout","ReportClauseLastPrint");

  pRepSQGrid = CreateReport("sqgrid","Solution Quality Grid","Prints the solution quality at key step values","stdout","ReportSQGridPrint");
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepSQGrid,"# of key step points per decade",&iLogDistStepsPerDecade,10);

  pRepPenalty = CreateReport("penalty","Clause Penalties","Prints the Clause penalties (weights) from DLS algorithms (i.e.: SAPS,PAWS)~Note: the renormalize to total overrides renormalize to base","stdout","ReportPenaltyPrint");
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepPenalty,"Re-normalise to base so an untouched clause is equal to 1",&bReportPenaltyReNormBase,1);
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepPenalty,"Re-normalise to total so sum of all penalties equals 1",&bReportPenaltyReNormFraction,0);
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepPenalty,"Print penalties every local min (0=end of run only)",&bReportPenaltyEveryLM,0);

  pRepPenMean = CreateReport("penmean","Clause Penalties (Mean)","Mean of clause penalties throughout the run","stdout","ReportPenMeanPrint");
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepPenMean,"Re-normalise to base so an untouched clause is equal to 1",&bReportPenaltyReNormBase,1);
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepPenMean,"Re-normalise to total so sum of all penalties equals 1",&bReportPenaltyReNormFraction,0);
  pRepPenStddev = CreateReport("penstddev","Clause Penalties (Stddev)","StdDev of clause penalties throughout the run","stdout","ReportPenStddevPrint");
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepPenStddev,"Re-normalise to base so an untouched clause is equal to 1",&bReportPenaltyReNormBase,1);
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepPenStddev,"Re-normalise to total so sum of all penalties equals 1",&bReportPenaltyReNormFraction,0);
  pRepPenCV = CreateReport("pencv","Clause Penalties (CV)","CV of clause penalties throughout the run","stdout","ReportPenCVPrint");
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepPenCV,"Re-normalise to base so an untouched clause is equal to 1",&bReportPenaltyReNormBase,1);
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepPenCV,"Re-normalise to total so sum of all penalties equals 1",&bReportPenaltyReNormFraction,0);

  pRepMobility = CreateReport("mobility","Mobility Report","Mean Hamming distances for windows of sizes 1..length~Parameter 2 will normalize output so 1 is maximum value","stdout","ReportMobilityPrint");
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepMobility,"Largest mobility window length to display [default = n]",&iReportMobilityDisplay,0);
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepMobility,"Normalize Mobility values: Mobility/min(n,windowsize)",&bReportMobilityNormalized,0);

  pRepMobFixed = CreateReport("mobfixed","Mobility For a Fixed Window Size","Provides step-by-step Mobility data for a fixed window size~1st parameter sets the size of the window,~2nd parameter includes or ignores(default) the first 1..size steps~both parameters affect column results (mobx, mobxcv, etc.)~to set parameters without running report, use~-r mobfixed null INT BOOL","stdout","ReportMobFixedPrint");
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepMobFixed,"Mobility window size [default = n]",&iMobFixedWindow,0);
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepMobFixed,"Include first (1..windowsize) steps",&bMobilityFixedIncludeStart,0);

  pRepMobFixedFreq = CreateReport("mobfixedfreq","Mobility Fixed Window Histogram","Mobility frequency counts for a fixed window size~must use the same parameter settings as (-r mobfixed)","stdout","ReportMobFixedFreqPrint");
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepMobFixedFreq,"Mobility window size [default = n]",&iMobFixedWindow,0);
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepMobFixedFreq,"Include first (1..windowsize) steps ",&bMobilityFixedIncludeStart,0);

