nl_catd (catopen) (const char *name, int oflag) { _CAT_CATALOG_T *_kitten_catalog = 0; static STRING_T *catfile = 0; static STRING_T *nlspath = 0; size_t pos; /* According to the Posix definition, if name has a '/', the name is the entire path to the file. Expand that to include ':' and '\\' for FreeDOS. */ if (strpbrk (name, ":/\\") != 0) _kitten_catalog = catread (name); else { /* Open the catalog file. */ catfile = DScreate (); nlspath = DScreate (); get_name_from_nlspath (nlspath, (char *) name); while (_kitten_catalog == 0 && DSlength (nlspath) != 0) { pos = DSfind (nlspath, ";", 0, 1); DSassign (catfile, nlspath, 0, pos); if (DSlength (catfile) == 0) DSassigncstr (catfile, (char *) name, NPOS); _kitten_catalog = catread (DScstr (catfile)); DSremove (nlspath, 0, (pos == NPOS) ? NPOS : pos + 1); } DSdestroy (nlspath); DSdestroy (catfile); } /* If we could not find it, return failure. Otherwise, install the catalog and return a cookie. */ return _kitten_catalog ? install_catalog (_kitten_catalog) : (nl_catd) (-1); }
static _CAT_MESSAGE_T * _CAT_MESSAGE_assign (_CAT_MESSAGE_T * x, _CAT_MESSAGE_T * y) { if (x != y) { x->set_id = y->set_id; x->msg_id = y->msg_id; DSassign (x->msg, y->msg, 0, NPOS); } return x; }
/* replace_buffer - search the buffer for a string, then replace it with another string. */ unsigned long replace_buffer (unsigned long current_line, unsigned long line1, unsigned long line2, int verify, char *s) { unsigned long line; STRING_T *ds, *ds1, *dc; int q = 0; char *yn; size_t origpos; while (isspace ((unsigned char) *s)) s++; if (*s == '\'' || *s == '\"') q = *s++; else q = ','; ds = DScreate (); DSassign (ds, translate_string (s, q), 0, NPOS); /* pick off second string */ while (*s != q && *s) s += (*s == '\\' ? 2 : 1); while (*s != ',') s++; s++; while (isspace ((unsigned char) *s)) s++; if (*s == '\'' || *s == '\"') q = *s++; else q = 0; ds1 = DScreate (); DSassign (ds1, translate_string (s, q), 0, NPOS); if (DSlength (ds) != 0 && DScompare (ds, ds1, 0, NPOS) != 0) for (line = line1; line <= line2; line++) { origpos = 0; while ((origpos = DSfind (DAS_get_at (buffer, (size_t) line), DScstr (ds), origpos, DSlength (ds))) != NPOS) { dc = DScreate (); DSassign (dc, DAS_get_at (buffer, line), 0, NPOS); DSreplace (dc, origpos, DSlength (ds), ds1, 0, NPOS); printf (G00012, line + 1, DScstr (dc)); if (verify) yn = read_line (G00002); if (!verify || (*yn == 0 || strchr (YES, *yn) != 0)) { current_line = line + 1; origpos += DSlength (ds1); DAS_put_at (buffer, line, dc); } else origpos++; DSdestroy (dc); } } DSdestroy (ds); DSdestroy (ds1); return current_line; }
