DenseMatrix RMAExpressMatrixReader::read(std::istream& input, unsigned int opts) const
		//TODO: interpret the passed options

		if(readString_(input) != "RMAExpressionValues") {
			return DenseMatrix(0,0);

		uint32_t version;<char*>(&version), 4);

		if(version != 1) {
			return DenseMatrix(0,0);

		skipString_(input); // Skip the RMAExpress version number
		skipString_(input); // Skip the chiptype

		uint32_t nrows, ncols;<char*>(&ncols), 4);<char*>(&nrows), 4);

		std::vector<std::string> colnames(ncols);
		std::vector<std::string> rownames(nrows);

		readStringVector_(input, colnames);
		readStringVector_(input, rownames);

		DenseMatrix result(std::move(rownames), std::move(colnames));<char*>(result.matrix().data()), nrows * ncols * sizeof(double));

		return result;
Esempio n. 2
void LU_solve(const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &b, DenseMatrix &x)
    DenseMatrix L = DenseMatrix(A.nrows(), A.ncols());
    DenseMatrix U = DenseMatrix(A.nrows(), A.ncols());
    DenseMatrix x_ = DenseMatrix(b.nrows(), b.ncols());

    LU(A, L, U);
    forward_substitution(L, b, x_);
    back_substitution(U, x_, x);
Esempio n. 3
void fraction_free_LU_solve(const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &b,
                            DenseMatrix &x)
    DenseMatrix LU = DenseMatrix(A.nrows(), A.ncols());
    DenseMatrix x_ = DenseMatrix(b.nrows(), b.ncols());

    fraction_free_LU(A, LU);
    forward_substitution(LU, b, x_);
    back_substitution(LU, x_, x);
Esempio n. 4
void pivoted_LU_solve(const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &b,
                      DenseMatrix &x)
    DenseMatrix L = DenseMatrix(A.nrows(), A.ncols());
    DenseMatrix U = DenseMatrix(A.nrows(), A.ncols());
    DenseMatrix x_ = DenseMatrix(b);
    permutelist pl;

    pivoted_LU(A, L, U, pl);
    permuteFwd(x_, pl);
    forward_substitution(L, x_, x_);
    back_substitution(U, x_, x);
Esempio n. 5
void LDL_solve(const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &b, DenseMatrix &x)
    DenseMatrix L = DenseMatrix(A.nrows(), A.ncols());
    DenseMatrix D = DenseMatrix(A.nrows(), A.ncols());
    DenseMatrix x_ = DenseMatrix(b.nrows(), b.ncols());

    if (not is_symmetric_dense(A))
        throw SymEngineException("Matrix must be symmetric");

    LDL(A, L, D);
    forward_substitution(L, b, x);
    diagonal_solve(D, x, x_);
    transpose_dense(L, D);
    back_substitution(D, x_, x);
Esempio n. 6
void LDL_solve(const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &b, DenseMatrix &x)
    DenseMatrix L = DenseMatrix(A.nrows(), A.ncols());
    DenseMatrix D = DenseMatrix(A.nrows(), A.ncols());
    DenseMatrix x_ = DenseMatrix(b.nrows(), 1);

    if (!is_symmetric_dense(A))
        throw std::runtime_error("Matrix must be symmetric");

    LDL(A, L, D);
    forward_substitution(L, b, x);
    diagonal_solve(D, x, x_);
    transpose_dense(L, D);
    back_substitution(D, x_, x);
Esempio n. 7
void fraction_free_gaussian_elimination_solve(const DenseMatrix &A,
                                              const DenseMatrix &b,
                                              DenseMatrix &x)
    SYMENGINE_ASSERT(A.row_ == A.col_);
    SYMENGINE_ASSERT(b.row_ == A.row_ and x.row_ == A.row_);
    SYMENGINE_ASSERT(x.col_ == b.col_);

    int i, j, k, col = A.col_, bcol = b.col_;
    DenseMatrix A_ = DenseMatrix(A.row_, A.col_, A.m_);
    DenseMatrix b_ = DenseMatrix(b.row_, b.col_, b.m_);