  pRepAutoCorr = CreateReport("autocorr","Autocorrelation Report","Autocorrelation Length (ACL) and autocorrelation values for lengths 1..max~if the ACL is greater than max, it returns an ACL value of max~parameters affect column (acl) results~to set parameters without running report, use~-r autocorr null INT FL","stdout","ReportAutoCorrPrint");
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepAutoCorr,"Maximum window length [default = n]",&iAutoCorrMaxLen,0);
  AddReportParmFloat(pRepAutoCorr,"Cutoff Value for finding ACL [default = 1/e]",&fAutoCorrCutoff,0.3678794f);
  pRepTriggers = CreateReport("triggers","Trigger Report","Prints Out All Active Triggers","stdout","ReportTriggersPrint");
  AddReportParmUInt(pRepTriggers,"Show All Triggers (not just active) [default = 0]",&bReportTriggersAll,0);

  pRepSATComp = CreateReport("satcomp","SAT Competition","Prints required output for 2005 SAT Competition (use -solve)","stdout","ReportSatCompetitionPrint");



  AddColumnUInt("run","Run Number",
    "     ",
    "  Run",
    "  No.",

  AddColumnUInt("found","Target Solution Quality Found? (1 => yes)",

  AddColumnUInt("steps","Total Number of Search Steps",
    "     Total",
    "    Search",
    "     Steps",


  AddColumnFloat("time","Time in seconds, measured (not accurate for short runs)",
    "  CPU Time",
    "in seconds",


  AddColumnUInt("best","Best (Lowest) # of False Clauses Found",
    " Best",


  AddColumnFloat("best_w","Best Weighted Solution Quality Found",
    "        Best",
    "    Solution",
    "     Quality",


  AddColumnUInt("worst","Worst (Highest) # of False Clauses Found",


  AddColumnFloat("worst_w","Worst Weighted Solution Quality Found",
    "       Worst",
    "    Solution",
    "     Quality",


  AddColumnUInt("last","Last (on final step) # of False Clauses",
    " Last",


  AddColumnFloat("last_w","Last (on final step) Weighted Solution Quality",
    "        Last",
    "    Solution",
    "     Quality",


  AddColumnUInt("start","Start (on first step) # of False Clauses",


  AddColumnFloat("start_w","Start (on first step) Weighted Solution Quality",
    "       Start",
    "    Solution",
    "     Quality",


  AddColumnUInt("beststep","Step of Best (Lowest) # of False Clauses Found",
    "      Step",
    "        of",
    "      Best",

  AddColumnUInt("beststep_w","Step of Best Weighted Solution Quality Found",
    "      Step",
    "        of",
    "    W Best",


  AddColumnFloat("bestavgimpr","Mean Improvement per Step to Best Solution",
    "  Average",
    " Improve.",
    "  To Best",

  AddColumnFloat("bestavgimpr_w","Mean Improvement per Step to Best Solution Quality",
    "  Average",
    " Improve.",
    "To W Best",


  AddColumnUInt("firstlm","First Local Minimum # of False Clauses",
    "@ 1st",


  AddColumnFloat("firstlm_w","First Weighted Local Minimum Solution Quality",
    "    Solution",
    "     Quality",
    " @ 1st WLMin",


  AddColumnUInt("firstlmstep","Step of the First Local Minimum Encountered",
    " Step",


  AddColumnUInt("firstlmstep_w","Step of the First Weighted Local Minimum Encountered",
    " Step",


  AddColumnFloat("firstlmratio","Improvement from 1st LM: (start-firstlm)/(start-best)",
    "    First",
    "Local Min",
    "    Ratio",


  AddColumnFloat("firstlmratio_w","Improve from 1st WLM: (startw - firstlmw)/(startw-bestw)",
    " First W.",
    "Local Min",
    "    Ratio",


  AddColumnFloat("tbestlmmean","Mean of the Trajectory Best LM (# False)",
    "  Traj.",
    "Best LM",
    "   Mean",


  AddColumnFloat("tbestlmmean_w","Mean of the Trajectory Best LM (W.Sol'n Quality)",
    "  Traj.",
    "Best LM",
    "   Mean",


  AddColumnFloat("tbestlmcv","C.V. of the Trajectory Best LM  (# False)",
    "  Traj.",
    "Best LM",
    "   C.V.",

