Esempio n. 1
void CEmblFormatter::FormatDate
(const CDateItem& date,
 IFlatTextOStream& text_os)
    string date_str;
    list<string> l;


    // Create Date
    const CDate* dp = date.GetCreateDate();
    if ( dp != 0 ) {
        DateToString(*dp, date_str);
    if ( date_str.empty() ) {
        date_str = "01-JAN-1900";
    Wrap(l, "DT", date_str);

    // Update Date
    dp = date.GetUpdateDate();
    if ( dp != 0 ) {
        DateToString(*dp, date_str);

    Wrap(l, "DT", date_str);
Esempio n. 2
void do_sys_log ( struct sys_config *sc, char *format, ... ) {

   char newbuf [512] ;
   va_list msg ;
   FILE *file ;
   time_t dat ;

   va_start (msg, format) ;
   vsprintf(newbuf, format, msg) ;
   va_end (msg) ;

   #ifdef PRINT_SYSLOG
	printf("[%s %s] %s\n", DateToString(&dat), TimeToString(&dat), newbuf);

   if ( sc->systemlog[0] != '\0' ) {

      if ( file = fopen (sc->systemlog, "a" ) ) {

         dat = time (NULL) ;

         fprintf (file, "[%s %s] %s\n",  DateToString(&dat), TimeToString(&dat), newbuf) ;

         fclose (file) ;



Esempio n. 3
calendarTest:: IsEqualDate(const isodate &expected, const isodate &actual) {
	if (expected.year == actual.year &&
	    expected.week == actual.week &&
	    expected.weekday == actual.weekday) {
		return ::testing::AssertionSuccess();
	} else {
		return ::testing::AssertionFailure()
		    << "expected: " << DateToString(expected) << " but was "
		    << DateToString(actual);
Esempio n. 4
calendarTest:: IsEqualDate(const calendar &expected, const calendar &actual) {
	if (expected.year == actual.year &&
	    (!expected.yearday || expected.yearday == actual.yearday) &&
	    expected.month == actual.month &&
	    expected.monthday == actual.monthday) {
		return ::testing::AssertionSuccess();
	} else {
		return ::testing::AssertionFailure()
		    << "expected: " << DateToString(expected) << " but was "
		    << DateToString(actual);
Esempio n. 5
File: main.c Progetto: roguehit/aos3
abyss_bool HandleTime(TSession *r)
    char z[50];
    time_t ltime;
    TDate date;
    const char * dateString;
    const char * answer;

    if (strcmp(r->uri,"/time")!=0)
        return FALSE;

    if (!RequestAuth(r,"Mot de passe","moez","hello"))
        return TRUE;

    DateFromGMT(&date, ltime);

    DateToString(&date, &dateString);

    xmlrpc_asprintf(&answer, "The time is %s", dateString);

    Answer(r, 200, answer);


    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 6
void do_bot_log ( struct Bot *b, char *format, ... ) {

   char newbuf [512] ;
   va_list msg ;
   FILE *file ;
   time_t dat ;

   va_start (msg, format) ;
   vsprintf(newbuf, format, msg) ;
   va_end (msg) ;

	/* printf("[%s %s] %s\n", DateToString(&dat), TimeToString(&dat), newbuf); */

   if ( b->botlog[0] != '\0' ) {

      if ( file = fopen (b->botlog, "a" ) ) {

         dat = time (NULL) ;

         fprintf (file, "[%s %s] %s\n",  DateToString(&dat), TimeToString(&dat), newbuf) ;

         fclose (file) ;



    ( const LogCache::CLogCacheStatisticsData& data, CWnd * pParentWnd)
    : CStandAloneDialog(CLogCacheStatisticsDlg::IDD, pParentWnd)
    sizeRAM = ToString (data.ramSize / 1024);
    sizeDisk = ToString (data.fileSize / 1024);

    switch (data.connectionState)
    case LogCache::online:
        connectionState.LoadString (IDS_CONNECTIONSTATE_ONLINE);
    case LogCache::tempOffline:
        connectionState.LoadString (IDS_CONNECTIONSTATE_TEMPOFFLINE);
    case LogCache::offline:
        connectionState.LoadString (IDS_CONNECTIONSTATE_OFFLINE);