    for (i = 0; i < col - 1; i++)
        for (j = i + 1; j < col; j++) {
            for (k = 0; k < bcol; k++) {
                b_.m_[j * bcol + k]
                    = sub(mul(A_.m_[i * col + i], b_.m_[j * bcol + k]),
                          mul(A_.m_[j * col + i], b_.m_[i * bcol + k]));
                if (i > 0)
                    b_.m_[j * bcol + k] = div(b_.m_[j * bcol + k],
                                              A_.m_[i * col - col + i - 1]);

            for (k = i + 1; k < col; k++) {
                A_.m_[j * col + k]
                    = sub(mul(A_.m_[i * col + i], A_.m_[j * col + k]),
                          mul(A_.m_[j * col + i], A_.m_[i * col + k]));
                if (i > 0)
                    A_.m_[j * col + k]
                        = div(A_.m_[j * col + k], A_.m_[i * col - col + i - 1]);
            A_.m_[j * col + i] = zero;

    for (i = 0; i < col * bcol; i++)
        x.m_[i] = zero; // Integer zero;

    for (k = 0; k < bcol; k++) {
        for (i = col - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            for (j = i + 1; j < col; j++)
                b_.m_[i * bcol + k]
                    = sub(b_.m_[i * bcol + k],
                          mul(A_.m_[i * col + j], x.m_[j * bcol + k]));
            x.m_[i * bcol + k] = div(b_.m_[i * bcol + k], A_.m_[i * col + i]);
Esempio n. 8
DenseMatrix project(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end, FeatureVectorCallback callback,
		IndexType dimension, const IndexType max_iter, const ScalarType epsilon,
		const IndexType target_dimension, const DenseVector& mean_vector)
	timed_context context("Data projection");

	// The number of data points
	const IndexType n = end-begin;

	// Dense representation of the data points

	DenseVector current_vector(dimension);

	DenseMatrix X = DenseMatrix::Zero(dimension,n);

	for (RandomAccessIterator iter=begin; iter!=end; ++iter)
		X.col(iter-begin) = current_vector - mean_vector;

	// Initialize FA model

	// Initial variances
	DenseMatrix sig = DenseMatrix::Identity(dimension,dimension);
	// Initial linear mapping
	DenseMatrix A = DenseMatrix::Random(dimension, target_dimension).cwiseAbs();

	// Main loop
	IndexType iter = 0;
	DenseMatrix invC,M,SC;
	ScalarType ll = 0, newll = 0;
	while (iter < max_iter)

		// Perform E-step

		// Compute the inverse of the covariance matrix
		invC = (A*A.transpose() + sig).inverse();
		M = A.transpose()*invC*X;
		SC = n*(DenseMatrix::Identity(target_dimension,target_dimension) - A.transpose()*invC*A) + M*M.transpose();

		// Perform M-step
		A = (X*M.transpose())*SC.inverse();
		sig = DenseMatrix(((X*X.transpose() - A*M*X.transpose()).diagonal()/n).asDiagonal()).array() + epsilon;

		// Compute log-likelihood of FA model
		newll = 0.5*(log(invC.determinant()) - (invC*X).cwiseProduct(X).sum()/n);

		// Check for convergence
		if ((iter > 1) && (fabs(newll - ll) < epsilon))

		ll = newll;

	return X.transpose()*A;
Esempio n. 9
void fraction_free_gauss_jordan_solve(const DenseMatrix &A,
                                      const DenseMatrix &b, DenseMatrix &x)
    SYMENGINE_ASSERT(A.row_ == A.col_);
    SYMENGINE_ASSERT(b.row_ == A.row_ and x.row_ == A.row_);
    SYMENGINE_ASSERT(x.col_ == b.col_);

    unsigned i, j, k, col = A.col_, bcol = b.col_;
    RCP<const Basic> d;
    DenseMatrix A_ = DenseMatrix(A.row_, A.col_, A.m_);
    DenseMatrix b_ = DenseMatrix(b.row_, b.col_, b.m_);

