Notebook::Ptr NotebookManager::prompt_create_new_notebook(Gtk::Window *parent, const Note::List & notesToAdd) { // Prompt the user for the name of a new notebook CreateNotebookDialog dialog(parent, (GtkDialogFlags)(GTK_DIALOG_MODAL | GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT)); int response = (); std::string notebookName = dialog.get_notebook_name(); if (response != Gtk::RESPONSE_OK) return Notebook::Ptr(); Notebook::Ptr notebook = obj().get_or_create_notebook (notebookName); if (!notebook) { DBG_OUT ("Could not create notebook: %s", notebookName.c_str()); } else { DBG_OUT ("Created the notebook: %s (%s)", notebook->get_name().c_str(), notebook->get_normalized_name().c_str()); if (!notesToAdd.empty()) { // Move all the specified notesToAdd into the new notebook for(Note::List::const_iterator iter = notesToAdd.begin(); iter != notesToAdd.end(); ++iter) { obj().move_note_to_notebook (*iter, notebook); } } } return notebook; }
bool TomboyImportAddin::first_run(mnote::NoteManager & manager) { int to_import = 0; int imported = 0; bool success; DBG_OUT("import path is %s", m_tomboy_path.c_str()); if(sharp::directory_exists(m_tomboy_path)) { std::list<std::string> files; sharp::directory_get_files_with_ext(m_tomboy_path, ".note", files); for(std::list<std::string>::const_iterator iter = files.begin(); iter != files.end(); ++iter) { const std::string & file_path(*iter); to_import++; Note::Ptr note = manager.import_note(file_path); if(note) { DBG_OUT("success"); success = true; imported++; } } } return success; }
void getPasvParams( void ) { BYTE val; // value BYTE vsave; char buf[4]; // item buffer ( one decimal number) BYTE pos = 0; // pos in item buffer BYTE nCommas = 0; // Counter for commas BYTE c; /* // First read past result code // that is find first space while( TCPGet( lftpsocket, &c ) ) { if ( ' ' == c ) { break; } } // Look for first digit while( TCPGet( lftpsocket, &c ) ) { if ( isdigit( c ) ) { break; } } buf[ pos++ ] = c; */ // Look for third comma while( TCPGet( ftpsocket, &c ) ) { DBG_OUT( c ); if ( ',' == c ) { nCommas++; if ( nCommas >= 4 ) break; } } DBG_OUT( '[' ); while( TCPGet( ftpsocket, &c ) ) { DBG_OUT( c ); if ( isdigit( c ) ) { buf[ pos++ ] = c; } else if ( 0x2c == c ) { buf[ pos ] = 0; vsave = atoi( buf ); // save until last pos = 0; } else { // end char buf[ pos ] = 0; val = atoi( buf ); portdata = ( ( ( unsigned int)vsave ) * 256 ) + val; DBG_OUT( ']' ); break; } } }
void NoteDirectoryWatcherApplicationAddin::delete_note(const Glib::ustring & note_id) { DBG_OUT("NoteDirectoryWatcher: deleting %s because file deleted.", note_id.c_str()); Glib::ustring note_uri = make_uri(note_id); gnote::NoteBase::Ptr note_to_delete = note_manager().find_by_uri(note_uri); if(note_to_delete != 0) { note_manager().delete_note(note_to_delete); } else { DBG_OUT("notedirectorywatcher: did not delete %s because note not found.", note_id.c_str()); } }
void NoteEditor::update_custom_font_setting() { Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Settings> settings = Preferences::obj() .get_schema_settings(Preferences::SCHEMA_GNOTE); if (settings->get_boolean(Preferences::ENABLE_CUSTOM_FONT)) { std::string fontString = settings->get_string(Preferences::CUSTOM_FONT_FACE); DBG_OUT( "Switching note font to '%s'...", fontString.c_str()); modify_font_from_string (fontString); } else { DBG_OUT("Switching back to the default font"); override_font (get_gnome_document_font_description()); } }
