Esempio n. 1
GLOBAL double UMF_symbolic_usage
    Int n_row,
    Int n_col,
    Int nchains,
    Int nfr,
    Int esize,	    /* zero if no dense rows.  Otherwise, equal to the
		     * number of non-singleton, non-empty columns */
    Int prefer_diagonal
    double units ;

    units =
	DUNITS (SymbolicType, 1)	/* Symbolic structure */
	+ 2 * DUNITS (Int, n_col+1)	/* Cperm_init, Cdeg */
	+ 2 * DUNITS (Int, n_row+1)	/* Rperm_init, Rdeg */
	+ 3 * DUNITS (Int, nchains+1)	/* Chain_ */
	+ 4 * DUNITS (Int, nfr+1) ;	/* Front_ */

    /* if dense rows are present */
    units += DUNITS (Int, esize) ;	/* Esize */

    /* for diagonal pivoting */
    if (prefer_diagonal)
	units += DUNITS (Int, n_col+1) ;    /* Diagonal_map */

    return (units) ;
Esempio n. 2
size_t KLU_kernel_factor            /* 0 if failure, size of LU if OK */
    /* inputs, not modified */
    Int n,          /* A is n-by-n. n must be > 0. */
    Int Ap [ ],     /* size n+1, column pointers for A */
    Int Ai [ ],     /* size nz = Ap [n], row indices for A */
    Entry Ax [ ],   /* size nz, values of A */
    Int Q [ ],      /* size n, optional column permutation */
    double Lsize,   /* estimate of number of nonzeros in L */

    /* outputs, not defined on input */
    Unit **p_LU,        /* row indices and values of L and U */
    Entry Udiag [ ],    /* size n, diagonal of U */
    Int Llen [ ],       /* size n, column length of L */
    Int Ulen [ ],       /* size n, column length of U */
    Int Lip [ ],        /* size n, column pointers for L */
    Int Uip [ ],        /* size n, column pointers for U */
    Int P [ ],          /* row permutation, size n */
    Int *lnz,           /* size of L */
    Int *unz,           /* size of U */

    /* workspace, undefined on input */
    Entry *X,       /* size n double's, zero on output */
    Int *Work,      /* size 5n Int's */

    /* inputs, not modified on output */
    Int k1,             /* the block of A is from k1 to k2-1 */
    Int PSinv [ ],      /* inverse of P from symbolic factorization */
    double Rs [ ],      /* scale factors for A */

    /* inputs, modified on output */
    Int Offp [ ],   /* off-diagonal matrix (modified by this routine) */
    Int Offi [ ],
    Entry Offx [ ],
    /* --------------- */
    KLU_common *Common
    double maxlnz, dunits ;
    Unit *LU ;
    Int *Pinv, *Lpend, *Stack, *Flag, *Ap_pos, *W ;
    Int lsize, usize, anz, ok ;
    size_t lusize ;
    ASSERT (Common != NULL) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* get control parameters, or use defaults */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    n = MAX (1, n) ;
    anz = Ap [n+k1] - Ap [k1] ;

    if (Lsize <= 0)
        Lsize = -Lsize ;
        Lsize = MAX (Lsize, 1.0) ;
        lsize = Lsize * anz + n ;
        lsize = Lsize ;

    usize = lsize ;

    lsize  = MAX (n+1, lsize) ;
    usize  = MAX (n+1, usize) ;

    maxlnz = (((double) n) * ((double) n) + ((double) n)) / 2. ;
    maxlnz = MIN (maxlnz, ((double) INT_MAX)) ;
    lsize  = MIN (maxlnz, lsize) ;
    usize  = MIN (maxlnz, usize) ;

    PRINTF (("Welcome to klu: n %d anz %d k1 %d lsize %d usize %d maxlnz %g\n",
        n, anz, k1, lsize, usize, maxlnz)) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* allocate workspace and outputs */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* return arguments are not yet assigned */
    *p_LU = (Unit *) NULL ;