    for (i = 0; i < col; i++) {
        if (i > 0)
            d = A_.m_[i * col - col + i - 1];
        for (j = 0; j < col; j++)
            if (j != i) {
                for (k = 0; k < bcol; k++) {
                    b_.m_[j * bcol + k]
                        = sub(mul(A_.m_[i * col + i], b_.m_[j * bcol + k]),
                              mul(A_.m_[j * col + i], b_.m_[i * bcol + k]));
                    if (i > 0)
                        b_.m_[j * bcol + k] = div(b_.m_[j * bcol + k], d);

                for (k = 0; k < col; k++) {
                    if (k != i) {
                        A_.m_[j * col + k]
                            = sub(mul(A_.m_[i * col + i], A_.m_[j * col + k]),
                                  mul(A_.m_[j * col + i], A_.m_[i * col + k]));
                        if (i > 0)
                            A_.m_[j * col + k] = div(A_.m_[j * col + k], d);

        for (j = 0; j < col; j++)
            if (j != i)
                A_.m_[j * col + i] = zero;

    // No checks are done to see if the diagonal entries are zero
    for (k = 0; k < bcol; k++)
        for (i = 0; i < col; i++)
            x.m_[i * bcol + k] = div(b_.m_[i * bcol + k], A_.m_[i * col + i]);
Esempio n. 10
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	// tests();
	// srand(time(10));
	if(argc < 4)
		std::cout << "Input arguments:\n\t1: Filename for A matrix (as in A ~= WH)\n\t2: New desired dimension\n\t3: Max NMF iterations\n\t4: Max NNLS iterations\n\t5 (optional): delimiter (space is default)\n";
		std::string filename = argv[1];
		int newDimension = atoi(argv[2]);
		int max_iter_nmf = atoi(argv[3]);
		int max_iter_nnls = atoi(argv[4]);
		char delimiter = (argc > 5) ? *argv[5] : ' ';

		DenseMatrix* A = readMatrix(filename,delimiter);
		printf("Sparsity of A: %f\n",sparsity(A));

		DenseMatrix W = DenseMatrix(A->rows,newDimension);
		DenseMatrix H = DenseMatrix(newDimension,A->cols);
		NMF_Input input = NMF_Input(&W,&H,A,max_iter_nmf,max_iter_nnls);

		std::cout << "Starting NMF computation." << std::endl;
		std::clock_t start = std::clock();
		double duration;
		// nmf_cpu(input);
		duration = ( std::clock() - start ) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
		std::cout << "NMF computation complete. Time: " << duration << " s." << std::endl;

		dtype AF = FrobeniusNorm(A);
		dtype WH_AF = Fnorm(W,H,*A);
		printf("Objective value: %f\n",WH_AF/AF);
		// DenseMatrix z1 = DenseMatrix(A->rows,newDimension);
		// DenseMatrix z2 = DenseMatrix(newDimension,A->cols);
		// printf("Calculated solution approximate Frobenius norm: %f\n",Fnorm(z1,z2,*A));
		// printcolmajor(H.colmajor,H.rows,H.cols);
		if(A) delete A;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 11
void inverse_LU(const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &B)
    SYMENGINE_ASSERT(A.row_ == A.col_ and B.row_ == B.col_
                     and B.row_ == A.row_);

    unsigned n = A.row_, i;
    DenseMatrix L = DenseMatrix(n, n);
    DenseMatrix U = DenseMatrix(n, n);
    DenseMatrix e = DenseMatrix(n, 1);
    DenseMatrix x = DenseMatrix(n, 1);
    DenseMatrix x_ = DenseMatrix(n, 1);

    // Initialize matrices
    for (i = 0; i < n * n; i++) {
        L.m_[i] = zero;
        U.m_[i] = zero;
        B.m_[i] = zero;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        e.m_[i] = zero;
        x.m_[i] = zero;
        x_.m_[i] = zero;

    LU(A, L, U);

    // We solve AX_{i} = e_{i} for i = 1, 2, .. n and combine the column vectors
    // X_{1}, X_{2}, ... X_{n} to form the inverse of A. Here, e_{i}'s are the
    // elements of the standard basis.
    for (unsigned j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        e.m_[j] = one;

        forward_substitution(L, e, x_);
        back_substitution(U, x_, x);

