Esempio n. 1
// Name: CMusicManager::CreateScriptFromFile()
// Desc:
HRESULT CMusicManager::CreateScriptFromFile( CMusicScript** ppScript,
                                             TCHAR* strFileName )
    HRESULT               hr;
    IDirectMusicScript* pScript = NULL;

    // DMusic only takes wide strings
    WCHAR wstrFileName[MAX_PATH];
    DXUtil_ConvertGenericStringToWide( wstrFileName, strFileName );

    if ( FAILED( hr = m_pLoader->LoadObjectFromFile( CLSID_DirectMusicScript,
                                                     (LPVOID*) &pScript ) ) )
        return DXTRACE_ERR_NOMSGBOX( TEXT("LoadObjectFromFile"), hr );

    if ( FAILED( hr = pScript->Init( m_pPerformance, NULL ) ) )
        return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("Init"), hr );

    *ppScript = new CMusicScript( m_pPerformance, m_pLoader, pScript );
    if (!*ppScript)
        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

    return hr;
Esempio n. 2
// Name: OnPlaySound()
// Desc: User hit the "Play" button
HRESULT OnPlaySound( HWND hDlg ) 
    HRESULT                 hr;
    DWORD                   dwCreationFlags;
    DWORD                   dwResults;


    BOOL bLooped        = ( IsDlgButtonChecked( hDlg, IDC_LOOP_CHECK )     == BST_CHECKED );

    // We would only use CTRLFX control on dsound buffer
    dwCreationFlags = DSBCAPS_CTRLFX;

    // Free any previous sound and FXs
    SAFE_RELEASE( g_pIGargle );
    SAFE_DELETE( g_pSound );

    // Since the user can change the focus before the sound is played, 
    // we need to create the sound buffer every time the play button is pressed 

    // Load the wave file into a DirectSound buffer
    if( FAILED( hr = g_pSoundManager->Create( &g_pSound, g_strWaveFileName, dwCreationFlags, GUID_NULL ) ) )
        // Not a critical failure, so just update the status
        DXTRACE_ERR_NOMSGBOX( TEXT("Create"), hr );
        if( hr == DSERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL )
            // DSERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL will be returned if the buffer is
            // less than DSBSIZE_FX_MIN (100ms) and the buffer is created
            // with DSBCAPS_CTRLFX.                           
            SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_STATUS, TEXT("Wave file is too short (less than 100ms) for effect processing.") );
            SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_STATUS, TEXT("Could not create sound buffer.") );
        return S_FALSE; 

    // Query IDirectSoundBuffer8 interface
    pDSB = g_pSound->GetBuffer( 0 );
    if( FAILED( hr = pDSB->QueryInterface( IID_IDirectSoundBuffer8, (LPVOID*) &pDSB8 ) ) )
        return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("QueryInterface"), hr );

    // Set gargle effect on the IDirectSoundBuffer8
    ZeroMemory( &dsed, sizeof(DSEFFECTDESC) );
    dsed.dwSize       = sizeof(DSEFFECTDESC);
    dsed.dwFlags      = 0;

    if( FAILED( hr = pDSB8->SetFX( 1, &dsed, &dwResults ) ) )
        // Not a critical failure, so just update the status
        DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("SetFX"), hr );
        SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_STATUS, TEXT("Could not set gargle effect.") );
        return S_FALSE;

    // Get gargle effect friendly interface
    if( FAILED( hr = pDSB8->GetObjectInPath( GUID_DSFX_STANDARD_GARGLE, 0, 
                                             (LPVOID*) &g_pIGargle ) ) )
        return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("GetObjectInPath"), hr );

    // Cleanup

    // Set the buffer options to what the sliders are set to
    OnEffectChanged( hDlg );

    // Play the sound
    DWORD dwLooped = bLooped ? DSBPLAY_LOOPING : 0L;
    if( FAILED( hr = g_pSound->Play( 0, dwLooped ) ) )
        return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("Play"), hr );

