Esempio n. 1
void AudioEffect::DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (hasClip) (bool state)
	if (state)
		cEffect.flags |= DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effFlagsHasClip);
		cEffect.flags &= ~DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effFlagsHasClip);
Esempio n. 2
bool AudioEffect::DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (isOutputConnected) (VstInt32 output)
	VstInt32 ret = 0;
	if (audioMaster)
		ret = (VstInt32)audioMaster (&cEffect, DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (audioMasterPinConnected), output, 1, 0, 0);
	return ret ? false : true;		// return value is 0 for true
Esempio n. 3
void AudioEffect::DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (canMono) (bool state)
	if (state)
		cEffect.flags |= DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effFlagsCanMono);
		cEffect.flags &= ~DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effFlagsCanMono);
Esempio n. 4
TimedFader::TimedFader(audioMasterCallback audioMaster) : AudioEffectX(audioMaster, 1, 3)
	//inits here!
	fOutput = 1.0f;
	faderSteps = 15;
	currentFaderFrameCount = 1;

	setUniqueID('tFd1');    // identify here
	strcpy(programName, "Timed Fader 1");

	setParameter(PARAM_PlayDuration, 30.0f); // 10 seconds  //0.166667); //~30 seconds
	setParameter(PARAM_FadeDuration, 3.0f);  // 3 seconds

	fPlaySecondsRemaining = fPlayDuration;
	fFadeSecondsRemaining = fFadeDuration;
	state = STATE_DONE;

	muteGain = (float)pow(10.0f, 0.05f * -60.0f);
	muteGain *= 0.01f;

	fSecondsPerFrame = 1 / sampleRate;
	// Create the editor
	faderDisplay = new FaderDisplay(this);
	editor = faderDisplay;

	suspend();		// flush buffer
Esempio n. 5
mdaLimiter::mdaLimiter(audioMasterCallback audioMaster)	: AudioEffectX(audioMaster, 1, 5)	// 1 program, 4 parameters
	fParam1 = (float)0.60; //thresh 		
  fParam2 = (float)0.60; //trim
  fParam3 = (float)0.15; //attack
  fParam4 = (float)0.50; //release
  fParam5 = (float)0.40; //knee

  setNumInputs(2);		    // stereo in
	setNumOutputs(2);		    // stereo out
	setUniqueID('mdaL');    // identify
	DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED(canMono) ();				      
	canProcessReplacing();	// supports both accumulating and replacing output
	strcpy(programName, "Limiter");	// default program name

  if(fParam5>0.5) //soft knee
    thresh = (float)pow(10.0, 1.0 - (2.0 * fParam1));
  else //hard knee
    thresh = (float)pow(10.0, (2.0 * fParam1) - 2.0);
  trim = (float)(pow(10.0, (2.0 * fParam2) - 1.0));
  att = (float)pow(10.0, -0.01 - 2.0 * fParam3);//wavelab overruns with zero???
  rel = (float)pow(10.0, -2.0 - (3.0 * fParam4));
  gain = 1.0;
Esempio n. 6
	The constructor of your class is passed a parameter of the type \e audioMasterCallback. The actual 
	mechanism in which your class gets constructed is not important right now. Effectively your class is 
	constructed by the hosting application, which passes an object of type \e audioMasterCallback that 
	handles the interaction with the plug-in. You pass this on to the base class' constructor and then 
	can forget about it.

	\param audioMaster Passed by the Host and handles interaction
	\param numPrograms Pass the number of programs the plug-in provides
	\param numParams Pass the number of parameters the plug-in provides
MyPlug::MyPlug (audioMasterCallback audioMaster)
: AudioEffectX (audioMaster, 1, 1)    // 1 program, 1 parameter only
	setNumInputs (2); // stereo in
	setNumOutputs (2); // stereo out
	setUniqueID ('MyPl'); // you must change this for other plug-ins!
	canProcessReplacing (); // supports replacing mode

	\sa setNumInputs, setNumOutputs, setUniqueID, canProcessReplacing
AudioEffect::AudioEffect (audioMasterCallback audioMaster, VstInt32 numPrograms, VstInt32 numParams)
: audioMaster (audioMaster)
, editor (0)
, sampleRate (44100.f)
, blockSize (1024)
, numPrograms (numPrograms)
, numParams (numParams)
, curProgram (0)
	memset (&cEffect, 0, sizeof (cEffect));

	cEffect.magic = kEffectMagic;
	cEffect.dispatcher = dispatchEffectClass;
	cEffect.setParameter = setParameterClass;
	cEffect.getParameter = getParameterClass;
	cEffect.numPrograms  = numPrograms;
	cEffect.numParams    = numParams;
	cEffect.numInputs  = 1;		// mono input
	cEffect.numOutputs = 2;		// stereo output
	cEffect.DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (ioRatio) = 1.f;
	cEffect.object = this;
	cEffect.uniqueID = CCONST ('N', 'o', 'E', 'f');
	cEffect.version  = 1;
	cEffect.processReplacing = processClassReplacing;