std::string SyncUtils::find_first_executable_in_path(const std::vector<std::string> & executableNames) { for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter = executableNames.begin(); iter != executableNames.end(); ++iter) { std::string pathVar = Glib::getenv("PATH"); std::vector<std::string> paths; const char separator[] = {G_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR, 0}; sharp::string_split(paths, pathVar, separator); for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(common_paths) / sizeof(char*); ++i) { std::string commonPath = common_paths[i]; if(std::find(paths.begin(), paths.end(), commonPath) == paths.end()) { paths.push_back(commonPath); } } for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator path = paths.begin(); path != paths.end(); ++path) { std::string testExecutablePath = Glib::build_filename(*path, *iter); if(sharp::file_exists(testExecutablePath)) { return testExecutablePath; } } DBG_OUT("Unable to locate '%s' in your PATH", iter->c_str()); } return ""; }
void NiepceWindow::on_action_edit_labels() { DBG_OUT("edit labels"); // get the labels. EditLabels::Ptr dlg(new EditLabels(getLibraryClient())); dlg->run_modal(shared_frame_ptr()); }
std::string NiepceWindow::prompt_open_library() { std::string libMoniker; Gtk::FileChooserDialog dialog(gtkWindow(), _("Open catalog"), Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER); dialog.add_button(_("Cancel"), Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL); dialog.add_button(_("Open"), Gtk::RESPONSE_OK); int result =; Glib::ustring libraryToCreate; switch(result) { case Gtk::RESPONSE_OK: { Configuration & cfg = Application::app()->config(); libraryToCreate = dialog.get_filename(); // pass it to the library libMoniker = "local:"; libMoniker += libraryToCreate.c_str(); cfg.setValue("last_open_catalog", libMoniker); DBG_OUT("created catalog %s", libMoniker.c_str()); break; } default: break; } return libMoniker; }
void NiepceWindow::on_open_library() { Configuration & cfg = Application::app()->config(); std::string libMoniker; int reopen = 0; try { reopen = std::stoi(cfg.getValue("reopen_last_catalog", "0")); } catch(...) { } if(reopen) { libMoniker = cfg.getValue("last_open_catalog", ""); } if(libMoniker.empty()) { libMoniker = prompt_open_library(); } else { DBG_OUT("last library is %s", libMoniker.c_str()); } if(!libMoniker.empty()) { if(!open_library(libMoniker)) { ERR_OUT("library %s cannot be open. Prompting.", libMoniker.c_str()); libMoniker = prompt_open_library(); open_library(libMoniker); } } }
void AddinManager::load_addins_for_note(const Note::Ptr & note) { if(m_note_addins.find(note) != m_note_addins.end()) { ERR_OUT(_("Trying to load addins when they are already loaded")); return; } IdAddinMap loaded_addins; m_note_addins[note] = loaded_addins; IdAddinMap & loaded(m_note_addins[note]); // avoid copying the whole map for(IdInfoMap::const_iterator iter = m_note_addin_infos.begin(); iter != m_note_addin_infos.end(); ++iter) { const IdInfoMap::value_type & addin_info(*iter); sharp::IInterface* iface = (*addin_info.second)(); NoteAddin * addin = dynamic_cast<NoteAddin *>(iface); if(addin) { addin->initialize(note); loaded.insert(std::make_pair(addin_info.first, addin)); } else { DBG_OUT("wrong type for the interface: %s", typeid(*iface).name()); delete iface; } } }
void NoteOfTheDay::cleanup_old(gnote::NoteManager & manager) { gnote::Note::List kill_list; const gnote::Note::List & notes = manager.get_notes(); Glib::Date date; date.set_time_current(); // time set to 00:00:00 for (gnote::Note::List::const_iterator iter = notes.begin(); notes.end() != iter; iter++) { const std::string & title = (*iter)->get_title(); const sharp::DateTime & date_time = (*iter)->create_date(); if (true == Glib::str_has_prefix(title, s_title_prefix) && s_template_title != title && Glib::Date(, static_cast<Glib::Date::Month>(date_time.month()), date_time.year()) != date && !has_changed(*iter)) { kill_list.push_back(*iter); } } for (gnote::Note::List::const_iterator iter = kill_list.begin(); kill_list.end() != iter; iter++) { DBG_OUT("NoteOfTheDay: Deleting old unmodified '%s'", (*iter)->get_title().c_str()); manager.delete_note(*iter); } }
