Esempio n. 1
// type fields init function for stargate -------------------------------------
void StargateInitType( CustomObject *base )
	ASSERT( base != NULL );

	Stargate *stargate = (Stargate *) base;

	stargate->rotspeed			= 0x0004;
	stargate->radius			= STARGATE_PART_RADIUS;
	stargate->actdistance		= 300;
	stargate->dormant			= FALSE;
	stargate->active			= FALSE;
	stargate->autoactivate  	= TRUE;
	stargate->numpartactive 	= 600;
	stargate->actcyllen			= 300;
	stargate->partvel			= 150;
	stargate->modulspeed		= DEG_TO_BAMS( 1.0f );
	stargate->modulate_bams		= BAMS_DEG0;
	stargate->modulrad1			= 5.0f;
	stargate->modulrad2			= 2.0f;
	stargate->modulfade			= 2.0f;
	stargate->acttime			= FRAME_MEASURE_TIMEBASE;

	stargate->activating		 = FALSE;
	stargate->curactcyllen		 = 0;
	stargate->manually_activated = FALSE;
	stargate->actring			 = 0.0f;

	strcpy( stargate->flare_name, STARGATE_FLARE_PDEF_NAME );
	strcpy( stargate->interior_name, STARGATE_INTERIOR_TEXTURE_NAME );

	stargate->pcluster			= NULL;
	stargate->interior_vtxlist	= NULL;
	stargate->interior_viewvtxs	= NULL;
	stargate->interior_u		= NULL;
	stargate->interior_v		= NULL;
	stargate->interior_texmap	= NULL;

	stargate->ping				= -1;
	stargate->lastpinged		= 0;
Esempio n. 2
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void UTL_LocomotionController::ControlOjbect( object_control_s* pObjctl, Vector3* pDesiredVelocity, fixed_t _DesiredSpeed )
	ASSERT( pObjctl != NULL );
	ASSERT( pDesiredVelocity != NULL );

	Vector3 xDir, yDir, zDir;
	FetchXVector( pObjctl->pShip->ObjPosition, &xDir );
	FetchYVector( pObjctl->pShip->ObjPosition, &yDir );
	FetchZVector( pObjctl->pShip->ObjPosition, &zDir );

	geomv_t len = VctLenX( pDesiredVelocity );

	// stop control if desired velocity is zero 
	if ( len <= GEOMV_VANISHING ) {
		pObjctl->rot_x = 0;
		pObjctl->rot_y = 0;
		pObjctl->accel = -0.82;

		BOT_MsgOut( "ControlOjbect() got dimishing desired velocity" );
#endif // BOT_LOGFILES

	} else {
		Vector3 DesVelNorm;
		DesVelNorm.X = FLOAT_TO_GEOMV( pDesiredVelocity->X / len );
		DesVelNorm.Y = FLOAT_TO_GEOMV( pDesiredVelocity->Y / len );
		DesVelNorm.Z = FLOAT_TO_GEOMV( pDesiredVelocity->Z / len );
		geomv_t yaw_dot		= DOT_PRODUCT( &DesVelNorm, &xDir );
		geomv_t pitch_dot	= DOT_PRODUCT( &DesVelNorm, &yDir );
		geomv_t heading_dot = DOT_PRODUCT( &DesVelNorm, &zDir );

		float fDesiredSpeed = FIXED_TO_FLOAT( _DesiredSpeed );
		float fCurSpeed	  = FIXED_TO_FLOAT( pObjctl->pShip->CurSpeed );

		float pitch = 0;
		float yaw   = 0;

		// target is behind us
		sincosval_s fullturn;
		GetSinCos( DEG_TO_BAMS( 2 * m_nRelaxedHeadingAngle ), &fullturn );
		//if ( heading_dot < 0.0f ) {
		if ( heading_dot < -fullturn.cosval ) {

			// we must initiate a turn, if not already in a turn
			if ( !pObjctl->IsYaw() || !pObjctl->IsPitch() ) {

				// default to random
				yaw   = (float)( RAND() % 3 ) - 1;
				pitch = (float)( RAND() % 3 ) - 1;

				// steer towards goal
				if ( yaw_dot < -GEOMV_VANISHING ) {
					yaw = OCT_YAW_LEFT;
				} else if ( yaw_dot > GEOMV_VANISHING ) {
					yaw = OCT_YAW_RIGHT;
				if ( pitch_dot < -GEOMV_VANISHING ) {
					pitch = OCT_PITCH_UP;
				} else if ( pitch_dot > GEOMV_VANISHING ) {
					pitch = OCT_PITCH_DOWN;

			} else {
				// reuse prev. turn information
				pitch = pObjctl->rot_x;
				yaw   = pObjctl->rot_y;

			// slow down, until in direction of target
		       // pObjctl->accel = heading_dot;
			//pObjctl->accel = OCT_DECELERATE;

			// also maintain min. speed during turns
			if ( fCurSpeed > m_fMinSpeedTurn ) {
				pObjctl->accel = -0.42;

		} else {

			// determine accel
			if ( fDesiredSpeed > fCurSpeed ) {
				// accelerate towards target
				pObjctl->accel = OCT_ACCELERATE;
			} else if ( fDesiredSpeed < fCurSpeed ) {
				// decelerate towards target
				pObjctl->accel = OCT_DECELERATE;
			} else {
				// no accel
				pObjctl->accel = 0;

			// heading must be inside of 5 degrees cone angle
			sincosval_s sincosv;
			GetSinCos( DEG_TO_BAMS( m_nRelaxedHeadingAngle ), &sincosv );
			if ( yaw_dot < -sincosv.sinval ) {
				yaw = OCT_YAW_LEFT;
			} else if ( yaw_dot > sincosv.sinval ) {
				yaw = OCT_YAW_RIGHT;
			if ( pitch_dot < -sincosv.sinval ) {
				pitch = OCT_PITCH_UP;
			} else if ( pitch_dot > sincosv.sinval ) {
				pitch = OCT_PITCH_DOWN;

			// if heading outside of 30 degrees cone angle, we decelerate
			GetSinCos( DEG_TO_BAMS( m_nFullSpeedHeading ), &sincosv );
			bool_t bYawOutsideHeading	= ( ( yaw_dot   < -sincosv.sinval ) || ( yaw_dot   > sincosv.sinval ) );
			bool_t bPitchOutsideHeading = ( ( pitch_dot < -sincosv.sinval ) || ( pitch_dot > sincosv.sinval ) );
			if ( bYawOutsideHeading || bPitchOutsideHeading ) {

				// also maintain min. speed during turns
				if ( fCurSpeed > min( m_fMinSpeedTurn, fDesiredSpeed ) ) {
					// decelerate towards target
					pObjctl->accel = OCT_DECELERATE;

		BOT_MsgOut( "heading_dot: %f, yaw_dot: %f, pitch_dot: %f", heading_dot, yaw_dot, pitch_dot );
#endif // BOT_LOGFILES

		//FIXME: oct must also handle slide horiz./vert.

		pObjctl->rot_x = pitch;
		pObjctl->rot_y = yaw;