	canProcessReplacing (); // mandatory in VST 2.4!
	cEffect.processDoubleReplacing = processClassDoubleReplacing;
Esempio n. 7
mdaDetune::mdaDetune(audioMasterCallback audioMaster): AudioEffectX(audioMaster, NPROGS, NPARAMS)
  setUniqueID('mdat');  ///identify mdaDetune-in here

  programs[0].param[0] = 0.20f; //fine
  programs[0].param[1] = 0.90f; //mix
  programs[0].param[2] = 0.50f; //output
  programs[0].param[3] = 0.50f; //chunksize
  strcpy(programs[0].name, "Stereo Detune");
  programs[1].param[0] = 0.20f;
  programs[1].param[1] = 0.90f;
  programs[1].param[2] = 0.50f;
  programs[1].param[3] = 0.50f;
  programs[2].param[0] = 0.8f;
  programs[2].param[1] = 0.7f;
  programs[2].param[2] = 0.50f;
  programs[2].param[3] = 0.50f;
  strcpy(programs[2].name,"Out Of Tune");

  semi = 3.0f * 0.20f * 0.20f * 0.20f;
  dpos2 = (float)pow(1.0594631f, semi);
  dpos1 = 1.0f / dpos2;
  wet = 1.0f;
  dry = wet - wet * 0.90f * 0.90f;
  wet = (wet + wet - wet * 0.90f) * 0.90f;
Esempio n. 8
void mdaLooplex::resume()
  //should reset position here...
  bufpos = 0;

  //needIdle();  //idle broken in VST2.4
Esempio n. 9
static VstIntPtr VSTCALLBACK audioMaster( AEffect * effect, VstInt32 opcode, VstInt32 index, VstIntPtr value, void * ptr, float opt)
	audioMasterData * data = NULL;
	if ( effect ) data = ( audioMasterData * ) effect->user;

	switch (opcode)
	case audioMasterVersion:
		return 2400;

	case audioMasterCurrentId:
		if ( data ) return data->effect_number;

	case audioMasterGetVendorString:
		strncpy((char *)ptr, "NoWork, Inc.", 64);
		//strncpy((char *)ptr, "YAMAHA", 64);

	case audioMasterGetProductString:
		strncpy((char *)ptr, "VSTi Host Bridge", 64);
		//strncpy((char *)ptr, "SOL/SQ01", 64);

	case audioMasterGetVendorVersion:
		return 1000;

	case audioMasterGetLanguage:
		return kVstLangEnglish;

	case audioMasterVendorSpecific:
		/* Steinberg HACK */
		if ( ptr )
			uint32_t * blah = ( uint32_t * ) ( ( ( char * ) ptr ) - 4 );
			if ( *blah == 0x0737bb68 )
				*blah ^= 0x5CC8F349;
				blah[2] = 0x19E;
				return 0x1E7;

	case audioMasterGetDirectory:
		return (VstIntPtr) dll_dir;

		/* More crap */
	case DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED(audioMasterNeedIdle):
		need_idle = true;
		return 0;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 10
mdaLoudness::mdaLoudness(audioMasterCallback audioMaster): AudioEffectX(audioMaster, NPROGS, NPARAMS)
	DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED(canMono) ();				      

  programs = new mdaLoudnessProgram[NPROGS];

Esempio n. 11
mdaOverdrive::mdaOverdrive(audioMasterCallback audioMaster)	: AudioEffectX(audioMaster, 1, 3)	// 1 program, 3 parameters
  fParam1 = 0.0f; 		
  fParam2 = 0.0f;
  fParam3 = 0.5f;

	setUniqueID('mdaO');    // identify
	DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED(canMono) ();				      
	strcpy(programName, "Soft Overdrive");	

  filt1 = filt2 = 0.0f;
  setParameter(0, 0.0f);
Esempio n. 12
VstIntPtr AudioEffect::dispatcher (VstInt32 opcode, VstInt32 index, VstIntPtr value, void* ptr, float opt)
	VstIntPtr v = 0;
	switch (opcode)
		case effOpen:				open ();											break;
		case effClose:				close ();											break;
		case effSetProgram:			if (value < numPrograms) setProgram ((VstInt32)value); break;
		case effGetProgram:			v = getProgram ();									break;
		case effSetProgramName: 	setProgramName ((char*)ptr);						break;
		case effGetProgramName: 	getProgramName ((char*)ptr);						break;
		case effGetParamLabel:		getParameterLabel (index, (char*)ptr);				break;
		case effGetParamDisplay:	getParameterDisplay (index, (char*)ptr);			break;
		case effGetParamName:		getParameterName (index, (char*)ptr);				break;