    /* these computations are safe from size_t overflow */
    W = Work ;
    Pinv = (Int *) W ;      W += n ;
    Stack = (Int *) W ;     W += n ;
    Flag = (Int *) W ;      W += n ;
    Lpend = (Int *) W ;     W += n ;
    Ap_pos = (Int *) W ;    W += n ;

    dunits = DUNITS (Int, lsize) + DUNITS (Entry, lsize) +
             DUNITS (Int, usize) + DUNITS (Entry, usize) ;
    lusize = (size_t) dunits ;
    ok = !INT_OVERFLOW (dunits) ; 
    LU = ok ? KLU_malloc (lusize, sizeof (Unit), Common) : NULL ;
    if (LU == NULL)
        /* out of memory, or problem too large */
        Common->status = KLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY ;
        lusize = 0 ;
        return (lusize) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* factorize */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* with pruning, and non-recursive depth-first-search */
    lusize = KLU_kernel (n, Ap, Ai, Ax, Q, lusize,
            Pinv, P, &LU, Udiag, Llen, Ulen, Lip, Uip, lnz, unz,
            X, Stack, Flag, Ap_pos, Lpend,
            k1, PSinv, Rs, Offp, Offi, Offx, Common) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* return LU factors, or return nothing if an error occurred */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (Common->status < KLU_OK)
        LU = KLU_free (LU, lusize, sizeof (Unit), Common) ;
        lusize = 0 ;
    *p_LU = LU ;
    PRINTF ((" in klu noffdiag %d\n", Common->noffdiag)) ;
    return (lusize) ;
Esempio n. 3
GLOBAL void UMF_set_stats
    double Info [ ],
    SymbolicType *Symbolic,
    double max_usage,		/* peak size of Numeric->Memory, in Units */
    double num_mem_size,	/* final size of Numeric->Memory, in Units */
    double flops,		/* "true flops" */
    double lnz,			/* nz in L */
    double unz,			/* nz in U */
    double maxfrsize,		/* largest front size */
    double ulen,		/* size of Numeric->Upattern */
    double npiv,		/* number of pivots found */
    double maxnrows,		/* largest #rows in front */
    double maxncols,		/* largest #cols in front */
    Int scale,			/* true if scaling the rows of A */
    Int prefer_diagonal,	/* true if diagonal pivoting (only square A) */
    Int what			/* ESTIMATE or ACTUAL */

    double sym_size, work_usage, nn, n_row, n_col, n_inner, num_On_size1,
	num_On_size2, num_usage, sym_maxncols, sym_maxnrows, elen, n1 ;

    n_col = Symbolic->n_col ;
    n_row = Symbolic->n_row ;
    n1 = Symbolic->n1 ;
    nn = MAX (n_row, n_col) ;
    n_inner = MIN (n_row, n_col) ;
    sym_maxncols = MIN (Symbolic->maxncols + Symbolic->nb, n_col) ;
    sym_maxnrows = MIN (Symbolic->maxnrows + Symbolic->nb, n_row) ;
    elen = (n_col - n1) + (n_row - n1) + MIN (n_col - n1, n_row - n1) + 1 ;

    /* final Symbolic object size */
    sym_size = UMF_symbolic_usage (Symbolic->n_row, Symbolic->n_col,
	Symbolic->nchains, Symbolic->nfr, Symbolic->esize, prefer_diagonal) ;

    /* size of O(n) part of Numeric object during factorization, */
    /* except Numeric->Memory and Numeric->Upattern */
    num_On_size1 =
	DUNITS (NumericType, 1)		/* Numeric structure */
	+ DUNITS (Entry, n_inner+1)	/* D */
	+ 4 * DUNITS (Int, n_row+1)	/* Rperm, Lpos, Uilen, Uip */
	+ 4 * DUNITS (Int, n_col+1)	/* Cperm, Upos, Lilen, Lip */
	+ (scale ? DUNITS (Entry, n_row) : 0) ;   /* Rs, row scale factors */

