Esempio n. 1
int PrepareExtension()
	if (preparedextension)
		return 0;

	preparedextension = true;

	std::string init = InitializeSdk();
	if (init != "")
		MessageBoxA(NULL, init.c_str(), "!LAC ERROR!", MB_OK);
		return 1;

	DWORD executestringcmd = dwFindPattern((DWORD)GetModuleHandleA("engine.dll"), 0xFEADBEEF, (BYTE*)"\x55\x8B\xEC\x8B\x45\x08\x56\x8B\xF1\x85\xC0\x74\x22", "xxxxxxxxxxxxx");
	if (!executestringcmd)
		MessageBoxA(NULL, "didnt get stringcmd", "!LAC ERROR!", MB_OK);
		Msg("!LAC ERROR! didnt get stringcmd");
		return 1;

	DWORD onquerycvarval = dwFindPattern((DWORD)GetModuleHandleA("engine.dll"), 0xFEADBEEF, (BYTE*)"\x55\x8B\xEC\x8B\x45\x08\x8B\x50\x10\x56", "xxxxxxxxxx");

	if (!onquerycvarval)
		MessageBoxA(NULL, "didnt get query cvar value", "!LAC ERROR!", MB_OK);
		Msg("!LAC ERROR! didnt get query cvar value");
		return 1;

	ExecuteStringCmd = (OrigExecuteStringCmd)DetourCreate((BYTE*)executestringcmd, (BYTE*)hooked_ExecuteStringCmd, 6);
	ProcessRespondCvarValue = (OrigProcessRespondCvarValue)DetourCreate((BYTE*)onquerycvarval, (BYTE*)hooked_ProcessRespondCvarValue, 6);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 2
bool cod8::Init()
	sdk::DrawEngineText = (sdk::DrawEngineText_t)shitsig::FindPattern("\x8b\x44\x24\x04\x80\x38\x00\x0f\x84\x00\x00\x00\x00", "xxxxxxxxx????");
	sdk::RegisterShader = (sdk::RegisterShader_t)shitsig::FindPattern("\x8b\x44\x24\x04\x80\x38\x00\x75\x00", "xxxxxxxx?");
	sdk::RegisterFont = (sdk::RegisterFont_t)utils::FindPattern("\x8b\x44\x24\x04\x6a\x01\x50\x6a\x18");
	sdk::UIShowList = (sdk::UIShowList_t)DetourCreate((void*)shitsig::FindPattern("\xA1\x00\x00\x00\x00\x81\xEC\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x78\x0C\x00\x74\x29", "x????xx????xxxxxx"), (void*)newUIShowList, DETOUR_TYPE_NOP_NOP_JMP);
	sdk::WorldToScreen = (sdk::WorldToScreen_t)shitsig::FindPattern("\x83\xEC\x0C\x8B\x44\x24\x18\xD9\x00", "xxxxxxxxx");
	sdk::GetScreenMatrix = (sdk::GetScreenMatrix_t)shitsig::FindPattern("\xA1\x00\x00\x00\x00\x83\xF8\x03\x77\x0D", "x????xxxxx");
	sdk::DrawRotatedPic = (sdk::DrawRotatedPic_t)shitsig::FindPattern("\x83\xEC\x50\xD9\x44\x24\x68", "xxxxxxx");
	unsigned long ulEntityMemory = shitsig::FindPattern("\x69\xc0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x83\xb8\xd4\x00\x00\x00\x01", "xx????x????xxxxxxx");
	pointers::ulEntities = *(unsigned long*)(ulEntityMemory + 0x7);
	pointers::ulEntitiesSize = *(unsigned long*)(ulEntityMemory + 0x2);
	unsigned long ulClientInfoMemory = shitsig::FindPattern("\x69\xc9\x00\x00\x00\x00\x6a\x00\x81\xc1\x00\x00\x00\x00", "xx????xxxx????");
	pointers::ulClientInfo = *(unsigned long*)(ulEntityMemory + 0xA);
	pointers::ulClientInfoSize = *(unsigned long*)(ulEntityMemory + 0x2);
	return true;
Esempio n. 3
HRESULT __stdcall  DirectInput8Create_Detour(
    HINSTANCE hinst,
    DWORD dwVersion,
    REFIID riidltf,
    LPVOID* ppvOut,
    LPUNKNOWN punkOuter
    HRESULT result;

    result = D3D9Hook_DirectInput8Create(hinst, dwVersion, riidltf, ppvOut, punkOuter);

    if (result != S_OK)
        return result;

    static bool ronce = FALSE;

    if (!ronce)
        DWORD dwFuncTable = (DWORD)*((DWORD*)*ppvOut);

        di = (LPDIRECTINPUT8A)(DWORD)*((DWORD*)*ppvOut);

