Esempio n. 1
static int DaoParser_MakeMacroGroup( DaoParser *self,
		DMacroGroup *group, DMacroGroup *parent, int from, int to )
	DaoToken **toks = self->tokens->items.pToken;
	unsigned char tk;
	int i, sep, rb, prev;
	DMacroUnit *unit;
	DMacroGroup *grp, *group2; /* mingw don't like grp2 ?! */

	   for( i=from; i<to; i++ ) printf( "%s  ", toks[i]->mbs ); printf("\n");

	i = from;
	while( i < to ){
		char *chs = toks[i]->string.mbs;
		self->curLine = toks[i]->line;
		tk = toks[i]->name;
#if 0
		//printf( "%i %s\n", i, chs );
		if( tk == DTOK_ESC_LB || tk == DTOK_ESC_LSB || tk == DTOK_ESC_LCB ){
			grp = DMacroGroup_New();
			grp->cpos = toks[i]->cpos;
			grp->parent = parent;
			DArray_Append( group->units, (void*)grp );
			switch( tk ){
			case DTOK_ESC_LB :
				rb = DaoParser_FindPairToken( self, DTOK_ESC_LB, DTOK_ESC_RB, i, to );
			case DTOK_ESC_LSB :
				rb = DaoParser_FindPairToken( self, DTOK_ESC_LSB, DTOK_ESC_RSB, i, to );
				grp->repeat = DMACRO_ZERO_OR_ONE;
			case DTOK_ESC_LCB :
				rb = DaoParser_FindPairToken( self, DTOK_ESC_LCB, DTOK_ESC_RCB, i, to );
				grp->repeat = DMACRO_ZERO_OR_MORE;
			default :
					rb = -1;
					DaoParser_Error( self, DAO_CTW_INV_MAC_OPEN, & toks[i]->string );
			if( rb <0 ) return 0;

			prev = i+1;
			sep = DaoParser_FindOpenToken( self, DTOK_ESC_PIPE, i+1, rb, 0 );
			if( sep >=0 ){
				while( sep >=0 ){
					group2 = DMacroGroup_New();
					group2->parent = grp;
					if( DaoParser_MakeMacroGroup( self, group2, group2, prev, sep ) == 0 )
						return 0;
					DArray_Append( grp->units, (void*)group2 );
					prev = sep +1;
					sep = DaoParser_FindOpenToken( self, DTOK_ESC_PIPE, prev, rb, 0 );
					if( prev < rb && sep <0 ) sep = rb;
				grp->type = DMACRO_ALT;
			}else if( DaoParser_MakeMacroGroup( self, grp, grp, i+1, rb ) == 0 ){
				return 0;
			i = rb +1;
			self->curLine = toks[i]->line;
			if( toks[i]->string.mbs[0] == '\\' ){
				switch( toks[i]->name ){
				case DTOK_ESC_EXCLA : grp->repeat = DMACRO_ZERO; i++; break;
				case DTOK_ESC_QUES  : grp->repeat = DMACRO_ZERO_OR_ONE; i++; break;
				case DTOK_ESC_STAR  : grp->repeat = DMACRO_ZERO_OR_MORE; i++; break;
				case DTOK_ESC_PLUS  : grp->repeat = DMACRO_ONE_OR_MORE; i++; break;
				case DTOK_ESC_SQUO : case DTOK_ESC_DQUO :
				case DTOK_ESC_LB :  case DTOK_ESC_RB :
				case DTOK_ESC_LCB : case DTOK_ESC_RCB :
				case DTOK_ESC_LSB : case DTOK_ESC_RSB : break;
				default : DaoParser_Error( self, DAO_CTW_INV_MAC_REPEAT, & toks[i]->string );
						  return 0;

