Esempio n. 1
static int test_oriented_brick()
  CubitVector center(1, 2, 4);
  CubitVector axes[3] = {
    CubitVector(0.707, 0.707, 0),
    CubitVector(-0.707, 0.707, 0),
    CubitVector(0, 0, 1)
  CubitVector extension(3, 5, 7);

  Body* brick = GeometryModifyTool::instance()->brick(center, axes, extension);
    printf("failed to make brick\n");
    return 1;
  CubitBox comp_box(CubitVector(-4.656854, -3.656854, -3.),
          CubitVector(6.656854, 7.656854, 11.));
  CubitBox bnd_box = brick->bounding_box();

  bool identical =  cubit_box_identical(bnd_box, comp_box, GEOMETRY_RESABS*2.0, true);
  if (identical)
    return 0;

  if( bnd_box < comp_box || bnd_box > comp_box*1.09)
    printf("boxes not identical\n");
    return 1;
  return 0;
Esempio n. 2
CubitVector SurfaceOverlapFacet::smallest_edge_midpoint()
  CubitVector point1 = CubitVector( t.b.x, t.b.y, t.b.z );    
  CubitVector point2 = CubitVector( t.e0.x + t.b.x, 
                                    t.e0.y + t.b.y, 
                                    t.e0.z + t.b.z );    
  CubitVector point3 = CubitVector( t.e1.x + t.b.x, 
                                    t.e1.y + t.b.y, 
                                    t.e1.z + t.b.z );    
  double len_12 = point1.distance_between( point2 );
  double len_23 = point2.distance_between( point3 );
  double len_13 = point1.distance_between( point3 );

  if( (len_12 < len_23) && (len_12 < len_13) )
    point1 += point2;
    point1 /= 2;
    return point1;
  else if( len_23 < len_13 )
    point2 += point3;
    point2 /= 2;
    return point2;
    point1 += point3;
    point1 /= 2;
    return point1;
Esempio n. 3
// Purpose       : Calculates the derivitives at a given parameter location.
CubitStatus OCCSurface::uv_derivitives( double u,
                                          double v,
                                          CubitVector &du,
                                          CubitVector &dv )
  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*myTopoDSFace);
  gp_Pnt p;
  gp_Vec d1u, d1v;
  asurface.D1(u, v, p, d1u, d1v);
  du = CubitVector(d1u.X(), d1u.Y(), d1u.Z());
  dv = CubitVector(d1v.X(), d1v.Y(), d1v.Z());
Esempio n. 4
bool PST_Face::calculate_plane()
  update_plane_ = 0;

  // Use Newell's method
  CubitVector dif, sum, ref(0.,0.,0.);
  CubitVector norm(0.,0.,0.);
  // For each coedge...
  PST_CoEdge* ce = coedge_;
  int count = 0;
    const CubitVector& pt1 = ce->start_coord();
    const CubitVector& pt2 = ce->end_coord();
    dif   = pt2 - pt1;
    sum   = pt2 + pt1;
    ref  += pt1;
    norm += CubitVector( dif.y()*sum.z(), dif.z()*sum.x(), dif.x()*sum.y() );
    ce = ce->next();
    assert( count < PST_MAX_LIST_LEN );
  } while( ce != coedge_ );
  // Degenerate?
  double len = norm.length();
  if( len > CUBIT_RESABS )
    double d = (ref % norm) / (count * len);
    norm /= -len; //reverse and normalize

    plane_.normal( norm );
    plane_.coefficient( d );

    return true;
    plane_.normal( CubitVector(0.,0.,0.) );
    plane_.coefficient( 0. );