        //OvLog(L"di 0x%x", di);
        //OvLog(L"dwFuncTable 0x%x!", dwFuncTable);

        VOID **virtualMethodTable;

        virtualMethodTable = (VOID**)/*di;*/dwFuncTable;
        virtualMethodTable = (VOID**)virtualMethodTable[0];

        ronce = TRUE;

        //DWORD oldCreateDevice = *((DWORD*)(dwFuncTable + 0x0C)); //4 * 3 (virtualMethodTable[3]) = 12 = 0x0C
        DWORD oldEnumDevice = *((DWORD*)(dwFuncTable + 0x10)); //4 * 4 (virtualMethodTable[4]) = 16 = 0x10

        DetourCreate(/*virtualMethodTable[4]*/(VOID*)oldEnumDevice, IDirectInput8_EnumDevices_Detour, &Detour_DirectInput_EnumDevices);
        D3D9Hook_IDirectInput8_EnumDevices = (TYPE_IDirectInput8_EnumDevices)Detour_DirectInput_EnumDevices.Trampoline;

    return result;
Esempio n. 4
DWORD CreateDetours()
	// init hooks.
	CLogFile logFile = CLogFile("log.txt",true);
	logFile.Write("Create Detours...");
	logFile.Write("Create Detours Finished...");
	fb::DxRenderer* g_dxRenderer = fb::DxRenderer::Singleton( );
	// Test Kommentar
	//insekt du sau
	if( g_dxRenderer == NULL )
		logFile.Write("Renderer not found...");
		logFile.Write("Swapchain found %X ... ",g_dxRenderer->pSwapChain);

		// try swapchain detour.
		if ( VALID( g_dxRenderer->pSwapChain ) )
			DWORD* vtable    = ( DWORD* )g_dxRenderer->pSwapChain;
			vtable            = ( DWORD* )vtable[0];

			DWORD dxgi_base = (DWORD)GetModuleHandle("dxgi.dll") + (DWORD)0x2D9D1;
			//DWORD dxgi_base = (DWORD)vtable[8];

			oPresent = ( tPresent )DetourCreate( (PBYTE)dxgi_base, (PBYTE)&hkPresent, 5);

			logFile.Write("Detoured Swapchain Function: %X -> %X ... ", dxgi_base, (DWORD)oPresent);
			logFile.Write("Detour failed. Swapchain Invalid. %X ... ", g_dxRenderer->pSwapChain);

	return 0;
void HookDebugLoop()
	hNtdll = (DWORD_PTR)GetModuleHandleW(L"ntdll.dll");
	hKernel = (DWORD_PTR)GetModuleHandleW(L"kernel32.dll");

	BYTE * WaitForIt = (BYTE *)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleW(L"kernel32.dll"), "WaitForDebugEvent");
	BYTE * ContinueIt = (BYTE *)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleW(L"kernel32.dll"), "ContinueDebugEvent");

	if (*WaitForIt == 0xE9 || *WaitForIt == 0x68) //JMP, PUSH
		MessageBoxW(0, L"kernel32.dll - WaitForDebugEvent is hooked already!", L"Error", MB_ICONERROR);
	else if (*ContinueIt == 0xE9 || *ContinueIt == 0x68) //JMP, PUSH
		MessageBoxW(0, L"kernel32.dll - ContinueDebugEvent is hooked already!", L"Error", MB_ICONERROR);
		dWaitForDebugEvent = (t_WaitForDebugEvent)DetourCreate(WaitForIt,HookedWaitForDebugEvent, true);
		//dContinueDebugEvent = (t_ContinueDebugEvent)DetourCreate(ContinueIt,HookedContinueDebugEvent, true);
Esempio n. 6
void HookDirectInput()
    DWORD base = NULL;
    DWORD func = NULL;
    base = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleW(L"dinput8.dll");

    if (!base)

    func = (DWORD)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)base, "DirectInput8Create");

    if (!func)
        Log(L"not DirectInput8Create!");

    Log(L"got DirectInput8Create...");

    DetourCreate((VOID*)func, DirectInput8Create_Detour, &dinptdt);
    D3D9Hook_DirectInput8Create = (TYPE_DirectInput8Create)dinptdt.Trampoline;
Esempio n. 7
void TSX_Client::Init()
	ini = new Ini("PrivateServer.ini");
	sig = new signature_scanner();