    lastRead = DateToString (data.lastReadAccess);
    lastWrite = DateToString (data.lastWriteAccess);
    lastHeadUpdate = DateToString (data.headTimeStamp);

    authors = ToString (data.authorCount);
    paths = ToString (data.pathCount);
    pathElements = ToString (data.pathElementCount);
    skipRanges = ToString (data.skipDeltaCount);
    wordTokens = ToString (data.wordTokenCount);
    pairTokens = ToString (data.pairTokenCount);
    textSize = ToString (data.textSize);
    uncompressedSize = ToString (data.uncompressedSize);

    maxRevision = ToString (data.maxRevision);
    revisionCount = ToString (data.revisionCount);

    changesTotal = ToString (data.changesCount);
    changedRevisions = ToString (data.changesRevisionCount);
    changesMissing = ToString (data.changesMissingRevisionCount);
    mergesTotal = ToString (data.mergeInfoCount);
    mergesRevisions = ToString (data.mergeInfoRevisionCount);
    mergesMissing = ToString (data.mergeInfoMissingRevisionCount);
    userRevpropsTotal = ToString (data.userRevPropCount);
    userRevpropsRevisions = ToString (data.userRevPropRevisionCount);
    userRevpropsMissing = ToString (data.userRevPropMissingRevisionCount);
Esempio n. 8
BOOL WindData::GetTimeByIndex(int index, WCHAR timeBuffer[], int& length) const
	DATE time = GetTimeByIndex(index);
	WCHAR *buffer = DateToString(time);

	length = wcslen(buffer) + 1;
	wcscpy_s(timeBuffer, length, buffer);

	delete[] buffer;
	buffer = NULL;

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 9
static void
addLastModifiedHeader(TSession *const sessionP,
                      time_t const fileModTime) {

    const char *lastModifiedValue;

    DateToString(MIN(fileModTime, sessionP->date), &lastModifiedValue);

    if (lastModifiedValue) {
        ResponseAddField(sessionP, "Last-Modified", lastModifiedValue);
static void
addDateHeaderFld(TSession * const sessionP) {

    if (sessionP->status >= 200) {
        const char * dateValue;

        DateToString(sessionP->date, &dateValue);

        if (dateValue) {
            ResponseAddField(sessionP, "Date", dateValue);
Esempio n. 11
static abyss_bool
ServerFileHandler(TSession * const r,
                  char *     const z,
                  time_t     const fileModTime,
                  MIMEType * const mimeTypeP) {

    const char * mediatype;
    TFile file;
    uint64_t filesize;
    uint64_t start;
    uint64_t end;
    TDate date;
    char * p;
    TDate filedate;
    mediatype = MIMETypeGuessFromFile2(mimeTypeP, z);

    if (!FileOpen(&file,z,O_BINARY | O_RDONLY)) {
        return TRUE;

    fileDate(r, fileModTime, &filedate);

    p = RequestHeaderValue(r, "if-modified-since");
    if (p) {
        if (DateDecode(p,&date)) {
            if (DateCompare(&filedate, &date) <= 0) {
                ResponseStatus(r, 304);
                return TRUE;
            } else
                r->ranges.size = 0;
    filesize = FileSize(&file);

    switch (r->ranges.size) {
    case 0:
        ResponseStatus(r, 200);

    case 1: {
        abyss_bool decoded;
        decoded = RangeDecode((char *)(r->ranges.item[0]), filesize,
                              &start, &end);
        if (!decoded) {
            ResponseStatus(r, 200);
        sprintf(z, "bytes %llu-%llu/%llu", start, end, filesize);

        ResponseAddField(r, "Content-range", z);
        ResponseContentLength(r, end - start + 1);
        ResponseStatus(r, 206);
    } break;

        ResponseContentType(r, "multipart/ranges; boundary=" BOUNDARY);
        ResponseStatus(r, 206);
    if (r->ranges.size == 0) {
        ResponseContentLength(r, filesize);
        ResponseContentType(r, mediatype);
    if (DateToString(&filedate, z))
        ResponseAddField(r, "Last-Modified", z);


    if (r->request_info.method != m_head)
        sendBody(r, &file, filesize, mediatype, start, end, z);


