int UTLGetInitialPairs(const Minutia pminR[], const int nRCnt, const Minutia pminT[], const int nTCnt, Pair pPairs[])
	int		i	=	0;
	int		j	=	0;
	RMinutia rminR[MAX_MINUTIAE];
	RMinutia rminT[MAX_MINUTIAE];

	/*sanity check*/
	if(pminR == NULL || nRCnt < 1 || pminT == NULL || nTCnt < 1 || pPairs == NULL)
	/* test matching hypotheses */
			DBGPrintf("MatchMinutiaSets: Hypothesis (%d,%d)->(%d,%d)\n",pminR[i].m_nX,pminR[i].m_nY,pminT[j].m_nX,pminT[j].m_nY);
int UTLMatchRadial(const RMinutia pRMin[], const int nRCnt, const RMinutia pTMin[], const int nTCnt,Pair pPair[])
	int i			=	0;
	int j			=	0;
	double  dR		=	0;
	double	dTheta	=	0;
	double	dDelta	=	0;
	int		nAbs	=	0;
	int		nTFlags[MAX_MINUTIAE]	={0};
	int		nRFlags[MAX_MINUTIAE]	={0};

		/*skip far away points*/
		if(pRMin[i].m_dR > MAX_R)

			if(nTFlags[j]) /*already matched*/

			/*skip far away points*/
			if(pTMin[j].m_dR > MAX_R)

			/*check for match*/
			dR		=	fabs(log10((pRMin[i].m_dR+1e-5)/(pTMin[j].m_dR+1e-5)));
			if(dR > DR) /*no match*/

			nAbs	=	abs(pRMin[i].m_nTheta - pTMin[j].m_nTheta);
			if((360-nAbs) < nAbs)
				dTheta = (360-nAbs);
				dTheta = nAbs;

			if(dTheta > DTHETA) /*no match*/

			nAbs	=	abs(pRMin[i].m_nDelta - pTMin[j].m_nDelta);
			if((360-nAbs) < nAbs)
				dDelta = (360-nAbs);
				dDelta = nAbs;

			if(dDelta > DDELTA) /*no match*/
			if(!nRFlags[i] && !nTFlags[j]) /*match found*/
				nRFlags[i]	=	1;
				nTFlags[j]	=	1;
				//add vote to pair matrix
				pPair[i*nTCnt+j].m_nRIdx	=	i;
				pPair[i*nTCnt+j].m_nTIdx	=	j;
				DBGPrintf("Radial Match: [%d,%d]->(%lf,%d,%d),(%lf,%d,%d)\n",i,j,pRMin[i].m_dR,pRMin[i].m_nTheta,pRMin[i].m_nDelta,
// This is code the checks for and processes input from the DIY XBee receiver
//   work
void DIYXBeeController::ControlInput(void)
  byte iNumButton;

  // Then try to receive a packet of information from the XBEE.
  // It will return true if it has a valid packet
  if (ReceiveXBeePacket(&g_diyp)) {

    if (memcmp((void*)&g_diyp, (void*)&g_diypPrev, sizeof(g_diyp)) != 0) {
#ifdef XBEE_NEW_DATA_ONLY            
      if (g_diystate.fPacketForced)
#ifdef DEBUG
      // setup to output back to our USB port
      if (g_fDebugOutput)  {
        DBGPrintf("%x - %d %d - %d %d - %d %d\n", g_diyp.s.wButtons, g_diyp.s.bRJoyLR, g_diyp.s.bRJoyUD,
        g_diyp.s.bLJoyLR, g_diyp.s.bLJoyUD, g_diyp.s.bRSlider, g_diyp.s.bLSlider);