	ProcessHandle = GetCurrentProcess();
	ProcessID = GetProcessId(ProcessHandle);
	Log.Write("ProcessID: %u %04X",ProcessID,ProcessID);

	DevButtons = ini->GetInt("DevButtons",0);

	HMODULE rsaenh = NULL;
		rsaenh = GetModuleHandle("rsaenh.dll");
	Log.Write("Unpacked in Memory");
	//MessageBox(0,"TSX Paused","Paused",MB_OK);

	char* VersionString = (char*)sig->search("6A0168????????6A1268XXXXXXXX");
	if (VersionString)
		Log.Write("Game Version: %s Found at %08X",VersionString,VersionString);
		oldProtection = SetProtection(VersionString,50);
		sprintf(VersionString, "%s TSX",VersionString);
		Log.Write("Game Version Not Found");

	char* GGFile = "GameGuard.des";
	char* GGFileBackup = "GameGuard.des.bak";
	if (ini->GetInt("BypassGameGuard",1))
		Log.Write("Attempting to bypass GameGuard");

		// STEP ZERO: By Tri407tiny!
		//005404ED   .  53                                PUSH EBX
		//005404EE   .  8BD9                              MOV EBX,ECX
		//005404F0   .  56                                PUSH ESI
		//005404F1   .  57                                PUSH EDI
		//005404F2   .  895D FC                           MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x4],EBX
		//005404F5   .  EB 04                             JMP SHORT TwelveSk.005404FB
		//005404F7   .  EB 05                             JMP SHORT TwelveSk.005404FE
		//005404F9   .  3919                              CMP DWORD PTR DS:[ECX],EBX
		//005404FB   >  803B 00                           CMP BYTE PTR DS:[EBX],0x0
		//005404FE      0F85 181F0000                     JNZ TwelveSk.0054241C  << Change to JMP as shown below
		// The patch
		//005404FE     /E9 191F0000                       JMP TwelveSk.0054241C
		//00540503     |90                                NOP
		byte* GGZero = (byte*)sig->search("538BD95657895DFC",17);
		byte GGZeroBytes[] = {0xE9,0x19,0x1F,0x00,0x00,0x90};
		if (GGZero)
			Log.Write("GGZero Found at %08X",GGZero);
			oldProtection = SetProtection(GGZero,10);
			Log.Write("GGZero Not Found");

		// STEP ONE:
		// Bypassing GameGuard Init
		// We want the third one *but maybe we can patch them all? or we should just get a stronger signiture.
		//byte* GGBypass1 = NULL;
		//byte GGBypass1Bytes[] = {0xE9,0x1E,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x90};
		//while(GGBypass1 = (byte*)sig->search("0F851D010000",0,true,GGBypass1))
		//    memcpy(GGBypass1,GGBypass1Bytes,sizeof(GGBypass1Bytes));

		// I decided to make a stronger signiture but if we need to we can patch everything.

		// Cant remember what this patchs oh well change it to JMP
		//00541669   . /0F85 1D010000 JNZ TwelveSk.0054178C
		//0054166F   . |8D4D D8       LEA ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x28]
		//00541672   . |8D95 D8FEFFFF LEA EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x128]
		//00541678   . |51            PUSH ECX
		//00541679   . |52            PUSH EDX
		//0054167A   . |57            PUSH EDI
		//0054167B   . |57            PUSH EDI
		//0054167C   . |57            PUSH EDI
		//0054167D   . |6A 01         PUSH 0x1
		//0054167F   . |57            PUSH EDI
		//00541680   . |8D85 C0F4FFFF LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0xB40]
		//00541686   . |57            PUSH EDI
		//00541687   . |8D8D D0FCFFFF LEA ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x330]
		//0054168D   . |50            PUSH EAX
		//0054168E   . |51            PUSH ECX
		//0054168F   . |FF15 78C15500 CALL DWORD PTR DS:[0x55C178]
		//00541695   . |85C0          TEST EAX,EAX

		byte* GGBypass1 = (byte*)sig->search("0F851D0100008D4D");
		byte GGBypass1Bytes[] = {0xE9,0x1E,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x90};
		if (GGBypass1)
			Log.Write("GGBypass1 Found at %08X",GGBypass1);
			oldProtection = SetProtection(GGBypass1,10);
			Log.Write("GGBypass1 Not Found");