        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            B.m_[i * n + j] = x.m_[i];

        e.m_[j] = zero;
Esempio n. 12
// ----------------------------- Determinant ---------------------------------//
RCP<const Basic> det_bareis(const DenseMatrix &A)
    SYMENGINE_ASSERT(A.row_ == A.col_);

    unsigned n = A.row_;

    if (n == 1) {
        return A.m_[0];
    } else if (n == 2) {
        // If A = [[a, b], [c, d]] then det(A) = ad - bc
        return sub(mul(A.m_[0], A.m_[3]), mul(A.m_[1], A.m_[2]));
    } else if (n == 3) {
        // if A = [[a, b, c], [d, e, f], [g, h, i]] then
        // det(A) = (aei + bfg + cdh) - (ceg + bdi + afh)
        return sub(add(add(mul(mul(A.m_[0], A.m_[4]), A.m_[8]),
                           mul(mul(A.m_[1], A.m_[5]), A.m_[6])),
                       mul(mul(A.m_[2], A.m_[3]), A.m_[7])),
                   add(add(mul(mul(A.m_[2], A.m_[4]), A.m_[6]),
                           mul(mul(A.m_[1], A.m_[3]), A.m_[8])),
                       mul(mul(A.m_[0], A.m_[5]), A.m_[7])));
    } else {
        DenseMatrix B = DenseMatrix(n, n, A.m_);
        unsigned i, sign = 1;
        RCP<const Basic> d;

        for (unsigned k = 0; k < n - 1; k++) {
            if (eq(*(B.m_[k * n + k]), *zero)) {
                for (i = k + 1; i < n; i++)
                    if (neq(*(B.m_[i * n + k]), *zero)) {
                        row_exchange_dense(B, i, k);
                        sign *= -1;
                if (i == n)
                    return zero;

            for (i = k + 1; i < n; i++) {
                for (unsigned j = k + 1; j < n; j++) {
                    d = sub(mul(B.m_[k * n + k], B.m_[i * n + j]),
                            mul(B.m_[i * n + k], B.m_[k * n + j]));
                    if (k > 0)
                        d = div(d, B.m_[(k - 1) * n + k - 1]);
                    B.m_[i * n + j] = d;

        return (sign == 1) ? B.m_[n * n - 1] : mul(minus_one, B.m_[n * n - 1]);
Esempio n. 13
void inverse_gauss_jordan(const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &B)
    CSYMPY_ASSERT(A.row_ == A.col_ && B.row_ == B.col_ && B.row_ == A.row_);

    unsigned n = A.row_;
    DenseMatrix e = DenseMatrix(n, n);

    // Initialize matrices
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            if (i != j) {
                e.m_[i*n + j] = zero;
            } else {
                e.m_[i*n + i] = one;
            B.m_[i*n + j] = zero;

    fraction_free_gauss_jordan_solve(A, e, B);
Esempio n. 14
// Solve the diophantine system Ax = 0 and return a basis set for solutions
// Reference:
// Evelyne Contejean, Herve Devie. An Efficient Incremental Algorithm for
// Solving
// Systems of Linear Diophantine Equations. Information and computation,
// 113(1):143-172,
// August 1994.
void homogeneous_lde(std::vector<DenseMatrix> &basis, const DenseMatrix &A)
    unsigned p = A.nrows();
    unsigned q = A.ncols();
    unsigned n;

    SYMENGINE_ASSERT(p > 0 and q > 1);

    DenseMatrix row_zero(1, q);

    DenseMatrix col_zero(p, 1);

    std::vector<DenseMatrix> P;

    std::vector<std::vector<bool>> Frozen(q, std::vector<bool>(q, true));
    for (unsigned j = 0; j < q; j++) {
        Frozen[0][j] = false;

    std::vector<bool> F(q, false);

    DenseMatrix t, transpose, product, T;
    RCP<const Integer> dot;

    product = DenseMatrix(p, 1);
    transpose = DenseMatrix(q, 1);

    while (P.size() > 0) {
        n = P.size() - 1;
        t = P[n];