    // Update the UI controls to show the sound as playing
    EnablePlayUI( hDlg, FALSE );
    SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_STATUS, TEXT("Sound playing.") );

    return S_OK;
Esempio n. 3
// Name: CSoundManager::CreateStreaming()
// Desc: 
HRESULT CSoundManager::CreateStreaming( CStreamingSound** ppStreamingSound,
                                        DWORD dwCreationFlags, 
                                        GUID guid3DAlgorithm,
                                        DWORD dwNotifyCount, 
                                        DWORD m_dwNotifySize, 
                                        HANDLE hNotifyEvent,
										FileLog* filelog)
    HRESULT hr;

    if( m_pDS == NULL )
        return CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED;
    if( ppStreamingSound == NULL || hNotifyEvent == NULL )
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    DWORD               dwDSBufferSize = NULL;
    DSBPOSITIONNOTIFY*  aPosNotify     = NULL; 

    // Figure out how big the DSound buffer should be 
    dwDSBufferSize = m_dwNotifySize * dwNotifyCount;

    // Set up the direct sound buffer.  Request the NOTIFY flag, so
    // that we are notified as the sound buffer plays.  Note, that using this flag
    // may limit the amount of hardware acceleration that can occur. 
    ZeroMemory( &dsbd, sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC) );
    dsbd.dwSize          = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC);
    dsbd.dwFlags         = dwCreationFlags | 
                           DSBCAPS_CTRLPOSITIONNOTIFY | 
    dsbd.dwBufferBytes   = dwDSBufferSize;
    dsbd.guid3DAlgorithm = guid3DAlgorithm;

    ZeroMemory( &wfx, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) ); 
    wfx.wFormatTag      = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; 
    wfx.nChannels       = (WORD) m_dwPrimaryChannels; 
    wfx.nSamplesPerSec  = m_dwPrimaryFreq;
    wfx.wBitsPerSample  = (WORD) m_dwPrimaryBitRate; 
    wfx.nBlockAlign     = (WORD) (wfx.wBitsPerSample / 8 * wfx.nChannels);
    wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec = wfx.nSamplesPerSec * wfx.nBlockAlign;

    dsbd.lpwfxFormat     = &wfx; 

    if( FAILED( hr = m_pDS->CreateSoundBuffer( &dsbd, &pDSBuffer, NULL ) ) )
        // If wave format isn't then it will return 
        if( hr == DSERR_BADFORMAT || hr == E_INVALIDARG )
            return DXTRACE_ERR_NOMSGBOX( TEXT("CreateSoundBuffer"), hr );

        return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("CreateSoundBuffer"), hr );

    // Create the notification events, so that we know when to fill
    // the buffer as the sound plays. 
    if( FAILED( hr = pDSBuffer->QueryInterface( IID_IDirectSoundNotify, 
                                                (VOID**)&m_pDSNotify ) ) )
        SAFE_DELETE( aPosNotify );
        return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("QueryInterface"), hr );

    aPosNotify = new DSBPOSITIONNOTIFY[ dwNotifyCount ];
    if( aPosNotify == NULL )
        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

    for( DWORD i = 0; i < dwNotifyCount; i++ )
        aPosNotify[i].dwOffset     = (m_dwNotifySize * i) + m_dwNotifySize - 1;
        aPosNotify[i].hEventNotify = hNotifyEvent;             
    // Tell DirectSound when to notify us. The notification will come in the from 
    // of signaled events that are handled in WinMain()
    if( FAILED( hr = m_pDSNotify->SetNotificationPositions( dwNotifyCount, 
                                                          aPosNotify ) ) )
        SAFE_RELEASE( m_pDSNotify );
        SAFE_DELETE( aPosNotify );
        return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("SetNotificationPositions"), hr );

    SAFE_RELEASE( m_pDSNotify );
    SAFE_DELETE( aPosNotify );