    return false;
Esempio n. 5
// Purpose       : Computes the closest_point on the surface to the input 
//                 location.  Optionally, it also computes and returns
//                 the normal to the surface at closest_location and the 
//                 principal curvatures(1-min, 2-max)
CubitStatus OCCSurface::closest_point( CubitVector const& location, 
                                         CubitVector* closest_location,
                                         CubitVector* unit_normal_ptr,
                                         CubitVector* curvature_1,
                                         CubitVector* curvature_2)
  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*myTopoDSFace);
  gp_Pnt p(location.x(), location.y(), location.z()), newP(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  double minDist=0.0, u, v;
  int i;
  BRepLProp_SLProps SLP(asurface, 2, Precision::PConfusion());
  Extrema_ExtPS ext(p, asurface, Precision::Approximation(), Precision::Approximation());
  if (ext.IsDone() && (ext.NbExt() > 0)) {
	  for ( i = 1 ; i <= ext.NbExt() ; i++ ) {
		  if ( (i==1) || (p.Distance(ext.Point(i).Value()) < minDist) ) {
			  minDist = p.Distance(ext.Point(i).Value());
			  newP = ext.Point(i).Value();
			  ext.Point(i).Parameter(u, v);
			  SLP.SetParameters(u, v);
	if (closest_location != NULL)
 	 	*closest_location = CubitVector(newP.X(), newP.Y(), newP.Z());
  	if (unit_normal_ptr != NULL) {
	  gp_Dir normal;
          //normal of a RefFace point to outside of the material
	  if (SLP.IsNormalDefined()) {
	    normal = SLP.Normal();
            CubitSense sense = get_geometry_sense();
            if(sense == CUBIT_REVERSED)
              normal.Reverse() ;
	      *unit_normal_ptr = CubitVector(normal.X(), normal.Y(), normal.Z()); 
        gp_Dir MaxD, MinD;
        if (SLP.IsCurvatureDefined())
	   SLP.CurvatureDirections(MaxD, MinD);
           if (curvature_1 != NULL)
              *curvature_1 = CubitVector(MinD.X(), MinD.Y(), MinD.Z());
           if (curvature_2 != NULL)
              *curvature_2 = CubitVector(MaxD.X(), MaxD.Y(), MaxD.Z());
Esempio n. 6
void SurfaceOverlapFacet::draw( int color ) 
  CubitVector point1 = CubitVector( t.b.x, t.b.y, t.b.z );    
  CubitVector point2 = CubitVector( t.e0.x + t.b.x, 
                                    t.e0.y + t.b.y, 
                                    t.e0.z + t.b.z );    
  CubitVector point3 = CubitVector( t.e1.x + t.b.x, 
                                    t.e1.y + t.b.y, 
                                    t.e1.z + t.b.z );    

  GfxPreview::draw_line( point1, point2, color );
  GfxPreview::draw_line( point2, point3, color );
  GfxPreview::draw_line( point1, point3, color );
Esempio n. 7
CubitStatus OCCSurface::principal_curvatures(
  CubitVector const& location, 
  double& curvature_1,
  double& curvature_2,
  CubitVector* closest_location )
  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*myTopoDSFace);
  gp_Pnt p(location.x(), location.y(), location.z()), newP(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  double minDist=0.0, u, v;
  int i;
  BRepLProp_SLProps SLP(asurface, 2, Precision::PConfusion());
  Extrema_ExtPS ext(p, asurface, Precision::Approximation(), Precision::Approximation());
  if (ext.IsDone() && (ext.NbExt() > 0)) {
	  for ( i = 1 ; i <= ext.NbExt() ; i++ ) {
		  if ( (i==1) || (p.Distance(ext.Point(i).Value()) < minDist) ) {
			  minDist = p.Distance(ext.Point(i).Value());
			  newP = ext.Point(i).Value();
			  ext.Point(i).Parameter(u, v);
			  SLP.SetParameters(u, v);
  if (closest_location != NULL)
    *closest_location = CubitVector(newP.X(), newP.Y(), newP.Z());

  if (SLP.IsCurvatureDefined())
    curvature_1 = SLP.MinCurvature();
    curvature_2 = SLP.MaxCurvature();
Esempio n. 8
CubitVector SurfaceOverlapFacet::centroid()

  CubitVector point1 = CubitVector( t.b.x, t.b.y, t.b.z );    
  CubitVector point2 = CubitVector( t.e0.x + t.b.x, 
                                    t.e0.y + t.b.y, 
                                    t.e0.z + t.b.z );    
  CubitVector point3 = CubitVector( t.e1.x + t.b.x, 
                                    t.e1.y + t.b.y, 
                                    t.e1.z + t.b.z );    

  point1 += point2;
  point1 += point3;
  point1 /= 3;
  return point1;
Esempio n. 9
// Purpose       : Given values of the two parameters, get the position.
// Special Notes :
CubitVector FacetSurface::position_from_u_v (double u, double v)
  if ( myEvaluator )
      return myEvaluator->position_from_u_v( u, v );