    // OK lets try "0" button for Start. 
    if ((g_diyp.s.wButtons & (1<<0)) && ((g_diypPrev.s.wButtons & (1<<0)) == 0)) { //Start Button (0 on keypad) test
      if(g_InControlState.fHexOn)  {
        //Turn off
        g_InControlState.BodyPos.x = 0;
        g_InControlState.BodyPos.y = 0;
        g_InControlState.BodyPos.z = 0;
        g_InControlState.BodyRot1.x = 0;
        g_InControlState.BodyRot1.y = 0;
        g_InControlState.BodyRot1.z = 0;
        g_InControlState.TravelLength.x = 0;
        g_InControlState.TravelLength.z = 0;
        g_InControlState.TravelLength.y = 0;
        g_BodyYOffset = 0;
        g_BodyYSift = 0;
        g_InControlState.SelectedLeg = 255;

        g_InControlState.fHexOn = 0;
      else  {
        //Turn on
        g_InControlState.fHexOn = 1;

    if (g_InControlState.fHexOn) {
      if ((g_diyp.s.wButtons & (1<<0xa)) && ((g_diypPrev.s.wButtons & (1<<0xa)) == 0)) { // A button test 
        MSound(1, 50, 2000);
        XBeePlaySounds(1, 50, 2000);
        bXBeeControlMode = WALKMODE;

      if ((g_diyp.s.wButtons & (1<<0xb)) && ((g_diypPrev.s.wButtons & (1<<0xb)) == 0)) { // B button test
        MSound(1, 50, 2000);
        XBeePlaySounds(1, 50, 2000);
        bXBeeControlMode = TRANSLATEMODE;
        XBeeOutputStringF(F("Body Translate"));

      if ((g_diyp.s.wButtons & (1<<0xc)) && ((g_diypPrev.s.wButtons & (1<<0xc)) == 0)) { // C button test
        MSound(1, 50, 2000);
        bXBeeControlMode = ROTATEMODE;
        XBeeOutputStringF(F("Body Rotate"));

      if ((g_diyp.s.wButtons & (1<<0xD)) && ((g_diypPrev.s.wButtons & (1<<0xd)) == 0)) { // D button test - Single Leg
        MSound(1, 50, 2000);
        if (g_InControlState.SelectedLeg==255) // none
        else if (bXBeeControlMode==SINGLELEGMODE) //Double press to turn all legs down
          g_InControlState.SelectedLeg=255;  //none
        XBeeOutputStringF (F("Single Leg"));
      if ((g_diyp.s.wButtons & (1<<0xe)) && ((g_diypPrev.s.wButtons & (1<<0xe)) == 0)) { // E button test - Balance mode
        if (!g_InControlState.BalanceMode) {
          g_InControlState.BalanceMode = 1;
          MSound( 2, 100, 2000, 50, 4000);
          XBeePlaySounds(2, 100, 2000, 50, 4000);
          XBeeOutputStringF(F("Balance On"));
        else {
          g_InControlState.BalanceMode = 0;
          MSound( 1, 250, 1500);
          XBeePlaySounds(1, 50, 1500);
          XBeeOutputStringF(F("Balance Off"));

      if ((g_diyp.s.wButtons & (1<<0xf)) && ((g_diypPrev.s.wButtons & (1<<0xf)) == 0)) { // F button test - GP Player
        if (g_ServoDriver.FIsGPEnabled()) {   //F Button GP Player Mode Mode on/off -- SSC supports this mode
          XBeeOutputStringF(F("Run Sequence"));
          MSound(1, 50, 2000);

          g_InControlState.BodyPos.x = 0;
          g_InControlState.BodyPos.z = 0;
          g_InControlState.BodyRot1.x = 0;
          g_InControlState.BodyRot1.y = 0;
          g_InControlState.BodyRot1.z = 0;
          g_InControlState.TravelLength.x = 0;
          g_InControlState.TravelLength.z = 0;
          g_InControlState.TravelLength.y = 0;

          g_InControlState.SelectedLeg=255;  //none

          bXBeeControlMode = GPPLAYERMODE;
        else {
          XBeeOutputStringF(F("Seq Disabled"));
          MSound(1, 50, 2000);
      //Hack there are several places that use the 1-N buttons to select a number as an index
      // so lets convert our bitmap of which key may be pressed to a number...
      // BUGBUG:: There is probably a cleaner way to convert... Will extract buttons 1-9
      iNumButton = 0;  // assume no button
      if ((g_diyp.s.wButtons & 0x3fe) && ((g_diypPrev.s.wButtons & 0x3fe) == 0)) { // buttons 1-9
        word w = g_diyp.s.wButtons & 0x3fe;

        while ((w & 0x1) == 0)     {
          w >>= 1;

