Esempio n. 1
/** Set which multicast frames are received.
 * @param[in] dev_sess
 * @param[in] mode          Current operation mode
 * @param[in] address_list  The list of addresses. Can be NULL.
 * @param[in] address_count Number of addresses in the list.
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_multicast_set_mode(async_sess_t *dev_sess, nic_multicast_mode_t mode,
    const nic_address_t *address_list, size_t address_count)
	if (address_list == NULL)
		address_count = 0;
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	aid_t message_id = async_send_3(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE),
	    NIC_MULTICAST_SET_MODE, (sysarg_t) mode, address_count, NULL);
	int rc;
	if (address_count)
		rc = async_data_write_start(exch, address_list,
		    address_count * sizeof(nic_address_t));
		rc = EOK;
	sysarg_t res;
	async_wait_for(message_id, &res);
	if (rc != EOK)
		return rc;
	return (int) res;
Esempio n. 2
/** Retrieve current settings of multicast frames reception.
 * Note: In case of mode != NIC_MULTICAST_LIST the contents of
 * address_list and address_count are undefined.
 * @param[in]  dev_sess
 * @param[out] mode          Current operation mode
 * @param[in]  max_count     Maximal number of addresses that could
 *                           be written into the list buffer.
 * @param[out] address_list  Buffer for the list (array). Can be NULL.
 * @param[out] address_count Number of addresses in the list before
 *                           possible truncation due to the max_count.
 *                           Can be NULL.
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_multicast_get_mode(async_sess_t *dev_sess, nic_multicast_mode_t *mode,
    size_t max_count, nic_address_t *address_list, size_t *address_count)
	sysarg_t _mode;
	if (!address_list)
		max_count = 0;
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	sysarg_t ac;
	int rc = async_req_2_2(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE),
	    NIC_MULTICAST_GET_MODE, max_count, &_mode, &ac);
	if (rc != EOK) {
		return rc;
	*mode = (nic_multicast_mode_t) _mode;
	if (address_count)
		*address_count = (size_t) ac;
	if ((max_count) && (ac))
		rc = async_data_read_start(exch, address_list,
		    max_count * sizeof(nic_address_t));
	return rc;
Esempio n. 3
/** Set which source MACs are blocked
 * @param[in] dev_sess
 * @param[in] address_list  The list of addresses. Can be NULL.
 * @param[in] address_count Number of addresses in the list.
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_blocked_sources_set(async_sess_t *dev_sess,
    const nic_address_t *address_list, size_t address_count)
	if (address_list == NULL)
		address_count = 0;
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	aid_t message_id = async_send_2(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE),
	    NIC_BLOCKED_SOURCES_SET, address_count, NULL);
	int rc;
	if (address_count)
		rc = async_data_write_start(exch, address_list,
			address_count * sizeof(nic_address_t));
		rc = EOK;
	sysarg_t res;
	async_wait_for(message_id, &res);
	if (rc != EOK)
		return rc;
	return (int) res;
Esempio n. 4
/** Retrieve the currently blocked source MAC addresses.
 * @param[in]  dev_sess
 * @param[in]  max_count     Maximal number of addresses that could
 *                           be written into the list buffer.
 * @param[out] address_list  Buffer for the list (array). Can be NULL.
 * @param[out] address_count Number of addresses in the list before
 *                           possible truncation due to the max_count.
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_blocked_sources_get(async_sess_t *dev_sess, size_t max_count,
    nic_address_t *address_list, size_t *address_count)
	if (!address_list)
		max_count = 0;
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	sysarg_t ac;
	int rc = async_req_2_1(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE),
	    NIC_BLOCKED_SOURCES_GET, max_count, &ac);
	if (rc != EOK) {
		return rc;
	if (address_count)
		*address_count = (size_t) ac;
	if ((max_count) && (ac))
		rc = async_data_read_start(exch, address_list,
		    max_count * sizeof(nic_address_t));
	return rc;
Esempio n. 5
/** Add new Wake-On-LAN virtue.
