Esempio n. 1
//Get a bounding box.  This is used for when we display the formation continously.
void FormationBhvr::GetWorldBoundBox(TimeValue t, ViewExp *vpt, Box3& box)
	if ( ! vpt || ! vpt->IsAlive() )

	//make sure we have everything we need...
	if(DisplayFormation(t)==FALSE) return;
	if(GetFollowerCount(t)<=0) return;
	if(GetFollowerMatrixCount(t)<=0) return; //possible to not have this set when the follower is set..

	INode *leaderNode;
	leaderNode = GetLeader(t);
	if(leaderNode==NULL) return;

	//for each follower we need to increase the bounding box by it's
	//world position location...
	for(int i =0;i<GetFollowerCount(t);i++)
		if(GetFollower(t,i)) //if we have a a node...
			Matrix3 worldSpace = GetFollowerMatrix(t,i)*GetCurrentMatrix(leaderNode,t);
			Point3 trans(worldSpace.GetTrans());
			//expand the box by the worldposition...
			box += trans;
Esempio n. 2
//The display function that is used to display the formation.
int FormationBhvr::Display(TimeValue t, ViewExp *vpt) 
    // setup

	int i,j;
	if(DisplayFormation(t)==FALSE) return FALSE;

	if(GetFollowerCount(t)<=0) return FALSE;
	if(GetFollowerMatrixCount(t)<=0) return FALSE;

	INode *leaderNode;
	leaderNode = GetLeader(t);
	if(leaderNode==NULL) return FALSE;
	//check tgo see if we have created a default sphere for drawing yet...
    //if we haven't then create it..
	if (numpts == 0) 
		GetSpherePoints(Point3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f), 1.0, SpherePts);

	GraphicsWindow *gw = vpt->getGW();
	//set the identity matrix...
	Matrix3 idMat;


	float scaleRadius = GetDisplayScale(t);
	//set the drawing radius values based upon what the radius size is.
	for (i=0; i<NUMAROUND * 3; i++) ScaledPts[i] = ((SpherePts[i] * scaleRadius));
	//for each follower we need to increase the bounding box by it's
	//world position location...
	for(i =0;i<GetFollowerCount(t);i++)
		INode *followerNode = GetFollower(t,i);
		if(followerNode) //if we have a a node...
			Matrix3 leaderMat = GetCurrentMatrix(leaderNode,t);
			Matrix3 followerMat = GetFollowerMatrix(t,i);
			Matrix3 worldSpace = followerMat *leaderMat;
			for (j=0; j<NUMAROUND * 3; j++) CurPts[j] = worldSpace*ScaledPts[j]; //adding the center to the point positions
    		gw->polyline(NUMAROUND,&CurPts[NUMAROUND * 2],NULL,NULL,TRUE,NULL);


	return TRUE;