void RosterView::RemoveSelected() { if (CurrentItemSelection()) { int32 selected = CurrentSelection(); RosterItem *item = CurrentItemSelection(); if (item == NULL) return; RemoveItem(CurrentSelection()); if (ItemAt(selected)) Select(selected); else if (ItemAt(selected - 1)) Select(selected - 1); } }
void SearchListView::ItemInvoked(void) { BIntegerField* pageField = (BIntegerField*)CurrentSelection()->GetField(0); if (pageField == nullptr) return; BMessage msg(MSG_HIGHLIGHT_RECT); msg.AddInt32("page", pageField->Value() - 1); msg.AddRect("rect", fRectVec[IndexOf(CurrentSelection())]); Window()->PostMessage(&msg); BColumnListView::ItemInvoked(); }
RosterItem* RosterView::CurrentItemSelection() { int32 index = CurrentSelection(); if (index >= 0) return dynamic_cast<RosterItem *>(ItemAt(index)); else return NULL; }
void FavView::_ShowPopUpMenu(BPoint screen) { if (fShowingPopUpMenu) return; ContextPopUp* menu = new ContextPopUp("PopUpMenu", this); FavItem *currentFav = dynamic_cast<FavItem *>(ItemAt(CurrentSelection())); BMessage* msg = NULL; msg = new BMessage(FAV_EDIT); msg->AddPointer("fav", currentFav); BMenuItem* item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Edit title"), msg); menu->AddItem(item); msg = new BMessage(FAV_DELETE); msg->AddPointer("fav", currentFav); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Remove favorite"),msg); menu->AddItem(item); msg = new BMessage(PASTE_SPRUNGE); msg->AddPointer("fav", currentFav); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Paste to Sprunge.us"), msg); menu->AddItem(item); menu->SetTargetForItems(Looper()); menu->Go(screen, true, true, true); fShowingPopUpMenu = true; }
void HEventList::SelectionChanged() { BColumnListView::SelectionChanged(); HEventRow* row = (HEventRow*)CurrentSelection(); if (row != NULL) { entry_ref ref; BMediaFiles().GetRefFor(fType, row->Name(), &ref); BPath path(&ref); if (path.InitCheck() == B_OK || ref.name == NULL || strcmp(ref.name, "") == 0) { row->SetPath(path.Path()); UpdateRow(row); } else { printf("name %s\n", ref.name); BMediaFiles().RemoveRefFor(fType, row->Name(), ref); BAlert* alert = new BAlert("alert", B_TRANSLATE("No such file or directory"), B_TRANSLATE("OK")); alert->SetFlags(alert->Flags() | B_CLOSE_ON_ESCAPE); alert->Go(); return; } BMessage msg(M_EVENT_CHANGED); msg.AddString("name", row->Name()); msg.AddString("path", row->Path()); Window()->PostMessage(&msg); } }
void ClipView::_ShowPopUpMenu(BPoint screen) { if (fShowingPopUpMenu) return; ContextPopUp* menu = new ContextPopUp("PopUpMenu", this); ClipItem* currentClip = dynamic_cast<ClipItem *>(ItemAt(CurrentSelection())); BMessage* msg = NULL; msg = new BMessage(PASTE_SPRUNGE); msg->AddPointer("clip", currentClip); BMenuItem* item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Paste to Sprunge.us"), msg, 'P'); menu->AddItem(item); msg = new BMessage(FAV_ADD); msg->AddPointer("clip", currentClip); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Add to favorites"), msg, 'A'); menu->AddItem(item); msg = new BMessage(DELETE); msg->AddPointer("clip", currentClip); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Remove"), msg); menu->AddItem(item); menu->SetTargetForItems(Looper()); menu->Go(screen, true, true, true); fShowingPopUpMenu = true; }
// SelectionChanged void DragSortableListView::SelectionChanged() { //printf("%s::SelectionChanged()", typeid(*this).name()); // modify global Selection if (!fSelection || fSyncingToSelection) return; fModifyingSelection = true; BList selectables; for (int32 i = 0; BListItem* item = ItemAt(CurrentSelection(i)); i++) { Selectable* selectable = SelectableFor(item); if (selectable) selectables.AddItem((void*)selectable); } AutoNotificationSuspender _(fSelection); int32 count = selectables.CountItems(); if (count == 0) { //printf(" deselecting all\n"); if (!fSyncingToSelection) fSelection->DeselectAll(); } else { //printf(" selecting %ld items\n", count); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { Selectable* selectable = (Selectable*)selectables.ItemAtFast(i); fSelection->Select(selectable, i > 0); } } fModifyingSelection = false; }