		// STEP TWO:
		// Bypassing GameGuard Error MessageBox's
		//00401A70  /$  81EC E8030000 SUB ESP,0x3E8
		//00401A76  |.  E8 B5E11300   CALL TwelveSk.0053FC30    <<<< NOP THIS
		//00401A7B  |.  3D 55070000   CMP EAX,0x755
		//00401A80  |.  74 33         JE SHORT TwelveSk.00401AB5  <<<< MAKE JMP
		//00401A82  |.  50            PUSH EAX
		//00401A83  |.  8D4424 04     LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+0x4]
		//00401A87  |.  68 B4C45500   PUSH TwelveSk.0055C4B4                   ;  ASCII "[GameGuard Error::%lu]"
		//00401A8C  |.  50            PUSH EAX
		//00401A8D  |.  E8 4B711400   CALL TwelveSk.00548BDD
		//00401A92  |.  83C4 0C       ADD ESP,0xC
		//00401A95  |.  68 00100000   PUSH 0x1000                              ; /Style = MB_OK|MB_SYSTEMMODAL
		//00401A9A  |.  68 A8C45500   PUSH TwelveSk.0055C4A8                   ; |Title = "TwelveSky"
		//00401A9F  |.  8D4C24 08     LEA ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+0x8]           ; |
		//00401AA3  |.  51            PUSH ECX                                 ; |Text
		//00401AA4  |.  6A 00         PUSH 0x0                                 ; |hOwner = NULL
		//00401AA6  |.  FF15 D0C25500 CALL DWORD PTR DS:[0x55C2D0]             ; \MessageBoxA
		//00401AAC  |.  33C0          XOR EAX,EAX
		//00401AAE  |.  81C4 E8030000 ADD ESP,0x3E8
		//00401AB4  |.  C3            RETN
		//00401AB5  |>  B8 01000000   MOV EAX,0x1
		//00401ABA  |.  81C4 E8030000 ADD ESP,0x3E8
		//00401AC0  \.  C3            RETN
		// Would be more awesome if we could detour this and log the messages to our log.
		byte* GGBypass2 = (byte*)sig->search("81ECE8030000E8????????3D55070000",6);
		if (GGBypass2)
			Log.Write("GGBypass2 Found at %08X",GGBypass2);
			oldProtection = SetProtection(GGBypass2,30);
			Log.Write("GGBypass2 Not Found");

		// STEP THREE: Bypassing shitty IE errors and junk :)
		byte* ggErrorIEPatch = (byte*)sig->search("518B0D????????85C9750433C059C3",9);
		if (ggErrorIEPatch)
			Log.Write("GG Error IE Patch found at %08X",ggErrorIEPatch);
			// Write Nops
			oldProtection = SetProtection(ggErrorIEPatch,10);
			Log.Write("Failed to find ggErrorIEPatch address");


	if (ini->GetInt("MultiClient",1))
		//00403AB6   > \6A 00         PUSH 0                                   ; /Title = NULL
		//00403AB8   .  68 A8845500   PUSH 005584A8                            ; |Class = "TwelveSky"
		//00403ABD   .  FF15 A0825500 CALL DWORD PTR DS:[5582A0]               ; \FindWindowA
		//00403AC3   .  85C0          TEST EAX,EAX
		//00403AC5   .  74 3F         JE SHORT 00403B06							; Patch me to JMP
		//6A 00 68 A8 84 55 00 FF 15 A0 82 55 00 85 C0 74 3F 
		//x  x  x  ?  ?  ?  ?  x  x  ?  ?  ?  ?  x  x  x  x
		//6A 00 68 ?? ?? ?? ?? FF 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? 85 C0 74 3F 
		byte* MultiClientPatch = (byte*)sig->search("6A0068????????FF15????????85C0743F");

		if (MultiClientPatch)
			oldProtection = SetProtection(MultiClientPatch,20);
			Log.Write("MultiClientPatch found at %08X",MultiClientPatch);
			Log.Write("Error finding MultiClientPatch");