    // Create the sound
    *ppStreamingSound = new CStreamingSound( pDSBuffer, dwDSBufferSize, m_dwNotifySize,hNotifyEvent,filelog);

    return S_OK;
Esempio n. 4
// Name: OnOpenSoundFile()
// Desc: Called when the user requests to open a sound file
VOID OnOpenSoundFile( HWND hDlg ) 
    GUID    guid3DAlgorithm = GUID_NULL;
    int     nResult;
    HRESULT hr; 

    static TCHAR strFileName[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("");
    static TCHAR strPath[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("");

    // Setup the OPENFILENAME structure
    OPENFILENAME ofn = { sizeof(OPENFILENAME), hDlg, NULL,
                         TEXT("Wave Files\0*.wav\0All Files\0*.*\0\0"), NULL,
                         0, 1, strFileName, MAX_PATH, NULL, 0, strPath,
                         TEXT("Open Sound File"),
                         OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST|OFN_HIDEREADONLY, 0, 0,
                         TEXT(".wav"), 0, NULL, NULL };

    // Get the default media path (something like C:\WINDOWS\MEDIA)
    if( '\0' == strPath[0] )
        GetWindowsDirectory( strPath, MAX_PATH );
        if( strcmp( &strPath[strlen(strPath)], TEXT("\\") ) )
            strcat( strPath, TEXT("\\") );
        strcat( strPath, TEXT("MEDIA") );

    if( g_pSound )

    // Update the UI controls to show the sound as loading a file
    EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_PLAY ), FALSE);
    EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_STOP ), FALSE);
    SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_STATUS, TEXT("Loading file...") );

    // Stop the timer while dialogs are displayed
    g_bAllowMovementTimer = FALSE;

    // Display the OpenFileName dialog. Then, try to load the specified file
    if( TRUE != GetOpenFileName( &ofn ) )
        SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_STATUS, TEXT("Load aborted.") );
        g_bAllowMovementTimer = TRUE;

    SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_FILENAME, TEXT("") );

    // Free any previous sound, and make a new one
    SAFE_DELETE( g_pSound );

    CWaveFile waveFile;
    waveFile.Open( strFileName, NULL, WAVEFILE_READ );
    WAVEFORMATEX* pwfx = waveFile.GetFormat();
    if( pwfx == NULL )
        SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_STATUS, TEXT("Invalid wave file format.") );

    if( pwfx->nChannels > 1 )
        // Too many channels in wave.  Sound must be mono when using DSBCAPS_CTRL3D
        SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_STATUS, TEXT("Wave file must be mono for 3D control.") );
        SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_FILENAME, TEXT("") );

    if( pwfx->wFormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM )
        // Sound must be PCM when using DSBCAPS_CTRL3D
        SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_STATUS, TEXT("Wave file must be PCM for 3D control.") );
        SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_FILENAME, TEXT("") );

    // Get the software DirectSound3D emulation algorithm to use
    // Ask the user for this sample, so display the algorithm dialog box.
    nResult = (int)DialogBox( NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_3D_ALGORITHM), 
                              NULL, AlgorithmDlgProc );
    switch( nResult )
    case -1: // User canceled dialog box
        SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_STATUS, TEXT("Load aborted.") );
        SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_FILENAME, TEXT("") );

    case 0: // User selected DS3DALG_NO_VIRTUALIZATION  
        guid3DAlgorithm = DS3DALG_NO_VIRTUALIZATION;

    case 1: // User selected DS3DALG_HRTF_FULL  
        guid3DAlgorithm = DS3DALG_HRTF_FULL;

    case 2: // User selected DS3DALG_HRTF_LIGHT
        guid3DAlgorithm = DS3DALG_HRTF_LIGHT;

    // Load the wave file into a DirectSound buffer
    hr = g_pSoundManager->Create( &g_pSound, strFileName, DSBCAPS_CTRL3D, guid3DAlgorithm );  
    if( FAILED( hr ) || hr == DS_NO_VIRTUALIZATION )
        DXTRACE_ERR_NOMSGBOX( TEXT("Create"), hr );
        if( DS_NO_VIRTUALIZATION == hr )
            MessageBox( hDlg, "The 3D virtualization algorithm requested is not supported under this "
                        "operating system.  It is available only on Windows 2000, Windows ME, and Windows 98 with WDM "
                        "drivers and beyond.  Creating buffer with no virtualization.", 
                        "DirectSound Sample", MB_OK );