void WebDavSyncServiceAddin::save_config_settings(const Glib::ustring & url, const Glib::ustring & username, const Glib::ustring & password) { // Save configuration into the GNOME Keyring and GSettings try { Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Settings> settings = Preferences::obj() .get_schema_settings(Preferences::SCHEMA_SYNC_WDFS); settings->set_string(Preferences::SYNC_FUSE_WDFS_USERNAME, username); settings->set_string(Preferences::SYNC_FUSE_WDFS_URL, url); if(password != "") { Ring::create_password(Ring::default_keyring(), KEYRING_ITEM_NAME, s_request_attributes, password); } else { Ring::clear_password(s_request_attributes); } } catch(KeyringException & ke) { DBG_OUT("Saving configuration to the GNOME keyring failed with the following message: %s", ke.what()); // TODO: If the above fails (no keyring daemon), save all but password // to GConf, and notify user. // Save configuration into GConf //Preferences.Set ("/apps/tomboy/sync_wdfs_url", url ?? string.Empty); //Preferences.Set ("/apps/tomboy/sync_wdfs_username", username ?? string.Empty); Glib::ustring msg = Glib::ustring::compose( // TRANSLATORS: %1 is the format placeholder for the error message. _("Saving configuration to the GNOME keyring failed with the following message:\n\n%1"), ke.what()); throw gnote::sync::GnoteSyncException(msg.c_str()); } }
void BugzillaNoteAddin::on_drag_data_received(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::DragContext>& context, int x, int y, const Gtk::SelectionData & selection_data, guint, guint time) { DBG_OUT("Bugzilla.OnDragDataReceived"); drop_uri_list(context, x, y, selection_data, time); return; }
bool GridViewModule::on_librarylistview_click(GdkEventButton *e) { double x, y; int bx, by; bx = by = 0; x = e->x; y = e->y; Gtk::TreeModel::Path path; Gtk::CellRenderer * renderer = nullptr; DBG_OUT("click (%f, %f)", x, y); m_librarylistview->convert_widget_to_bin_window_coords(x, y, bx, by); if(m_librarylistview->get_item_at_pos(bx, by, path, renderer)){ DBG_OUT("found an item"); return true; } return false; }
void PrintNotesNoteAddin::on_begin_print(const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::PrintContext>& context) { m_timestamp_footer = create_layout_for_timestamp(context); // Create and initialize the page margins m_margin_top = cm_to_pixel (1.5, context->get_dpi_y()); m_margin_left = cm_to_pixel (1, context->get_dpi_x()); m_margin_right = cm_to_pixel (1, context->get_dpi_x()); m_margin_bottom = 0; double max_height = pango_units_from_double(context->get_height() - m_margin_top - m_margin_bottom - compute_footer_height(context)); DBG_OUT("margins = %d %d %d %d", m_margin_top, m_margin_left, m_margin_right, m_margin_bottom); m_page_breaks.clear(); Gtk::TextIter position; Gtk::TextIter end_iter; get_buffer()->get_bounds (position, end_iter); double page_height = 0; bool done = (end_iter) >= 0; while (!done) { Gtk::TextIter line_end = position; if (!line_end.ends_line ()) { line_end.forward_to_line_end (); } int paragraph_number = position.get_line(); int indentation = 0; Glib::RefPtr<Pango::Layout> layout = create_layout_for_paragraph( context, position, line_end, indentation); Pango::Rectangle ink_rect; Pango::Rectangle logical_rect; for(int line_in_paragraph = 0; line_in_paragraph < layout->get_line_count(); line_in_paragraph++) { Glib::RefPtr<Pango::LayoutLine> line = layout->get_line(line_in_paragraph); line->get_extents (ink_rect, logical_rect); if ((page_height + logical_rect.get_height()) >= max_height) { PageBreak(paragraph_number, line_in_paragraph); m_page_breaks.push_back (PageBreak(paragraph_number, line_in_paragraph)); page_height = 0; } page_height += logical_rect.get_height(); } position.forward_line (); done = (end_iter) >= 0; } m_print_op->set_n_pages(m_page_breaks.size() + 1); }