void _ArpControllerRangeList::SelectionChanged() { inherited::SelectionChanged(); int32 selection = CurrentSelection(); BMessage update('iupd'); if (selection >= 0) { BListItem* item; for (int32 k = 0; (item = ItemAt(k)); k++) { _ArpControllerRangeItem* ccItem = dynamic_cast<_ArpControllerRangeItem*>(item); if (ccItem) { if ( IsItemSelected(k) ) { update.AddInt32(mSettingsKey.String(), k); if ( !ccItem->IsActive() ) { ccItem->SetActive(true); InvalidateItem(k); } } else { if ( ccItem->IsActive() ) { ccItem->SetActive(false); InvalidateItem(k); } } } } } if (mTarget) { mTarget->Implementation().SendConfiguration(&update); mTarget->Settings().Update(update); } }
void ClipView::KeyDown(const char* bytes, int32 numBytes) { switch (bytes[0]) { case B_DELETE: { ClipItem* currentClip = dynamic_cast<ClipItem *>(ItemAt(CurrentSelection())); BMessage message(DELETE); message.AddPointer("clip", currentClip); Looper()->PostMessage(&message); break; } case B_LEFT_ARROW: case B_RIGHT_ARROW: { BMessage message(SWITCHLIST); message.AddInt32("listview", (int32)0); Looper()->PostMessage(&message); break; } default: { BListView::KeyDown(bytes, numBytes); break; } } }
void _OwqList::MessageReceived(BMessage* msg) { switch( msg->what ) { case OWQ_INVOKE_ADD: OpenAddWindow(); break; case OWQ_ADD: Add( msg ); break; case OWQ_CHANGE: Change(); break; case OWQ_REMOVE: { BRow* selection = CurrentSelection(); if( selection ) { RemoveRow( selection ); delete selection; } } break; default: inherited::MessageReceived(msg); break; } }
void LinkList::SelectionChanged() { LinkItem *item = (LinkItem*)ItemAt(CurrentSelection()); if ((item != NULL) && !(browseView->m_DontUpdateURL)) ((MainWindow*)Window())->GoTo(item->link); }
void ListView1::SelectionChanged(void) { Window1 *window1=(Window1 *)Window(); ((BButton *)window1->view1->iconBAR->ChildViewAt("bar_deleteitem"))->SetEnabled(CurrentSelection()!=NULL); //be_app->PostMessage('mm05'); }
void ConfigurationDialog::OnDoubleClick( wxMouseEvent& event ) { if(CurrentSelection() < 0) return; wxCommandEvent e; OnEditAlarm(e); }
void _OwqList::Change() { _OwqRow* selection = dynamic_cast<_OwqRow*>( CurrentSelection() ); if( !selection ) return; BMessage row( SET_PREFS_MSG ); if( selection->GetPreferences( &row ) == B_OK ) OpenAddWindow( &row ); }
/***************************************************************************** * DragSortableListView::RemoveSelected *****************************************************************************/ void DragSortableListView::RemoveSelected() { BList items; for ( int32 i = 0; BListItem* item = ItemAt( CurrentSelection( i ) ); i++ ) items.AddItem( (void*)item ); RemoveItemList( items ); }
// CountSelectedItems int32 DragSortableListView::CountSelectedItems() const { int32 count = 0; while (CurrentSelection(count) >= 0) count++; return count; }
bool DraggableListView::InitiateDrag(BPoint point, int32 index, bool wasSelected) { uint32 buttons = Looper()->CurrentMessage()->FindInt32("buttons"); if (buttons & B_PRIMARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) { snooze(200000); BPoint new_point; uint32 buttons; GetMouse(&new_point, &buttons); bool drag = ((new_point != point) && (buttons & B_PRIMARY_MOUSE_BUTTON)); if (drag && list_type == addon) { if (!wasSelected) Select(index); BRect drag_rect; int32 current_item = CurrentSelection(0); int32 item_count = CountItems(); drag_rect = ItemFrame(index); BMessage msg(SM_DRAG_FILTER); while (current_item < item_count) { if (ItemAt(current_item)->IsSelected()) { drag_rect = drag_rect | ItemFrame(current_item); if (list_type == filter) { msg.AddString("filter_name", ((FilterItem*)ItemAt(current_item))->Text()); msg.AddInt32("filter_id", ((FilterItem*)ItemAt(current_item))->FilterID()); } else { msg.AddString("filter_name", ((BStringItem*)ItemAt(current_item))->Text()); } } current_item++; } DragMessage(&msg, drag_rect); current_item = CurrentSelection(0); return true; } else if (list_type == filter) { BMessage app_msg(SM_PREFS_VIEW); app_msg.AddInt32("filter_id", ((FilterItem*)ItemAt(index))->FilterID()); be_app_messenger.SendMessage(&app_msg, Window()); } else { BMessage app_msg(SM_ABOUT_VIEW); app_msg.AddString("addon_name", ((BStringItem*)ItemAt(index))->Text()); be_app_messenger.SendMessage(&app_msg, Window()); } return false; } else return false; }