        // Unknown error, but not a critical failure, so just update the status
        SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_FILENAME, TEXT("Could not create sound buffer.") );

    // Get the 3D buffer from the secondary buffer
    if( FAILED( hr = g_pSound->Get3DBufferInterface( 0, &g_pDS3DBuffer ) ) )
        DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("Get3DBufferInterface"), hr );
        SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_STATUS, TEXT("Could not get 3D buffer.") );
        SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_FILENAME, TEXT("") );

    // Get the 3D buffer parameters
    g_dsBufferParams.dwSize = sizeof(DS3DBUFFER);
    g_pDS3DBuffer->GetAllParameters( &g_dsBufferParams );

    // Set new 3D buffer parameters
    g_dsBufferParams.dwMode = DS3DMODE_HEADRELATIVE;
    g_pDS3DBuffer->SetAllParameters( &g_dsBufferParams, DS3D_IMMEDIATE );

    DSBCAPS dsbcaps;
    ZeroMemory( &dsbcaps, sizeof(DSBCAPS) );
    dsbcaps.dwSize = sizeof(DSBCAPS);

    LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER pDSB = g_pSound->GetBuffer( 0 );
    pDSB->GetCaps( &dsbcaps );
    if( ( dsbcaps.dwFlags & DSBCAPS_LOCHARDWARE ) != 0 )
        SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_STATUS, TEXT("File loaded using hardware mixing.") );
        SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_STATUS, TEXT("File loaded using software mixing.") );

    // Update the UI controls to show the sound as the file is loaded
    SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_FILENAME, strFileName );
    EnablePlayUI( hDlg, TRUE );

    g_bAllowMovementTimer = TRUE;

    // Remember the path for next time
    strcpy( strPath, strFileName );
    char* strLastSlash = strrchr( strPath, '\\' );
    strLastSlash[0] = '\0';

    // Set the slider positions
    SetSlidersPos( hDlg, 0.0f, 0.0f, ORBIT_MAX_RADIUS, ORBIT_MAX_RADIUS*2.0f );
    OnSliderChanged( hDlg );
Esempio n. 5
// Name: CWaveFile::Open()
// Desc: Opens a wave file for reading
HRESULT CPCMFile::Open( LPTSTR strFileName, WAVEFORMATEX* pwfx, DWORD dwFlags )
    HRESULT hr;

    m_dwFlags = dwFlags;
    m_bIsReadingFromMemory = FALSE;

    if( m_dwFlags == WAVEFILE_READ )
        if( strFileName == NULL )
            return E_INVALIDARG;
        SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( m_pwfx );

        m_hmmio = mmioOpen( strFileName, NULL, MMIO_ALLOCBUF | MMIO_READ );

        if( NULL == m_hmmio )
            HRSRC   hResInfo;
            HGLOBAL hResData;
            DWORD   dwSize;
            VOID*   pvRes;

            // Loading it as a file failed, so try it as a resource
            if( NULL == ( hResInfo = FindResource( NULL, strFileName, TEXT("WAVE") ) ) )
                if( NULL == ( hResInfo = FindResource( NULL, strFileName, TEXT("WAV") ) ) )
                    return DXTRACE_ERR_NOMSGBOX( TEXT("FindResource"), E_FAIL );

            if( NULL == ( hResData = LoadResource( NULL, hResInfo ) ) )
                return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("LoadResource"), E_FAIL );

            if( 0 == ( dwSize = SizeofResource( NULL, hResInfo ) ) ) 
                return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("SizeofResource"), E_FAIL );

            if( NULL == ( pvRes = LockResource( hResData ) ) )
                return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("LockResource"), E_FAIL );