    /* size of O(n) part of Numeric object after factorization, */
    /* except Numeric->Memory and Numeric->Upattern */
    num_On_size2 =
	DUNITS (NumericType, 1)		/* Numeric structure */
	+ DUNITS (Entry, n_inner+1)	/* D */
	+ DUNITS (Int, n_row+1)		/* Rperm */
	+ DUNITS (Int, n_col+1)		/* Cperm */
	+ 6 * DUNITS (Int, npiv+1)	/* Lpos, Uilen, Uip, Upos, Lilen, Lip */
	+ (scale ? DUNITS (Entry, n_row) : 0) ;	    /* Rs, row scale factors */

    DEBUG1 (("num O(n) size2: %g\n", num_On_size2)) ;

    /* peak size of Numeric->Memory, including LU factors, current frontal
     * matrix, elements, and tuple lists.  */
    Info [UMFPACK_VARIABLE_PEAK + what] = max_usage ;

    /* final size of Numeric->Memory (LU factors only) */
    Info [UMFPACK_VARIABLE_FINAL + what] = num_mem_size ;

    /* final size of Numeric object, including Numeric->Memory and ->Upattern */
    Info [UMFPACK_NUMERIC_SIZE + what] =
	+ num_mem_size		/* final Numeric->Memory size */
	+ DUNITS (Int, ulen+1) ;/* Numeric->Upattern (from Work->Upattern) */

    DEBUG1 (("num mem size: %g\n", num_mem_size)) ;
    DEBUG1 (("ulen units %g\n", DUNITS (Int, ulen))) ;
    DEBUG1 (("numeric size %g\n", Info [UMFPACK_NUMERIC_SIZE + what])) ;

    /* largest front size (working array size, or actual size used) */
    Info [UMFPACK_MAX_FRONT_SIZE + what] = maxfrsize ;
    Info [UMFPACK_MAX_FRONT_NROWS + what] = maxnrows ;
    Info [UMFPACK_MAX_FRONT_NCOLS + what] = maxncols ;
    DEBUGm4 (("maxnrows %g maxncols %g\n", maxnrows, maxncols)) ;
    DEBUGm4 (("maxfrsize %g\n", maxfrsize)) ;

    /* UMF_kernel usage, from work_alloc routine in umf_kernel.c */
    work_usage =
	/* Work-> arrays, except for current frontal matrix which is allocated
	 * inside Numeric->Memory. */
	2 * DUNITS (Entry, sym_maxnrows + 1)	/* Wx, Wy */
	+ 2 * DUNITS (Int, n_row+1)		/* Frpos, Lpattern */
	+ 2 * DUNITS (Int, n_col+1)		/* Fcpos, Upattern */
	+ DUNITS (Int, nn + 1)			/* Wp */
	+ DUNITS (Int, MAX (n_col, sym_maxnrows) + 1)	/* Wrp */
	+ 2 * DUNITS (Int, sym_maxnrows + 1)	/* Frows, Wm */
	+ 3 * DUNITS (Int, sym_maxncols + 1)	/* Fcols, Wio, Woi */
	+ DUNITS (Int, MAX (sym_maxnrows, sym_maxncols) + 1)	/* Woo */
	+ DUNITS (Int, elen)			/* E */
	+ DUNITS (Int, Symbolic->nfr + 1)	/* Front_new1strow */
	+ ((n_row == n_col) ? (2 * DUNITS (Int, nn)) : 0) ;  /* Diag map,imap */

    /* Peak memory for just UMFPACK_numeric. */
    num_usage =
	sym_size	/* size of Symbolic object */
	+ num_On_size1	/* O(n) part of Numeric object (excl. Upattern) */
	+ work_usage	/* Work-> arrays (including Upattern) */
	+ max_usage ;	/* peak size of Numeric->Memory */

    /* peak memory usage for both UMFPACK_*symbolic and UMFPACK_numeric. */
    Info [UMFPACK_PEAK_MEMORY + what] =
	MAX (Symbolic->peak_sym_usage, num_usage) ;

