Esempio n. 1
static void DaoIO_ReadFile( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DString *res = DaoProcess_PutMBString( proc, "" );
	daoint silent = p[1]->xInteger.value;
	if( proc->vmSpace->options & DAO_OPTION_SAFE ){
		DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, DAO_ERROR, "not permitted" );
	if( DString_Size( p[0]-> ) ==0 ){
		char buf[1024];
			size_t count = fread( buf, 1, sizeof( buf ), stdin );
			if( count ==0 ) break;
			DString_AppendDataMBS( res, buf, count );
		FILE *fin = DaoIO_OpenFile( proc, p[0]->, "r", silent );
		struct stat info;
		if( fin == NULL ) return;
		fstat( fileno( fin ), &info );
		DString_Resize( res, info.st_size );
		DString_Resize( res, fread( res->mbs, 1, res->size, fin ) );
		fclose( fin );
Esempio n. 2
static void DaoBUF_GetString( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	Dao_Buffer *self = (Dao_Buffer*) p[0];
	DString *str = DaoProcess_PutMBString( proc, "" );
	if( p[1]->xEnum.value == 0 ){
		DString_Resize( str, self->size );
		memcpy( str->mbs, self->buffer.pVoid, self->size );
		DString_ToWCS( str );
		DString_Resize( str, self->size / sizeof( wchar_t ) );
		memcpy( str->wcs, self->buffer.pVoid, str->size * sizeof( wchar_t ) );
Esempio n. 3
/* Real copying, no implicit sharing here. For thread safty. */
DString* DString_DeepCopy( DString *self )
	int share = self->sharing;
	DString *copy = DString_New();
	DString_SetSharing( copy, share );
	DString_Resize( copy, self->size );
	memcpy( copy->chars, self->chars, self->size *sizeof(char) );
	return copy;
Esempio n. 4
void DString_Reset( DString *self, daoint size )
	if( size <= self->bufSize ){
		DString_Detach( self, self->bufSize );
		self->size = size;
		self->chars[size] = '\0';
	DString_Resize( self, size );
Esempio n. 5
void DString_SetWords( DString *self, const wchar_t *bytes, int count )
	int i;
	wchar_t *data;

	DString_ToWCS( self );
	DString_Resize( self, count );
	data = self->wcs;
	for( i=0; i<count; i++ ) data[i] = bytes[i];
Esempio n. 6
void DaoStream_WriteString( DaoStream *self, DString *val )
	int i;
	if( val->mbs ){
		const char *data = val->mbs;
		if( self->redirect && self->redirect->StdioWrite ){
			DString *mbs = DString_New(1);
			DString_SetDataMBS( mbs, data, val->size );
			self->redirect->StdioWrite( self->redirect, mbs );
			DString_Delete( mbs );
		}else if( self->file ){
			if( self->format ){
				fprintf( self->file, self->format, data );
				DaoFile_WriteString( self->file, val );
		}else if( self->attribs & DAO_IO_STRING ){
			DString_AppendDataMBS( self->streamString, data, val->size );
			if( self->format ){
				printf( self->format, data );
				DaoFile_WriteString( stdout, val );
		const wchar_t *data = val->wcs;
		if( self->redirect && self->redirect->StdioWrite ){
			DString *mbs = DString_New(1);
			DString_SetWords( mbs, data, val->size );
			self->redirect->StdioWrite( self->redirect, mbs );
			DString_Delete( mbs );
		}else if( self->file ){
			if( self->format ){
				fprintf( self->file, self->format, data );
				DaoFile_WriteString( self->file, val );
		}else if( self->attribs & DAO_IO_STRING ){
			DString *wcs = self->streamString;
			int size = 0;
			DString_ToWCS( self->streamString );
			size = wcs->size;
			DString_Resize( self->streamString, wcs->size + val->size );
			memcpy( wcs->wcs + size, val->wcs, val->size * sizeof(wchar_t) );
			if( self->format ){
				printf( self->format, data );
				DaoFile_WriteString( stdout, val );
Esempio n. 7
static void DaoIO_Read( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DaoStream *self = proc->stdioStream;
	DString *ds = DaoProcess_PutMBString( proc, "" );
	int count = 0;
	if( self == NULL ) self = proc->vmSpace->stdioStream;
	if( N >0 ) self = & p[0]->xStream;
	if( N >1 ) count = p[1]->xInteger.value;
	if( (self->attribs & (DAO_IO_FILE | DAO_IO_PIPE)) && self->file == NULL ){
		DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, DAO_ERROR, "stream is not open!" );
	if( ( self->mode & DAO_IO_READ ) == 0 ){
		DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, DAO_ERROR, "stream is not readable" );
	if( self->file == NULL && self->redirect && self->redirect->StdioRead ){
		self->redirect->StdioRead( self->redirect, ds, count );
	}else if( count ){
		FILE *fd = stdin;
		DString_Clear( ds );
		if( self->file ) fd = self->file;
		if( count >0 ){
			DString_Resize( ds, count );
			DString_Resize( ds, fread( ds->mbs, 1, count, fd ) );
			struct stat info;
			fstat( fileno( fd ), &info );
			DString_Resize( ds, info.st_size - ftell( fd )/2 );
			DString_Resize( ds, fread( ds->mbs, 1, ds->size, fd ) );
		if( fd == stdin ) fseek( stdin, 0, SEEK_END );
		DaoStream_ReadLine( self, ds );
void DaoxShader_CompileShader( DaoxShader *self, int type, DArray *strings )
	daoint i, n = strings->size;
	uint_t shader = glCreateShader( type );
	const GLchar **sources;
	GLint length, shader_ok;