	if (ini->GetInt("ChangeIP",1))
		Log.Write("Trying to patch IP");
		// Find IP address
		//004873AC   .  57            PUSH EDI
		//004873AD   .  BF 28B5EC00   MOV EDI,00ECB528                         ;  ASCII ""
		//004873B2   >  8B04B5 68BBEC>MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI*4+ECBB68]
		//004873B9   .  50            PUSH EAX                                 ; /Arg2
		//004873BA   .  57            PUSH EDI                                 ; |Arg1
		//004873BB   .  B9 20B5EC00   MOV ECX,00ECB520                         ; |
		//004873C0   .  E8 8BA8FFFF   CALL 00481C50                            ; \TwelveSk.00481C50
		//004873C5   .  8904B5 F8BCEC>MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ESI*4+ECBCF8],EAX
		//004873CC   .  A1 20B5EC00   MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECB520]
		//004873D1   .  46            INC ESI
		//004873D2   .  83C7 10       ADD EDI,10
		//004873D5   .  3BF0          CMP ESI,EAX
		//004873D7   .^ 7C D9         JL SHORT 004873B2
		IPAddress = (char*)sig->search_text(ini->GetString("OrigionalIP","").c_str());
		if (IPAddress)
			//00401930 <FuckupIP>/$  83EC 08                    SUB ESP,8
			//00401933           |.  55                         PUSH EBP
			//00401934           |.  56                         PUSH ESI
			//00401935           |.  57                         PUSH EDI
			//00401936           |.  8B7C24 18                  MOV EDI,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+18]
			//0040193A           |.  8BC7                       MOV EAX,EDI
			//0040193C           |.  33ED                       XOR EBP,EBP
			//0040193E           |.  66:C74424 0C 3000          MOV WORD PTR SS:[ESP+C],30
			//00401945           |.  33D2                       XOR EDX,EDX
			//00401947           |.  8D70 01                    LEA ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+1]
			//0040194A           |.  8D9B 00000000              LEA EBX,DWORD PTR DS:[EBX]
			//00401950           |>  8A08                       /MOV CL,BYTE PTR DS:[EAX]
			//00401952           |.  40                         |INC EAX
			//00401953           |.  84C9                       |TEST CL,CL
			//00401955           |.^ 75 F9                      \JNZ SHORT 00401950

			//DWORD IPFuckupPatchAddress = FindSigniture(0x00401000,0x0045FFFF,(PBYTE)"\x83\xEC\x08\x55\x56\x57\x8B\x7C\x24\x18\x8B\xC7\x33\xED","xxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
			Log.Write("IP Address found at %08X",IPAddress);
			Log.Write("Patching IP Stuffing up code");
			unsigned long ipfuckuppatch = sig->search("83EC085556578B7C24188BC733ED");
			if (ipfuckuppatch)
				oldProtection = SetProtection((byte*)(ipfuckuppatch),10);

				*(byte*)(ipfuckuppatch)=0xC3; // RETN


				// Get IP address of using DNS lookup?

				if (strcmp(IPAddress,"DOMAIN")==0)
				       Log.Write("Asking for domains ip");
					   WSADATA wsaData;
						int iResult;

						DWORD dwError;

						struct hostent *remoteHost;
						char *host_name;
						struct in_addr addr;

						// Initialize Winsock
						iResult = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData);
						if (iResult != 0) 
							Log.Write("WSAStartup failed: %d", iResult);

						host_name = ""; 

						Log.Write("Calling gethostbyname with %s", host_name);
						remoteHost = gethostbyname(host_name);

						if (remoteHost == NULL) 
							dwError = WSAGetLastError();
							if (dwError != 0) {
								if (dwError == WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND) {
									Log.Write("Host not found\n");
								} else if (dwError == WSANO_DATA) {
									Log.Write("No data record found\n");
								} else {
									Log.Write("Function failed with error: %ld\n", dwError);
							Log.Write("Function returned:");
							Log.Write("\tOfficial name: %s", remoteHost->h_name);
							Log.Write("\tAlternate names: %s", remoteHost->h_aliases);
							Log.Write("\tAddress type: ");
							switch (remoteHost->h_addrtype) {
							case AF_INET:
							case AF_INET6:
							case AF_NETBIOS:
								Log.Write(" %d", remoteHost->h_addrtype);
							Log.Write("\tAddress length: %d", remoteHost->h_length);
							addr.s_addr = *(u_long *) remoteHost->h_addr_list[0];
							Log.Write("\tFirst IP Address: %s", inet_ntoa(addr));

							oldProtection = SetProtection(IPAddress,30);

				Log.Write("Patched IP Successfully to %s",IPAddress);

				if (ini->GetInt("PatchEncryption",1))
					Log.Write("Patching Encryption");
					GameEncryptAddress = sig->search("518B4424088A088A5001");
					if (GameEncryptAddress)
						Log.Write("Encryption Patched");
						byte patch[] = {0xE9,0x9B,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x90};
						oldProtection = SetProtection((byte*)GameEncryptAddress+20,10);
						Log.Write("Failed to patch Encryption");
				Log.Write("Unable to patch");
			Log.Write("Failed to find IP Address");