    Info [UMFPACK_FLOPS + what] = flops ;
    Info [UMFPACK_LNZ + what] = lnz ;
    Info [UMFPACK_UNZ + what] = unz ;
Esempio n. 4
GLOBAL Int UMF_tuple_lengths	    /* return memory usage */
    NumericType *Numeric,
    WorkType *Work,
    double *p_dusage		    /* output argument */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* local variables */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    double dusage ;
    Int e, nrows, ncols, nel, i, *Rows, *Cols, row, col, n_row, n_col, *E,
	*Row_degree, *Row_tlen, *Col_degree, *Col_tlen, usage, n1 ;
    Element *ep ;
    Unit *p ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* get parameters */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    E = Work->E ;
    Row_degree = Numeric->Rperm ;   /* for NON_PIVOTAL_ROW macro only */
    Col_degree = Numeric->Cperm ;   /* for NON_PIVOTAL_COL macro only */
    Row_tlen   = Numeric->Uilen ;
    Col_tlen   = Numeric->Lilen ;
    n_row = Work->n_row ;
    n_col = Work->n_col ;
    n1 = Work->n1 ;
    nel = Work->nel ;

    DEBUG3 (("TUPLE_LENGTHS: n_row "ID" n_col "ID" nel "ID"\n",
	n_row, n_col, nel)) ;
    ASSERT (nel < Work->elen) ;

    /* tuple list lengths already initialized to zero */

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* scan each element: count tuple list lengths (include element 0) */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    for (e = 1 ; e <= nel ; e++)	/* for all elements, in any order */
	if (E [e])
#ifndef NDEBUG
	    UMF_dump_element (Numeric, Work, e, FALSE) ;
	    p = Numeric->Memory + E [e] ;
	    GET_ELEMENT_PATTERN (ep, p, Cols, Rows, ncols) ;
	    nrows = ep->nrows ;
	    for (i = 0 ; i < nrows ; i++)
		row = Rows [i] ;
		ASSERT (row == EMPTY || (row >= n1 && row < n_row)) ;
		if (row >= n1)
		    ASSERT (NON_PIVOTAL_ROW (row)) ;
		    Row_tlen [row] ++ ;
	    for (i = 0 ; i < ncols ; i++)
		col = Cols [i] ;
		ASSERT (col == EMPTY || (col >= n1 && col < n_col)) ;
		if (col >= n1)
		    ASSERT (NON_PIVOTAL_COL (col)) ;
		    Col_tlen [col] ++ ;

    /* note: tuple lengths are now modified, but the tuple lists are not */
    /* updated to reflect that fact. */

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* determine the required memory to hold all the tuple lists */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    DEBUG0 (("UMF_build_tuples_usage\n")) ;

    usage = 0 ;
    dusage = 0 ;

    ASSERT (Col_tlen && Col_degree) ;

    for (col = n1 ; col < n_col ; col++)
	if (NON_PIVOTAL_COL (col))
	    usage  += 1 +  UNITS (Tuple, TUPLES (Col_tlen [col])) ;
	    dusage += 1 + DUNITS (Tuple, TUPLES (Col_tlen [col])) ;
	    DEBUG0 ((" col: "ID" tlen "ID" usage so far: "ID"\n",
		     col, Col_tlen [col], usage)) ;

    ASSERT (Row_tlen && Row_degree) ;

    for (row = n1 ; row < n_row ; row++)
	if (NON_PIVOTAL_ROW (row))
	    usage  += 1 +  UNITS (Tuple, TUPLES (Row_tlen [row])) ;
	    dusage += 1 + DUNITS (Tuple, TUPLES (Row_tlen [row])) ;
	    DEBUG0 ((" row: "ID" tlen "ID" usage so far: "ID"\n",
		     row, Row_tlen [row], usage)) ;

    DEBUG0 (("UMF_build_tuples_usage "ID" %g\n", usage, dusage)) ;

    *p_dusage = dusage ;
    return (usage) ;
size_t TRILINOS_KLU_kernel   /* final size of LU on output */
    /* input, not modified */
    Int n,	    /* A is n-by-n */
    Int Ap [ ],	    /* size n+1, column pointers for A */
    Int Ai [ ],	    /* size nz = Ap [n], row indices for A */
    Entry Ax [ ],   /* size nz, values of A */
    Int Q [ ],	    /* size n, optional input permutation */
    size_t lusize,  /* initial size of LU on input */