            CHAR* pData = new CHAR[ dwSize ];
            memcpy( pData, pvRes, dwSize );

            MMIOINFO mmioInfo;
            ZeroMemory( &mmioInfo, sizeof(mmioInfo) );
            mmioInfo.fccIOProc = FOURCC_MEM;
            mmioInfo.cchBuffer = dwSize;
            mmioInfo.pchBuffer = (CHAR*) pData;

            m_hmmio = mmioOpen( NULL, &mmioInfo, MMIO_ALLOCBUF | MMIO_READ );

        if( FAILED( hr = ReadMMIO() ) )
            // ReadMMIO will fail if its an not a wave file
            mmioClose( m_hmmio, 0 );
            return DXTRACE_ERR_NOMSGBOX( TEXT("ReadMMIO"), hr );

		if( FAILED( hr = ResetFile() ) )
            return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("ResetFile"), hr );

        // After the reset, the size of the wav file is m_ck.cksize so store it now
        m_dwSize = m_ck.cksize;

		//  Calculate the total playing seconds
		m_dwTotalSeconds = m_dwSize/ m_pwfx->nAvgBytesPerSec;
        m_hmmio = mmioOpen( strFileName, NULL, MMIO_ALLOCBUF  | 
                                                  MMIO_READWRITE | 
                                                  MMIO_CREATE );
        if( NULL == m_hmmio )
            return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("mmioOpen"), E_FAIL );

        if( FAILED( hr = WriteMMIO( pwfx ) ) )
            mmioClose( m_hmmio, 0 );
            return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("WriteMMIO"), hr );
        if( FAILED( hr = ResetFile() ) )
            return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("ResetFile"), hr );

    return hr;
Esempio n. 6
// Name: 
// Desc: 
HRESULT CDPlay8Client::JoinSession( DWORD num )
    HRESULT hr;
    IDirectPlay8Address* pHostAddress = NULL;
    IDirectPlay8Address* pDeviceAddress = NULL;

    if( m_pDPlay == NULL )
        return E_FAIL;

    DXTRACE( TEXT("MazeClient: Trying to connect to server\n") );

    ZeroMemory( &dpnAppDesc, sizeof( DPN_APPLICATION_DESC ) );
    dpnAppDesc.dwSize          = sizeof( DPN_APPLICATION_DESC );
    dpnAppDesc.guidApplication = StressMazeAppGUID;
    dpnAppDesc.guidInstance    = m_Sessions[num].guidInstance;

    EnterCriticalSection( &m_csLock );
    // Copy the host and device address pointers, and addref them.
    // If this is not done, then there is a rare chance that 
    // EnumSessionCallback() may be called during the Connect() call 
    // and destory the address before DirectPlay gets a chance to copy them.
    pHostAddress = m_pHostAddresses[num];

    pDeviceAddress = m_pDeviceAddresses[num];

    LeaveCriticalSection( &m_csLock );

    // Connect to the remote host
    // The enumeration is automatically canceled after Connect is called 
    if( FAILED( hr = m_pDPlay->Connect( &dpnAppDesc,        // Application description
                                        pHostAddress,       // Session host address
                                        pDeviceAddress,     // Address of device used to connect to the host
                                        NULL, NULL,         // Security descriptions & credientials (MBZ in DPlay8)
                                        NULL, 0,            // User data & its size
                                        NULL,               // Asynchronous connection context (returned with DPNMSG_CONNECT_COMPLETE in async handshaking)
                                        NULL,               // Asynchronous connection handle (used to cancel connection process)
                                        DPNOP_SYNC ) ) )    // Connect synchronously
        if( hr == DPNERR_NORESPONSE || hr == DPNERR_ABORTED )
            goto LCleanup; // These are possible if the server exits while joining 

        if( hr == DPNERR_INVALIDINSTANCE )
            goto LCleanup; // This is possible if the original server exits and another server comes online while we are connecting