	ScreenAddress = (uint*)sig->search("C705XXXXXXXX0500000068B8");
	if (ScreenAddress)
		Log.Write("Found Screen Address");
		Log.Write("Failed to find Screen Address");

	// Get Zone Address
	ZoneAddress = (uint*)sig->search("8B0DXXXXXXXX83C1CF83F95A");
	if (ZoneAddress)
		Log.Write("Found Zone Address at %08X",ZoneAddress);
		Log.Write("Failed to find Zone Address");

	// Get packet recv location
	// To be able to know the sizes and function addresses for all recv packets

	//004077E2 - 8B 4B 04              - mov ecx,[ebx+04]
	//004077E5 - 03 C8                 - add ecx,eax
	//004077E7 - 8B C1                 - mov eax,ecx
	//004077E9 - 85 C0                 - test eax,eax
	//004077EB - 89 4B 04              - mov [ebx+04],ecx
	//004077EE - 0F8E 03010000         - jng 004078F7
	//004077F4 - 56                    - push esi
	//004077F5 - 57                    - push edi
	//004077F6 - 8B 73 08              - mov esi,[ebx+08]
	//004077F9 - 8A 06                 - mov al,[esi]
	//004077FB - 3C 18                 - cmp al,18
	//004077FD - 0F84 80000000         - je 00407883
	//00407803 - 3C 19                 - cmp al,19
	//00407805 - 74 7C                 - je 00407883
	//00407807 - 3C 1A                 - cmp al,1A
	//00407809 - 74 78                 - je 00407883
	//0040780B - 3C 1B                 - cmp al,1B
	//0040780D - 74 74                 - je 00407883
	//0040780F - 3C 2C                 - cmp al,2C
	//00407811 - 74 70                 - je 00407883
	//00407813 - 3C 50                 - cmp al,50
	//00407815 - 74 6C                 - je 00407883
	//00407817 - 3C 57                 - cmp al,57
	//00407819 - 74 68                 - je 00407883
	//0040781B - 3C 77                 - cmp al,77
	//0040781D - 74 64                 - je 00407883
	//0040781F - 0FB6 E8               - movzx ebp,al
	//00407822 - 8B 43 04              - mov eax,[ebx+04]
	//00407825 - C1 E5 02              - shl ebp,02
	//00407828 - 8B 8D 10335800        - mov ecx,[ebp+00583310]
	//0040782E - 3B C1                 - cmp eax,ecx
	//00407830 - 0F8C BF000000         - jl 004078F5
	//00407836 - 8B 3D 08335800        - mov edi,[00583308] : [07710048]
	//0040783C - 8B D1                 - mov edx,ecx
	//0040783E - C1 E9 02              - shr ecx,02
	//00407841 - F3 A5                 - repe movsd 
	//00407843 - 8B CA                 - mov ecx,edx
	//00407845 - 83 E1 03              - and ecx,03
	//00407848 - F3 A4                 - repe movsb 
	//0040784A - FF 95 002F5800        - call dword ptr [ebp+00582F00]
	//00407850 - 8B 43 04              - mov eax,[ebx+04]
	//00407853 - 8B 8D 10335800        - mov ecx,[ebp+00583310]
	//00407859 - 3B C1                 - cmp eax,ecx
	//0040785B - 0F8C 89000000         - jl 004078EA
	//00407861 - 8B 53 08              - mov edx,[ebx+08]
	//00407864 - 2B C1                 - sub eax,ecx
	//00407866 - 50                    - push eax
	//00407867 - 03 CA                 - add ecx,edx
	//00407869 - 51                    - push ecx
	//0040786A - 52                    - push edx
	//0040786B - E8 30101400           - call 005488A0
	//00407870 - 8B 85 10335800        - mov eax,[ebp+00583310]
	//00407876 - 8B 4B 04              - mov ecx,[ebx+04]
	//00407879 - 83 C4 0C              - add esp,0C
	//0040787C - 2B C8                 - sub ecx,eax
	//0040787E - 89 4B 04              - mov [ebx+04],ecx
	//00407881 - EB 67                 - jmp 004078EA
	//00407883 - 8B 53 04              - mov edx,[ebx+04]
	//00407886 - 83 FA 06              - cmp edx,06
	//00407889 - 7C 6A                 - jnge 004078F5
	//0040788B - 8A 4E 01              - mov cl,[esi+01]
	//0040788E - 84 C9                 - test cl,cl
	//00407890 - 75 0C                 - jne 0040789E
	//00407892 - 0FB6 C8               - movzx ecx,al
	//00407895 - 8B 2C 8D 10335800     - mov ebp,[ecx*4+00583310]        !Packet Size
	//0040789C - EB 06                 - jmp 004078A4
	//0040789E - 8B 4E 02              - mov ecx,[esi+02]
	//004078A1 - 8D 69 06              - lea ebp,[ecx+06]
	//004078A4 - 3B D5                 - cmp edx,ebp
	//004078A6 - 7C 4D                 - jnge 004078F5
	//004078A8 - 8B 3D 08335800        - mov edi,[00583308] : [07710048]      !Recv Buffer
	//004078AE - 8B CD                 - mov ecx,ebp
	//004078B0 - 8B D1                 - mov edx,ecx
	//004078B2 - C1 E9 02              - shr ecx,02
	//004078B5 - F3 A5                 - repe movsd 
	//004078B7 - 8B CA                 - mov ecx,edx
	//004078B9 - 83 E1 03              - and ecx,03
	//004078BC - 0FB6 C0               - movzx eax,al
	//004078BF - F3 A4                 - repe movsb 
	//004078C1 - FF 14 85 002F5800     - call dword ptr [eax*4+00582F00]    !Function Call
	//004078C8 - 8B 43 04              - mov eax,[ebx+04]
	//004078CB - 3B C5                 - cmp eax,ebp
	//004078CD - 7C 1B                 - jnge 004078EA
	//004078CF - 8B 4B 08              - mov ecx,[ebx+08]
	//004078D2 - 2B C5                 - sub eax,ebp
	//004078D4 - 50                    - push eax
	//004078D5 - 8D 14 29              - lea edx,[ecx+ebp]
	//004078D8 - 52                    - push edx
	//004078D9 - 51                    - push ecx
	//004078DA - E8 C10F1400           - call 005488A0
	//004078DF - 8B 43 04              - mov eax,[ebx+04]
	//004078E2 - 83 C4 0C              - add esp,0C
	//004078E5 - 2B C5                 - sub eax,ebp
	//004078E7 - 89 43 04              - mov [ebx+04],eax
	//004078EA - 8B 43 04              - mov eax,[ebx+04]
	//004078ED - 85 C0                 - test eax,eax
	//004078EF - 0F8F 01FFFFFF         - jg 004077F6
	//004078F5 - 5F                    - pop edi
	//004078F6 - 5E                    - pop esi
	//004078F7 - 5D                    - pop ebp
	//004078F8 - 5B                    - pop ebx
	//004078F9 - C2 0800               - ret 0008

