Esempio n. 1
bool Hi::Load(File* f)
  if (!f->GetInteger(&m_score))
    return false;

  if (!f->GetInteger(&m_level))
    return false;

  if (!f->GetInteger(&m_depth))
    return false;

  if (!f->GetDataLine(&m_nick))
    return false;
  m_nick = DecodeStr(m_nick);
  if (!LoadVec3(f, &m_pos))
    return false;

  return true;
Esempio n. 2
void GlobalHiScoreDb::HandleResponseFromServer(const std::string& response)
  HiScoreVec vec;
  PXml xml = ParseXml(response.c_str());
   Example response:
         <x>12</x> <y>34</y> <z>56</z>
  xml = xml.getChildNode("hiscores");
  if (!xml.isEmpty())
    int n = xml.nChildNode();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      PXml xhi = xml.getChildNode(i);
      if (!xhi.isEmpty())
        PXml xscore = xhi.getChildNode("score");
        if (!xscore.isEmpty())
          int score = ToInt(xscore.getText());
          PXml xnick = xhi.getChildNode("nick");
          if (!xnick.isEmpty())
            std::string nick = xnick.getText();
            PXml xlevel = xhi.getChildNode("level");
            if (!xlevel.isEmpty())
              int level = ToInt(xlevel.getText());
              PXml xdepth = xhi.getChildNode("depth");
              if (!xdepth.isEmpty())
                int depth = ToInt(xdepth.getText());
                PXml xpos = xhi.getChildNode("pos");
                if (!xpos.isEmpty())
                  PXml xx = xpos.getChildNode("x");
                  PXml xy = xpos.getChildNode("y");
                  PXml xz = xpos.getChildNode("z");
                  if (!xx.isEmpty() && !xy.isEmpty() && !xz.isEmpty())
                    Vec3f pos(ToFloat(xx.getText()), ToFloat(xy.getText()), ToFloat(xz.getText()));
                    // Nickname is stored encoded in server DB
                    Hi hi(score, level, depth, DecodeStr(nick), pos);
#ifdef _DEBUG
      std::cout << "ERROR (1) parsing hi scores XML from server!\n";
#ifdef _DEBUG
    std::cout << "ERROR (2) parsing hi scores XML from server!\n";
  // Save locally so we can show something if we lose connectivity later
  // Remove local hi scores which are in the response
  for (const Hi& hi : vec)
Esempio n. 3
// Function processes command line parameters
int ProcessCommandLine (int argc, char* argv[], Config& settings,
                        char*& pInFile, char*& pOutFile, char*& pConfig)

    int   cmdCount = 0;
    char* cmdRead;

    while (cmdCount < argc-1)
        // command line error
        if (cmdCount < 0)
           return cmdCount;

        // next command to process!
        cmdRead = argv[cmdCount];

        // this is a command directive
        if (cmdRead[0] == '-')
            // upcase the command parameter
            StrUpr (cmdRead);


            // miscellaneous flags, "sort +1"
            DecodeFlg ("BCL",   settings.braceLoc,        False);
            DecodeFlg ("BNL",   settings.braceLoc,        True);
            DecodeInt ("CC",    settings.posOfCommentsWC);
            DecodeInt ("F",     settings.numOfLineFunc);
            DecodeStr ("FI",    pInFile);
            DecodeStr ("FNC",   pConfig);
            DecodeStr ("FO",    pOutFile);
            DecodeInt ("I",     settings.tabSpaceSize);
            DecodeFlg ("LG",    settings.deleteHighChars, 3);
            DecodeInt ("NC",    settings.posOfCommentsNC);
            DecodeInt ("QB",    settings.queueBuffer);
            DecodeFlg ("S",     settings.useTabs,         False);
            DecodeFlg ("T",     settings.useTabs,         True);
            DecodeFlg ("TBCL",  settings.topBraceLoc,     False);
            DecodeFlg ("TBNL",  settings.topBraceLoc,     True);

            // "No" flags
            DecodeFlg ("NA",    settings.deleteHighChars, 0);
            DecodeFlg ("NB",    settings.backUp,          False);
            DecodeFlg ("NBBI",  settings.braceIndent2,    False);
            DecodeFlg ("NBI",   settings.braceIndent,     False);
            DecodeFlg ("NLCNC", settings.leaveCommentsNC, False);
            DecodeFlg ("NO",    settings.output,          False);
            DecodeFlg ("NQ",    settings.quoteChars,      False);

            // "Yes" flags
            DecodeFlg ("YA",    settings.deleteHighChars, 1);
            DecodeFlg ("YB",    settings.backUp,          True);
            DecodeFlg ("YBBI",  settings.braceIndent2,    True);
            DecodeFlg ("YBI",   settings.braceIndent,     True);
            DecodeFlg ("YLCNC", settings.leaveCommentsNC, True);
            DecodeFlg ("YO",    settings.output,          True);
            DecodeFlg ("YQ",    settings.quoteChars,      True);

            // ### display help ###
            if( (strcmp ("?", cmdRead) == 0) ||
                (strcmp ("H", cmdRead) == 0) )
                verbose ("*** Displaying Brief Help ***\n");
                PrintProgramHelp ();
                return -1;

            warning ("Unknown Command Directive %s \n", cmdRead);
            PrintProgramHelp ();
            return -1;
        else if (pInFile == NULL)
                pInFile  = argv [cmdCount];
        else if (pOutFile == NULL)
                pOutFile = argv [cmdCount];
            warning ("Command Line Error : Expected Command Directive, Not %s\n", argv[cmdCount]);
            PrintProgramHelp ();
            return -1;

    if (settings.queueBuffer < 2)
        settings.queueBuffer = 2;
    return 0;