      // BUGBUG:: we are using all keys now, may want to reserve some...  
      //Switch gait
      // We will do slightly different here than the RC version as we have a bit per button
      if ((bXBeeControlMode==WALKMODE) && iNumButton  && (iNumButton <= NUM_GAITS)) { //1-8 Button Gait select   
        if ( abs(g_InControlState.TravelLength.x)<cTravelDeadZone &&  abs(g_InControlState.TravelLength.z)<cTravelDeadZone &&  
          abs(g_InControlState.TravelLength.y*2)<cTravelDeadZone)  {
          //Switch Gait type
          MSound( 1, 50, 2000);   //Sound P9, [50\4000]
          g_InControlState.GaitType = iNumButton-1;
#ifdef DEBUG
          DBGPrintf("New Gate: %d\n\r", g_InControlState.GaitType);
#ifdef DEBUG
          DBGPrintf("Output Gate Named\n\r");
          XBeeOutputStringF((const __FlashStringHelper *)pgm_read_word(&s_asGateNames[g_InControlState.GaitType]));

      //Switch single leg
      if (bXBeeControlMode==SINGLELEGMODE) {
        if (iNumButton>=1 && iNumButton<=6) {
          MSound( 1, 50, 2000);   //Sound P9, [50\4000]
          g_InControlState.SelectedLeg = iNumButton-1;

        if (iNumButton == 9) {  //Switch Directcontrol
          MSound( 1, 50, 2000);   //Sound P9, [50\4000]
          g_InControlState.fSLHold ^= 1;    //Toggle g_InControlState.fSLHold

      else if (bXBeeControlMode==WALKMODE)  {
        g_InControlState.SelectedLeg=255; // none

      //Body Height - Control depends on how big our packet was (ie which controller we are using) 
      if (g_diystate.cbPacketSize > PKT_MSLIDER)
        g_InControlState.BodyPos.y = SmoothControl((g_diyp.s.bMSlider / 2), g_InControlState.BodyPos.y, SmDiv);
      else if (g_diystate.cbPacketSize > PKT_LPOT)
        g_InControlState.BodyPos.y =  SmoothControl((g_diyp.s.bLPot*2/3), g_InControlState.BodyPos.y, SmDiv);//Zenta test

        g_InControlState.BodyPos.y =  SmoothControl((g_diyp.s.bLJoyUD / 2), g_InControlState.BodyPos.y, SmDiv);

      //Leg lift height - Right slider has value 0-255 translate to 30-93
      g_InControlState.LegLiftHeight = 30 + g_diyp.s.bRSlider/3;//Zenta trying 3 instead of 4