 * @param[in]  dev_sess
 * @param[in]  type     Type of the virtue
 * @param[in]  data     Data required for this virtue
 *                      (depends on type)
 * @param[in]  length   Length of the data
 * @param[out] id       Identifier of the new virtue
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_wol_virtue_add(async_sess_t *dev_sess, nic_wv_type_t type,
    const void *data, size_t length, nic_wv_id_t *id)
	bool send_data = ((data != NULL) && (length != 0));
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	ipc_call_t result;
	aid_t message_id = async_send_3(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE),
	    NIC_WOL_VIRTUE_ADD, (sysarg_t) type, send_data, &result);
	sysarg_t res;
	if (send_data) {
		int rc = async_data_write_start(exch, data, length);
		if (rc != EOK) {
			async_wait_for(message_id, &res);
			return rc;
	async_wait_for(message_id, &res);
	*id = IPC_GET_ARG1(result);
	return (int) res;
Esempio n. 6
/** Get a list of all virtues of the specified type.
 * When NIC_WV_NONE is specified as the virtue type the function
 * lists virtues of all types.
 * @param[in]  dev_sess
 * @param[in]  type      Type of the virtues
 * @param[in]  max_count Maximum number of ids that can be
 *                       written into the list buffer.
 * @param[out] id_list   Buffer for to the list of virtue ids.
 *                       Can be NULL.
 * @param[out] id_count  Number of virtue identifiers in the list
 *                       before possible truncation due to the
 *                       max_count. Can be NULL.
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_wol_virtue_list(async_sess_t *dev_sess, nic_wv_type_t type,
    size_t max_count, nic_wv_id_t *id_list, size_t *id_count)
	if (id_list == NULL)
		max_count = 0;
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	sysarg_t count;
	int rc = async_req_3_1(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE),
	    NIC_WOL_VIRTUE_LIST, (sysarg_t) type, max_count, &count);
	if (id_count)
		*id_count = (size_t) count;
	if ((rc != EOK) || (!max_count)) {
		return rc;
	rc = async_data_read_start(exch, id_list,
	    max_count * sizeof(nic_wv_id_t));
	return rc;
Esempio n. 7
/** Load the frame that issued the wakeup.
 * The NIC can support only matched_type,  only part of the frame
 * can be available or not at all. Sometimes even the type can be
 * uncertain -- in this case the matched_type contains NIC_WV_NONE.
 * Frame_length can be greater than max_length, but at most max_length
 * bytes will be copied into the frame buffer.
 * Note: Only the type of the filter can be detected, not the concrete
 * filter, because the driver is probably not running when the wakeup
 * is issued.
 * @param[in]  dev_sess
 * @param[out] matched_type Type of the filter that issued wakeup.
 * @param[in]  max_length   Size of the buffer
 * @param[out] frame        Buffer for the frame. Can be NULL.
 * @param[out] frame_length Length of the stored frame. Can be NULL.
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_wol_load_info(async_sess_t *dev_sess, nic_wv_type_t *matched_type,
    size_t max_length, uint8_t *frame, size_t *frame_length)
	sysarg_t _matched_type;
	sysarg_t _frame_length;
	if (frame == NULL)
		max_length = 0;
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	int rc = async_req_2_2(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE),
	    NIC_WOL_LOAD_INFO, max_length, &_matched_type, &_frame_length);
	if (rc != EOK) {
		return rc;
	*matched_type = (nic_wv_type_t) _matched_type;
	if (frame_length)
		*frame_length = (size_t) _frame_length;
	if ((max_length != 0) && (_frame_length != 0))
		rc = async_data_read_start(exch, frame, max_length);
	return rc;
Esempio n. 8
/** Get information about virtue.
 * @param[in]  dev_sess
 * @param[in]  id         Virtue identifier
 * @param[out] type       Type of the filter. Can be NULL.
 * @param[out] max_length Size of the data buffer.
 * @param[out] data       Buffer for data used when the
 *                        virtue was created. Can be NULL.
 * @param[out] length     Length of the data. Can be NULL.
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_wol_virtue_probe(async_sess_t *dev_sess, nic_wv_id_t id,
    nic_wv_type_t *type, size_t max_length, void *data, size_t *length)
	sysarg_t _type;
	sysarg_t _length;
	if (data == NULL)
		max_length = 0;
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	int rc = async_req_3_2(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE),
	    NIC_WOL_VIRTUE_PROBE, (sysarg_t) id, max_length,
	    &_type, &_length);
	if (rc != EOK) {
		return rc;
	if (type)
		*type = _type;
	if (length)
		*length = _length;
	if ((max_length) && (_length != 0))
		rc = async_data_read_start(exch, data, max_length);
	return rc;
Esempio n. 9
 * Query audio mixer for basic info (name and items count).