		case effSetSampleRate:		setSampleRate (opt);								break;
		case effSetBlockSize:		setBlockSize ((VstInt32)value);						break;
		case effMainsChanged:		if (!value) suspend (); else resume ();				break;
		case effGetVu:				v = (VstIntPtr)(getVu () * 32767.);					break;

		case effEditGetRect:		if (editor) v = editor->getRect ((ERect**)ptr) ? 1 : 0;	break;
		case effEditOpen:			if (editor) v = editor->open (ptr) ? 1 : 0;			break;
		case effEditClose:			if (editor) editor->close ();						break;		
		case effEditIdle:			if (editor) editor->idle ();						break;
		case effEditDraw:			if (editor) editor->draw ((ERect*)ptr);				break;
		case effEditMouse:			if (editor) v = editor->mouse (index, value);		break;
		case effEditKey:			if (editor) v = editor->key (value);				break;
		case effEditTop:			if (editor) editor->top ();							break;
		case effEditSleep:			if (editor) editor->sleep ();						break;
		case DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effIdentify):	v = CCONST ('N', 'v', 'E', 'f');	break;

		case effGetChunk:			v = getChunk ((void**)ptr, index ? true : false);	break;
		case effSetChunk:			v = setChunk (ptr, (VstInt32)value, index ? true : false);	break;
	return v;
Esempio n. 13
mdaImage::mdaImage(audioMasterCallback audioMaster)	: AudioEffectX(audioMaster, 1, 6)	// programs, parameters
  fParam1 = 0.6f; //mode
  fParam2 = 0.75f; //width
  fParam3 = 0.5f; //skew
  fParam4 = 0.75f; //centre
  fParam5 = 0.5f; //balance
  fParam6 = 0.5f; //output

	setUniqueID('mdaI');    // identify here
	DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED(canMono) ();				      
	strcpy(programName, "Stereo Image / MS Matrix");
  setParameter(0, 0.6f); //go and set initial values!
Esempio n. 14
mdaSplitter::mdaSplitter(audioMasterCallback audioMaster): AudioEffectX(audioMaster, NPROGS, NPARAMS)
  setUniqueID('mda7');  ///identify plug-in here
	DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED(canMono) ();				      
  env = buf0 = buf1 = buf2 = buf3 = 0.0f;
  ///differences from default program...
  programs[1].param[2] = 0.50f;
  programs[1].param[4] = 0.25f;
  strcpy(programs[1].name,"Pass Peaks Only");
  programs[2].param[0] = 0.60f;
  strcpy(programs[2].name,"Stereo Crossover");
Esempio n. 15
wolfBoostComp::wolfBoostComp(audioMasterCallback audioMaster) : AudioEffectX(audioMaster, 1, 6) // programs, parameters
  //inits here!
  fParam1 = (float) 0.25f; // Drive
  fParam2 = (float) 0.25f; // Threshold
  fParam3 = (float) 0.25f; // Gain  
  fParam4 = (float) 0.50f; // Linearity
  fParam5 = (float) 0.50f; // Asymmetry
  fParam6 = (float) 1.00f; // Wet

  setUniqueID('wlBC');    // identify here
  strcpy(programName, "Boost-Compressor Fx");

  adj1 = 1.f;
  adj2 = 1.f;
  adj3 = 1.f;
  adj4 = 0.f;
  adj5 = 0.f;
  asymKonst = boostcomp(adj5, adj1, adj2, adj3, adj4, fParam6);
Esempio n. 16
VstIntPtr PluginHost::gHostCallback(AEffect *effect, VstInt32 opcode, VstInt32 index, VstIntPtr value, void *ptr, float opt) {

	/* warning: VST headers compiled with DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED. */

	switch (opcode) {

		/* 0 - Called after a control has changed in the editor and when
		 * the associated parameter should be automated. Index contains the
		 * param, opt the value. Thanks, but we don't need it now. It will
		 * be useful when recording actions from VST (in the future). */

		case audioMasterAutomate:
			return 0;

		/* 1 - host version (2.4) */

		case audioMasterVersion:
			return kVstVersion;

		/* 3 - Give idle time to Host application, e.g. if plug-in editor is
		 * doing mouse tracking in a modal loop. This a is multithread app,
		 * we don't need it. */

		case audioMasterIdle:
			return 0;

		/* 6 - tells the host that the plugin is an instrument. Deprecated. */

		case DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED(audioMasterWantMidi):
			return 0;

		/* 7 - time infos */

		case audioMasterGetTime:
			vstTimeInfo.samplePos          = G_Mixer.actualFrame;
			vstTimeInfo.sampleRate         = G_Conf.samplerate;
			vstTimeInfo.tempo              = G_Mixer.bpm;
			vstTimeInfo.timeSigNumerator   =;
			vstTimeInfo.timeSigDenominator = G_Mixer.bars;
			vstTimeInfo.ppqPos             = (G_Mixer.actualFrame / (float) G_Conf.samplerate) * (float) G_Mixer.bpm / 60.0f;
			return (VstIntPtr) &vstTimeInfo;