        DXTRACE_ERR_NOMSGBOX( TEXT("Connect"), hr );
        goto LCleanup;

    m_bSessionLost = FALSE;
    DXTRACE( TEXT("MazeClient: Connected to server.  Enum automatically canceled\n") );

    m_fLastUpdateConnectInfoTime = DXUtil_Timer( TIMER_GETAPPTIME );

    SAFE_RELEASE( pHostAddress );
    SAFE_RELEASE( pDeviceAddress );

    return hr;
Esempio n. 7
// Name: 
// Desc: 
HRESULT CDPlay8Client::StartSessionEnum( const TCHAR* ipaddress )
    if( NULL == m_pDPlay )
        return E_FAIL;

    IDirectPlay8Address*   pDP8AddressHost  = NULL;
    IDirectPlay8Address*   pDP8AddressLocal = NULL;
    WCHAR*                 wszHostName      = NULL;
    HRESULT                hr;
    DWORD                  dwPort;

    m_dwNumSessions = 0;

    if( m_dpnhEnum != NULL )
        // If an enumeration is already running, cancel 
        // it and start a new one.  Ignore any errors from CancelAsyncOperation
        m_pDPlay->CancelAsyncOperation( m_dpnhEnum, 0 );
        m_dpnhEnum = NULL;

    // Create the local device address object
    if( FAILED( hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DirectPlay8Address, NULL, 
                                       CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IDirectPlay8Address,
                                       (LPVOID*) &pDP8AddressLocal ) ) )
        DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("CoCreateInstance"), hr );
        goto LCleanup;

    // Set IP service provider
    if( FAILED( hr = pDP8AddressLocal->SetSP( &CLSID_DP8SP_TCPIP ) ) )
        DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("SetSP"), hr );
        goto LCleanup;

    // Create the remote host address object
    if( FAILED( hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DirectPlay8Address, NULL, 
                                       CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IDirectPlay8Address,
                                       (LPVOID*) &pDP8AddressHost ) ) )
        DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("CoCreateInstance"), hr );
        goto LCleanup;

    // Set IP service provider
    if( FAILED( hr = pDP8AddressHost->SetSP( &CLSID_DP8SP_TCPIP ) ) )
        DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("SetSP"), hr );
        goto LCleanup;

    // Maze uses a fixed port, so add it to the host address
    hr = pDP8AddressHost->AddComponent( DPNA_KEY_PORT, 
                                      &dwPort, sizeof(dwPort),
                                      DPNA_DATATYPE_DWORD );
    if( FAILED(hr) )
        DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("AddComponent"), hr );
        goto LCleanup;

    // Set the remote host name (if provided)
    if( ipaddress != NULL && ipaddress[0] != 0 )
        wszHostName = new WCHAR[_tcslen(ipaddress)+1];

        DXUtil_ConvertGenericStringToWide( wszHostName, ipaddress );

        hr = pDP8AddressHost->AddComponent( DPNA_KEY_HOSTNAME, wszHostName, 
                                            DPNA_DATATYPE_STRING );
        if( FAILED(hr) )
            DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("AddComponent"), hr );
            goto LCleanup;

    ZeroMemory( &dpnAppDesc, sizeof( DPN_APPLICATION_DESC ) );
    dpnAppDesc.dwSize = sizeof( DPN_APPLICATION_DESC );
    dpnAppDesc.guidApplication = StressMazeAppGUID;

    // Enumerate all StressMazeApp hosts running on IP service providers
    hr = m_pDPlay->EnumHosts( &dpnAppDesc, pDP8AddressHost, 
                              pDP8AddressLocal, NULL, 
                              0, INFINITE, 0, INFINITE, NULL, 
                              &m_dpnhEnum, 0 );
    if( hr != DPNERR_PENDING && FAILED(hr) )
        DXTRACE_ERR_NOMSGBOX( TEXT("EnumHosts"), hr );
        goto LCleanup;

    SAFE_RELEASE( pDP8AddressHost);
    SAFE_RELEASE( pDP8AddressLocal );
    SAFE_DELETE( wszHostName );

    return hr;