Esempio n. 1
QueryEditor::receive (ScopeCreated &msg, void* /*client_data*/)
  int position = 0;
  const char *scope_name = msg.f_search_scope->name();
  xList<UAS_SearchScope *> &scope_list = search_scope_mgr().scope_list();
  List_Iterator<UAS_SearchScope *> s (scope_list);
  bool need_sep = TRUE;

  if (msg.f_search_scope->read_only())
    // insert read-only scopes at the start; reserve position 0
    // for "Current Section" scope and position 1 for
    // the "All Libraries" scope
    position = 2;
    need_sep = FALSE;
    // Scan the current menu to find the correct insertion position. 
    UAS_SearchScope *scope;
    for (; s != NULL; s++, position++)
      scope = s.item();
      if (scope->read_only() != need_sep)
        position++;  // skip separator
        need_sep = FALSE;
      if (scope->read_only())
      // Find the first item that the new entry belongs after.
      ON_DEBUG (printf ("Scope Edit strcmp to <%s>\n", s.item()->name()));
      if (strcmp (scope_name, scope->name()) < 0)

  ON_DEBUG (printf ("Final SE position = %d\n", position));

  // Add a separator if this is the first user-defined entry. 
  if (need_sep == TRUE)
    DECLM (WXmSeparator, separator, f_scope_option.SubMenuId(), "separator");
    separator.PositionIndex (position);

  // Create the new toggle button. 
  DECLM (WXmPushButton, scope, f_scope_option.SubMenuId(), scope_name);
  scope.PositionIndex (position);
  scope.UserData (msg.f_search_scope);
Esempio n. 2
  int position = 0;
  // Create push buttons for each scope.
  xList<UAS_SearchScope *> &scope_list = search_scope_mgr().scope_list();
  List_Iterator<UAS_SearchScope *> s (scope_list);
  bool old_read_only = TRUE;

  for (; s != NULL; s++)
      // Add a separator when they change from read only to changable. 
      if (old_read_only != s.item()->read_only())
	  DECLM (WXmSeparator, sep1, f_scope_option.SubMenuId(), "separator");
          sep1.PositionIndex (position++);
	  old_read_only = FALSE;
      DECLM (WXmPushButton, scope,f_scope_option.SubMenuId(),s.item()->name());
      scope.UserData (s.item());
      scope.PositionIndex (position++);

  // Do not want first item (Current Section)

#ifdef __osf__
#if 1
  Widget w = f_scope_option.SubMenuId();
  WComposite temp_composite(w);
  int i = 0;
  Widget w = f_scope_option.SubMenuId();;
  Arg args[1];
  WidgetList wl;
  XtSetArg(args[i], XmNchildren, &wl); i++;
  XtGetValues(w, args, i);

      MenuHistory (WComposite(f_scope_option.SubMenuId()).Children()[1]);
  //UAS_SearchScope::request ((UAS_Receiver<ScopeCreated> *) this);
  //UAS_SearchScope::request ((UAS_Receiver<ScopeDeleted> *) this);
  //UAS_SearchScope::request ((UAS_Receiver<ScopeRenamed> *) this);
Esempio n. 3
  // Create main preferences window.

  XmStringLocalized mtfstring;
  String	    string;
  int		    decorations=MWM_DECOR_BORDER  |
                                MWM_DECOR_RESIZEH |
                                MWM_DECOR_TITLE   |

  f_shell = WTopLevelShell (window_system().toplevel(), WPopup, "preferences");

  string = CATGETS(Set_PrefAgent, 1, "Dtinfo: Preferences");
                XmNtitle, string,
                XmNmwmDecorations, decorations,

  DECL  (WXmForm,         form,         f_shell,      "form");
  DECLMC(WXmOptionMenu,   options,      form,         "options");
  DECLC (WXmPulldownMenu, options_menu, form,         "options_menu");

  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 186, "Preferences for");
  XtVaSetValues(options, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);