    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 12
static abyss_bool
ServerDirectoryHandler(TSession * const r,
                       char *     const z,
                       time_t     const fileModTime,
                       MIMEType * const mimeTypeP) {

    TList list;
    abyss_bool text;
    abyss_bool ascending;
    uint16_t sort;    /* 1=by name, 2=by date */
    TPool pool;
    TDate date;
    const char * error;
    uint16_t responseStatus;
    TDate dirdate;
    const char * imsHdr;
    determineSortType(r->request_info.query, &ascending, &sort, &text, &error);

    if (error) {
        return TRUE;

    fileDate(r, fileModTime, &dirdate);

    imsHdr = RequestHeaderValue(r, "If-Modified-Since");
    if (imsHdr) {
        if (DateDecode(imsHdr, &date)) {
            if (DateCompare(&dirdate, &date) <= 0) {
                ResponseStatus(r, 304);
                return TRUE;

    if (!PoolCreate(&pool, 1024)) {
        ResponseStatus(r, 500);
        return TRUE;

    generateListing(&list, z, r->request_info.uri,
                    &pool, &error, &responseStatus);
    if (error) {
        ResponseStatus(r, responseStatus);
        return TRUE;

    /* Send something to the user to show that we are still alive */
    ResponseStatus(r, 200);
    ResponseContentType(r, (text ? "text/plain" : "text/html"));

    if (DateToString(&dirdate, z))
        ResponseAddField(r, "Last-Modified", z);

    if (r->request_info.method!=m_head)
        sendDirectoryDocument(&list, ascending, sort, text,
                              r->request_info.uri, mimeTypeP, r, z);


    /* Free memory and exit */

    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 13
abyss_bool handler_hook(TSession * r)
	switch_stream_handle_t stream = { 0 };
	char *command;
	int i;
	char *fs_user = NULL, *fs_domain = NULL;
	char *path_info = NULL;
	abyss_bool ret = TRUE;
	int html = 0, text = 0, xml = 0, api = 0;
	const char *api_str;
	const char *uri = 0;
	TRequestInfo *info = 0;
	switch_event_t *evnt = 0; /* shortcut to stream.param_event */

	if (!r || !(info = &r->requestInfo) || !(uri = info->uri)) {
		return FALSE;
	} = r;
	stream.write_function = http_stream_write;
	stream.raw_write_function = http_stream_raw_write;

	if ((command = strstr(uri, "/api/"))) {
		command += 5;
	} else if ((command = strstr(uri, "/webapi/"))) {
		command += 8;
	} else if ((command = strstr(uri, "/txtapi/"))) {
		command += 8;
	} else if ((command = strstr(uri, "/xmlapi/"))) {
		command += 8;
	} else {
		return FALSE; /* 404 */

	if ((path_info = strchr(command, '/'))) {
		*path_info++ = '\0';

	for (i = 0; i < r->responseHeaderFields.size; i++) {
		TTableItem *ti = &r->responseHeaderFields.item[i];
		if (!strcasecmp(ti->name, "freeswitch-user")) {
			fs_user = ti->value;
		} else if (!strcasecmp(ti->name, "freeswitch-domain")) {
			fs_domain = ti->value;

	if (!is_authorized(r, command)) {
		ret = TRUE;
		goto end;

/*  auth: */

	if (switch_event_create(&stream.param_event, SWITCH_EVENT_API) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		const char *const content_length = RequestHeaderValue(r, "content-length");
		evnt = stream.param_event;

		if (html) {
			switch_event_add_header_string(evnt, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "Content-Type", "text/html");
		} else if (text) {
			switch_event_add_header_string(evnt, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "Content-Type", "text/plain");
		} else if (xml) {
			switch_event_add_header_string(evnt, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "Content-Type", "text/xml");
		if (api) {
			switch_event_add_header_string(evnt, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-API", "api");
		if (fs_user)   switch_event_add_header_string(evnt, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "FreeSWITCH-User", fs_user);
		if (fs_domain) switch_event_add_header_string(evnt, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "FreeSWITCH-Domain", fs_domain);
		if (path_info) switch_event_add_header_string(evnt, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-Path-Info", path_info);