    /* output, not defined on input */
    Int Pinv [ ],   /* size n, inverse row permutation, where Pinv [i] = k if
		     * row i is the kth pivot row */
    Int P [ ],	    /* size n, row permutation, where P [k] = i if row i is the
		     * kth pivot row. */
    Unit **p_LU,	/* LU array, size lusize on input */
    Entry Udiag [ ],	/* size n, diagonal of U */
    Int Llen [ ],       /* size n, column length of L */
    Int Ulen [ ],	/* size n, column length of U */
    Int Lip [ ],	/* size n, column pointers for L */
    Int Uip [ ],	/* size n, column pointers for U */
    Int *lnz,		/* size of L*/
    Int *unz,		/* size of U*/
    /* workspace, not defined on input */
    Entry X [ ],    /* size n, undefined on input, zero on output */

    /* workspace, not defined on input or output */
    Int Stack [ ],  /* size n */
    Int Flag [ ],   /* size n */
    Int Ap_pos [ ],	/* size n */

    /* other workspace: */
    Int Lpend [ ],		    /* size n workspace, for pruning only */

    /* inputs, not modified on output */
    Int k1,	    	/* the block of A is from k1 to k2-1 */
    Int PSinv [ ],  	/* inverse of P from symbolic factorization */
    double Rs [ ],  	/* scale factors for A */

    /* inputs, modified on output */
    Int Offp [ ],   /* off-diagonal matrix (modified by this routine) */
    Int Offi [ ],
    Entry Offx [ ],
    /* --------------- */
    TRILINOS_KLU_common *Common
    Entry pivot ;
    double abs_pivot, xsize, nunits, tol, memgrow ;
    Entry *Ux ;
    Int *Li, *Ui ;
    Unit *LU ;		/* LU factors (pattern and values) */
    Int k, p, i, j, pivrow, kbar, diagrow, firstrow, lup, top, scale, len ;
    size_t newlusize ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    Entry *Lx ;

    ASSERT (Common != NULL) ;
    scale = Common->scale ;
    tol = Common->tol ;
    memgrow = Common->memgrow ;
    *lnz = 0 ;
    *unz = 0 ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* get initial Li, Lx, Ui, and Ux */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    PRINTF (("input: lusize %d \n", lusize)) ;
    ASSERT (lusize > 0) ;
    LU = *p_LU ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* initializations */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    firstrow = 0 ;
    lup = 0 ;

    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
	/* X [k] = 0 ; */
	CLEAR (X [k]) ;
	Flag [k] = EMPTY ;
	Lpend [k] = EMPTY ;	/* flag k as not pruned */

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* mark all rows as non-pivotal and determine initial diagonal mapping */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* PSinv does the symmetric permutation, so don't do it here */
    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
	P [k] = k ;
	Pinv [k] = FLIP (k) ;	/* mark all rows as non-pivotal */
    /* initialize the construction of the off-diagonal matrix */
    Offp [0] = 0 ;

    /* P [k] = row means that UNFLIP (Pinv [row]) = k, and visa versa.
     * If row is pivotal, then Pinv [row] >= 0.  A row is initially "flipped"
     * (Pinv [k] < EMPTY), and then marked "unflipped" when it becomes
     * pivotal. */

#ifndef NDEBUG
    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
	PRINTF (("Initial P [%d] = %d\n", k, P [k])) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* factorize */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)

	PRINTF (("\n\n==================================== k: %d\n", k)) ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* determine if LU factors have grown too big */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	/* (n - k) entries for L and k entries for U */
	nunits = DUNITS (Int, n - k) + DUNITS (Int, k) +
		 DUNITS (Entry, n - k) + DUNITS (Entry, k) ;