		self->curLine = toks[i]->line;
		unit  = DMacroUnit_New();
		DaoToken_Assign( unit->marker, toks[i] );
		DArray_Append( group->units, (void*)unit );
		switch( chs[0] ){
		case '$' :
			if( DString_FindMBS( & toks[i]->string, "EXP", 0 ) == 1 ){
				unit->type = DMACRO_EXP;
			}else if( DString_FindMBS( & toks[i]->string, "VAR", 0 ) == 1 ){
				unit->type = DMACRO_VAR;
			}else if( DString_FindMBS( & toks[i]->string, "ID", 0 ) == 1 ){
				unit->type = DMACRO_ID;
			}else if( DString_FindMBS( & toks[i]->string, "OP", 0 ) == 1 ){
				unit->type = DMACRO_OP;
			}else if( DString_FindMBS( & toks[i]->string, "BL", 0 ) == 1 ){
				unit->type = DMACRO_BL;
			}else if( DString_FindMBS( & toks[i]->string, "IBL", 0 ) == 1 ){
				unit->type = DMACRO_IBL;
		case '(' :
		case '[' :
		case '{' :
			switch( chs[0] ){
			case '(' :
				rb = DaoParser_FindPairToken( self, DTOK_LB, DTOK_RB, i, to );
			case '[' :
				rb = DaoParser_FindPairToken( self, DTOK_LSB, DTOK_RSB, i, to );
			case '{' :
				rb = DaoParser_FindPairToken( self, DTOK_LCB, DTOK_RCB, i, to );
			default : rb = -1;
			if( rb <0 ) return 0;

			grp = DMacroGroup_New();
			grp->parent = group;
			grp->repeat = DMACRO_AUTO;
			DArray_Append( group->units, (void*)grp );
			if( DaoParser_MakeMacroGroup( self, grp, parent, i+1, rb ) == 0 ) return 0;
			i = rb;
		case '\'' :
			if( chs[2] == '\'' ){
				unit->marker->type = 0;
				switch( chs[1] ){
				case '(' : unit->marker->type = unit->marker->name = DTOK_LB; break;
				case ')' : unit->marker->type = unit->marker->name = DTOK_RB; break;
				case '[' : unit->marker->type = unit->marker->name = DTOK_LSB; break;
				case ']' : unit->marker->type = unit->marker->name = DTOK_RSB; break;
				case '{' : unit->marker->type = unit->marker->name = DTOK_LCB; break;
				case '}' : unit->marker->type = unit->marker->name = DTOK_RCB; break;
				case '\'' : unit->marker->type= unit->marker->name = DTOK_ESC_SQUO;break;
							case '\"' : unit->marker->type= unit->marker->name = DTOK_ESC_DQUO;break;
				default : break;
				if( unit->marker->type == 0 ){
					DaoParser_Error( self, DAO_CTW_INV_MAC_SPECTOK, & toks[i]->string );
					return 0;
				unit->type = DMACRO_BR;
				DString_SetMBS( & unit->marker->string, chs+1 );
				DString_Erase( & unit->marker->string, unit->marker->string.size-1, 1 );
		default : break;
		if( i+1 < to && toks[i+1]->string.mbs[0] == '@' ){
			char ch = toks[i+1]->string.mbs[1];
			if( ch != '@' ){
				if( toks[i+1]->string.size != 2 || ch < '1' || ch >'9' ){
					DaoParser_Error( self, DAO_CTW_INV_MAC_INDENT, & toks[i+1]->string );
					return 0;
				unit->indent = ch - '0';
				i ++;
		i ++;
	return 1;
Esempio n. 2
static int DaoParser_MakeMacroGroup( DaoParser *self, DMacroGroup *group, DMacroGroup *parent, int from, int to, DMap *vars, DMap *markers )
	unsigned char tk;
	int i, sep, rb, prev;
	DaoToken **toks = self->tokens->items.pToken;
	DMacroGroup *grp, *group2; /* mingw don't like grp2 ?! */
	DMacroUnit *unit;
	DNode *it;

	   for( i=from; i<to; i++ ) printf( "%s  ", toks[i]->mbs ); printf("\n");

	i = from;
	while( i < to ){
		DaoToken *tok = toks[i];
		char *chs = tok->string.mbs;
		int tk = tok->name;

#if 0
		printf( "%i %s\n", i, chs );
		self->curLine = tok->line;
		if( tk == DTOK_LB || tk == DTOK_LSB || tk == DTOK_LCB ){
			grp = DMacroGroup_New();
			grp->cpos = tok->cpos;
			grp->parent = parent;
			DArray_Append( group->units, (void*)grp );
			switch( tk ){
			case DTOK_LB :
				rb = DaoParser_FindPairToken( self, DTOK_LB, DTOK_RB, i, to );
			case DTOK_LSB :
				rb = DaoParser_FindPairToken( self, DTOK_LSB, DTOK_RSB, i, to );
				grp->repeat = DMACRO_ZERO_OR_ONE;
			case DTOK_LCB :
				rb = DaoParser_FindPairToken( self, DTOK_LCB, DTOK_RCB, i, to );
				grp->repeat = DMACRO_ZERO_OR_MORE;
			default :
				rb = -1;
				DaoParser_Error( self, DAO_CTW_INV_MAC_OPEN, & tok->string );
			if( rb <0 ) return 0;