  ASSNM (WXmPushButton,   f_ok,         form,         "ok");
  ASSNM (WXmPushButton,   f_apply,      form,         "apply");
  ASSNM (WXmPushButton,   f_reset,      form,         "reset");
  DECLM (WXmPushButton,   cancel,       form,         "cancel");
  DECLM (WXmPushButton,   help,         form,         "help");

  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 161, "OK");
  XtVaSetValues(f_ok, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 201, "Apply");
  XtVaSetValues(f_apply, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 202, "Reset");
  XtVaSetValues(f_reset, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 162, "Cancel");
  XtVaSetValues(cancel, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 48, "Help");
  XtVaSetValues(help, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);

  SET_CALLBACK (f_ok,Activate,ok);
  SET_CALLBACK (f_apply,Activate,apply);
  SET_CALLBACK (f_reset,Activate,reset);
  SET_CALLBACK (cancel,Activate,cancel);
  help_agent().add_activate_help (help, (char*)"preferences_help");

  DECLM (WXmFrame,        frame,        form,         "frame");
  DECL  (WXmForm,         container,    frame,        "container");

  // Create browsing preferences.
  DECLM (WXmPushButton,   browse,          options_menu,  "browse");

  DECL  (WXmForm,         browse_form,     container,     "browse_prefs");
  DECLM (WXmLabel,        browse_label,    browse_form,   "browse_label");
  DECLM (WXmPushButton,   get_browse_geo,  browse_form,   "get_browse_geo");
  ASSNM (WXmTextField,    f_browse_geo,    browse_form,   "browse_geo");
  DECLM (WXmLabel,        fs_label,        browse_form,   "fs_label");
  DECL  (WXmForm,         fs_form,         browse_form,   "fs_form");
  ASSNM (WXmTextField,    f_fs_field,      fs_form,       "scale_field");
  DECLM (WXmArrowButton,  scale_up,        fs_form,       "scale_up");
  DECLM (WXmArrowButton,  scale_down,      fs_form,       "scale_down");
  DECLM (WXmLabel,        lock_label,      browse_form,   "lock_label");
  ASSNM (WXmToggleButton, f_lock_toggle,   browse_form,   "lock_toggle");

  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 187, "Browsing");
  XtVaSetValues(browse, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 190, "Browser Geometry");
  XtVaSetValues(browse_label, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 270, "...");
  XtVaSetValues(get_browse_geo, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 192, "Font Scale");
  XtVaSetValues(fs_label, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 193, "Pin Window");
  XtVaSetValues(lock_label, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 194, "File a Bug");
  XtVaSetValues(f_lock_toggle, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);

  Dimension height;
  ChangeData *inc, *dec;

  // Assume that the fields are taller than the labels.  If the user
  // changes the font resources and violates this assumtion he's screwed
  // and that's the way we like it.

  height = f_fs_field.Height();

  browse_label.Height (height);
  fs_label.Height (height);
  scale_up.Height (height/2);
  scale_down.Height (height/2);

  f_lock_toggle.LabelType (XmPIXMAP);
  lock_label.Height (height);

  f_top_panel = browse_form;

  SET_CALLBACK_D (browse,Activate,switch_to_window,(Widget)browse_form);
  SET_CALLBACK_D (get_browse_geo,Activate,get_geometry,(Widget)f_browse_geo);
  SET_CALLBACK (f_browse_geo,ValueChanged,something_changed);
  SET_CALLBACK (f_fs_field,ValueChanged,something_changed);
  SET_CALLBACK (f_lock_toggle,ValueChanged,something_changed);
  SET_CALLBACK (f_lock_toggle,ValueChanged,lock_toggle);

  inc = new ChangeData(f_fs_field, scale_up, scale_down, 1, 5);
  dec = new ChangeData(f_fs_field, scale_up, scale_down, -1, -2);
  SET_CALLBACK_D (scale_up,Activate,change_cb,inc);
  SET_CALLBACK_D (scale_up,Arm,arm_arrow,inc);
  SET_CALLBACK  (scale_up,Disarm,disarm_arrow);
  SET_CALLBACK_D (scale_down,Activate,change_cb,dec);
  SET_CALLBACK_D (scale_down,Arm,arm_arrow,dec);
  SET_CALLBACK  (scale_down,Disarm,disarm_arrow);