        /* LU can grow by at most 'nunits' entries if the column is dense */
        PRINTF (("lup %d lusize %g lup+nunits: %g\n", lup, (double) lusize,
	xsize = ((double) lup) + nunits ;
	if (xsize > (double) lusize)
            /* check here how much to grow */
	    xsize = (memgrow * ((double) lusize) + 4*n + 1) ;
            if (INT_OVERFLOW (xsize))
                PRINTF (("Matrix is too large (Int overflow)\n")) ;
		Common->status = TRILINOS_KLU_TOO_LARGE ;
                return (lusize) ;
            newlusize = memgrow * lusize + 2*n + 1 ;
	    /* Future work: retry mechanism in case of malloc failure */
	    LU = (Unit*) TRILINOS_KLU_realloc (newlusize, lusize, sizeof (Unit), LU, Common) ;
	    Common->nrealloc++ ;
            *p_LU = LU ;
            if (Common->status == TRILINOS_KLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY)
                PRINTF (("Matrix is too large (LU)\n")) ;
                return (lusize) ;
	    lusize = newlusize ;
            PRINTF (("inc LU to %d done\n", lusize)) ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* start the kth column of L and U */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	Lip [k] = lup ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* compute the nonzero pattern of the kth column of L and U */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

#ifndef NDEBUG
	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
	    ASSERT (Flag [i] < k) ;
	    /* ASSERT (X [i] == 0) ; */
	    ASSERT (IS_ZERO (X [i])) ;

	top = lsolve_symbolic (n, k, Ap, Ai, Q, Pinv, Stack, Flag,
		    Lpend, Ap_pos, LU, lup, Llen, Lip, k1, PSinv) ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
	PRINTF (("--- in U:\n")) ;
	for (p = top ; p < n ; p++)
	    PRINTF (("pattern of X for U: %d : %d pivot row: %d\n",
		p, Stack [p], Pinv [Stack [p]])) ;
	    ASSERT (Flag [Stack [p]] == k) ;
	PRINTF (("--- in L:\n")) ;
	Li = (Int *) (LU + Lip [k]);
	for (p = 0 ; p < Llen [k] ; p++)
	    PRINTF (("pattern of X in L: %d : %d pivot row: %d\n",
		p, Li [p], Pinv [Li [p]])) ;
	    ASSERT (Flag [Li [p]] == k) ;
	p = 0 ;
	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
	    ASSERT (Flag [i] <= k) ;
	    if (Flag [i] == k) p++ ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* get the column of the matrix to factorize and scatter into X */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	construct_column (k, Ap, Ai, Ax, Q, X,
	    k1, PSinv, Rs, scale, Offp, Offi, Offx) ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* compute the numerical values of the kth column (s = L \ A (:,k)) */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	lsolve_numeric (Pinv, LU, Stack, Lip, top, n, Llen, X) ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
	for (p = top ; p < n ; p++)
	    PRINTF (("X for U %d : ",  Stack [p])) ;
	    PRINT_ENTRY (X [Stack [p]]) ;
	Li = (Int *) (LU + Lip [k]) ;
	for (p = 0 ; p < Llen [k] ; p++)
	    PRINTF (("X for L %d : ", Li [p])) ;
	    PRINT_ENTRY (X [Li [p]]) ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* partial pivoting with diagonal preference */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	/* determine what the "diagonal" is */
	diagrow = P [k] ;   /* might already be pivotal */
	PRINTF (("k %d, diagrow = %d, UNFLIP (diagrow) = %d\n",
	    k, diagrow, UNFLIP (diagrow))) ;

	/* find a pivot and scale the pivot column */
	if (!lpivot (diagrow, &pivrow, &pivot, &abs_pivot, tol, X, LU, Lip,
		    Llen, k, n, Pinv, &firstrow, Common))
	    /* matrix is structurally or numerically singular */
	    Common->status = TRILINOS_KLU_SINGULAR ;
	    if (Common->numerical_rank == EMPTY)
		Common->numerical_rank = k+k1 ;
		Common->singular_col = Q [k+k1] ;
	    if (Common->halt_if_singular)
		/* do not continue the factorization */
		return (lusize) ;

	/* we now have a valid pivot row, even if the column has NaN's or
	 * has no entries on or below the diagonal at all. */
	PRINTF (("\nk %d : Pivot row %d : ", k, pivrow)) ;
	PRINT_ENTRY (pivot) ;
	ASSERT (pivrow >= 0 && pivrow < n) ;
	ASSERT (Pinv [pivrow] < 0) ;