			prev = i+1;
			sep = DaoParser_FindOpenToken( self, DTOK_PIPE, i+1, rb, 0 );
			if( sep >=0 ){
				while( sep >=0 ){
					group2 = DMacroGroup_New();
					group2->parent = grp;
					if( DaoParser_MakeMacroGroup( self, group2, group2, prev, sep, vars, markers ) == 0 )
						return 0;
					DArray_Append( grp->units, (void*)group2 );
					prev = sep +1;
					sep = DaoParser_FindOpenToken( self, DTOK_PIPE, prev, rb, 0 );
					if( prev < rb && sep <0 ) sep = rb;
				grp->type = DMACRO_ALT;
			}else if( DaoParser_MakeMacroGroup( self, grp, grp, i+1, rb, vars, markers ) == 0 ){
				return 0;
			i = rb +1;
			tok = toks[i];
			self->curLine = tok->line;
			switch( tok->name ){
			case DTOK_NOT   : grp->repeat = DMACRO_ZERO; i++; break;
			case DTOK_QUERY : grp->repeat = DMACRO_ZERO_OR_ONE; i++; break;
			case DTOK_MUL   : grp->repeat = DMACRO_ZERO_OR_MORE; i++; break;
			case DTOK_ADD   : grp->repeat = DMACRO_ONE_OR_MORE; i++; break;
			default : break;

		self->curLine = tok->line;
		unit = DMacroUnit_New();
		DaoToken_Assign( unit->marker, tok );
		DArray_Append( group->units, (void*)unit );
		if( chs[0] == '$' ){
			if( DString_FindMBS( & tok->string, "EXP", 0 ) == 1 ){
				unit->type = DMACRO_EXP;
			}else if( DString_FindMBS( & tok->string, "VAR", 0 ) == 1 ){
				unit->type = DMACRO_VAR;
			}else if( DString_FindMBS( & tok->string, "ID", 0 ) == 1 ){
				unit->type = DMACRO_ID;
			}else if( DString_FindMBS( & tok->string, "OP", 0 ) == 1 ){
				unit->type = DMACRO_OP;
			}else if( DString_FindMBS( & tok->string, "BL", 0 ) == 1 ){
				unit->type = DMACRO_BL;
				DaoParser_Error( self, DAO_CTW_INV_MAC_SPECTOK, & tok->string );
				return 0;
			if( vars != NULL ){
				it = DMap_Find( vars, & unit->marker->string );
				if( it == NULL ) it = DMap_Insert( vars, & unit->marker->string, 0 );
				it->value.pInt += 1;
		}else if( tk == DTOK_MBS ){
			DaoLexer_Reset( self->wlexer );
			DaoLexer_Tokenize( self->wlexer, chs + 1, 0 );
			if( self->wlexer->tokens->size == 2 ){
				DaoToken_Assign( unit->marker, self->wlexer->tokens->items.pToken[0] );
				if( markers != NULL ){
					it = DMap_Find( markers, & unit->marker->string );
					if( it == NULL ) it = DMap_Insert( markers, & unit->marker->string, 0 );
					it->value.pInt += 1;
			DaoLexer_Reset( self->wlexer );

			rb = -1;
			if( tok->string.size == 3 ){
				switch( chs[1] ){
				case '(': rb = DaoParser_FindPair( self, "'('", "')'", i, to ); break;
				case '[': rb = DaoParser_FindPair( self, "'['", "']'", i, to ); break;
				case '{': rb = DaoParser_FindPair( self, "'{'", "'}'", i, to ); break;
				default : break;
			if( rb >= 0 ){
				grp = DMacroGroup_New();
				grp->parent = group;
				grp->repeat = DMACRO_AUTO;
				DArray_Append( group->units, (void*)grp );
				if( DaoParser_MakeMacroGroup( self, grp, parent, i+1, rb, vars, markers ) == 0 ) return 0;
				i = rb;
		i ++;
	return 1;