  PRINT_ERROR("Faceted geometry currently does not support u-v parameterization.\n");
  return CubitVector (0,0,0);
Esempio n. 10
static int test_brick()
  Body* brick = GeometryModifyTool::instance()->brick(1,2,4);
    printf("failed to make brick\n");
    return 1;
        CubitBox(CubitVector(-0.5,-1,-2), CubitVector(0.5,1,2)),
        GEOMETRY_RESABS*2.0, true))
    printf("boxes not identical\n");
    return 1;
  return 0;
Esempio n. 11
static int test_sphere()
  Body* sphere = GeometryModifyTool::instance()->sphere(1);
    printf("failed to make sphere\n");
    return 1;
  CubitBox comp_box( CubitVector(-1,-1,-1), CubitVector(1,1,1));
  CubitBox bnd_box = sphere->bounding_box();

  bool identical =  cubit_box_identical(bnd_box, comp_box, GEOMETRY_RESABS*2.0, true);
  if (identical)
    return 0;

  if( bnd_box < comp_box || bnd_box > comp_box*1.09)
    printf("boxes not identical\n");
    return 1;
  return 0;
Esempio n. 12
static int test_torus()
  printf("making torus\n");
  Body* torus = GeometryModifyTool::instance()->torus(1, .2);
    printf("failed to make torus\n");
    return 1;
  CubitBox comp_box(CubitVector(-1.2,-1.2,-0.2), CubitVector(1.2,1.2,0.2));
  CubitBox bnd_box = torus->bounding_box();

  bool identical =  cubit_box_identical(bnd_box, comp_box, GEOMETRY_RESABS*2.0, true);
  if (identical)
    return 0;

  if( bnd_box < comp_box || bnd_box > comp_box*1.09)
    printf("boxes not identical\n");
    return 1;
  return 0;
Esempio n. 13
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    // Start up CGM
  CubitStatus result = InitCGMA::initialize_cgma(TEST_ENGINE);
  if (CUBIT_SUCCESS != result) return 1;

    // Create a brick
  Body* brick = GMI->brick(BS, BS, BS);
  assert(brick != 0);
  DLIList<Body *> bodies, single_body, all_bodies, neighbor_list, new_bodies;
  for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i+= 2) {
    for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j+= 2) {
      for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k+= 2) {
        Body* sph = GMI->sphere(RAD);
        assert(brick != 0);
        GQI->translate(sph, CubitVector(i*.5*BS, j*.5*BS, k*.5*BS));
  CubitStatus stat = GMI->unite(bodies, single_body);
  assert(CUBIT_SUCCESS == stat && single_body.size() == 1);
  stat = GMI->webcut_with_body(all_bodies, single_body.get(), new_bodies, neighbor_list);
  assert(CUBIT_SUCCESS == stat);
  std::cout << "Number of resulting bodies = " << new_bodies.size() << std::endl;
  DLIList<RefEntity*> re_list;
  for (int i = 0; i < new_bodies.size(); i++) re_list.append(new_bodies.get_and_step());

if(export_b == 1)
  int num_exp;
  CubitString vers;
  ModelExportOptions opts;
  stat = GQI->export_solid_model (re_list, "spheres.sat", ACIS_SAT_TYPE, num_exp, vers, opts);

  assert (bodies.size() == 10);
  //delete all entities

  DLIList<RefEntity*> free_entities;
  assert(free_entities.size() ==0);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 14
// Purpose       : Computes the closest_point on the trimmed surface to the 
//                 input location. 
// Special Notes : 
void OCCSurface::closest_point_trimmed( CubitVector from_point, 
                                         CubitVector& point_on_surface)
  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*myTopoDSFace);
  gp_Pnt p(from_point.x(), from_point.y(), from_point.z()), newP(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  double minDist=0.0;
  int i;
  Extrema_ExtPS ext(p, asurface, Precision::Approximation(), Precision::Approximation());
  if (ext.IsDone() && (ext.NbExt() > 0)) {
	  for ( i = 1 ; i <= ext.NbExt() ; i++ ) {
		  if ( (i==1) || (p.Distance(ext.Point(i).Value()) < minDist) ) {
			  minDist = p.Distance(ext.Point(i).Value());
			  newP = ext.Point(i).Value();
  point_on_surface = CubitVector(newP.X(), newP.Y(), newP.Z());
Esempio n. 15
// Purpose       : This function returns the {u, v} coordinates of the point 
//                 on the Surface closest to the input point (specified in 
//                 global space). The closest_location is also returned.
// Special Notes :
CubitStatus OCCSurface::u_v_from_position( CubitVector const& location,
                                             double& u,
                                             double& v,
                                             CubitVector* closest_location )
  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*myTopoDSFace);
  Handle(Geom_Surface) surface = BRep_Tool::Surface(*myTopoDSFace);
  gp_Pnt p(location.x(), location.y(), location.z()), newP(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

  GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf projection( p, surface);
  if(projection.NbPoints() > 0)
      if(projection.LowerDistance() < Precision::Confusion() )
	  projection.LowerDistanceParameters(u, v);
	  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  double minDist=0.0;
  int i;
  Extrema_ExtPS ext(p, asurface, Precision::Confusion(), Precision::Confusion());
  if (ext.IsDone() && (ext.NbExt() > 0)) {
	  for ( i = 1 ; i <= ext.NbExt() ; i++ ) {
		  if ( (i==1) || (p.Distance(ext.Point(i).Value()) < minDist) ) {
			  minDist = p.Distance(ext.Point(i).Value());
			  newP = ext.Point(i).Value();
			  ext.Point(i).Parameter(u, v);
  if (closest_location != NULL) *closest_location = CubitVector(newP.X(), newP.Y(), newP.Z());
  if (ext.IsDone() && (ext.NbExt() > 0))  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  Handle(ShapeAnalysis_Surface) su = new ShapeAnalysis_Surface(surface);
  gp_Pnt2d suval = su->ValueOfUV(p, BRep_Tool::Tolerance(*myTopoDSFace));
  suval.Coord(u, v);
Esempio n. 16
// Purpose       : Given values of the two parameters, get the position.
// Special Notes :
CubitVector OCCSurface::position_from_u_v (double u, double v)
  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*myTopoDSFace, Standard_False);
  gp_Pnt p = asurface.Value(u, v);
  return CubitVector (p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z());
Esempio n. 17
 static inline CubitVector coordinates(GPoint* p)
     return CubitVector( p->x, p->y, p->z );
Esempio n. 18
static int test_arc()
  RefVertex* pt1 = GeometryModifyTool::instance()->make_RefVertex(CubitVector(0,0,0));
  RefVertex* pt2 = GeometryModifyTool::instance()->make_RefVertex(CubitVector(1,1,0));
  RefVertex* pt3 = GeometryModifyTool::instance()->make_RefVertex(CubitVector(2,0,0));

  RefEdge* arc = GeometryModifyTool::instance()->create_arc_three(pt1, pt2, pt3, false);
    printf("failed to make arc\n");
    return 1;

  CubitBox comp_box(CubitVector(0, 0, 0), CubitVector(2, 1, 0));
  CubitBox bnd_box = arc->bounding_box();

  bool identical =  cubit_box_identical(bnd_box, comp_box, GEOMETRY_RESABS*2.0, true);
  if (!identical)
    if( bnd_box < comp_box || bnd_box > comp_box*1.09)
      printf("boxes not identical\n");
      return 1;

  // previously free curves at end points must be consumed
  DLIList<RefVertex*> all_verts;
  if(all_verts.size() != 3)
    printf("vertices not consumed properly with curve creation\n");
    return 1;


  RefVertex* pt4 = GeometryModifyTool::instance()->make_RefVertex(CubitVector(1,-1,0));
  RefEdge* arc2 = GeometryModifyTool::instance()->create_arc_three(pt1, pt4, pt3, true);

  CubitBox comp_box2(CubitVector(0, -1, 0), CubitVector(2, 1, 0));
  bnd_box = arc2->bounding_box();

  identical =  cubit_box_identical(bnd_box, comp_box2, GEOMETRY_RESABS*2.0, true);
  if (identical)
    return 0;

  if( bnd_box < comp_box2 || bnd_box > comp_box2*1.09)
    printf("boxes not identical\n");
    return 1;

  if(all_verts.size() != 4)
    printf("vertices not consumed properly with curve creation\n");
    return 1;

  return 0;
Esempio n. 19
static int test_planar_sheet()
  CubitVector axes[2] = {

  Body* body = GeometryModifyTool::instance()->planar_sheet(CubitVector(1,1,1),
      axes, 2, 3);

    printf("failed to make planar sheet\n");
    return 1;

  CubitBox comp_box(CubitVector(-0.165647,-0.490826,1.0),
  CubitBox bnd_box = body->bounding_box();

  bool identical =  cubit_box_identical(bnd_box, comp_box, GEOMETRY_RESABS*2.0, true);
  if (identical)
    return 0;

  if( bnd_box < comp_box || bnd_box > comp_box*1.09)
    printf("boxes not identical\n");
    return 1;

  body = GeometryModifyTool::instance()->planar_sheet(

    printf("should have failed to make planar sheet out of non-planar points\n");
    return 1;

  body = GeometryModifyTool::instance()->planar_sheet(

    printf("should have failed to make planar sheet with coincident input points\n");
    return 1;

  return 0;