      //Walk mode   
      if (bXBeeControlMode==WALKMODE) {  // Kurt's Arduino version
        if (g_diystate.cbPacketSize > PKT_MSLIDER) {
          g_InControlState.TravelLength.x = -(g_diyp.s.bLJoyLR - 128);
          g_InControlState.TravelLength.z = -(g_diyp.s.bLJoyUD - 128) ;
          g_InControlState.TravelLength.y = -(g_diyp.s.bRJoyLR - 128)/3;
          //g_InControlState.BodyRot1.x = SmoothControl(((bPacket(PKT_RJOYUD)-128)*2), g_InControlState.BodyRot1.x, 2);
          //g_InControlState.BodyRot1.z = SmoothControl((-(bPacket(PKT_RPOT)-128)*2), g_InControlState.BodyRot1.z, 2);
          g_InControlState.InputTimeDelay = 128 -  max( max( abs(g_diyp.s.bLJoyLR-128),  abs(g_diyp.s.bLJoyUD-128)),  abs(g_diyp.s.bRJoyLR-128)) + (128 -(g_diyp.s.bLSlider)/2);
        else if (g_diystate.cbPacketSize > PKT_LPOT) {  // Case for original DIY XBee with extra pots
          g_InControlState.TravelLength.x = -(g_diyp.s.bLJoyLR - 128);
          g_InControlState.TravelLength.z = -(g_diyp.s.bLJoyUD - 128) ;
          g_InControlState.TravelLength.y = -(g_diyp.s.bRJoyLR - 128)/3;
          g_InControlState.BodyRot1.z = SmoothControl((-(g_diyp.s.bRPot-128)*2), g_InControlState.BodyRot1.z, SmDiv);
          g_InControlState.InputTimeDelay = 128 -  max( max( abs(g_diyp.s.bLJoyLR-128),  abs(g_diyp.s.bLJoyUD-128)),  abs(g_diyp.s.bRJoyLR-128)) + (128 -(g_diyp.s.bLSlider)/2);
        else { // original DIY XBee
          g_InControlState.TravelLength.x = -(g_diyp.s.bRJoyLR - 128);
          g_InControlState.TravelLength.z = -(g_diyp.s.bRJoyUD - 128) ;
          g_InControlState.TravelLength.y = -(g_diyp.s.bLJoyLR - 128)/3;
          g_InControlState.InputTimeDelay = 128 -  max( max( abs(g_diyp.s.bRJoyLR-128),  abs(g_diyp.s.bRJoyUD-128)),  abs(g_diyp.s.bLJoyLR-128)) + (128 -(g_diyp.s.bLSlider)/2);
      //Body move 
      if (bXBeeControlMode==TRANSLATEMODE)  {
        if (g_diystate.cbPacketSize > PKT_LPOT) {
          g_InControlState.BodyPos.x =  SmoothControl(((g_diyp.s.bRJoyLR-128)*2/3), g_InControlState.BodyPos.x, SmDiv);
          g_InControlState.BodyPos.z =  SmoothControl(((g_diyp.s.bRJoyUD-128)*2/3), g_InControlState.BodyPos.z, SmDiv);
          g_InControlState.BodyRot1.y = SmoothControl(((g_diyp.s.bLJoyLR-128)*2), g_InControlState.BodyRot1.y, SmDiv);
        else {
          g_InControlState.BodyPos.x =  SmoothControl(((g_diyp.s.bRJoyLR-128)*2/3), g_InControlState.BodyPos.x, SmDiv);
          g_InControlState.BodyPos.z =  SmoothControl(((g_diyp.s.bRJoyUD-128)*2/3), g_InControlState.BodyPos.z, SmDiv);
          g_InControlState.BodyRot1.y = SmoothControl(((g_diyp.s.bLJoyLR-128)*2), g_InControlState.BodyRot1.y, SmDiv);

        g_InControlState.InputTimeDelay = 128 - abs(g_diyp.s.bLJoyUD-128) + (128 -(g_diyp.s.bLSlider)/2);

      //Body rotate 
      if (bXBeeControlMode==ROTATEMODE) {
        if (iNumButton &&(iNumButton <=3)) {
          LjoyUDFunction = iNumButton -1;
          MSound( 1, 20, 2000); 
          XBeeOutputStringF((const __FlashStringHelper *)pgm_read_word(&s_asLJoyUDNames[LjoyUDFunction]));
        if (iNumButton == 4) {  // Toogle Left Joystick left/Right function
          LeftJoyLRmode = !LeftJoyLRmode;
          if (LeftJoyLRmode) {
            XBeeOutputStringF(F("LJOYLR trans"));
            MSound( 1, 20, 1000); 
          else {
            XBeeOutputStringF(F("LJOYLR rotate"));
            MSound( 1, 20, 2000); 
        if (iNumButton == 8) {  // Toogle g_fDisplayLiPo
          g_fDisplayLiPo = !g_fDisplayLiPo;
          MSound( 1, 20, 1500+500*g_fDisplayLiPo); 
        if (iNumButton == 9) {  // Toogle LockFunction
          LockFunction = !LockFunction;
          if (LockFunction) {
            XBeeOutputStringF(F("Lock ON"));
            MSound( 1, 20, 1500); 
          else {
            XBeeOutputStringF(F("Lock OFF"));
            MSound( 1, 20, 2500); 