		/* ? - requires a pointer to VstEvents. No vstEvents so far (v0.5.4) */

		case audioMasterProcessEvents:
			return 0;

		/* 13 - tells that numInputs/numOutputs are changed. Not supported and
		 * not needed. */

		case audioMasterIOChanged:
			return false;

		/* 14 - plugin needs idle calls (outside its editor window). Deprecated */

		case DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED(audioMasterNeedIdle):
			return 0;

		/* 15 - requests to resize the editor window. w = index, h = value*/

		case audioMasterSizeWindow: {
			gWindow *window = NULL;
			for (unsigned i=0; i<masterOut.size && !window; i++)
				if (>getPlugin() == effect)
					window =>window;

			for (unsigned i=0; i<masterIn.size && !window; i++)
				if (>getPlugin() == effect)
					window =>window;

			for (unsigned i=0; i<G_Mixer.channels.size && !window; i++) {
				Channel *ch =;
				for (unsigned j=0; j<ch->plugins.size && !window; j++)
					if (ch->>getPlugin() == effect)
						window = ch->>window;

			if (window) {
				gLog("[pluginHost] audioMasterSizeWindow: resizing window from plugin %p\n", (void*) effect);
				if (index == 1 || value == 1)
					gLog("[pluginHost] warning: non-sense values!\n");
					window->size((int)index, (int)value);
				return 1;
			else {
				gLog("[pluginHost] audioMasterSizeWindow: window from plugin %p not found\n", (void*) effect);
				return 0;

		/* 16 - sample rate */

		case audioMasterGetSampleRate:
			return G_Conf.samplerate;

		/* ?? - buffer size */

		case audioMasterGetBlockSize:
			return kernelAudio::realBufsize;

		case audioMasterGetInputLatency:
			gLog("[pluginHost] requested opcode 'audioMasterGetInputLatency' (%d)\n", opcode);
			return 0;

		case audioMasterGetOutputLatency:
			gLog("[pluginHost] requested opcode 'audioMasterGetOutputLatency' (%d)\n", opcode);
			return 0;

		/* 23 - wants to know what kind of process is that.
		 * kVstProcessLevelRealtime = currently in audio thread (where
		 * process is called). */

		case audioMasterGetCurrentProcessLevel:
			return kVstProcessLevelRealtime;

		/* 32 - vendor name */

		case audioMasterGetVendorString:
			strcpy((char*)ptr, "Monocasual");
			return 1;

		/* 32 - product name */

		case audioMasterGetProductString:
			strcpy((char*)ptr, "Giada");
			return 1;

		/* 33 - product version */

		case audioMasterGetVendorVersion:
			return (int) VERSIONE_FLOAT * 100;

		/* 37 - Plugin asks Host if it implements the feature text. */

		case audioMasterCanDo:
			gLog("[pluginHost] audioMasterCanDo: %s\n", (char*)ptr);
			if (!strcmp((char*)ptr, "sizeWindow")       ||
					!strcmp((char*)ptr, "sendVstTimeInfo")  ||
					!strcmp((char*)ptr, "sendVstMidiEvent") ||
					!strcmp((char*)ptr, "sendVstMidiEventFlagIsRealtime"))
				return 1; // we can do all of that
				return 0;

		/* 42 - Something has changed, update the host's 'multi-fx' display.
		 * Not supported right now, return 0. This opcode deals with the program
		 * changes, more infos */

		case audioMasterUpdateDisplay:
			return 0;

		case audioMasterGetLanguage:
			return kVstLangEnglish;

		/* ?? */

		case audioMasterGetAutomationState:
			gLog("[pluginHost] requested opcode 'audioMasterGetAutomationState' (%d)\n", opcode);
			return 0;

		/* 43 - It tells the Host that if it needs to, it has to record
		 * automation data for this control. In other words this opcode is fired
		 * when the user starts to tweak a parameter with the mouse.
		 * Useful when the plugin actions will be recorded. */

		case audioMasterBeginEdit:
			return 0;

		/* 44 - no more interaction for the user, started with the previous
		 * opcode. */

		case audioMasterEndEdit:
			return 0;

			gLog("[pluginHost] FIXME: host callback called with opcode %d\n", opcode);
			return 0;
Esempio n. 17
int CALLBACK _tWinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow )
	int argc = 0;
	LPWSTR * argv = CommandLineToArgvW( GetCommandLineW(), &argc );

	if ( argv == NULL || argc != 3 ) return 1;

	wchar_t * end_char = 0;
	unsigned in_sum = wcstoul( argv[ 2 ], &end_char, 16 );
	if ( end_char == argv[ 2 ] || *end_char ) return 2;

	unsigned test_sum = 0;
	end_char = argv[ 1 ];
	while ( *end_char )
		test_sum += (TCHAR)( *end_char++ * 820109 );