        A.mul_matrix(transpose, product);

        if (product.eq(col_zero) and not t.eq(row_zero)) {
        } else {
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < q; i++) {
                F[i] = Frozen[n][i];

            T = t;
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < q; i++) {
                SYMENGINE_ASSERT(is_a<Integer>(*T.get(0, i)));
                T.set(0, i, rcp_static_cast<const Integer>(T.get(0, i))

                if (i > 0) {
                    SYMENGINE_ASSERT(is_a<Integer>(*T.get(0, i - 1)));
                    T.set(0, i - 1,
                          rcp_static_cast<const Integer>(T.get(0, i - 1))

                dot = zero;
                for (unsigned j = 0; j < p; j++) {
                    SYMENGINE_ASSERT(is_a<Integer>(*product.get(j, 0)));
                    RCP<const Integer> p_j0
                        = rcp_static_cast<const Integer>(product.get(j, 0));

                    SYMENGINE_ASSERT(is_a<Integer>(*A.get(j, i)));
                    RCP<const Integer> A_ji
                        = rcp_static_cast<const Integer>(A.get(j, i));

                    dot = dot->addint(*p_j0->mulint(*A_ji));

                if (F[i] == false and ((dot->is_negative()
                                        and is_minimum(T, basis, basis.size()))
                                       or t.eq(row_zero))) {
                    n = n + 1;

                    for (unsigned j = 0; j < q; j++) {
                        Frozen[n - 1][j] = F[j];

                    F[i] = true;
Esempio n. 15
// Returns the coefficients of characterisitc polynomials of leading principal
// minors of Matrix A as elements in `polys`. Principal leading minor of kth
// order is the submatrix of A obtained by deleting last n-k rows and columns
// from A. Here `n` is the dimension of the square matrix A.
void berkowitz(const DenseMatrix &A, std::vector<DenseMatrix> &polys)
    SYMENGINE_ASSERT(A.row_ == A.col_);

    unsigned col = A.col_;
    unsigned i, k, l, m;

    std::vector<DenseMatrix> items;
    std::vector<DenseMatrix> transforms;
    std::vector<RCP<const Basic>> items_;

    for (unsigned n = col; n > 1; n--) {
        k = n - 1;
        DenseMatrix T = DenseMatrix(n + 1, n);
        DenseMatrix C = DenseMatrix(k, 1);

        // Initialize T and C
        for (i = 0; i < n * (n + 1); i++)
            T.m_[i] = zero;
        for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
            C.m_[i] = A.m_[i * col + k];

        for (i = 0; i < n - 2; i++) {
            DenseMatrix B = DenseMatrix(k, 1);
            for (l = 0; l < k; l++) {
                B.m_[l] = zero;
                for (m = 0; m < k; m++)
                        = add(B.m_[l], mul(A.m_[l * col + m], items[i].m_[m]));

        for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
            RCP<const Basic> element = zero;
            for (l = 0; l < k; l++)
                element = add(element, mul(A.m_[k * col + l], items[i].m_[l]));
            items_.push_back(mul(minus_one, element));
        items_.insert(items_.begin(), mul(minus_one, A.m_[k * col + k]));
        items_.insert(items_.begin(), one);

        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            for (l = 0; l < n - i + 1; l++)
                T.m_[(i + l) * n + i] = items_[l];


    polys.push_back(DenseMatrix(2, 1, {one, mul(A.m_[0], minus_one)}));

    for (i = 0; i < col - 1; i++) {
        unsigned t_row = transforms[col - 2 - i].nrows();
        unsigned t_col = transforms[col - 2 - i].ncols();
        DenseMatrix B = DenseMatrix(t_row, 1);

        for (l = 0; l < t_row; l++) {
            B.m_[l] = zero;
            for (m = 0; m < t_col; m++) {
                B.m_[l] = add(B.m_[l],
                              mul(transforms[col - 2 - i].m_[l * t_col + m],
                B.m_[l] = expand(B.m_[l]);