  // Create map window preferences
  DECLM (WXmPushButton,   map,             options_menu,  "map");
  DECLM (WXmForm,         map_form,        container,     "map_prefs");
  DECLM (WXmLabel,        map_label,       map_form,      "map_label");
  DECLM (WXmPushButton,   get_map_geo,     map_form,      "get_map_geo");
  ASSNM (WXmTextField,    f_map_geo,       map_form,      "map_geo");
  DECLM (WXmLabel,        update_label,    map_form,      "update_label");
  ASSNM (WXmToggleButton, f_update_toggle, map_form,      "update_toggle");

  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 188, "Map");
  XtVaSetValues(map, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 195, "Map Geometry");
  XtVaSetValues(map_label, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 270, "...");
  XtVaSetValues(get_map_geo, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 196, "Auto Update");
  XtVaSetValues(update_label, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 194, "File a Bug");
  XtVaSetValues(f_update_toggle, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);

  height = f_map_geo.Height();
  map_label.Height (height);
  update_label.Height (height);
  SET_CALLBACK_D (get_map_geo,Activate,get_geometry,(Widget)f_map_geo);
  SET_CALLBACK_D (map,Activate,switch_to_window,(Widget)map_form);
  SET_CALLBACK (f_map_geo,ValueChanged,something_changed);
  SET_CALLBACK (f_update_toggle,ValueChanged,something_changed);
  SET_CALLBACK (f_update_toggle,ValueChanged,update_toggle);


  // Create history preferences 
  DECLM (WXmPushButton,   history,      options_menu, "history");

  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 260, "History");
  XtVaSetValues(history, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);

  DECL  (WXmForm,         hist_form,     container,     "history_prefs");
  DECLM (WXmLabel,        nh_label,      hist_form,     "nh_label");
  DECL  (WXmForm,         nh_form,       hist_form,     "nh_form");
  ASSNM (WXmTextField,    f_nh_field,    nh_form,       "nh_field");
  DECLM (WXmArrowButton,  nh_up,         nh_form,       "nh_up");
  DECLM (WXmArrowButton,  nh_down,       nh_form,       "nh_down");
  DECLM (WXmLabel,        sh_label,      hist_form,     "sh_label");
  DECL  (WXmForm,         sh_form,       hist_form,     "sh_form");
  ASSNM (WXmTextField,    f_sh_field,    sh_form,       "sh_field");
  DECLM (WXmArrowButton,  sh_up,         sh_form,       "sh_up");
  DECLM (WXmArrowButton,  sh_down,       sh_form,       "sh_down");

  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 197, "Section History Size");
  XtVaSetValues(nh_label, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 198, "Search History Size");
  XtVaSetValues(sh_label, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);

  height = f_nh_field.Height();
  nh_label.Height (height);
  nh_up.Height (height/2);
  nh_down.Height (height/2);

  height = f_sh_field.Height();
  sh_label.Height (height);
  sh_up.Height (height/2);
  sh_down.Height (height/2);