#ifdef NDEBUG
	if ( test_sum != in_sum ) return 3;

	unsigned code = 0;

	main_func pMain = NULL;
	AEffect * pEffect[3] = {0, 0, 0};

	audioMasterData effectData[3] = { { 0 }, { 1 }, { 2 } };

	std::vector<uint8_t> blState;

	uint32_t max_num_outputs = 2;
	uint32_t sample_rate = 44100;

	std::vector<uint8_t> chunk;
	std::vector<float> sample_buffer;

	null_file = CreateFile( _T("NUL"), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL );

	pipe_in = GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE );
	pipe_out = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );

	SetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE, null_file );
	SetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, null_file );

		icc.dwSize = sizeof(icc);
		if ( !InitCommonControlsEx( &icc ) ) return 4;

	if ( FAILED( CoInitialize( NULL ) ) ) return 5;

#ifndef _DEBUG
	SetUnhandledExceptionFilter( myExceptFilterProc );

	size_t dll_name_len = wcslen( argv[ 1 ] );
	dll_dir = ( char * ) malloc( dll_name_len + 1 );
	wcstombs( dll_dir, argv[ 1 ], dll_name_len );
	dll_dir[ dll_name_len ] = '\0';
	char * slash = strrchr( dll_dir, '\\' );
	*slash = '\0';

	hDll = LoadLibraryW( argv[ 1 ] );
	if ( !hDll )
		code = 6;
		goto exit;

	pMain = (main_func) GetProcAddress( hDll, "main" );
	if ( !pMain )
		code = 7;
		goto exit;

#if 0
	MessageBox( GetDesktopWindow(), argv[ 1 ], _T("HUUUURRRRRR"), 0 );

	pEffect[ 0 ] = pMain( &audioMaster );
	if ( !pEffect[ 0 ] || pEffect[ 0 ]->magic != kEffectMagic )
		code = 8;
		goto exit;

	pEffect[ 0 ]->user = &effectData[ 0 ];

	pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], effOpen, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

	if ( pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], effGetPlugCategory, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) != kPlugCategSynth ||
		pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], effCanDo, 0, 0, "sendVstMidiEvent", 0 ) == 0 )
		code = 9;
		goto exit;

	max_num_outputs = min( pEffect[ 0 ]->numOutputs, 2 );

		char name_string[256] = { 0 };
		char vendor_string[256] = { 0 };
		char product_string[256] = { 0 };
		uint32_t name_string_length;
		uint32_t vendor_string_length;
		uint32_t product_string_length;
		uint32_t vendor_version;
		uint32_t unique_id;

		pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], effGetEffectName, 0, 0, &name_string, 0 );
		pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], effGetVendorString, 0, 0, &vendor_string, 0 );
		pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], effGetProductString, 0, 0, &product_string, 0 );
		name_string_length = strlen( name_string );
		vendor_string_length = strlen( vendor_string );
		product_string_length = strlen( product_string );
		vendor_version = pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], effGetVendorVersion, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
		unique_id = pEffect[ 0 ]->uniqueID;

		put_code( 0 );
		put_code( name_string_length );
		put_code( vendor_string_length );
		put_code( product_string_length );
		put_code( vendor_version );
		put_code( unique_id );
		put_code( max_num_outputs );
		if ( name_string_length ) put_bytes( name_string, name_string_length );
		if ( vendor_string_length ) put_bytes( vendor_string, vendor_string_length );
		if ( product_string_length ) put_bytes( product_string, product_string_length );

	float     ** float_list_in;
	float     ** float_list_out;
	float      * float_null;
	float      * float_out;

	for (;;)
		uint32_t command = get_code();
		if ( !command ) break;

		switch ( command )
		case 1: // Get Chunk
			getChunk( pEffect[ 0 ], chunk );

			put_code( 0 );
			put_code( chunk.size() );
			put_bytes(, chunk.size() );

		case 2: // Set Chunk
				uint32_t size = get_code();
				chunk.resize( size );
				if ( size ) get_bytes(, size );

				setChunk( pEffect[ 0 ], chunk );
				setChunk( pEffect[ 1 ], chunk );
				setChunk( pEffect[ 2 ], chunk );

				put_code( 0 );

		case 3: // Has Editor
				uint32_t has_editor = ( pEffect[ 0 ]->flags & effFlagsHasEditor ) ? 1 : 0;

				put_code( 0 );
				put_code( has_editor );

		case 4: // Display Editor Modal
				if ( pEffect[ 0 ]->flags & effFlagsHasEditor )
					DialogBoxIndirectParam ( 0, &t, GetDesktopWindow(), (DLGPROC)EditorProc, (LPARAM)( pEffect[ 0 ] ) );
					getChunk( pEffect[ 0 ], chunk );
					setChunk( pEffect[ 1 ], chunk );
					setChunk( pEffect[ 2 ], chunk );