 * @param[in] exch IPC exchange connected to the device
 * @param[out] name Audio mixer string identifier
 * @param[out] items Number of items controlled by the mixer.
 * @return Error code.
int audio_mixer_get_info(async_exch_t *exch, const char **name, unsigned *items)
	if (!exch)
		return EINVAL;
	sysarg_t name_size, itemc;
	const int ret = async_req_1_2(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(AUDIO_MIXER_IFACE),
	    IPC_M_AUDIO_MIXER_GET_INFO, &name_size, &itemc);
	if (ret == EOK && name) {
		char *name_place = calloc(1, name_size);
		if (!name_place) {
			/* Make the other side fail
			 * as it waits for read request */
			async_data_read_start(exch, (void*)-1, 0);
			return ENOMEM;
		const int ret =
		    async_data_read_start(exch, name_place, name_size);
		if (ret != EOK) {
			return ret;
		*name = name_place;
	if (ret == EOK && items)
		*items = itemc;
	return ret;
Esempio n. 10
/** Probe current state of auto-negotiation.
 * Modes are defined in the "nic/eth_phys.h" in the C library.
 * @param[in]  dev_sess
 * @param[out] our_advertisement   Modes advertised by this NIC.
 *                                 Can be NULL.
 * @param[out] their_advertisement Modes advertised by the other side.
 *                                 Can be NULL.
 * @param[out] result              General state of auto-negotiation.
 *                                 Can be NULL.
 * @param[out]  their_result       State of other side auto-negotiation.
 *                                 Can be NULL.
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_autoneg_probe(async_sess_t *dev_sess, uint32_t *our_advertisement,
    uint32_t *their_advertisement, nic_result_t *result,
    nic_result_t *their_result)
	sysarg_t _our_advertisement;
	sysarg_t _their_advertisement;
	sysarg_t _result;
	sysarg_t _their_result;
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	int rc = async_req_1_4(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE),
	    NIC_AUTONEG_PROBE, &_our_advertisement, &_their_advertisement,
	    &_result, &_their_result);
	if (our_advertisement)
		*our_advertisement = (uint32_t) _our_advertisement;
	if (*their_advertisement)
		*their_advertisement = (uint32_t) _their_advertisement;
	if (result)
		*result = (nic_result_t) _result;
	if (their_result)
		*their_result = (nic_result_t) _their_result;
	return rc;
Esempio n. 11
/** Request the driver to poll the NIC.
 * @param[in] dev_sess
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_poll_now(async_sess_t *dev_sess)
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	int rc = async_req_1_0(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE), NIC_POLL_NOW);
	return rc;
Esempio n. 12
int graph_dev_connect(async_sess_t *sess)
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(sess);
	int ret = async_req_1_0(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(GRAPH_DEV_IFACE), GRAPH_DEV_CONNECT);

	return ret;
Esempio n. 13
 * Set control item to a new level.
 * @param[in] exch IPC exchange connected to the device.
 * @param[in] item The control item controlling the channel.
 * @param[in] level The new value.
 * @return Error code.
int audio_mixer_set_item_level(async_exch_t *exch, unsigned item,
    unsigned level)
	if (!exch)
		return EINVAL;
	return async_req_3_0(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(AUDIO_MIXER_IFACE),
	    IPC_M_AUDIO_MIXER_SET_ITEM_LEVEL, item, level);
Esempio n. 14
/** Connect to specified network.
 * @param[in] dev_sess   Device session.
 * @param[in] ssid_start Network SSID prefix.
 * @param[in] password   Network password (pass empty string if not needed).
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed,
 *         negative error code otherwise.