  SET_CALLBACK_D (history,Activate,switch_to_window,(Widget)hist_form);
  SET_CALLBACK (f_nh_field,ValueChanged,something_changed);
  SET_CALLBACK (f_sh_field,ValueChanged,something_changed);

  inc = new ChangeData (f_nh_field, nh_up, nh_down, 10, 1000);
  dec = new ChangeData (f_nh_field, nh_up, nh_down, -10, 10);
  SET_CALLBACK_D (nh_up,Activate,change_cb,inc);
  SET_CALLBACK_D (nh_up,Arm,arm_arrow,inc);
  SET_CALLBACK (nh_up,Disarm,disarm_arrow);
  SET_CALLBACK_D (nh_down,Activate,change_cb,dec);
  SET_CALLBACK_D (nh_down,Arm,arm_arrow,dec);
  SET_CALLBACK (nh_down,Disarm,disarm_arrow);

  inc = new ChangeData (f_sh_field, sh_up, sh_down, 10, 1000);
  dec = new ChangeData (f_sh_field, sh_up, sh_down, -10, 10);
  SET_CALLBACK_D (sh_up,Activate,change_cb,inc);
  SET_CALLBACK_D (sh_up,Arm,arm_arrow,inc);
  SET_CALLBACK (sh_up,Disarm,disarm_arrow);
  SET_CALLBACK_D (sh_down,Activate,change_cb,dec);
  SET_CALLBACK_D (sh_down,Arm,arm_arrow,dec);
  SET_CALLBACK (sh_down,Disarm,disarm_arrow);

  // Create Search preferences.

  DECLM (WXmPushButton,   search,            options_menu,  "search");

  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 189, "Searching");
  XtVaSetValues(search, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);

  DECL  (WXmForm,         search_form,       container,     "search_prefs");
  DECLM (WXmLabel,        max_hits_label,    search_form,   "max_hits");
  DECL  (WXmForm,         hits_form,         search_form,   "hits_form");
  ASSNM (WXmTextField,    f_max_hits_field,  hits_form,     "hits_field");
  DECLM (WXmArrowButton,  hits_up,           hits_form,     "hits_up");
  DECLM (WXmArrowButton,  hits_down,         hits_form,     "hits_down");
  DECLM (WXmLabel,        adisplay_label,    search_form,   "adisplay_label");
  ASSNM (WXmToggleButton, f_adisplay_toggle, search_form,   "adisplay_toggle");

  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 199, "Maximum Search Hits");
  XtVaSetValues(max_hits_label, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 200, "Auto Display First Hit");
  XtVaSetValues(adisplay_label, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 194, "File a Bug");
  XtVaSetValues(f_adisplay_toggle, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);

  height = f_max_hits_field.Height();
  max_hits_label.Height (height);
  hits_up.Height (height/2);
  hits_down.Height (height/2);
  adisplay_label.Height (height);


  SET_CALLBACK_D (search,Activate,switch_to_window,(Widget)search_form);
  SET_CALLBACK (f_max_hits_field,ValueChanged,something_changed);

  inc = new ChangeData (f_max_hits_field, hits_up, hits_down, 10, 500);
  dec = new ChangeData (f_max_hits_field, hits_up, hits_down, -10, 10);
  SET_CALLBACK_D (hits_up,Activate,change_cb,inc);
  SET_CALLBACK_D (hits_up,Arm,arm_arrow,inc);
  SET_CALLBACK (hits_up,Disarm,disarm_arrow);
  SET_CALLBACK_D (hits_down,Activate,change_cb,dec);
  SET_CALLBACK_D (hits_down,Arm,arm_arrow,dec);
  SET_CALLBACK (hits_down,Disarm,disarm_arrow);
  SET_CALLBACK (f_adisplay_toggle,ValueChanged,something_changed);
  SET_CALLBACK (f_adisplay_toggle,ValueChanged,adisplay_toggle);

  /* -------- node history size, search history size -------- */

  options.SubMenuId (options_menu);

  form.DefaultButton (f_ok);
  form.ShadowThickness (0);

  Dimension width;
  f_shell.Get (WArgList (XmNheight, (XtArgVal) &height,
			 XmNwidth, &width,
  f_shell.Set (WArgList (XmNminHeight, height,
			 XmNmaxHeight, height,
			 XmNminWidth,  width,
			 XmNmaxWidth,  width,