				put_code( 0 );

		case 5: // Set Sample Rate
				uint32_t size = get_code();
				if ( size != sizeof(sample_rate) )
					code = 10;
					goto exit;

				sample_rate = get_code();

				put_code( 0 );

		case 6: // Reset
				if ( pEffect[ 2 ] )
					if ( blState.size() ) pEffect[ 2 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 2 ], effStopProcess, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
					pEffect[ 2 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 2 ], effClose, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
					pEffect[ 2 ] = NULL;
				if ( pEffect[ 1 ] )
					if ( blState.size() ) pEffect[ 1 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 1 ], effStopProcess, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
					pEffect[ 1 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 1 ], effClose, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
					pEffect[ 1 ] = NULL;
				if ( blState.size() ) pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], effStopProcess, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
				pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], effClose, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

				blState.resize( 0 );


				pEffect[ 0 ] = pMain( &audioMaster );
				if ( !pEffect[ 0 ] )
					code = 8;
					goto exit;
				pEffect[ 0 ]->user = &effectData[ 0 ];
				pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], effOpen, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
				setChunk( pEffect[ 0 ], chunk );

				put_code( 0 );

		case 7: // Send MIDI Event
				myVstEvent * ev = ( myVstEvent * ) calloc( sizeof( myVstEvent ), 1 );
				if ( evTail ) evTail->next = ev;
				evTail = ev;
				if ( !evChain ) evChain = ev;

				uint32_t b = get_code();

				ev->port = (b & 0x7F000000) >> 24;
				if (ev->port > 2) ev->port = 2;
				ev->ev.midiEvent.type = kVstMidiType;
				ev->ev.midiEvent.byteSize = sizeof(ev->ev.midiEvent);
				memcpy(&ev->ev.midiEvent.midiData, &b, 3);

				put_code( 0 );

		case 8: // Send System Exclusive Event
				myVstEvent * ev = ( myVstEvent * ) calloc( sizeof( myVstEvent ), 1 );
				if ( evTail ) evTail->next = ev;
				evTail = ev;
				if ( !evChain ) evChain = ev;

				uint32_t size = get_code();
				uint32_t port = size >> 24;
				size &= 0xFFFFFF;

				ev->port = port;
				if (ev->port > 2) ev->port = 2;
				ev->ev.sysexEvent.type = kVstSysExType;
				ev->ev.sysexEvent.byteSize = sizeof(ev->ev.sysexEvent);
				ev->ev.sysexEvent.dumpBytes = size;
				ev->ev.sysexEvent.sysexDump = (char*) malloc( size );

				get_bytes( ev->ev.sysexEvent.sysexDump, size );

				put_code( 0 );

		case 9: // Render Samples
				if ( !pEffect[ 1 ] )
					pEffect[ 1 ] = pMain( &audioMaster );
					if ( !pEffect[ 1 ] )
						code = 11;
						goto exit;
					pEffect[ 1 ]->user = &effectData[ 1 ];
					pEffect[ 1 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 1 ], effOpen, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
					setChunk( pEffect[ 1 ], chunk );
				if ( !pEffect[ 2 ] )
					pEffect[ 2 ] = pMain( &audioMaster );
					if ( !pEffect[ 2 ] )
						code = 11;
						goto exit;
					pEffect[ 2 ]->user = &effectData[ 2 ];
					pEffect[ 2 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 2 ], effOpen, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
					setChunk( pEffect[ 2 ], chunk );

				if ( !blState.size() )
					pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], effSetSampleRate, 0, 0, 0, float(sample_rate) );
					pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], effSetBlockSize, 0, BUFFER_SIZE, 0, 0 );
					pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], effMainsChanged, 0, 1, 0, 0 );
					pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], effStartProcess, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

					pEffect[ 1 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 1 ], effSetSampleRate, 0, 0, 0, float(sample_rate) );
					pEffect[ 1 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 1 ], effSetBlockSize, 0, BUFFER_SIZE, 0, 0 );
					pEffect[ 1 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 1 ], effMainsChanged, 0, 1, 0, 0 );
					pEffect[ 1 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 1 ], effStartProcess, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

					pEffect[ 2 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 2 ], effSetSampleRate, 0, 0, 0, float(sample_rate) );
					pEffect[ 2 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 2 ], effSetBlockSize, 0, BUFFER_SIZE, 0, 0 );
					pEffect[ 2 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 2 ], effMainsChanged, 0, 1, 0, 0 );
					pEffect[ 2 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 2 ], effStartProcess, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

					size_t buffer_size = sizeof(float*) * ( pEffect[ 0 ]->numInputs + pEffect[ 0 ]->numOutputs * 3 ); // float lists
					buffer_size += sizeof(float) * BUFFER_SIZE;                                // null input
					buffer_size += sizeof(float) * BUFFER_SIZE * pEffect[ 0 ]->numOutputs * 3;          // outputs