	//if (ini->GetInt("UseTranslations",1))
	//	// Scan for pointers we need for the data structure arrays {Item, Monster, NPC, Quest etc...}

	//	// When found
	//	LoadTranslationCSVs();

	if (ini->GetInt("Halt",0)) {
		MessageBox(0,"Halt","TSX Client DLL",0);

	unsigned long RecvPacketLoop = sig->search("8B2C8D????????EB068B4E028D69063BD57C4D8B3D????????8BCD8BD1C1E902F3A58BCA83E1030FB6C0F3A4FF1485????????");
	if (RecvPacketLoop)
		Log.Write("Found RecvPacketLoop at %08X",RecvPacketLoop);
		GameRecvPacketSize = *(size_t**)(RecvPacketLoop+3);
		Log.Write("Found GameRecvPacketSize at %08X",GameRecvPacketSize);
		GameNetworkInfo = RecvPacketLoop+21;
		GameRecvBufferPointer = *(byte***)GameNetworkInfo;

		Log.Write("Found GameNetworkInfo at %08X",GameNetworkInfo);
		Log.Write("Found GameRecvBufferPointer at %08X",GameRecvBufferPointer);
		GameRecvPacketFunctor = *(PacketRecvFunctor**)(RecvPacketLoop+47);
		Log.Write("Found GameRecvPacketFunctor at %08X",GameRecvPacketFunctor);

		Log.Write("Waiting for network to be Initilized");
		while (*GameRecvBufferPointer==NULL)
		Log.Write("Network Initilized");

		if (ini->GetInt("PacketInfo",1))
			for (int i=0;i<=0xFF;i++)
				Log.Write("Packet %02X Functor %08X PacketSize %u",i,GameRecvPacketFunctor[i],GameRecvPacketSize[i]);

		if (ini->GetInt("HookPackets",0))