void NoteDirectoryWatcherApplicationAddin::handle_file_system_change_event( const Glib::RefPtr<Gio::File> & file, const Glib::RefPtr<Gio::File> &, Gio::FileMonitorEvent event_type) { switch(event_type) { case Gio::FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CHANGED: case Gio::FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_DELETED: case Gio::FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CREATED: case Gio::FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_MOVED: break; default: return; } Glib::ustring note_id = get_id(file->get_path()); DBG_OUT("NoteDirectoryWatcher: %s has %d (note_id=%s)", file->get_path().c_str(), int(event_type), note_id.c_str()); // Record that the file has been added/changed/deleted. Adds/changes trump // deletes. Record the date. m_lock.lock(); try { auto record = m_file_change_records.find(note_id); if(record == m_file_change_records.end()) { m_file_change_records[note_id] = NoteFileChangeRecord(); record = m_file_change_records.find(note_id); } if(event_type == Gio::FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CHANGED) { record->second.changed = true; record->second.deleted = false; } else if(event_type == Gio::FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CREATED) { record->second.changed = true; record->second.deleted = false; } else if(event_type == Gio::FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_MOVED) { record->second.changed = true; record->second.deleted = false; } else if(event_type == Gio::FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_DELETED) { if(!record->second.changed) { record->second.deleted = true; } } record->second.last_change = sharp::DateTime::now(); } catch(...) {} m_lock.unlock(); Glib::RefPtr<Glib::TimeoutSource> timeout = Glib::TimeoutSource::create(m_check_interval * 1000); timeout->connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteDirectoryWatcherApplicationAddin::handle_timeout)); timeout->attach(); }
Configuration::Configuration(const Glib::ustring & file) : m_filename(file) , m_root("main") { try { m_keyfile.load_from_file(m_filename); } catch(...) { DBG_OUT("conf file %s not found - will be created", m_filename.c_str()); } }
bool DirectoryImporter::get_previews_for(const std::string& /*source*/, const std::list<std::string>& paths, const PreviewReady& callback) { for (auto path : paths) { DBG_OUT("path %s", path.c_str()); auto thumbnail = fwk::Thumbnail::thumbnail_file(path, 160, 160, 0); callback(path, thumbnail); } return true; }
void writeRomString2Socket( ROM char* p ) { BYTE c; while( ( c = *p++ ) ) { TCPPut( ftpsocket, c ); DBG_OUT( c ); } TCPFlush( ftpsocket ); }
bool NoteDirectoryWatcherApplicationAddin::handle_timeout() { m_lock.lock(); try { std::vector<Glib::ustring> keysToRemove(m_file_change_records.size()); for(auto iter : m_file_change_records) { DBG_OUT("NoteDirectoryWatcher: Handling (timeout) %s", iter.first.c_str()); // Check that Note.Saved event didn't occur within (check-interval -2) seconds of last write if(m_note_save_times.find(iter.first) != m_note_save_times.end() && std::abs((m_note_save_times[iter.first] - iter.second.last_change).total_seconds()) <= (m_check_interval - 2)) { DBG_OUT("NoteDirectoryWatcher: Ignoring (timeout) because it was probably a Gnote write"); keysToRemove.push_back(iter.first); continue; } // TODO: Take some actions to clear note_save_times? Not a large structure... sharp::DateTime last_change(iter.second.last_change); if(sharp::DateTime::now() > last_change.add_seconds(4)) { if(iter.second.deleted) { delete_note(iter.first); } else { add_or_update_note(iter.first); } keysToRemove.push_back(iter.first); } } for(auto note_id : keysToRemove) { m_file_change_records.erase(note_id); } } catch(...) {} m_lock.unlock(); return false; }