static STRING_T * get_name_from_nlspath (STRING_T * r, char *name) { char *nlspath = 0; char *lang = 0; size_t pos, oldpos, iter; STRING_T *language = 0, *territory = 0, *codeset = 0, *s = 0; nlspath = getenv ("NLSPATH"); lang = get_language (); DSresize (r, 0, 0); if (nlspath == 0) { DSassigncstr (r, name, NPOS); return r; } DSassigncstr (r, nlspath, NPOS); /* set language, territory, codeset values */ if (*lang != 0) { s = DScreate (); language = DScreate (); territory = DScreate (); codeset = DScreate (); DSassigncstr (s, lang, NPOS); for (iter = 3, oldpos = pos = 0; iter != 0; oldpos = pos, --iter, pos = DSfind (s, "@._", ++pos, iter)) { /* assign values */ if (oldpos == 0) DSassign (language, s, 0, pos); else { switch (DSget_at (s, oldpos)) { case '_': /* territory */ DSassign (territory, s, oldpos + 1, pos - oldpos - 1); break; case '.': /* codeset */ DSassign (codeset, s, oldpos + 1, pos - oldpos - 1); break; default: /*modifier? */ break; } if (pos == NPOS) break; } } } for (pos = 0; (pos = DSfind (r, "%", pos, 1)) != NPOS; ++pos) { switch (DSget_at (r, pos + 1)) { case 'N': /* name */ DSreplacecstr (r, pos, 2, name, NPOS); pos += strlen (name) - 1; break; case 'L': /* language */ DSreplacecstr (r, pos, 2, lang, NPOS); pos += strlen (lang) - 1; break; case 'l': /* language element from %L */ DSreplace (r, pos, 2, language, 0, NPOS); pos += DSlength (language) - 1; break; case 't': /* territory element from %L */ if (territory != 0) { DSreplace (r, pos, 2, territory, 0, NPOS); pos += DSlength (territory) - 1; } break; case 'c': /* codeset element from %L */ if (codeset != 0) { DSreplace (r, pos, 2, codeset, 0, NPOS); pos += DSlength (codeset) - 1; } break; case '%': /* percent sign */ DSremove (r, pos, 1); break; } } if (s != 0) DSdestroy (s); if (language != 0) DSdestroy (language); if (territory != 0) DSdestroy (territory); if (codeset != 0) DSdestroy (codeset); return r; }
/* catread - read a catalogue file */ static _CAT_CATALOG_T * catread (const char *name) { FILE *f; STRING_T *s = DScreate (), *t = DScreate (); _CAT_CATALOG_T *cat = 0; size_t z; _CAT_MESSAGE_T catmsg = { 0, 0, 0 }; int c; /* Open the catfile */ f = fopen (name, "r"); if (f == 0) return 0; /* could not open file */ setvbuf (f, 0, _IOFBF, 16384); while (DSlength (s = append_from_file (f, s)) > 0) { DSresize (s, DSlength (s) - 1, 0); /* We have a full line */ if (DSlength (s) > 0) { z = DSfind_first_not_of (s, " \t\f\v\r", 0, NPOS); DSremove (s, 0, z); z = DSfind_last_not_of (s, " \t\f\v\r", NPOS, NPOS); DSresize (s, z + 1, 0); } if (DSlength (s) > 0 && DSget_at (s, DSlength (s) - 1) == '\\') { /* continuation */ DSresize (s, DSlength (s) - 1, 0); } else { if (DSlength (s) > 0 && isdigit (DSget_at (s, 0))) { /* if it starts with a digit, assume it's a catalog line */ for (z = 0, catmsg.set_id = 0; isdigit (c = DSget_at (s, z)); catmsg.set_id = catmsg.set_id * 10 + (c - '0'), z++); z++; for (catmsg.msg_id = 0; isdigit (c = DSget_at (s, z)); catmsg.msg_id = catmsg.msg_id * 10 + (c - '0'), z++); z++; DSremove (s, 0, z); transform_string (t, s); if (catmsg.msg == 0) catmsg.msg = DScreate (); DSassign (catmsg.msg, t, 0, NPOS); if (cat == 0) { cat = malloc (sizeof (_CAT_CATALOG_T)); if (cat == 0) Nomemory (); cat->is_opened = 0; cat->msgs = _CATMSG_create (); } _CATMSG_append (cat->msgs, &catmsg, 1, 0); } DSresize (s, 0, 0); } } fclose (f); qsort (_CATMSG_base (cat->msgs), _CATMSG_length (cat->msgs), sizeof (_CAT_MESSAGE_T), catmsg_cmp); return cat; }