			RecvBuffer = *GameRecvBufferPointer;
			Log.Write("Recv Buffer is at %08X",RecvBuffer);
			// Backup Packet Functors
			// Should just use memcpy
			for (int i=0;i<=0xFF;i++)

			// I would prefer this to be hex values for packets to log
			if (ini->GetInt("LogPackets",0)) {
				for (int i=0;i<0xFF;i++) {
					GameRecvPacketFunctor[i] = hookRecvLogPacket;

			if (ini->GetInt("DetourPackets",1))
				// Hook Packets
				if (ini->GetInt("ChangeIP",1)==0)
					Log.Write("NPC Packet function is at %08X and points too %08X",&GameRecvPacketFunctor[0x19],GameRecvPacketFunctor[0x19]);
					GameRecvPacketFunctor[0x19] = MyNPCPacket;

					Log.Write("Monster Packet function is at %08X and points too %08X",&GameRecvPacketFunctor[0x1A],GameRecvPacketFunctor[0x1A]);
					GameRecvPacketFunctor[0x1A] = MyMonsterPacket;

					Log.Write("Gameguard Keypacket function is at %08X and points too %08X",&GameRecvPacketFunctor[0x9A],GameRecvPacketFunctor[0x9A]);
					GameRecvPacketFunctor[0x9A] = MyGameguardKeyPacket;

				Log.Write("Chat Packet function is at %08X and points too %08X",&GameRecvPacketFunctor[0x2A],GameRecvPacketFunctor[0x2A]);
				GameRecvPacketFunctor[0x2A] = MyChatPacket;
		Log.Write("Failed to find RecvPacketLoop");

	// Find Speed Hack
	// Just - from gametime a certian small amount eg 0.002 each step through run
	//00401768 - 48                    - dec eax
	//00401769 - D8 05 8CC45500        - fadd dword ptr [0055C48C] : [3B449BA6]
	//0040176F - C7 05 602D5800 022B073D - mov [00582D60],3D072B02
	//00401779 - D9 1C 24              - fstp dword ptr [esp]
	//0040177C - D9 05 542E5800        - fld dword ptr [00582E54] : <<< GameTime
	//00401782 - D8 05 8CC45500        - fadd dword ptr [0055C48C] 
	//00401788 - D9 1D 542E5800        - fstp dword ptr [00582E54] : [4713316F]
	//0040178E - 74 11                 - je 004017A1
	//00401790 - 83 E8 02              - sub eax,02
	//00401793 - 75 16                 - jne 004017AB
	//00401795 - B9 4064AE00           - mov ecx,00AE6440 : [00000000]
	GameTimeAddress = (float*)sig->search("D905XXXXXXXXD805????????D91D????????");

	Log.Write("GameTime found at %08X",GameTimeAddress);

	Log.Write("Monster Object size is %u",sizeof(MonsterObject));

	// Get Uncompress Function
	HMODULE HandleGXDCompress = GetModuleHandle("GXDCompress");
	uncompress = (uncompress_functor)GetProcAddress(HandleGXDCompress,"uncompress");
	Log.Write("GXDCompress.uncompress is at %08X",uncompress);

	if (MOBSpawns) delete MOBSpawns;
	MOBSpawns = new SpawnInfoManager(ZoneID,"MOB");
	if (NPCSpawns) delete NPCSpawns;
	NPCSpawns = new SpawnInfoManager(ZoneID,"NPC");	

	if (ini->GetInt("HookFileLoading",1))
		Log.Write("Hooking File Loading");
		// Create a hook and hook any CreateFileW
		// if the file path ends with .IMG or .img
		// copy the pathname and prepend data\\ to it.
		// check if file exists
		// if so call orgional CreateFileW on that otherwise call origional function on the argument path.
		// return
  //LPCTSTR lpFileName,
  //DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
  //DWORD dwShareMode,
  //LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes,
  //DWORD dwCreationDisposition,
  //DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes,
  //HANDLE hTemplateFile
		//detour_CreateFileW = (tCreateFileW) detour.Create("kernel32.dll", "CreateFileW", (BYTE*)hook_CreateFileW, DETOUR_TYPE_JMP);
		oCreateFileW = (tCreateFileW) DetourCreate("kernel32.dll", "CreateFileW", hook_CreateFileW, DETOUR_TYPE_JMP);