	/* set the Uip pointer */
	Uip [k] = Lip [k] + UNITS (Int, Llen [k]) + UNITS (Entry, Llen [k]) ;

        /* move the lup pointer to the position where indices of U
         * should be stored */
        lup += UNITS (Int, Llen [k]) + UNITS (Entry, Llen [k]) ;

        Ulen [k] = n - top ;

        /* extract Stack [top..n-1] to Ui and the values to Ux and clear X */
	GET_POINTER (LU, Uip, Ulen, Ui, Ux, k, len) ;
        for (p = top, i = 0 ; p < n ; p++, i++)
	    j = Stack [p] ;
	    Ui [i] = Pinv [j] ;
	    Ux [i] = X [j] ;
	    CLEAR (X [j]) ;

        /* position the lu index at the starting point for next column */
        lup += UNITS (Int, Ulen [k]) + UNITS (Entry, Ulen [k]) ;

	/* U(k,k) = pivot */
	Udiag [k] = pivot ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* log the pivot permutation */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	ASSERT (UNFLIP (Pinv [diagrow]) < n) ;
	ASSERT (P [UNFLIP (Pinv [diagrow])] == diagrow) ;

	if (pivrow != diagrow)
	    /* an off-diagonal pivot has been chosen */
	    Common->noffdiag++ ;
	    PRINTF ((">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pivrow %d k %d off-diagonal\n",
			pivrow, k)) ;
	    if (Pinv [diagrow] < 0)
		/* the former diagonal row index, diagrow, has not yet been
		 * chosen as a pivot row.  Log this diagrow as the "diagonal"
		 * entry in the column kbar for which the chosen pivot row,
		 * pivrow, was originally logged as the "diagonal" */
		kbar = FLIP (Pinv [pivrow]) ;
		P [kbar] = diagrow ;
		Pinv [diagrow] = FLIP (kbar) ;
	P [k] = pivrow ;
	Pinv [pivrow] = k ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { ASSERT (IS_ZERO (X [i])) ;}
	GET_POINTER (LU, Uip, Ulen, Ui, Ux, k, len) ;
	for (p = 0 ; p < len ; p++)
	    PRINTF (("Column %d of U: %d : ", k, Ui [p])) ;
	    PRINT_ENTRY (Ux [p]) ;
	GET_POINTER (LU, Lip, Llen, Li, Lx, k, len) ;
	for (p = 0 ; p < len ; p++)
	    PRINTF (("Column %d of L: %d : ", k, Li [p])) ;
	    PRINT_ENTRY (Lx [p]) ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* symmetric pruning */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	prune (Lpend, Pinv, k, pivrow, LU, Uip, Lip, Ulen, Llen) ;

	*lnz += Llen [k] + 1 ; /* 1 added to lnz for diagonal */
	*unz += Ulen [k] + 1 ; /* 1 added to unz for diagonal */

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* finalize column pointers for L and U, and put L in the pivotal order */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    for (p = 0 ; p < n ; p++)
	Li = (Int *) (LU + Lip [p]) ;
	for (i = 0 ; i < Llen [p] ; i++)
	    Li [i] = Pinv [Li [i]] ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
	PRINTF (("P [%d] = %d   Pinv [%d] = %d\n", i, P [i], i, Pinv [i])) ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
	ASSERT (Pinv [i] >= 0 && Pinv [i] < n) ;
	ASSERT (P [i] >= 0 && P [i] < n) ;
	ASSERT (P [Pinv [i]] == i) ;
	ASSERT (IS_ZERO (X [i])) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* shrink the LU factors to just the required size */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    newlusize = lup ;
    ASSERT ((size_t) newlusize <= lusize) ;

    /* this cannot fail, since the block is descreasing in size */
    LU = (Unit*) TRILINOS_KLU_realloc (newlusize, lusize, sizeof (Unit), LU, Common) ;
    *p_LU = LU ;
    return (newlusize) ;