/** Search for objects that match criteria \p start may be a previous search result, or \p FT_NEW. \p FT_NEW starts a new search (starting with all objects) Searches criteria may be as follows: find_objects(\p FT_NEW, \p ftype, \p compare, \p value[, ...], \p NULL); and may be grouped using \p AND and \p OR. The criteria list must be terminated by \p NULL or \p FT_END. Values of \p ftype are: - \p FT_ID compares object ids (expects \e long value) - \p FT_SIZE compares object size excluding header (expects \e long value) - \p FT_CLASS compares object class name (expects \e char* value) - \p FT_PARENT uses parent for comparison (must be followed by another \p ftype) - \p FT_RANK compares object rank by number (expects \e long value) - \p FT_CLOCK compares object clock (expects \e TIMESTAMP value) - \p FT_PROPERTY compares property (expects \e char* value) - \p FT_MODULE compares module name - \p FT_ISA compares object class name including parent classes (expected \e char* value) Extended values of \p ftype are: - \p CF_NAME looks for a particular name - \p CF_LATT compares object lattitudes - \p CF_LONG compares object longitudes - \p CF_INSVC checks in-service timestamp - \p CF_OUTSVC checks out-service timestamp Values of \p compare are: - \p EQ equal - \p NE not equal - \p LT less than - \p GT greater than - \p LE less than or equal - \p GE greather than or equal - \p NOT opposite of test - \p BETWEEN in between - \p SAME same string - \p BEFORE alphabetic before - \p AFTER alphabetic after - \p DIFF alphabetic differ - \p MATCH matches \e regex - \p LIKE matches \e regex - \p UNLIKE matches "not" \e regex Conjunctions are \e AND and \e OR, and can be used to do complex searches OBJECT *find_first(FINDLIST *list) returns the first object in the result list OBJECT *find_next(FINDLIST *list, OBJECT *previous) returns the next object in the result list @return a pointer for FINDLIST structure used by find_first(), find_next, and find_makearray(), will return NULL if an error occurs. **/ FINDLIST *find_objects(FINDLIST *start, ...) { int ival; char *sval; OBJECTNUM oval; TIMESTAMP tval; double rval; OBJECT *obj; FINDLIST *result = start; if (start==FL_NEW || start==FL_GROUP) { result=new_list(object_get_count()); ADDALL(*result); } /* FL_GROUP is something of an interrupt option that constructs a program by parsing string input. */ if (start==FL_GROUP) { FINDPGM *pgm; va_list(ptr); va_start(ptr,start); pgm = find_mkpgm(va_arg(ptr,char*)); if (pgm!=NULL){ return find_runpgm(result,pgm); } else { va_end(ptr); DELALL(*result); /* pgm == NULL */ return result; } }
int main() { igraph_t g, g2; FILE *ifile; igraph_vector_t gtypes, vtypes, etypes; igraph_strvector_t gnames, vnames, enames; long int i; igraph_vector_t y; igraph_strvector_t id; char str[20]; /* turn on attribute handling */ igraph_i_set_attribute_table(&igraph_cattribute_table); ifile=fopen("LINKS.NET", "r"); if (ifile==0) { return 10; } igraph_read_graph_pajek(&g, ifile); fclose(ifile); igraph_vector_init(>ypes, 0); igraph_vector_init(&vtypes, 0); igraph_vector_init(&etypes, 0); igraph_strvector_init(&gnames, 0); igraph_strvector_init(&vnames, 0); igraph_strvector_init(&enames, 0); igraph_cattribute_list(&g, &gnames, >ypes, &vnames, &vtypes, &enames, &etypes); /* List attribute names and types */ printf("Graph attributes: "); for (i=0; i<igraph_strvector_size(&gnames); i++) { printf("%s (%i) ", STR(gnames, i), (int)VECTOR(gtypes)[i]); } printf("\n"); printf("Vertex attributes: "); for (i=0; i<igraph_strvector_size(&vnames); i++) { printf("%s (%i) ", STR(vnames, i), (int)VECTOR(vtypes)[i]); } printf("\n"); printf("Edge attributes: "); for (i=0; i<igraph_strvector_size(&enames); i++) { printf("%s (%i) ", STR(enames, i), (int)VECTOR(etypes)[i]); } printf("\n"); print_attributes(&g); /* Copying a graph */ igraph_copy(&g2, &g); print_attributes(&g2); igraph_destroy(&g2); /* Adding vertices */ igraph_add_vertices(&g, 3, 0); print_attributes(&g); /* Adding edges */ igraph_add_edge(&g, 1, 1); igraph_add_edge(&g, 2, 5); igraph_add_edge(&g, 3, 6); print_attributes(&g); /* Deleting vertices */ igraph_delete_vertices(&g, igraph_vss_1(1)); igraph_delete_vertices(&g, igraph_vss_1(4)); print_attributes(&g); /* Deleting edges */ igraph_delete_edges(&g, igraph_ess_1(igraph_ecount(&g)-1)); igraph_delete_edges(&g, igraph_ess_1(0)); print_attributes(&g); /* Set graph attributes */ SETGAN(&g, "id", 10); if (GAN(&g, "id") != 10) { return 11; } SETGAS(&g, "name", "toy"); if (strcmp(GAS(&g, "name"), "toy")) { return 12; } /* Delete graph attributes */ DELGA(&g, "id"); DELGA(&g, "name"); igraph_cattribute_list(&g, &gnames, 0,0,0,0,0); if (igraph_strvector_size(&gnames) != 0) { return 14; } /* Delete vertex attributes */ DELVA(&g, "x"); DELVA(&g, "shape"); DELVA(&g, "xfact"); DELVA(&g, "yfact"); igraph_cattribute_list(&g, 0,0, &vnames, 0,0,0); if (igraph_strvector_size(&vnames) != 2) { return 15; } /* Delete edge attributes */ igraph_cattribute_list(&g, 0,0,0,0,&enames,0); i=igraph_strvector_size(&enames); DELEA(&g, "hook1"); DELEA(&g, "hook2"); DELEA(&g, "label"); igraph_cattribute_list(&g, 0,0,0,0,&enames,0); if (igraph_strvector_size(&enames) != i-3) { return 16; } /* Set vertex attributes */ SETVAN(&g, "y", 0, -1); SETVAN(&g, "y", 1, 2.1); if (VAN(&g, "y", 0) != -1 || VAN(&g, "y", 1) != 2.1) { return 17; } SETVAS(&g, "id", 0, "foo"); SETVAS(&g, "id", 1, "bar"); if (strcmp(VAS(&g, "id", 0), "foo") || strcmp(VAS(&g, "id", 1), "bar")) { return 18; } /* Set edge attributes */ SETEAN(&g, "weight", 2, 100.0); SETEAN(&g, "weight", 0, -100.1); if (EAN(&g, "weight", 2) != 100.0 || EAN(&g, "weight", 0) != -100.1) { return 19; } SETEAS(&g, "color", 2, "RED"); SETEAS(&g, "color", 0, "Blue"); if (strcmp(EAS(&g, "color", 2), "RED") || strcmp(EAS(&g, "color", 0), "Blue")) { return 20; } /* Set vector attributes as vector */ igraph_vector_init(&y, igraph_vcount(&g)); igraph_vector_fill(&y, 1.23); SETVANV(&g, "y", &y); igraph_vector_destroy(&y); for (i=0; i<igraph_vcount(&g); i++) { if (VAN(&g, "y", i) != 1.23) { return 21; } } igraph_vector_init_seq(&y, 0, igraph_vcount(&g)-1); SETVANV(&g, "foobar", &y); igraph_vector_destroy(&y); for (i=0; i<igraph_vcount(&g); i++) { if (VAN(&g, "foobar", i) != i) { return 22; } } igraph_strvector_init(&id, igraph_vcount(&g)); for (i=0; i<igraph_vcount(&g); i++) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str)-1, "%li", i); igraph_strvector_set(&id, i, str); } SETVASV(&g, "foo", &id); igraph_strvector_destroy(&id); for (i=0; i<igraph_vcount(&g); i++) { printf("%s ", VAS(&g, "foo", i)); } printf("\n"); igraph_strvector_init(&id, igraph_vcount(&g)); for (i=0; i<igraph_vcount(&g); i++) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str)-1, "%li", i); igraph_strvector_set(&id, i, str); } SETVASV(&g, "id", &id); igraph_strvector_destroy(&id); for (i=0; i<igraph_vcount(&g); i++) { printf("%s ", VAS(&g, "id", i)); } printf("\n"); /* Set edge attributes as vector */ igraph_vector_init(&y, igraph_ecount(&g)); igraph_vector_fill(&y, 12.3); SETEANV(&g, "weight", &y); igraph_vector_destroy(&y); for (i=0; i<igraph_ecount(&g); i++) { if (EAN(&g, "weight", i) != 12.3) { return 23; } } igraph_vector_init_seq(&y, 0, igraph_ecount(&g)-1); SETEANV(&g, "foobar", &y); igraph_vector_destroy(&y); for (i=0; i<igraph_ecount(&g); i++) { if (VAN(&g, "foobar", i) != i) { return 24; } } igraph_strvector_init(&id, igraph_ecount(&g)); for (i=0; i<igraph_ecount(&g); i++) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str)-1, "%li", i); igraph_strvector_set(&id, i, str); } SETEASV(&g, "foo", &id); igraph_strvector_destroy(&id); for (i=0; i<igraph_ecount(&g); i++) { printf("%s ", EAS(&g, "foo", i)); } printf("\n"); igraph_strvector_init(&id, igraph_ecount(&g)); for (i=0; i<igraph_ecount(&g); i++) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str)-1, "%li", i); igraph_strvector_set(&id, i, str); } SETEASV(&g, "color", &id); igraph_strvector_destroy(&id); for (i=0; i<igraph_ecount(&g); i++) { printf("%s ", EAS(&g, "color", i)); } printf("\n"); /* Delete all remaining attributes */ DELALL(&g); igraph_cattribute_list(&g, &gnames, >ypes, &vnames, &vtypes, &enames, &etypes); if (igraph_strvector_size(&gnames) != 0 || igraph_strvector_size(&vnames) != 0 || igraph_strvector_size(&enames) != 0) { return 25; } /* Destroy */ igraph_vector_destroy(>ypes); igraph_vector_destroy(&vtypes); igraph_vector_destroy(&etypes); igraph_strvector_destroy(&gnames); igraph_strvector_destroy(&vnames); igraph_strvector_destroy(&enames); igraph_destroy(&g); return 0; }