Esempio n. 1
struct LL_IP *DHCP_IPAllocate(int nDhcpType, struct in_addr *pPreviousAddr, const unsigned char *pMac, int nMacLen)
int Rc=1;
struct LL_IP *pCurIP;
ULONG dummy_mac[2];
int dummy_maclen = sizeof dummy_mac;
     pCurIP = DHCP_IPAllocate2 (pPreviousAddr, pMac, nMacLen);
	 // 2010/09/27  Colin from Shangai points out that ICMP check should be done only for DISCOVER
     if (pCurIP!=NULL  &&  sSettings.bPing  && nDhcpType==DHCPDISCOVER)
       // frees the ARP cache and send an ARP request 
	   ArpDeleteHost (pCurIP->dwIP);
       SendARP(pCurIP->dwIP.s_addr, 0, dummy_mac, &dummy_maclen);
            && PingApi (&pCurIP->dwIP, DHCP_PINGTIMEOUT, NULL)==PINGAPI_TIMEOUT ;
       if (!Rc)
          LOG (2, "Suppress pingable address %s", inet_ntoa (pCurIP->dwIP));
          DHCPReallocItem (pCurIP, pCurIP->dwIP.s_addr, FREE_DHCP_ADDRESS, 6);
          SetRenewTime (pCurIP);
     } // bPing Settings
  while (pCurIP!=NULL  &&  !Rc);
return pCurIP;
Esempio n. 2
// Search in configuration file/registry by Mac Address
struct LL_IP *DHCPSearchByRegistry (const unsigned char *pMac, int nMacLen)
int           Rc;
HKEY          hKey;
char          szIP[20];
DWORD dwSize;

   if (nMacLen!=6) return NULL; // work only for Ethernet and Token Ring
   szIP[0] = 0;

   Rc = RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,    // Key handle at root level.
                      TFTPD32_DHCP_KEY,      // Path name of child key.
                      0,                        // Reserved.
                      KEY_READ,                // Requesting read access.
                    & hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS;                    // Address of key to be returned.
   if (Rc)  READKEY (haddrtoa(pMac, nMacLen), szIP);
   CloseHandle (hKey);

   if (isdigit (szIP[0]))    // entry has been found
        return DHCPReallocItem (NULL, inet_addr (szIP), pMac, nMacLen);
return NULL;
} // DHCPSearchByRegistry
Esempio n. 3
struct LL_IP *DHCP_IPAllocate2(struct in_addr *pPreviousAddr, const unsigned char *pMac, int nMacLen)
time_t  tNow;
int     Ark;
struct LL_IP *pCurIP /*, *pOldestIP*/;
#define TWO_MINUTES 120
//If true, the client has requested an IP address that we should try to honor
int useprev = (pPreviousAddr->s_addr != INADDR_ANY) && (AddrFitsPool(pPreviousAddr));

   // search for the previously allocated mac address
   if (nMacLen>=6) // Ethernet Mac address
	   // search if mac the mac address is already known
       pCurIP = DHCPSearchByMacAddress (pMac, nMacLen);
		   //We found the previous MAC record.  If the address requested is invalid, use
		   //the address in the record.  If it is valid, erase the record, since we should
		   //give the requested address
		   if(!useprev || (pPreviousAddr->s_addr == pCurIP->dwIP.s_addr))
				LOG (12, "Reply with previously allocated : %s", inet_ntoa (pCurIP->dwIP));
				return pCurIP;
		   else //Remove the old address, and continue with the allocation logic
			   //Destroying the item takes care of the macaddr table as well.
			   DHCPDestroyItem (pCurIP);
			   pCurIP = NULL;
       } // mac address found