	if( shader == 0 ){
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create shader of type %i\n", type );
	sources = (const GLchar**) malloc( n*sizeof(GLchar*) );
	for(i=0; i<n; ++i){
		sources[i] = (const GLchar*) DString_GetMBS( strings->items.pString[i] );
		if( i == 0 ) sources[i] += 2; /* skip //; */

	glShaderSource( shader, n, sources, NULL );
	glCompileShader( shader );
	free( sources );

	glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &shader_ok);
	if( !shader_ok ){
		const char *log2;
		DString *log = DString_New(1);
		glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &length );
		DString_Resize( log, length );
		log2 = DString_GetMBS(log);
		glGetShaderInfoLog( shader, length, NULL, (char*)log2 );
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to compile shader!\nWith error message: %s", log2 );
	switch( type ){
		if( self->vertexShader ) glDeleteShader( self->vertexShader );
		self->vertexShader = shader;
		if( self->fragmentShader ) glDeleteShader( self->fragmentShader );
		self->fragmentShader = shader;
	if( shader && self->program ) glAttachShader( self->program, shader );
Esempio n. 9
void DString_Assign( DString *self, DString *chs )
	int *data1 = (int*)self->chars - self->sharing;
	int *data2 = (int*)chs->chars - chs->sharing;
	int assigned = 0;
	if( self == chs ) return;
	if( data1 == data2 ) return;

	if( data2 != dao_string ){
		DMutex_Lock( & mutex_string_sharing );
		if( self->aux ) self->aux->size = 0;
		if( self->sharing && chs->sharing ){
			if( data1 != dao_string ){
				data1[0] -= 1;
				if( data1[0] ==0 ) dao_free( data1 );
			memcpy( self, chs, sizeof(DString) - sizeof(DStringAux*) );
			data2[0] += 1;
			assigned = 1;
		}else if( data1 == NULL && chs->sharing ){
			memcpy( self, chs, sizeof(DString) - sizeof(DStringAux*) );
			data2[0] += 1;
			assigned = 1;
		DMutex_Unlock( & mutex_string_sharing );

		if( assigned ) return;

	if( self->chars == NULL ){
		self->size = self->bufSize = chs->size;
		self->chars = (char*) dao_malloc( (chs->size + 1)*sizeof(char) );
		memcpy( self->chars, chs->chars, chs->size*sizeof(char) );
		self->chars[ self->size ] = 0;
		DString_Resize( self, chs->size );
		memcpy( self->chars, chs->chars, chs->size*sizeof(char) );
Esempio n. 10
void DaoxShader_Finalize( DaoxShader *self )
	GLint length, program_ok;
	if( self->program == 0 ) return;
	int shaderAttribute = 0;
	glBindFragDataLocation( self->program, 0, "fragColor");
	glLinkProgram( self->program );
	glGetProgramiv( self->program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &program_ok );
	if( !program_ok ){
		const char *log2;
		DString *log = DString_New(1);
		glGetProgramiv( self->program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &length );
		DString_Resize( log, length );
		log2 = DString_GetMBS(log);
		glGetProgramInfoLog( self->program, length, NULL, (char*)log2 );
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to link shader program with error message: %s\n", log2 );
		self->program = 0;
Esempio n. 11
void DString_EncodeBase64( DString *self, DString *dest )
	const char base64_chars[64] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
	daoint i, j = 0;
	DString_Resize( dest, ( self->size/3 )*4 + ( self->size%3? 4 : 0 ) );
	for ( i = 0; i < self->size/3; i++ ){
		uint8_t high = self->chars[i*3], mid = self->chars[i*3 + 1], low = self->chars[i*3 + 2];
		uint_t triplet = ( (uint_t)high << 16 ) | ( (uint_t)mid << 8 ) | low;
		dest->chars[j++] = base64_chars[( triplet & ( 63 << 18 ) ) >> 18];
		dest->chars[j++] = base64_chars[( triplet & ( 63 << 12 ) ) >> 12];
		dest->chars[j++] = base64_chars[( triplet & ( 63 << 6 ) ) >> 6];
		dest->chars[j++] = base64_chars[triplet & 63];
	if ( self->size%3 == 1 ){
		uint_t triplet = ( (uint_t)self->chars[self->size - 1] ) << 16;
		dest->chars[j++] = base64_chars[( triplet & ( 63 << 18 ) ) >> 18];
		dest->chars[j++] = base64_chars[( triplet & ( 63 << 12 ) ) >> 12];
		dest->chars[j++] = '=';
		dest->chars[j] = '=';
Esempio n. 12
void DString_Erase( DString *self, daoint start, daoint n )
	daoint i, rest;
	if( start >= self->size ) return;
	if( n < 0 ) n = self->size;
	if( n + start > self->size ) n = self->size - start;
	rest = self->size - start - n;
	if( rest ==0 ){
		DString_Resize( self, start );

	DString_Detach( self, self->size );
	memmove( self->chars + start, self->chars + start + n, rest * sizeof(char) );
	self->chars[start+rest] = 0;
	self->size -= n;

	if( self->size < 0.5*self->bufSize && self->size+5 < self->bufSize ){
		self->bufSize = (daoint)(0.6 * self->bufSize) + 1;
		DString_Realloc( self, self->bufSize );