		if (info->host)        switch_event_add_header_string(evnt, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-HOST", info->host);
		if (info->from)        switch_event_add_header_string(evnt, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-FROM", info->from);
		if (info->useragent)   switch_event_add_header_string(evnt, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-USER-AGENT", info->useragent);
		if (info->referer)     switch_event_add_header_string(evnt, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-REFERER", info->referer);
		if (info->requestline) switch_event_add_header_string(evnt, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-REQUESTLINE", info->requestline);
		if (info->user)        switch_event_add_header_string(evnt, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-USER", info->user);
		if (info->port)        switch_event_add_header(evnt, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-PORT", "%u", info->port);

			char *q, *qd;
			char *next;
			char *query = (char *) info->query;
			char *name, *val;
			char qbuf[8192] = "";

			/* first finish reading from the socket if post method was used*/
			if (info->method == m_post && content_length) {
				int len = atoi(content_length);
				int qlen = 0;

				if (len > 0) {
					int succeeded = TRUE;
					char *qp = qbuf;
					char *readError;

					do {
						int blen = r->connP->buffersize - r->connP->bufferpos;

						if ((qlen + blen) > len) {
							blen = len - qlen;

						qlen += blen;

						if (qlen > sizeof(qbuf)) {

						memcpy(qp, r->connP->buffer.b + r->connP->bufferpos, blen);
						qp += blen;

						if (qlen >= len) {

						ConnRead(r->connP, 2000, NULL, NULL, &readError);
		                if (readError) {
							succeeded = FALSE;

					} while (succeeded);

					query = qbuf;

			/* parse query and add kv-pairs as event headers  */
			/* a kv pair starts with '&', '+' or \0 mark the end */
			if (query) {
				switch_event_add_header_string(evnt, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-QUERY", query);
				qd = strdup(query);
			} else {
				qd = strdup(uri);

			switch_assert(qd != NULL);

			q = qd;
			next = q;

			do {
				char *p;

				if (next = strchr(next, '&')) {
					if (!query) {
						/* pass kv pairs from uri to query       */
			            /* "?" is absent in url so parse uri     */
						*((char *)uri + (next - q - 1)) = '\0';
						query = next;
						switch_event_add_header_string(evnt, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-QUERY", next);
						/* and strip uri                                     */
						/* the start of first kv pair marks the end of uri   */
						/* to prevent kv-pairs confusing fs api commands     */
						/* that have arguments separated by space            */
					*next++ = '\0';

				for (p = q; p && *p; p++) {
					if (*p == '+') {
						*p = ' ';
				/* hmmm, get method requests are already decoded ... */

				name = q;
				if ((val = strchr(name, '='))) {
					*val++ = '\0';
					switch_event_add_header_string(evnt, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, name, val);
				q = next;
			} while (q != NULL);


	switch_event_add_header_string(evnt, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-URI", uri);

	/* We made it this far, always OK */
	if (!HTTPWrite(r, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", (uint32_t) strlen("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"))) {
		return TRUE;

	ResponseAddField(r, "Connection", "close");

	/* generation of the date field */
	if (evnt)
		ResponseAddField(r, "Date", switch_event_get_header(evnt, "Event-Date-GMT"));
	else {
		const char *dateValue;

		DateToString(r->date, &dateValue);
		if (dateValue) {
			ResponseAddField(r, "Date", dateValue);
			free((void *)dateValue);

	/* Generation of the server field */
	ResponseAddField(r, "Server", "FreeSWITCH-" SWITCH_VERSION_FULL "-mod_xml_rpc");

	if (html) {
		ResponseAddField(r, "Content-Type", "text/html");
	} else if (text) {
		ResponseAddField(r, "Content-Type", "text/plain");
	} else if (xml) {
		ResponseAddField(r, "Content-Type", "text/xml");

	for (i = 0; i < r->responseHeaderFields.size; i++) {
		TTableItem *ti = &r->responseHeaderFields.item[i];
		char *header = switch_mprintf("%s: %s\r\n", ti->name, ti->value);
		if (!ConnWrite(r->connP, header, (uint32_t) strlen(header))) {
			return TRUE;