void BListView::SetListType(list_view_type type) { if (fListType == B_MULTIPLE_SELECTION_LIST && type == B_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST) Select(CurrentSelection(0)); fListType = type; }
void AddPrinterView::Save() { ProtocolClassItem* item = CurrentSelection(); if (item != NULL) { fPrinterData->SetProtocolClass(item->GetProtocolClass()); fPrinterData->Save(); } }
void ColumnListView :: Pulse() { int32 curSel = CurrentSelection(); if (curSel >= 0) { CLVListItem * item = (CLVListItem *) ItemAt(curSel); item->Pulse(this); } }
void LinkList2::SelectionChanged() { LinkItem2 *item = (LinkItem2*)ItemAt(CurrentSelection()); if (item != NULL) if ((!browse->NewLinksList(item->link)) && !(browse->m_DontUpdateURL)) // si la liste de liens est vide, on ouvre le lien du père ((MainWindow*)Window())->GoTo(item->link->link); }
void ConfigurationDialog::OnEditAlarm( wxCommandEvent& event ) { EditAlarmDialog dlg(this, CurrentAlarm()); if(dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { dlg.Save(); UpdateItem(CurrentSelection()); m_bOnEditAlarmOK = true; } else m_bOnEditAlarmOK = false; }
void DraggableListView::KeyDown(const char* bytes, int32 numBytes) { if (numBytes == 1) { switch (bytes[0]) { case B_BACKSPACE: { if (list_type == filter) { BMessage msg(SM_REMOVE_FILTER); msg.AddInt32("filter_id", ((FilterItem*)ItemAt(CurrentSelection()))->FilterID()); be_app_messenger.SendMessage(&msg); delete RemoveItem(CurrentSelection()); } break; } default: { BListView::KeyDown(bytes, numBytes); break; } } } }
// RemoveSelected void DragSortableListView::RemoveSelected() { // if (fFocusedIndex >= 0) // return; BList items; for (int32 i = 0; BListItem* item = ItemAt(CurrentSelection(i)); i++) items.AddItem((void*)item); RemoveItemList(items); }
// MakeDragMessage void SimpleListView::MakeDragMessage(BMessage* message) const { if (message) { message->AddPointer("list", (void*)dynamic_cast<const DragSortableListView*>(this)); int32 index; for (int32 i = 0; (index = CurrentSelection(i)) >= 0; i++) message->AddInt32("index", index); } }
status_t _ArpControllerRangeList::GetCurrentRange(int32* cc, int32* low, int32* high) const { int32 selection = CurrentSelection(); if (selection < 0) return B_ERROR; _ArpControllerRangeItem* item = dynamic_cast<_ArpControllerRangeItem*>(ItemAt(selection)); if (!item) return B_ERROR; if (cc) *cc = selection; if (low) *low = item->low; if (high) *high = item->high; return B_OK; }
void AudioListView::GetSelectedItems(BList& indices) { for (int32 i = 0; true; i++) { int32 index = CurrentSelection(i); if (index < 0) break; if (!indices.AddItem((void*)(addr_t)index)) break; } }
void SmartTreeListView::MouseUp(BPoint point) { int curSelection = CurrentSelection(); ColumnListView::MouseUp(point); if (curSelection >= 0 && curSelection != lastSelection) { TreeItem *item = (TreeItem *) ItemAt(curSelection); item->ItemSelected(); lastSelection = curSelection; } }
void MimeTypeListView::UpdateItem(MimeTypeItem* item) { int32 selected = -1; if (IndexOf(item) == CurrentSelection()) selected = CurrentSelection(); item->UpdateText(); _MakeTypesUnique(dynamic_cast<MimeTypeItem*>(Superitem(item))); if (selected != -1) { int32 index = IndexOf(item); if (index != selected) { Select(index); ScrollToSelection(); } } if (Window()) InvalidateItem(IndexOf(item)); }
void SmartColumnListView::KeyUp(const char *bytes, int32 numBytes) { if (*bytes == B_DELETE) { int index = CurrentSelection(); if (index >= 0) { ListItem *item = (ListItem *) ItemAt(index); DeleteItem(index, item); } } }