int ieee80211_connect(async_sess_t *dev_sess, char *ssid_start, char *password)
	sysarg_t rc_orig;
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	aid_t aid = async_send_1(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(IEEE80211_DEV_IFACE),
	    IEEE80211_CONNECT, NULL);
	sysarg_t rc = async_data_write_start(exch, ssid_start,
	    str_size(ssid_start) + 1);
	if (rc != EOK) {
		async_wait_for(aid, &rc_orig);
		if (rc_orig == EOK)
			return (int) rc;
		return (int) rc_orig;
	// FIXME: Typecasting string literal
	if (password == NULL)
		password = (char *) "";
	rc = async_data_write_start(exch, password, str_size(password) + 1);
	if (rc != EOK) {
		async_wait_for(aid, &rc_orig);
		if (rc_orig == EOK)
			return (int) rc;
		return (int) rc_orig;
	async_wait_for(aid, &rc);
	if (rc != EOK)
		return rc;
	/* Send DHCP discover. */
	nic_address_t wifi_mac;
	rc = nic_get_address(dev_sess, &wifi_mac);
	if (rc != EOK)
		return rc;
	sysarg_t link_id = get_link_id(wifi_mac.address);
	if (link_id == ((sysarg_t) -1))
		return EINVAL;
	rc = dhcp_discover(link_id);
	return (int) rc;
Esempio n. 15
int pci_config_space_write_8(async_sess_t *sess, uint32_t address, uint8_t val)
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(sess);
	int rc = async_req_3_0(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(PCI_DEV_IFACE),
	    IPC_M_CONFIG_SPACE_WRITE_8, address, val);
	return rc;
Esempio n. 16
/** Set which offload computations can be performed on the NIC.
 * @param[in] dev_sess
 * @param[in] mask     Mask for the options (only those set here will be set)
 * @param[in] active   Which options should be enabled and which disabled
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_offload_set(async_sess_t *dev_sess, uint32_t mask, uint32_t active)
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	int rc = async_req_3_0(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE),
	    NIC_AUTONEG_RESTART, (sysarg_t) mask, (sysarg_t) active);
	return rc;
Esempio n. 17
/** Remove Wake-On-LAN virtue.
 * @param[in] dev_sess
 * @param[in] id       Virtue identifier
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_wol_virtue_remove(async_sess_t *dev_sess, nic_wv_id_t id)
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	int rc = async_req_2_0(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE),
	    NIC_WOL_VIRTUE_REMOVE, (sysarg_t) id);
	return rc;
Esempio n. 18
/** Request the device to change its state
 * @param[in] dev_sess
 * @param[in] state    New state
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_set_state(async_sess_t *dev_sess, nic_device_state_t state)
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	int rc = async_req_2_0(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE),
	    NIC_SET_STATE, state);
	return rc;
Esempio n. 19
/** Set VLAN (802.1q) tag.
 * Set whether the tag is to be signaled in offload info and
 * if the tag should be stripped from received frames and added
 * to sent frames automatically. Not every combination of add
 * and strip must be supported.
 * @param[in] dev_sess
 * @param[in] tag      VLAN priority (top 3 bits) and
 *                     the VLAN tag (bottom 12 bits)
 * @param[in] add      Add the VLAN tag automatically (boolean)
 * @param[in] strip    Strip the VLAN tag automatically (boolean)
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_vlan_set_tag(async_sess_t *dev_sess, uint16_t tag, bool add, bool strip)
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	int rc = async_req_4_0(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE),
	    NIC_VLAN_SET_TAG, (sysarg_t) tag, (sysarg_t) add, (sysarg_t) strip);
	return rc;
Esempio n. 20
/** Set whether defective (erroneous) packets are received.
 * @param[in]  dev_sess
 * @param[out] mode     Bitmask specifying allowed errors
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_defective_set_mode(async_sess_t *dev_sess, uint32_t mode)
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	int rc = async_req_2_0(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE),
	return rc;
Esempio n. 21
/** Set whether broadcast packets are received.
 * @param[in] dev_sess
 * @param[in] mode     Current operation mode
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_broadcast_set_mode(async_sess_t *dev_sess, nic_broadcast_mode_t mode)
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	int rc = async_req_2_0(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE),
	return rc;
Esempio n. 22
/** Enable auto-negotiation.
 * The advertisement argument can only limit some modes,
 * it can never force the NIC to advertise unsupported modes.
 * The allowed modes are defined in "nic/eth_phys.h" in the C library.
 * @param[in] dev_sess
 * @param[in] advertisement Allowed advertised modes. Use 0 for all modes.
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_autoneg_enable(async_sess_t *dev_sess, uint32_t advertisement)
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	int rc = async_req_2_0(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE),
	    NIC_AUTONEG_ENABLE, (sysarg_t) advertisement);
	return rc;
Esempio n. 23
/** Disable auto-negotiation.
 * @param[in] dev_sess
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_autoneg_disable(async_sess_t *dev_sess)
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	int rc = async_req_1_0(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE),
	return rc;
Esempio n. 24
/** Restart the auto-negotiation process.