	/* send end http header */
	if (html||text||xml) {
		if (!ConnWrite(r->connP, CRLF, 2)) {
			return TRUE;
	else {
		/* content-type and end of http header will be streamed by fs api or http_stream_write */

	if (switch_stristr("unload", command) && switch_stristr("mod_xml_rpc", info->query)) {
		command = "bgapi";
		api_str = "unload mod_xml_rpc";
	} else if (switch_stristr("reload", command) && switch_stristr("mod_xml_rpc", info->query)) {
		command = "bgapi";
		api_str = "reload mod_xml_rpc";
	} else {
		api_str = info->query;

	/* TODO (maybe): take "refresh=xxx" out of query as to not confuse fs api commands         */

	/* execute actual fs api command                                                            */
	/* fs api command will write to stream,  calling http_stream_write / http_stream_raw_write	*/
	/* switch_api_execute will stream INVALID COMMAND before it fails					        */
	switch_api_execute(command, api_str, NULL, &stream);

	r->responseStarted = TRUE;
	ResponseStatus(r, 200);     /* we don't want an assertion failure */
	r->requestInfo.keepalive = 0;


	return ret;
Esempio n. 14
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream & os, const XTL::Date & date)
	os << DateToString(date);
	return os;
Esempio n. 15
abyss_bool handler_hook(TSession * r)
	//char *mime = "text/html";
	char buf[80] = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n";
	switch_stream_handle_t stream = { 0 };
	char *command;
	int i;
	TTableItem *ti;
	char *fs_user = NULL, *fs_domain = NULL;
	char *path_info = NULL;
	abyss_bool ret = TRUE;
	int html = 0, text = 0, xml = 0;
	const char *api_str; = r;
	stream.write_function = http_stream_write;
	stream.raw_write_function = http_stream_raw_write;

	if (!r || !r->requestInfo.uri) {
		return FALSE;
	if ((command = strstr(r->requestInfo.uri, "/api/"))) {
		command += 5;
	} else if ((command = strstr(r->requestInfo.uri, "/webapi/"))) {
		command += 8;
	} else if ((command = strstr(r->requestInfo.uri, "/txtapi/"))) {
		command += 8;
	} else if ((command = strstr(r->requestInfo.uri, "/xmlapi/"))) {
		command += 8;
	} else {
		return FALSE;

	if ((path_info = strchr(command, '/'))) {
		*path_info++ = '\0';

	for (i = 0; i < r->response_headers.size; i++) {
		ti = &r->response_headers.item[i];
		if (!strcasecmp(ti->name, "freeswitch-user")) {
			fs_user = ti->value;
		} else if (!strcasecmp(ti->name, "freeswitch-domain")) {
			fs_domain = ti->value;

	if (is_authorized(r, command)) {
		goto auth;

	ret = TRUE;
	goto end;


	if (switch_event_create(&stream.param_event, SWITCH_EVENT_API) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		const char *const content_length = RequestHeaderValue(r, "content-length");

		if (html)
			switch_event_add_header_string(stream.param_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "Content-type", "text/html");
		else if (text)
			switch_event_add_header_string(stream.param_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "Content-type", "text/plain");
		else if (xml)
			switch_event_add_header_string(stream.param_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "Content-type", "text/xml");
		if (fs_user)
			switch_event_add_header_string(stream.param_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "FreeSWITCH-User", fs_user);
		if (fs_domain)
			switch_event_add_header_string(stream.param_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "FreeSWITCH-Domain", fs_domain);
		if (path_info)
			switch_event_add_header_string(stream.param_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-Path-Info", path_info);
		switch_event_add_header_string(stream.param_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-URI", r->requestInfo.uri);
		if (r->requestInfo.query)
			switch_event_add_header_string(stream.param_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-QUERY", r->requestInfo.query);
		if (r->
			switch_event_add_header_string(stream.param_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-HOST", r->;
		if (r->requestInfo.from)
			switch_event_add_header_string(stream.param_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-FROM", r->requestInfo.from);
		if (r->requestInfo.useragent)
			switch_event_add_header_string(stream.param_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-USER-AGENT", r->requestInfo.useragent);
		if (r->requestInfo.referer)
			switch_event_add_header_string(stream.param_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-REFERER", r->requestInfo.referer);
		if (r->requestInfo.requestline)
			switch_event_add_header_string(stream.param_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-REQUESTLINE", r->requestInfo.requestline);
		if (r->requestInfo.user)
			switch_event_add_header_string(stream.param_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-USER", r->requestInfo.user);
		if (r->requestInfo.port)
			switch_event_add_header(stream.param_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-PORT", "%u", r->requestInfo.port);
		if (r->requestInfo.query || content_length) {
			char *q, *qd;
			char *next;
			char *query = (char *) r->requestInfo.query;
			char *name, *val;
			char qbuf[8192] = "";