  // Values get displayed when reset() is called on dialog display. 
Esempio n. 4
ScopeMenu::receive (ScopeCreated &msg, void *client_data)
  int position = 0;
  const char *scope_name = msg.f_search_scope->name();
  xList<UAS_SearchScope *> &scope_list = search_scope_mgr().scope_list();
  List_Iterator<UAS_SearchScope *> s (scope_list);
  bool need_sep = TRUE;

  int n;
  Arg args[2];
  WidgetList kids;
  Cardinal num_kids;

  n = 0;
  XtSetArg(args[n], XmNnumChildren, &num_kids); n++;
  XtSetArg(args[n], XmNchildren, &kids); n++;
  XtGetValues(f_pull_menu, args, n);

  UAS_SearchScope *scope;

  if (msg.f_search_scope->read_only())
    // insert read-only scopes at the start; reserve position 0
    // for "Current Section" scope and position 1 for
    // the "All Libraries" scope
    position = 2;
    need_sep = FALSE;
    // Scan the current menu to find the correct insertion position. 
    for (; s != 0; s++, position++)
      scope = s.item();
      if (need_sep != scope->read_only())
        position++;  // skip separator
        need_sep = FALSE;
      if (scope->read_only())
      // Find the first item that the new entry belongs after.
      ON_DEBUG (printf ("Scope strcmp to <%s>\n", scope->name()));
      if (strcmp (scope_name, scope->name()) < 0)

  ON_DEBUG (printf ("Final position = %d\n", position));

  // Add a separator if this is the first user-defined entry. 
  if (need_sep == TRUE)
    DECLM (WXmSeparator, separator, f_pull_menu, "separator");
    separator.PositionIndex (position);

  // Create the new toggle button. 
  DECLM (WXmPushButtonGadget, scope_btn, f_pull_menu, scope_name);
  scope_btn.PositionIndex (position);
  scope_btn.UserData (msg.f_search_scope);
  WCallback *cb = SET_CALLBACK(scope_btn,Activate,set_scope);
Esempio n. 5
  int position = 0;
  Wait_Cursor bob;

  // Create toggle buttons for each scope.
  xList<UAS_SearchScope *> &scope_list = search_scope_mgr().scope_list();
  List_Iterator<UAS_SearchScope *> s (scope_list);
  bool old_read_only = TRUE;

  // Set the current scope to the first entry
  //  (Current Section or Information Library) 
  f_current_scope = s.item();

  ON_DEBUG(cerr << "Scope Popup" << endl);

  int first = TRUE;
  for (; s != 0; s++)
      // in case we are not using Current Section
      if (f_current_scope == NULL)
	f_current_scope = s.item();

      ON_DEBUG(cerr << "\t" << f_current_scope->name() << endl);
//    ON_DEBUG(f_current_scope->dump_items());

      // Add a separator when they change from read only to changable. 
      if (old_read_only != s.item()->read_only())
	  DECLM (WXmSeparator, sep1, f_pull_menu, "separator");
          sep1.PositionIndex (position++);
	  old_read_only = FALSE;
      DECLM (WXmPushButtonGadget, scope, f_pull_menu, s.item()->name());
      if (first && !f_use_current_section)
	  first = FALSE;
	  // Reset current scope so that it is set to Library on next pass.
	  f_current_scope = NULL;
      scope.UserData (s.item());
      scope.PositionIndex (position++);

      WCallback *cb = SET_CALLBACK(scope,Activate,set_scope);
      SET_CALLBACK_D (scope,Destroy,destroy_scope,cb);
      if (f_current_scope == s.item())
	  Arg args[1];
	  int n = 0;
	  XtSetArg(args[n], XmNmenuHistory, (Widget)scope); n++;
	  XtSetValues(f_option_menu, args, n);

  //UAS_SearchScope::request ((UAS_Receiver<ScopeCreated> *) this);
  //UAS_SearchScope::request ((UAS_Receiver<ScopeDeleted> *) this);
  //UAS_SearchScope::request ((UAS_Receiver<ScopeRenamed> *) this);