 * @param[in] dev_sess
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_autoneg_restart(async_sess_t *dev_sess)
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	int rc = async_req_1_0(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE),
	return rc;
Esempio n. 25
/** Control sending and reception of the PAUSE frame.
 * @param[in] dev_sess
 * @param[in] allow_send    Allow sending the PAUSE frame (true/false)
 * @param[in] allow_receive Allow reception of the PAUSE frame (true/false)
 * @param[in] pause         Pause length in 512 bit units written
 *                          to transmitted frames. The value 0 means
 *                          auto value (the best). If the requested
 *                          time cannot be set the driver is allowed
 *                          to set the nearest supported value.
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_set_pause(async_sess_t *dev_sess, int allow_send, int allow_receive,
    uint16_t pause)
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	int rc = async_req_4_0(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE),
	    NIC_SET_PAUSE, allow_send, allow_receive, pause);
	return rc;
Esempio n. 26
/** Set current operation mode.
 * If the NIC has auto-negotiation enabled, this command
 * disables auto-negotiation and sets the operation mode.
 * @param[in] dev_sess
 * @param[in] speed    Operation speed in Mbps
 * @param[in] duplex   Full duplex/half duplex
 * @param[in] role     Master/slave/auto (e.g. in Gbit Ethernet]
 * @return EOK If the operation was successfully completed
int nic_set_operation_mode(async_sess_t *dev_sess, int speed,
    nic_channel_mode_t duplex, nic_role_t role)
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess);
	int rc = async_req_4_0(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(NIC_DEV_IFACE),
	    NIC_SET_OPERATION_MODE, (sysarg_t) speed, (sysarg_t) duplex,
	    (sysarg_t) role);
	return rc;
Esempio n. 27
int pci_config_space_read_8(async_sess_t *sess, uint32_t address, uint8_t *val)
	sysarg_t res = 0;
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(sess);
	int rc = async_req_2_1(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(PCI_DEV_IFACE),
	    IPC_M_CONFIG_SPACE_READ_8, address, &res);
	*val = (uint8_t) res;
	return rc;
Esempio n. 28
 * Get current level of a control item.
 * @param[in] exch IPC exchange connected to the device.
 * @param[in] item The control item controlling the channel.
 * @param[in] channel The channel index.
 * @param[out] level Currently set value.
 * @return Error code.
int audio_mixer_get_item_level(async_exch_t *exch, unsigned item,
    unsigned *level)
	if (!exch)
		return EINVAL;
	sysarg_t current;
	const int ret = async_req_2_1(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(AUDIO_MIXER_IFACE),
	    IPC_M_AUDIO_MIXER_GET_ITEM_LEVEL, item, &current);
	if (ret == EOK && level)
		*level = current;
	return ret;
Esempio n. 29
int led_dev_color_set(async_sess_t *sess, pixel_t pixel)
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(sess);
	aid_t req = async_send_2(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(LED_DEV_IFACE),
	    LED_DEV_COLOR_SET, (sysarg_t) pixel, NULL);
	sysarg_t rc;
	async_wait_for(req, &rc);
	return (int) rc;
Esempio n. 30
/** Read to or write from device.
 * Helper function to read to or write from a device
 * using its character interface.
 * @param sess Session to the device.
 * @param buf  Buffer for the data read from or written to the device.
 * @param size Maximum size of data (in bytes) to be read or written.
 * @param read Read from the device if true, write to it otherwise.
 * @return Non-negative number of bytes actually read from or
 *         written to the device on success, negative error number
 *         otherwise.
static ssize_t char_dev_rw(async_sess_t *sess, void *buf, size_t size, bool read)
	ipc_call_t answer;
	aid_t req;
	int ret;
	async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(sess);
	if (read) {
		req = async_send_1(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(CHAR_DEV_IFACE),
		    CHAR_DEV_READ, &answer);
		ret = async_data_read_start(exch, buf, size);
	} else {
		req = async_send_1(exch, DEV_IFACE_ID(CHAR_DEV_IFACE),
		    CHAR_DEV_WRITE, &answer);
		ret = async_data_write_start(exch, buf, size);
	sysarg_t rc;
	if (ret != EOK) {
		async_wait_for(req, &rc);
		if (rc == EOK)
			return (ssize_t) ret;
		return (ssize_t) rc;
	async_wait_for(req, &rc);
	ret = (int) rc;
	if (ret != EOK)
		return (ssize_t) ret;
	return (ssize_t) IPC_GET_ARG1(answer);