Esempio n. 1
/** Perform curve fitting via Levenberg-Marquardt with no bounds/weights. */
int CurveFit::LevenbergMarquardt(FitFunctionType fxnIn, Darray const& Xvals_,
                                 Darray const& Yvals_, Darray& ParamVec,
                                 double tolerance, int maxIterations)
  return LevenbergMarquardt(fxnIn, Xvals_, Yvals_, ParamVec, std::vector<bool>(),
                            Darray(), Darray(), Darray(), tolerance, maxIterations);
Esempio n. 2
// Action_Matrix::Setup()
Action::RetType Action_Matrix::Setup(ActionSetup& setup) {
  size_t mask1tot = 0; // Will be # of columns
  size_t mask2tot = 0; // Will be # of rows if not symmetric matrix

  // Set up masks.
  if (Mat_->Meta().ScalarType() == MetaData::IREDMAT) {
    // IRED - matrix # cols = # of IRED vectors
    mask1tot = IredVectors_.size();
  } else if (Mat_->Meta().ScalarType() == MetaData::DIHCOVAR) {
    // Dihedral covariance - matrix # cols = # data sets
    mask1tot = DihedralSets_.size();
  } else {
    if (setup.Top().SetupIntegerMask(mask1_)) return Action::ERR;
    if (mask1_.None()) {
      mprintf("Warning: No atoms selected for mask1.\n");
      return Action::SKIP;
    if (useMask2_) {
      if (setup.Top().SetupIntegerMask(mask2_)) return Action::ERR;
      if (mask2_.None()) {
        mprintf("Warning: No atoms selected for mask2.\n");
        return Action::SKIP;
    mask1tot = (size_t)mask1_.Nselected();
    mask2tot = (size_t)mask2_.Nselected();
  if (mask1tot < mask2tot) {
    mprinterr("Error: # of atoms in mask1 < # of atoms in mask2\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  // Store mass info for MWCOVAR matrix or when output BYRESIDUE or BYMASK.
  if ( Mat_->Meta().ScalarType() == MetaData::MWCOVAR || (outtype_ != BYATOM && useMass_) ) {
    mass1_ = FillMassArray(setup.Top(), mask1_);
    mass2_ = FillMassArray(setup.Top(), mask2_);
    if (outtype_ != BYATOM && !useMass_)
      mprintf("Warning: Using mass-weighted covar matrix, byres/bymask output will be"
              "weighted by mass.\n");
  } else if (outtype_ != BYATOM && !useMass_) {
    mass1_ = Darray(mask1_.Nselected(), 1.0);
    if (useMask2_)
      mass2_ = Darray(mask2_.Nselected(), 1.0);
  // If output is BYRESIDUE, determine which mask elements correspond to 
  // which residues, as well as how many residues are selected in mask1 (cols)
  // and mask2 (rows) to determine output matrix dimensions.
  if (outtype_ == BYRESIDUE) {
    residues1_ = MaskToMatResArray( setup.Top(), mask1_ );
    residues2_ = MaskToMatResArray( setup.Top(), mask2_ );
  // Determine matrix/vector dimensions. 
  size_t vectsize = 0;
  size_t ncols = 0;
  size_t nrows = 0;
  switch( Mat_->Meta().ScalarType() ) {
    case MetaData::CORREL   : // Like DIST but vectors required. 
      vectsize = (mask1tot + mask2tot) * 3;
    case MetaData::DIST     : // No vectors required.
      ncols = mask1tot;
      nrows = mask2tot;
    case MetaData::DISTCOVAR: // No Full matrix possible.
      vectsize = mask1tot * (mask1tot - 1) / 2;
      ncols = vectsize;
      if (mask2tot > 0) return PrintMask2Error();
    case MetaData::MWCOVAR  :
      // Store mass info matrix DataSet for mass-weighting eigenvectors.
      Mat_->StoreMass( mass1_ );
    case MetaData::COVAR    :
      vectsize = (mask1tot + mask2tot) * 3;
      ncols = mask1tot * 3;
      nrows = mask2tot * 3;
    case MetaData::DIHCOVAR: // Dihedral covariance
      vectsize = (mask1tot + mask2tot) * 2;
      ncols = mask1tot * 2;
      nrows = mask2tot * 2;
    case MetaData::IDEA     :
    case MetaData::IREDMAT  : // No Full matrix possible.
      vectsize = mask1tot + mask2tot;
      ncols = mask1tot;
      if (mask2tot > 0) return PrintMask2Error();
    default: return Action::ERR; // Sanity check
  // Allocate vector memory.
  Mat_->AllocateVector( vectsize );
  vect2_.resize( vectsize, 0.0 );
  // Allocate matrix memory. If already allocated, do not allow sizes to change.
  if (Mat_->Size() == 0) {
    if (nrows > 0) // Full matrix - no DISTCOVAR, IDEA, or IRED possible
      Mat_->Allocate2D( ncols, nrows );
    else           // "Upper right half" matrix, including main diagonal.
      Mat_->AllocateHalf( ncols );
  } else {
    bool dimensionsHaveChanged = false;
    if (nrows > 0)
      dimensionsHaveChanged = (nrows != Mat_->Nrows() || ncols != Mat_->Ncols());
      dimensionsHaveChanged = (ncols != Mat_->Ncols());
    if (dimensionsHaveChanged) {
      mprinterr("Error: Attempting to reallocate matrix with different size.\n"
                "Error:   Original # cols = %zu, new # cols = %zu.\n",
                Mat_->Ncols(), ncols);
      if (nrows > 0) mprinterr("Error:  Original # rows = %zu, new # rows = %zu.\n",
                               Mat_->Nrows(), nrows);
      mprinterr("Error:   This can occur when different #s of atoms are selected in\n"
                "Error:   different topology files.\n");
      return Action::ERR;
# ifdef _OPENMP
  if (
       ( Mat_->Meta().ScalarType() == MetaData::COVAR ||
         Mat_->Meta().ScalarType() == MetaData::MWCOVAR ))
    // Store coordinate XYZ indices of mask 1.
    for (AtomMask::const_iterator m1 = mask1_.begin(); m1 != mask1_.end(); ++m1)
      int crdidx = *m1 * 3;
      crd_indices_.push_back( crdidx );
      crd_indices_.push_back( crdidx+1 );
      crd_indices_.push_back( crdidx+2 );
#   else
    if (Mat_->MatrixKind() == DataSet_2D::FULL) {
      // Store combined mask1 and mask2 for diagonal.
      crd_indices_.reserve( mask1_.Nselected() + mask2_.Nselected() );
      for (AtomMask::const_iterator at = mask1_.begin(); at != mask1_.end(); ++at)
        crd_indices_.push_back( *at * 3 );
      for (AtomMask::const_iterator at = mask2_.begin(); at != mask2_.end(); ++at)
        crd_indices_.push_back( *at * 3 );
    if (debug_ > 1) {
      mprintf("DEBUG: Combined mask1+mask2 coordinate indices:\n");
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < crd_indices_.size(); i += 2)
        mprintf("%u:\t%i %i\n", i/2, crd_indices_[i], crd_indices_[i+1]);
#   endif
# endif
  return Action::OK;