  AddColumnFloat("tbestlmcv_w","C.V. of the Trajectory Best LM (W.Sol'n Quality)",
    "  Traj.",
    "Best LM",
    "   C.V.",


  AddColumnUInt("qualmean","Average (Mean) # of False Clauses",
    "   # of",
    "  False",

  AddColumnFloat("qualmean_w","Average (Mean) of Weighted Solution Quality",

  AddColumnUInt("qualstddev","Std.Dev. # of False Clauses",
    "   # of",
    "  False",

  AddColumnFloat("qualstddev_w","Std.Dev. of Weighted Solution Quality",


  AddColumnUInt("qualcv","Coeff. of Var. # of False Clauses",
    "   C.V.",
    "   # of",
    "  False",

  AddColumnFloat("qualcv_w","Coeff. of Var. of Weighted Solution Quality",
    "   C.V.",


  AddColumnUInt("seed","Starting Seed For the Run",
    "          ",
    "  Starting",
    "      Seed",

  AddColumnUInt("nullflips","Number of Null Flips",
    "    Number",
    "   of Null",
    "     Flips",

  AddColumnUInt("percentnull","Percent of Null Flips",
    "   Null",
    "  Flips",


  AddColumnUInt("restarts","Number of Restarts",
    "  Number",
    "      of",


  AddColumnUInt("rand","Number of Random Decisions",
    "    Number",
    " of Random",
    " Decisions",


  AddColumnUInt("randstep","Mean Number of Random Decisions Per Step",
    "Avg. Rand",
    " per step",


  AddColumnUInt("candidates","Mean Number of Flip Candidates (not all algs support it)",
    " Mean #",
    "of Flip",
    " Candid",


  AddColumnUInt("localmins","Number of Local Minima Encountered",
    "    Number",
    "  of Local",
    "    Minima",


  AddColumnUInt("percentlocal","Percent of Steps in Local Minima",
    "  Local",
    " Minima",


  AddColumnFloat("flipcountcv","CV of the Variable Flip Count Distribution",
    "  CV of",
    "   Flip",
    "  Count",


  AddColumnFloat("biasmax","Mean Frac. # steps vars spent same state as their most freq.",
    "   Max",
    "  Pol-",
    " arity",


  AddColumnFloat("biasfinal","Mean Frac. # steps vars spent same as their final state",
    " Final",
    "  Pol-",
    " arity",


  AddColumnFloat("unsatcountcv","CV of the Clause Unsat Count Distribution",
    "  CV of",
    "  Unsat",
    "  Count",


  AddColumnUInt("soldistance","Mean Hamming Distance from Closest Known Solution(s)",
    "   Mean",
    "Dist To",


  AddColumnFloat("fdc","Fitness-Distance Correlation Factor (calc. in LM)",
    "   Calc",


  AddColumnUInt("acl","Auto-Correlation Length",


  AddColumnFloat("acone","Auto-Correlation of distance one",
    "  Auto-",
    "  Corr.",
    "  (one)",


  AddColumnFloat("estacl","Estimated Auto-Correlation Length from AC of 1",
    "       ",
    "   Est.",
    "    ACL",


  AddColumnFloat("branchfact","Mean Branching Factor (# possible sidesteps / #vars)",
    "  Mean",
    "  Fact",
    &fBranchFactor, "BranchFactor", ColTypeMean);


  AddColumnFloat("branchfact_w","Mean Weighted Branching Factor",
    "  Fact",
    &fBranchFactorW, "BranchFactorW", ColTypeMean);


  AddColumnFloat("mobn","Mean Mobility for window size n (# of vars)",
    "Window N",
    "    Mean",


  AddColumnFloat("mobx","Mean Mobility for window size x (see -r mobfixed)",
    "Window X",
    "    Mean",


  AddColumnFloat("normmobn","Normalized Mean Mobility for window size n (# of vars) ",
    "Norm Mob",
    "Window N",
    "    Mean",


  AddColumnFloat("normmobx","Normalized Mean Mobility for window size x (see -r mobfixed)",
    "Norm Mob",
    "Window X",
    "    Mean",