void GridViewModule::select_image(eng::library_id_t id) { DBG_OUT("library select %Ld", (long long)id); Gtk::TreePath path = m_model->get_path_from_id(id); if(path) { m_librarylistview->scroll_to_path(path, false, 0, 0); m_librarylistview->select_path(path); } else { m_librarylistview->unselect_all(); } }
eng::library_id_t GridViewModule::get_selected() { eng::library_id_t id = 0; Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeSelection> selection; std::vector<Gtk::TreePath> paths = m_librarylistview->get_selected_items(); if(!paths.empty()) { Gtk::TreePath path(*(paths.begin())); DBG_OUT("found path %s", path.to_string().c_str()); Gtk::TreeRow row = *(m_model->get_iter(path)); if(row) { DBG_OUT("found row"); eng::LibFile::Ptr libfile = row[m_model->columns().m_libfile]; if(libfile) { id = libfile->id(); } } } DBG_OUT("get_selected %Ld", (long long)id); return id; }
void FilmStripController::select_image(eng::library_id_t id) { DBG_OUT("filmstrip select %Ld", (long long)id); Gtk::TreePath path = m_store->get_path_from_id(id); if(path) { m_thumbview->scroll_to_path(path, false, 0, 0); m_thumbview->select_path(path); } else { m_thumbview->unselect_all(); } }
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> ActionManager::find_action_by_name(const std::string & n) const { Glib::ListHandle<Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> > actions = m_main_window_actions->get_actions(); for(Glib::ListHandle<Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> >::const_iterator iter2(actions.begin()); iter2 != actions.end(); ++iter2) { if((*iter2)->get_name() == n) { return *iter2; } } DBG_OUT("%s not found", n.c_str()); return Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action>(); }
bool WebDavSyncServiceAddin::verify_configuration() { Glib::ustring url, username, password; if(!get_pref_widget_settings(url, username, password)) { // TODO: Figure out a way to send the error back to the client DBG_OUT("One of url, username, or password was empty"); throw gnote::sync::GnoteSyncException(_("URL, username, or password field is empty.")); } return true; }
void open_url(const std::string & url) throw (Glib::Error) { if(!url.empty()) { GError *err = NULL; DBG_OUT("Opening url '%s'...", url.c_str()); gtk_show_uri (NULL, url.c_str(), GDK_CURRENT_TIME, &err); if(err) { throw Glib::Error(err, true); } } }
void GridViewModule::on_lib_notification(const eng::LibNotification &ln) { switch(ln.type) { case eng::Library::NotifyType::METADATA_QUERIED: { DBG_ASSERT(ln.param.type() == typeid(eng::LibMetadata::Ptr), "incorrect data type for the notification"); eng::LibMetadata::Ptr lm = boost::any_cast<eng::LibMetadata::Ptr>(ln.param); DBG_OUT("received metadata"); m_metapanecontroller->display(lm->id(), lm); break; } case eng::Library::NotifyType::METADATA_CHANGED: { DBG_OUT("metadata changed"); DBG_ASSERT(ln.param.type() == typeid(eng::metadata_desc_t), "incorrect data type for the notification"); eng::metadata_desc_t m = boost::any_cast<eng::metadata_desc_t>(ln.param); if( == m_metapanecontroller->displayed_file()) { // FIXME: actually just update the metadata m_shell.getLibraryClient()->requestMetadata(; } break; } case eng::Library::NotifyType::FILE_MOVED: { DBG_ASSERT(ln.param.type() == typeid(std::pair<eng::library_id_t,eng::library_id_t>), "incorrect data type for the notification"); std::pair<eng::library_id_t,eng::library_id_t> moved(boost::any_cast<std::pair<eng::library_id_t,eng::library_id_t> >(ln.param)); // check that the file that was moved still match the content break; } default: break; } }