    } // mac address not valid

    // search if requested address can be granted
		// is the address already allocated but not renewed (or expired)
		BOOL wasexpired=FALSE;
		pCurIP = DHCPSearchByIP (pPreviousAddr, &wasexpired);
		if (pCurIP!=NULL)
			//Only allocate if it's to the same address, or the lease expired,
			//otherwise reset for the real allocation
			if(wasexpired || (0 == memcmp(pCurIP->sMacAddr, pMac, nMacLen)))
				LOG (5, "Request for %s granted", inet_ntoa (pCurIP->dwIP));
				pCurIP = DHCPReallocItem (pCurIP, pPreviousAddr->s_addr, pMac, nMacLen);
				return pCurIP ;
				pCurIP = NULL;
		else	//Address not allocated before, just grant it
			pCurIP = DHCPReallocItem (NULL, pPreviousAddr->s_addr, pMac, nMacLen);
			LOG (12, "Reply with requested address : %s", inet_ntoa (pCurIP->dwIP));
			return pCurIP;
		} //
   } // Requested address asked

  // A new IP address should be allocated :
  // First check if the pool is large enough in order to allocate a new address
   if (sParamDHCP.nPoolSize>0   &&  nAllocatedIP < sParamDHCP.nPoolSize)
    // search for an "hole" in the struct or take last elem + 1
    // if an item was allocated and the first item is the first in pool
   //Don't allocate ip addresses ending in 0 or 255
    if (nAllocatedIP>0   &&  tFirstIP[0]->dwIP.s_addr == sParamDHCP.dwAddr.s_addr)
          for ( Ark=1 ;
               &&  ntohl (tFirstIP[Ark]->dwIP.s_addr) == AddrInc(tFirstIP[Ark-1]->dwIP);
               Ark ++ );
           pCurIP = DHCPReallocItem (NULL, htonl (AddrInc(tFirstIP[Ark-1]->dwIP)), pMac, nMacLen);
      else   pCurIP = DHCPReallocItem (NULL, sParamDHCP.dwAddr.s_addr, pMac, nMacLen);
       // New address : ntohl (tFirstIP[Ark]->dwIP.s_addr) + 1
    // it is OK if Ark has reach nAllocatedIP
      LOG (12, "Reply with new : %s", inet_ntoa (pCurIP->dwIP));
    return pCurIP;
    } // new allocation

    // no free address, have to reuse an "old" one
    // try addresses which have not been acknowledged (tAllocated+2 minutes),
    // or that have expired
   time (&tNow);
   for (Ark=0 ;   Ark<nAllocatedIP;   Ark++)
        pCurIP = tFirstIP[Ark];
        if (    pCurIP->tAllocated+TWO_MINUTES < tNow
            &&  ((pCurIP->tRenewed==0) || (tNow > pCurIP->tRenewed + (sParamDHCP.nLease * 60))))
               pCurIP = DHCPReallocItem (pCurIP, pCurIP->dwIP.s_addr, pMac, nMacLen);
             LOG (12, "Reply with reuse : %s", inet_ntoa (pCurIP->dwIP));
                return pCurIP;

    } // reuse an unacknowledged address

/* Since we are replacing holes, unacked, and expired addresses, all addresses are currently used
   // search for the oldest one (use tAllocated and tRenewed)
   for (Ark=0, pOldestIP=NULL ;   Ark<nAllocatedIP;   Ark++)
        pCurIP = tFirstIP[Ark];
        if (        pCurIP->tRenewed!=0
                &&  pCurIP->tRenewed < (unsigned) (pOldestIP==NULL ? 0xFFFFFFFF : pOldestIP->tRenewed )
                &&  PingApi (&pCurIP->dwIP, DHCP_PINGTIMEOUT, NULL)==PINGAPI_TIMEOUT
                &&  PingApi (&pCurIP->dwIP, DHCP_PINGTIMEOUT, NULL)==PINGAPI_TIMEOUT
                &&  PingApi (&pCurIP->dwIP, DHCP_PINGTIMEOUT, NULL)==PINGAPI_TIMEOUT
           )  pOldestIP=pCurIP;
    } // search for oldest item in pOldestIP
    if (pOldestIP != NULL)
       pCurIP = DHCPReallocItem (pOldestIP, pOldestIP->dwIP.s_addr, pMac, nMacLen);
       LOG (12, "Reply with reuse : %s", inet_ntoa (pCurIP->dwIP));
       return pCurIP;  // can be NULL
return NULL;
} // DHCP_IPAllocate2