					blState.resize( buffer_size );

					float_list_in  = (float**);
					float_list_out = float_list_in + pEffect[ 0 ]->numInputs;
					float_null     = (float*) ( float_list_out + pEffect[ 0 ]->numOutputs * 3 );
					float_out      = float_null + BUFFER_SIZE;

					for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pEffect[ 0 ]->numInputs; ++i )      float_list_in [ i ] = float_null;
					for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pEffect[ 0 ]->numOutputs * 3; ++i ) float_list_out[ i ] = float_out + BUFFER_SIZE * i;

					memset( float_null, 0, sizeof(float) * BUFFER_SIZE );

					sample_buffer.resize( BUFFER_SIZE * max_num_outputs );

				if ( need_idle )
					pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effIdle), 0, 0, 0, 0 );
					pEffect[ 1 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 1 ], DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effIdle), 0, 0, 0, 0 );
					pEffect[ 2 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 2 ], DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effIdle), 0, 0, 0, 0 );

					if ( !idle_started )
						unsigned idle_run = BUFFER_SIZE * 128;

						while ( idle_run )
							unsigned count_to_do = min( idle_run, BUFFER_SIZE );
							unsigned num_outputs = pEffect[ 0 ]->numOutputs;

							pEffect[ 0 ]->processReplacing( pEffect[ 0 ], float_list_in, float_list_out, count_to_do );
							pEffect[ 1 ]->processReplacing( pEffect[ 1 ], float_list_in, float_list_out + num_outputs, count_to_do );
							pEffect[ 2 ]->processReplacing( pEffect[ 2 ], float_list_in, float_list_out + num_outputs * 2, count_to_do );

							pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effIdle), 0, 0, 0, 0 );
							pEffect[ 1 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 1 ], DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effIdle), 0, 0, 0, 0 );
							pEffect[ 2 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 2 ], DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effIdle), 0, 0, 0, 0 );

							idle_run -= count_to_do;

				VstEvents * events[ 3 ] = {0};

				if ( evChain )
					unsigned event_count[ 3 ] = {0};
					myVstEvent * ev = evChain;
					while ( ev )
						event_count[ ev->port ]++;
						ev = ev->next;

					if ( event_count[ 0 ] )
						events[ 0 ] = ( VstEvents * ) malloc( sizeof(long) + sizeof(long) + sizeof(VstEvent*) * event_count[ 0 ] );

						events[ 0 ]->numEvents = event_count[ 0 ];
						events[ 0 ]->reserved = 0;

						ev = evChain;

						for ( unsigned i = 0; ev; )
							if ( !ev->port ) events[ 0 ]->events[ i++ ] = (VstEvent*) &ev->ev;
							ev = ev->next;

						pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], effProcessEvents, 0, 0, events[ 0 ], 0 );

					if ( event_count[ 1 ] )
						events[ 1 ] = ( VstEvents * ) malloc( sizeof(long) + sizeof(long) + sizeof(VstEvent*) * event_count[ 1 ] );

						events[ 1 ]->numEvents = event_count[ 1 ];
						events[ 1 ]->reserved = 0;

						ev = evChain;

						for ( unsigned i = 0; ev; )
							if ( ev->port == 1 ) events[ 1 ]->events[ i++ ] = (VstEvent*) &ev->ev;
							ev = ev->next;

						pEffect[ 1 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 1 ], effProcessEvents, 0, 0, events[ 1 ], 0 );

					if ( event_count[ 2 ] )
						events[ 2 ] = ( VstEvents * ) malloc( sizeof(long) + sizeof(long) + sizeof(VstEvent*) * event_count[ 2 ] );

						events[ 2 ]->numEvents = event_count[ 2 ];
						events[ 2 ]->reserved = 0;

						ev = evChain;

						for ( unsigned i = 0; ev; )
							if ( ev->port == 2 ) events[ 2 ]->events[ i++ ] = (VstEvent*) &ev->ev;
							ev = ev->next;

						pEffect[ 2 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 2 ], effProcessEvents, 0, 0, events[ 2 ], 0 );

				if ( need_idle )
					pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effIdle), 0, 0, 0, 0 );
					pEffect[ 1 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 1 ], DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effIdle), 0, 0, 0, 0 );
					pEffect[ 2 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 2 ], DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effIdle), 0, 0, 0, 0 );

					if ( !idle_started )
						if ( events[ 0 ] ) pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], effProcessEvents, 0, 0, events[ 0 ], 0 );
						if ( events[ 1 ] ) pEffect[ 1 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 1 ], effProcessEvents, 0, 0, events[ 1 ], 0 );
						if ( events[ 2 ] ) pEffect[ 2 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 2 ], effProcessEvents, 0, 0, events[ 2 ], 0 );