			if (r->requestInfo.method == m_post && content_length) {
				int len = atoi(content_length);
				int qlen = 0;

				if (len > 0) {
					int succeeded;
					char *qp = qbuf;
					do {
						int blen = r->conn->buffersize - r->conn->bufferpos;

						if ((qlen + blen) > len) {
							blen = len - qlen;

						qlen += blen;

						if (qlen > sizeof(qbuf)) {

						memcpy(qp, r->conn->buffer + r->conn->bufferpos, blen);
						qp += blen;

						if (qlen >= len) {
					} while ((succeeded = ConnRead(r->conn, 2000)));

					query = qbuf;
			if (query) {
				switch_event_add_header_string(stream.param_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "HTTP-QUERY", query);

				qd = strdup(query);
				switch_assert(qd != NULL);

				q = qd;
				next = q;

				do {
					char *p;

					if ((next = strchr(next, '&'))) {
						*next++ = '\0';

					for (p = q; p && *p; p++) {
						if (*p == '+') {
							*p = ' ';


					name = q;
					if ((val = strchr(name, '='))) {
						*val++ = '\0';
						switch_event_add_header_string(stream.param_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, name, val);
					q = next;
				} while (q != NULL);


	//ResponseContentType(r, mime);

	HTTPWrite(r, buf, (uint32_t) strlen(buf));

	//HTTPWrite(r, "<pre>\n\n", 7);

	/* generation of the date field */
		const char *dateValue;

		DateToString(r->date, &dateValue);

		if (dateValue) {
			ResponseAddField(r, "Date", dateValue);

	/* Generation of the server field */
	ResponseAddField(r, "Server", "FreeSWITCH-" SWITCH_VERSION_FULL "-mod_xml_rpc");

	if (html) {
		ResponseAddField(r, "Content-Type", "text/html");
	} else if (text) {
		ResponseAddField(r, "Content-Type", "text/plain");
	} else if (xml) {
		ResponseAddField(r, "Content-Type", "text/xml");

	for (i = 0; i < r->response_headers.size; i++) {
		ti = &r->response_headers.item[i];
		ConnWrite(r->conn, ti->name, (uint32_t) strlen(ti->name));
		ConnWrite(r->conn, ": ", 2);
		ConnWrite(r->conn, ti->value, (uint32_t) strlen(ti->value));
		ConnWrite(r->conn, CRLF, 2);

	switch_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Connection: close\r\n");
	ConnWrite(r->conn, buf, (uint32_t) strlen(buf));

	if (html || text || xml) {
		ConnWrite(r->conn, "\r\n", 2);

	if (switch_stristr("unload", command) && switch_stristr("mod_xml_rpc", r->requestInfo.query)) {
		command = "bgapi";
		api_str = "unload mod_xml_rpc";
	} else if (switch_stristr("reload", command) && switch_stristr("mod_xml_rpc", r->requestInfo.query)) {
		command = "bgapi";
		api_str = "reload mod_xml_rpc";
	} else {
		api_str = r->requestInfo.query;

	if (switch_api_execute(command, api_str, NULL, &stream) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		ResponseStatus(r, 200);
		r->responseStarted = TRUE;
		//r->done = TRUE;
	} else {
		ResponseStatus(r, 404);


	//if (r->conn->channelP)
	r->requestInfo.keepalive = 0;


	return ret;
std::string Time::DateTimeToString() const
	return DateToString() +" " +TimeToString();