/// <summary> /// Get all widgets represents by XML elements that are children /// of the placeholder element specified by path. /// </summary> /// <param name="path"> /// A <see cref="System.String"/> representing the path to /// the placeholder of interest. /// </param> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="IList`1"/> of Gtk.Widget objects corresponding /// to the XML child elements of the placeholder element. /// </returns> void ActionManager::get_placeholder_children(const std::string & path, std::list<Gtk::Widget*> & children) const { // Wrap the UIManager XML in a root element // so that it's real parseable XML. std::string xml = "<root>" + m_ui->get_ui() + "</root>"; xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseDoc((const xmlChar*)xml.c_str()); if(doc == NULL) { return; } // Get the element name std::string placeholderName = sharp::string_substring(path, sharp::string_last_index_of( path, "/") + 1); DBG_OUT("path = %s placeholdername = %s", path.c_str(), placeholderName.c_str()); sharp::XmlNodeSet nodes = sharp::xml_node_xpath_find(xmlDocGetRootElement(doc), "//placeholder"); // Find the placeholder specified in the path for(sharp::XmlNodeSet::const_iterator iter = nodes.begin(); iter != nodes.end(); ++iter) { xmlNodePtr placeholderNode = *iter; if (placeholderNode->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { xmlChar * prop = xmlGetProp(placeholderNode, (const xmlChar*)"name"); if(!prop) { continue; } if(xmlStrEqual(prop, (const xmlChar*)placeholderName.c_str())) { // Return each child element's widget for(xmlNodePtr widgetNode = placeholderNode->children; widgetNode; widgetNode = widgetNode->next) { if(widgetNode->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { xmlChar * widgetName = xmlGetProp(widgetNode, (const xmlChar*)"name"); if(widgetName) { children.push_back(get_widget(path + "/" + (const char*)widgetName)); xmlFree(widgetName); } } } } xmlFree(prop); } } xmlFreeDoc(doc); }
void SilentUI::note_conflict_detected(NoteManager & manager, const Note::Ptr & localConflictNote, NoteUpdate remoteNote, const std::list<std::string> &) { DBG_OUT("note conflict detected, overwriting without a care"); // TODO: At least respect conflict prefs // TODO: Implement more useful conflict handling if(localConflictNote->id() != remoteNote.m_uuid) { manager.delete_note(localConflictNote); } SyncManager::obj().resolve_conflict(OVERWRITE_EXISTING); }
void* receive_thread(void *arg) { struct receive_param rcv_para = *((struct receive_param *)arg); PMIFI_PACKET packet, resp; u8 sum; int len; const int buff_len = 1024; packet = (PMIFI_PACKET)malloc(buff_len); resp = (PMIFI_PACKET)malloc(buff_len); memset(packet, 0x0, buff_len); while (read_packet(, packet) != ERROR) { DBG_OUT("Process received packet"); len = get_packet_len(packet); sum = get_checksum((u8*)packet, len - 1); DBG_OUT("len = %d, recv sum = 0x%02x, calc sum = 0x%02x", len, ((u8*)packet)[len - 1], sum); dump_packet(packet); if (((u8*)packet)[len - 1] != sum) DBG_OUT("*** check sum fail"); if (is_client_response(packet->func) == 0) { handle_packet(, packet); len = server_build_response(packet, resp); DBG_OUT("build response len is %d", len); if (len > 0) { DBG_OUT("enqueue packet to queue"); push_data(, (u8*)resp, len); } handle_packet_post(, packet); } else { DBG_OUT("It's a response packet from client, ignored."); } memset(packet, 0x0, buff_len); } /* while(read_packet) */ DBG_OUT("terminated thread 0x%lx", (unsigned long)pthread_self()); for (len = 0; len < ARRAY_SIZE(dev_map); len++) { if (dev_map[len].sd == { dev_map[len].valid = 0; break; } } free(packet); free(resp); pthread_exit((void *)0); return NULL; }