						idle_started = true;

				uint32_t count = get_code();

				put_code( 0 );

				while( count )
					unsigned count_to_do = min( count, BUFFER_SIZE );
					unsigned num_outputs = pEffect[ 0 ]->numOutputs;

					pEffect[ 0 ]->processReplacing( pEffect[ 0 ], float_list_in, float_list_out, count_to_do );
					pEffect[ 1 ]->processReplacing( pEffect[ 1 ], float_list_in, float_list_out + num_outputs, count_to_do );
					pEffect[ 2 ]->processReplacing( pEffect[ 2 ], float_list_in, float_list_out + num_outputs * 2, count_to_do );

					float * out =;

					if ( max_num_outputs == 2 )
						for ( unsigned i = 0; i < count_to_do; ++i )
							float sample = ( float_out[ i ] + float_out[ i + BUFFER_SIZE * num_outputs ] + float_out[ i + BUFFER_SIZE * num_outputs * 2 ] );
							out[ 0 ] = sample;
							sample = ( float_out[ i + BUFFER_SIZE ] + float_out[ i + BUFFER_SIZE + BUFFER_SIZE * num_outputs ] + float_out[ i + BUFFER_SIZE + BUFFER_SIZE * num_outputs * 2 ] );
							out[ 1 ] = sample;
							out += 2;
						for ( unsigned i = 0; i < count_to_do; ++i )
							float sample = ( float_out[ i ] + float_out[ i + BUFFER_SIZE * num_outputs ] + float_out[ i + BUFFER_SIZE * num_outputs * 2 ] );
							out[ 0 ] = sample;

					put_bytes(, sizeof(float) * count_to_do * max_num_outputs );

					count -= count_to_do;

				if ( events[ 0 ] ) free( events[ 0 ] );
				if ( events[ 1 ] ) free( events[ 1 ] );
				if ( events[ 2 ] ) free( events[ 2 ] );


			code = 12;
			goto exit;

	if ( pEffect[ 2 ] )
		if ( blState.size() ) pEffect[ 2 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 2 ], effStopProcess, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
		pEffect[ 2 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 2 ], effClose, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
	if ( pEffect[ 1 ] )
		if ( blState.size() ) pEffect[ 1 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 1 ], effStopProcess, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
		pEffect[ 1 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 1 ], effClose, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
	if ( pEffect[ 0 ] )
		if ( blState.size() ) pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], effStopProcess, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
		pEffect[ 0 ]->dispatcher( pEffect[ 0 ], effClose, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
	if ( hDll ) FreeLibrary( hDll );
	if ( argv ) LocalFree( argv );

	put_code( code );

	if ( null_file )
		CloseHandle( null_file );

		SetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE, pipe_in );
		SetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, pipe_out );

	return code;
Esempio n. 18
VstIntPtr hostCallback(AEffect* effect, VstInt32 opcode, VstInt32 index, VstIntPtr value, void* ptr, float opt)

    //qDebug() << "hostCallback in thread" << QThread::currentThreadId();

    VstIntPtr result = 0;

    // Filter idle calls...
    bool filtered = false;
    if (opcode == audioMasterIdle)
        static bool wasIdle = false;
        if (wasIdle)
            filtered = true;
            //printf ("(Future idle calls will not be displayed!)\n");
            wasIdle = true;

    //qDebug("audioMasterGetCurrentProcessLevel is %d", audioMasterGetCurrentProcessLevel);

    if (!filtered)
        //qDebug("PLUG> HostCallback (opcode %d)\n index = %d, value = %p, ptr = %p, opt = %f", opcode, index, FromVstPtr<void> (value), ptr, opt);

        switch (opcode)
        case audioMasterVersion:
            result = kVstVersion;

        case DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (audioMasterPinConnected):
            //qDebug() << "pin connected";

        case DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (audioMasterWantMidi):

        case audioMasterGetTime:
            result = (VstIntPtr)&s_vstTimeInfo;

        case audioMasterGetCurrentProcessLevel:
            result = kVstProcessLevelUser;

        case audioMasterCanDo:
            QString canDoQuery((char*)ptr);

            QMap<QString, int> canDos;
            canDos["sendVstEvents"] = 1;
            canDos["sendVstMidiEvent"] = 1;
            canDos["sendVstTimeInfo"] = 1;
            canDos["sizeWindow"] = 1;

            QMap<QString, int>::iterator it = canDos.find(canDoQuery);
            if (it == canDos.end()) {
                result = 0; // don't know
                qDebug() << "unknown audioMasterCanDo:" << canDoQuery;
            } else {
                result = *it;


        case audioMasterSizeWindow:
            // TODO: handle this!
            int width = index;
            int height = value;
            qDebug() << "SIZE WINDOW" << width << height;

            //qDebug() << "UNHANDLED HOST OPCODE" << opcode;


    return result;