  AddColumnFloat("mobncv","Mobility C.V. for window size n (# of vars)",
    "Window N",
    "    C.V.",


  AddColumnFloat("mobxcv","Mobility C.V. for window size x (see -r mobfixed)",
    "Window X",
    "    C.V.",


  AddColumnUInt("upsteps","Number of Up (Backward) Steps",
    "    Number",
    "     of Up",
    "     Steps",

  AddColumnUInt("upsteps_w","Number of Up (Backward) Weighted Steps",
    "    Number",
    "     of Up",
    "  W. Steps",

  AddColumnUInt("percentup","Percent of Up (Backward) Steps",
    "  of Up",
    "  Steps",


  AddColumnUInt("percentup_w","Percent of Up (Backward) Weighted Steps",
    "  of Up",


  AddColumnUInt("downsteps","Number of Down (Improving) Steps",
    "    Number",
    "   of Down",
    "     Steps",

  AddColumnUInt("downsteps_w","Number of Down (Improving) Weighted Steps",
    "    Number",
    "   of Down",
    "   W.Steps",

  AddColumnUInt("percentdown","Percent of Down (Improving) Steps",
    "of Down",
    "  Steps",

  AddColumnUInt("percentdown_w","Percent of Down (Improving) Weighted Steps",
    "of Down",


  AddColumnUInt("sidesteps","Number of Sideways (Plateau) Steps",
    " Number of",
    "  Sideways",
    "     Steps",

  AddColumnUInt("sidesteps_w","Number of Sideways (Plateau) Weighted Steps",
    " Number of",
    "  Sideways",
    "  W. Steps",

  AddColumnUInt("percentside","Percent of Sideways (Plateau) Steps",
    "  Steps",


  AddColumnUInt("percentside_w","Percent of Sideways (Plateau) Weighted Steps",


  AddColumnFloat("timesteps","Time in seconds, calculated based on steps (RTD Only)",
    "  CPU Time",
    "in seconds",
    "(by steps)",


  AddColumnFloat("prob","Probability of Success (RTD Only)",
    "   Prob",
    "     of",


  AddStatCustom("numclauses","Number of Clauses","Clauses","%u",(void *)&iNumClauses,DTypeUInt,"","");
  AddStatCustom("numvars","Number of Variables","Variables","%u",(void *)&iNumVars,DTypeUInt,"","");
  AddStatCustom("numlits","Number of Total Literals","TotalLiterals","%u",(void *)&iNumLits,DTypeUInt,"","");

  AddStatCustom("runs","Runs Executed","RunsExecuted","%u",(void *)&iRun,DTypeUInt,"","");

  AddStatCustom("numsolve","Number of Successful Runs","SuccessfulRuns","%u",(void *)&iNumSolutionsFound,DTypeUInt,"","");

  AddStatCustom("percentsolve","Percent of Successful Runs","PercentSuccess","%-6.2f",(void *)&fPercentSuccess,DTypeFloat,"","CalcPercentSolve");
  AddStatCustom("totaltime","Total Time Elapsed","TotalCPUTimeElapsed","%-10.3f",(void *)&fTotalTime,DTypeFloat,"","");

  AddStatCustom("fps","Flips Per Second","FlipsPerSecond","%-7.f",(void *)&fFlipsPerSecond,DTypeFloat,"","CalcFPS");

  AddStatCustom("numunique","Number of Unique Solutions Found","UniqueSolutions","%u",(void *)&iNumUniqueSolutions,DTypeUInt,"","UniqueSolutions");

  AddStatCustom("instname","File Name of the Instance","InstFileName","%s",(void *)&sFilenameIn,DTypeString,"","");

  AddStatCustom("alginfo","Algorithm Parameters","AlgParameters","%s",(void *)&sStringAlgParms,DTypeString,"","StringAlgParms");

  AddStatCustom("version","UBCSAT Version Information","UBCSATVersion","%s",(void *)&pVersion,DTypeString,"","");