        // BranchLJoyUDFunction in basic
        switch (LjoyUDFunction) {
        case 0:
          g_InControlState.TravelLength.z = -(g_diyp.s.bLJoyUD-128);  // dito need to update
        case 1:
          g_InControlState.BodyPos.z = SmoothControl(((g_diyp.s.bLJoyUD-128)*2/3), g_InControlState.BodyPos.z, SmDiv);
          if (!LockFunction) {
            g_InControlState.BodyRotOffset.z = (g_diyp.s.bLJoyUD - 128);
            g_InControlState.BodyRotOffset.y = (g_diyp.s.bRPot - 128);

        if (LeftJoyLRmode) {//;Do X translation:
          g_InControlState.BodyPos.x =  SmoothControl(((g_diyp.s.bLJoyLR-128)*2/3), g_InControlState.BodyPos.x, SmDiv);
        else {
          g_InControlState.BodyRot1.y = SmoothControl (((g_diyp.s.bLJoyLR-128)*2), g_InControlState.BodyRot1.y, SmDiv); 
        g_InControlState.BodyRot1.x = SmoothControl(((g_diyp.s.bRJoyUD-128)*2), g_InControlState.BodyRot1.x, SmDiv);
        g_InControlState.BodyRot1.z  = SmoothControl((-(g_diyp.s.bRJoyLR-128)*2), g_InControlState.BodyRot1.z , SmDiv);

        g_InControlState.InputTimeDelay = 128 - abs(g_diyp.s.bLJoyUD-128) + (128 -(g_diyp.s.bLSlider)/2);


      //Single Leg Mode
      if (bXBeeControlMode == SINGLELEGMODE)  {
        g_InControlState.SLLeg.x = SmoothControl(((g_diyp.s.bRJoyLR-128)), g_InControlState.SLLeg.x , SmDiv);//;
        g_InControlState.SLLeg.z = SmoothControl((-(g_diyp.s.bRJoyUD-128)), g_InControlState.SLLeg.z , SmDiv);//;
        g_InControlState.SLLeg.y = SmoothControl((-(g_diyp.s.bLJoyUD-128)), g_InControlState.SLLeg.y , SmDiv);//Need to check packetsize..
        g_InControlState.InputTimeDelay = 128 -  max( max( abs(g_diyp.s.bRJoyLR-128),  abs(g_diyp.s.bRJoyUD-128)),  abs(g_diyp.s.bLJoyLR-128)) + (128 -(g_diyp.s.bLSlider)/2);

      // Sequence General Player Mode
      if (bXBeeControlMode == GPPLAYERMODE) { 
        // Lets try some speed control... Map all values if we have mapped some before
        // or start mapping if we exceed some minimum delta from center
        // Have to keep reminding myself that commander library already subtracted 128...
        if (g_ServoDriver.FIsGPSeqActive() ) {
          if ((g_sGPSMController != 32767)  
            || (g_diyp.s.bRJoyUD > (128+16)) || (g_diyp.s.bRJoyUD < (128-16)))
            // We are in speed modify mode...
            short sNewGPSM = map(g_diyp.s.bRJoyUD, 0, 255, -200, 200);
            if (sNewGPSM != g_sGPSMController) {
              g_sGPSMController = sNewGPSM;
          // See what step we are on, if it changed then output the step to the user
          byte bCurStep = g_ServoDriver.GPCurStep();
          if (bCurStep != g_bGPCurStepPrev) {
            g_bGPCurStepPrev = bCurStep;
            // Lets build a quick and dirty string to output
            char szTemp[20];
            sprintf(szTemp, "cs: %d SM: %d", bCurStep, (g_sGPSMController == 32767) ? 100 : g_sGPSMController);

        if (iNumButton>=1 && iNumButton<=9) { //1-9 Button Play GP Seq
          word wGPSeqPtr;
          if (!g_ServoDriver.FIsGPSeqActive() ) {
            uint8_t GPSeq = iNumButton-1;

            if ( g_ServoDriver.FIsGPSeqDefined(GPSeq)) {
              XBeeOutputStringF(F("Start Sequence"));  // Tell user sequence started.
              g_sGPSMController = 32767;    // Say we are not in modifiy speed modifier mode yet...
              g_bGPCurStepPrev = 0xff;
            else {
              XBeeOutputStringF(F("Seq Not defined"));  // that sequence was not defined...
          else {
            // Cancel the current one
            g_ServoDriver.GPStartSeq(0xff);    // tell the GP system to abort if possible...
            MSound (2, 50, 2000, 50, 2000);

      //Calculate walking time delay
    g_diypPrev = g_diyp; // remember the last packet