Esempio n. 1
void InputEquatSlewDat( void)
	/* read (rb) slew.dat where:
	R <Ra degrees>
	D <Dec degrees>
	p <Alt degrees>
	q <Az degrees>
	t <time()> <JD>
	L <lat> <long> */
	Input = fopen( FullyQualifiedSlewFile, "r");
	if( Input == NULL)
		PressKeyToContMsg( "Could not read slew file");
			fscanf( Input, "%s", Name);
		while( strcmpi( Name, "R") != 0);
		FReadDouble( Input, &In.Ra);
		In.Ra /= RadToDeg;
			fscanf( Input, "%s", Name);
		while( strcmpi( Name, "D") != 0);
		FReadDouble( Input, &In.Dec);
		In.Dec /= RadToDeg;
		fclose( Input);
		DisplayIn( "from guide (Ra, Dec)", NameBlanks);
Esempio n. 2
void ReadGuideStartup( void)
	double RaDeg, DecDeg;
	struct HMSH RaHMSH;
	struct DMS DecDMS;
	Flag RaFlag = No;
	Flag DecFlag = No;

	Input = fopen( GuideStartupMarFilePtr, "r");
	if( Input == NULL)
		BadExit( strcat( "ReadGuideStartup(): Could not open ", GuideStartupMarFilePtr));

	fscanf( Input, "%s", Name);
	while( !feof( Input) && !RaFlag || !DecFlag)
		if( (strncmpi( Name, "ra", sizeof( Name))) == 0)
			FReadDouble( Input, &RaDeg);
			RaDeg = 360. - RaDeg;
			RaFlag = Yes;
		else if( (strncmpi( Name, "dec", sizeof( Name))) == 0)
			FReadDouble( Input, &DecDeg);
			DecFlag = Yes;
		fscanf( Input, "%s", Name);
	fclose( Input);
	if( RaFlag && DecFlag)
		In.Ra = RaDeg*DegToRad;
		In.Dec = DecDeg*DegToRad;
		DisplayIn( "from Guide", NameBlanks);

		/* write to OutGuideFile, preserving a record of all positions returned from Guide */
		GetHMSH( In.Ra*RadToHundSec + .5, &RaHMSH);
		GetDMS( In.Dec*RadToArcsec + .5, &DecDMS);
		if( In.Dec < 0)
			if( DecDMS.Deg > 0)
				DecDMS.Deg = -DecDMS.Deg;
				if( DecDMS.Min > 0)
					DecDMS.Min = -DecDMS.Min;
					DecDMS.Sec = -DecDMS.Sec;

		fprintf( OutGuideFilePtr, "%3d %3d %3d   %3d %3d %3d   from_guide\n", RaHMSH.Hr, RaHMSH.Min,
		RaHMSH.Sec, DecDMS.Deg, DecDMS.Min, DecDMS.Sec);