Esempio n. 1
bool CSpecialItemLoader::Init()

        m_itemsMutex = new CThreadMutexPthread();
        m_pLoadThread = new CSpecialItemLoaderThread();
        return m_pLoadThread != NULL;
        return true;
void logprint( char const *logfile, const char *fmt, ... )
	char string[ 8192 ];
	va_list va;
	va_start( va, fmt );
	vsprintf( string, fmt, va );
	va_end( va );

	FILE *fp = NULL;

	UnusedContent::CUtlSymbol sym = g_Analysis.symbols.Find( logfile );
	static CUtlRBTree< UnusedContent::CUtlSymbol, int >	previousfiles( 0, 0, DefLessFunc( UnusedContent::CUtlSymbol ) );
	if ( previousfiles.Find( sym ) == previousfiles.InvalidIndex() )
		previousfiles.Insert( sym );
		fp = fopen( logfile, "wb" );
		fp = fopen( logfile, "ab" );

	if ( fp )
		char *p = string;
		while ( *p )
			if ( *p == '\n' )
				fputc( '\r', fp );
			fputc( *p, fp );
		fclose( fp );
Esempio n. 3
#include "utldict.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

struct DecalEntry
#ifdef _DEBUG
	char		*m_pDebugName;	// only used in debug builds
	IMaterial	*material;
	int			index;

// This stores the list of all decals
CUtlMap< FileNameHandle_t, DecalEntry >	g_DecalDictionary( 0, 0, DefLessFunc( FileNameHandle_t ) );

// This is a list of indices into the dictionary.
// This list is indexed by network id, so it maps network ids to decal dictionary entries
CUtlVector< int > g_DecalLookup;

// Purpose: 
// Output : int
int Draw_DecalMax( void )
	return g_nMaxDecals;

		int i;
		for ( i = 0; i < c; ++i )
			AddCheckdir( directories_to_check[ i ] );

		// add the list of dirs to ignore from the others lists
		c = ARRAYSIZE( directories_to_ignore );
		for ( i = 0; i < c; ++i )
			AddIgnoredir( directories_to_ignore[ i ] );

static CUtlRBTree< UnusedContent::CUtlSymbol, int >	g_WhiteList( 0, 0, DefLessFunc( UnusedContent::CUtlSymbol ) );

#define WHITELIST_FILE	"whitelist.cfg"

static int wl_added = 0;
static int wl_removed = 0;

void AddToWhiteList( char const *path )
	vprint( 2, "+\t'%s'\n", path );

	char dir[ 512 ];
	Q_strncpy( dir, path, sizeof( dir ) );

	// Get the base filename from the path
	_strlwr( dir );
Esempio n. 5
// Purpose: 
CRecastMgr::CRecastMgr() : m_bLoaded(false), m_Obstacles( 0, 0, DefLessFunc( EHANDLE ) )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	m_pMapMesh = NULL;
#endif // CLIENT_DLL
void IFaceposerModels::CFacePoserModel::ReconcileAnimationBitmaps()
	// iterate files in directory and see if each checksum is valid and if not delete the .bmp
	char path[ 512 ];
	Q_snprintf( path, sizeof( path ), "expressions/%s/animation/*.bmp", GetShortModelName() );

	FileFindHandle_t hFindFile;

	char const *fn = filesystem->FindFirstEx( path, "MOD", &hFindFile );

	g_pProgressDialog->Start( CFmtStr( "%s - Reconcile Animation Thumbnails", GetShortModelName() ), "", true );

	CUtlVector< CUtlString > workList;

	if ( fn )
		while ( fn )
			// Don't do anything with directories
			if ( !filesystem->FindIsDirectory( hFindFile ) )
				CUtlString s = fn;
				workList.AddToTail( s );

			fn = filesystem->FindNext( hFindFile );

		filesystem->FindClose( hFindFile );

	CUtlRBTree< CRC32_t > tree( 0, 0, DefLessFunc( CRC32_t ) );
	BuildValidChecksums( tree );

	for ( int i = 0 ; i < workList.Count(); ++i )
		char testname[ 256 ];
		Q_StripExtension( workList[ i ].String(), testname, sizeof( testname ) );

		g_pProgressDialog->UpdateText( "%s", testname );
		g_pProgressDialog->Update( (float)i / (float)workList.Count() );

		CRC32_t check;
		Q_hextobinary( testname, Q_strlen( testname ), (byte *)&check, sizeof( check ) );

		if ( tree.Find( check ) == tree.InvalidIndex() )
			Q_snprintf( testname, sizeof( testname ), "expressions/%s/animation/%s", GetShortModelName(), fn );

			char fullpath[ 512 ];
			filesystem->RelativePathToFullPath( testname, "MOD", fullpath, sizeof( fullpath ) );
			// Delete it
			Con_ErrorPrintf( "Removing unused bitmap file %s\n", 
				fullpath );

			_unlink( fullpath );

		if ( g_pProgressDialog->IsCancelled() )
			Msg( "Cancelled\n" );
