bool GameController::Setup() { DisplayInstructions(); world->Start(); player->Start(); monster->Start(); return true; } // End of Setup function
bool GameController::ProcessFrame(const float deltaTime) { if (GetAsyncKeyState('I') & 0x0001) DisplayInstructions(); // If monster is still alive then go on with the game. if (monster->GetAlive() && player->GetAlive()) { world->ProcessTurn(deltaTime, player->GetAudioListener()); // Player Turn. player->ProcessTurn(deltaTime, monster->GetPosition()); // Monster Turn. monster->ProcessTurn(deltaTime, player->GetPosition(), player->GetAudioListener()); } else { // Game has finished, go into fail state. } return true; } // End of ProcessFrame function
//overall display function void DisplayFunc() { window.FPS++; float current_time = (glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME)) / 1000.0f; current_time = current_time - window.total_time_paused; ostringstream convert; convert << (int)current_time; string display_current_time = convert.str(); glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH); if (!window.paused) { glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); glClearColor(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1.0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glViewport(0, 0, window.size.x, window.size.y); mat4 projection; if (debug_mode != 3) projection = perspective(20.0f, window.aspect, 1.0f, 600.0f); else projection = perspective(30.0f, window.aspect, 1.0f, 600.0f); radius = 20.1f; float tempX = xpos; float tempZ = zpos; float tempLookatX = lookatX; float tempLookatZ = lookatZ; mat4 modelview; //movement (with a buffer zone in center) in first person view if ((debug_mode != 2 && debug_mode != 0) && (xDiffFromCenter > 0.5f || xDiffFromCenter < -0.5f || yDiffFromCenter > 0.5f || yDiffFromCenter < -0.5f)) { if ((xpos <= -105.0f + window.ball_radius || xpos >= 105 - window.ball_radius)) //bounce off walls { lookatX = xpos - (lookatX - xpos); angleV = -angleV; window.hit_something = true; } if ((zpos <= -105.0f + window.ball_radius || zpos >= 105.0f - window.ball_radius)) //bounce off walls { lookatZ = zpos - (lookatZ - zpos); while (angleV < 0.0f) angleV = 360.0f + angleV; angleV = 180 - angleV; window.hit_something = true; } // turn right or left angleV = angleV - xDiffFromCenter * 0.1f; lookatX = xpos - sin(angleV * (PI / 180)) * radius ; lookatZ = zpos - cos(angleV * (PI / 180)) * radius; //move forward and backwards xpos = xpos + ((lookatX - xpos) * yDiffFromCenter * 0.02f ); //multiply by level to compensate adding more balls and //slowing down of processing them zpos = zpos + ((lookatZ - zpos) * yDiffFromCenter * 0.02f); ypos = ypos + ((0 - ypos) * 0.003f); zpos = clamp(zpos, -104.5f, 104.5f); xpos = clamp(xpos, -104.5f, 104.5f); } //movement in third person view if ((debug_mode == 2 || debug_mode == 0) && (xDiffFromCenter > 0.5f || xDiffFromCenter < -0.5f)) { angleH = angleH - xDiffFromCenter * 0.05f; cameraX = sin(angleH * (PI / 180)) * 110.0f; cameraZ = cos(angleH * (PI / 180)) * 110.0f; } if (debug_mode == 0 && (yDiffFromCenter > 0.5f || yDiffFromCenter < -0.5f)) { angleh = angleh + yDiffFromCenter * 0.05f; cameraY = sin(angleh * (PI / 180)) * 110.0f; } //check to see if going to hit a box and calculate position for (int i = 0; i < (int)boxes.size(); i++) { if (xpos >= ( - window.obstacle_width/2.0f - window.ball_radius) && xpos <= ( + window.obstacle_width/2.0f + window.ball_radius)) { if (zpos >= ( - window.obstacle_width/2.0f - window.ball_radius) && (zpos) <= ( + window.obstacle_width/2.0f + window.ball_radius)) {; float direction_X; direction_X = - xpos; float direction_Z; direction_X = - zpos;, ypos, direction_Z)); window.hit_something = true; /*cout << << ", " << << ", " << i << endl; cout << "Force: " << << endl; cout << "direction: " << << ", " << << endl;*/ if (zpos < - window.obstacle_width/2.0f || zpos > + window.obstacle_width/2.0f) { //lookatX = tempLookX; lookatZ = zpos - (lookatZ - zpos); while (angleV < 0.0f) angleV = 360.0f + angleV; angleV = 180 - angleV; //cout << "hit z side " << endl; } else if (xpos < - window.obstacle_width/2.0f || xpos > + window.obstacle_width/2.0f) { lookatX = xpos - (lookatX - xpos); angleV = -angleV; //cout << "hit x side " << endl; } } } // = Object_movement(,,,; } //check to see if hitting ball for(int i = 0; i < window.num_balls; i++) { if (xpos >= ( - window.ball_radius - window.ball_radius) && (xpos) <= ( + window.ball_radius + window.ball_radius)) { if (zpos >= ( - window.ball_radius - window.ball_radius) && (zpos) <= ( + window.ball_radius + window.ball_radius)) { if (i == 10) { window.gameOver = true; xpos = tempX; zpos = tempZ; debug_mode = 2; } + 30.0f + (float)window.num_balls * 2.0f, current_time); // set the timer for the ball glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); lookatZ = zpos - (lookatZ - zpos); lookatX = xpos - (lookatX - xpos); //use pythagorean theorem and law of cosines to find angle float distanceA = sqrt(pow(( - xpos), 2) + pow(( - zpos), 2)); float distanceB = sqrt(pow((lookatX -, 2) + pow((lookatZ -, 2)); float distanceC = sqrt(pow((xpos - lookatX), 2) + pow((zpos - lookatZ), 2)); float angleTemp = acos((pow(distanceB, 2) - pow(distanceA, 2) - pow(distanceC, 2)) / (2 * distanceA * distanceC)); //cout << "original: " << angleV << endl; //cout << "angleTemp: " << angleTemp << endl; if (yDiffFromCenter >= 0.0f) angleV = angleV + 90 - angleTemp * 5.0f; else angleV = angleV - 90 - angleTemp * 5.0f; //cout << "new angle: " << angleV << endl; window.hit_something = true; } } } if (debug_mode == 1) { modelview = lookAt(vec3(xpos, ypos, zpos), vec3(lookatX, ypos, lookatZ), vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); } else if (debug_mode == 2) { modelview = lookAt(vec3(cameraX, 30.0f, cameraZ), vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); } else if (debug_mode == 3) { modelview = lookAt(vec3(0.1f, 400.0f, 0.0f), vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); } else { modelview = lookAt(vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), vec3(cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ), vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); } //FrameBuffering RenderIntoFrameBuffer(modelview, projection); glViewport(0, 0, window.size.x, window.size.y); RenderIntoFrameBuffer2(modelview, projection); glViewport(0, 0, window.size.x, window.size.y); DisplayFuncClock(); glViewport(0, 0, window.size.x, window.size.y); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, window.wireframe ? GL_LINE : GL_FILL); //Draw skybox if (debug_mode != 3) sky.Draw(projection, modelview, window.size, window.stage, window.shader); if (debug_mode != 0) { //Draw map elements (ground and walls) modelview = translate(modelview, vec3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f)); trueGround.Draw_floors(projection, modelview, window.size, fbo2, current_time); walls.Draw_walls(projection, modelview, window.size); modelview = translate(modelview, vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); //Draw jumbotrons and scoreboards modelview = translate(modelview, vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -107.0f)); tron.Draw(projection, modelview, window.size, window.stage, window.shader); screen.DrawScreen(projection, modelview, window.size, fbo, 0); modelview = translate(modelview, vec3(0.0f, 4.5f, -0.2f)); screen.DrawScreen(projection, modelview, window.size, fbo, 5); //Draw one jumbotron with the field name modelview = translate(modelview, vec3(0.0f, -4.5f, 0.2f)); modelview = translate(modelview, vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 107.0f)); modelview = rotate(modelview, 180.0f, vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); modelview = translate(modelview, vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -107.0f)); tron.Draw(projection, modelview, window.size, window.stage, window.shader); screen.DrawScreen(projection, modelview, window.size, fbo, 0); modelview = translate(modelview, vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 107.0f)); modelview = rotate(modelview, 90.0f, vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); modelview = translate(modelview, vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -107.0f)); /*score.Draw(projection, modelview, window.size, window.stage, window.shader); scoreScreen.DrawScreen(projection, modelview, window.size, window.stage, fbo2); */ tron.Draw(projection, modelview, window.size, window.stage, window.shader); screen.DrawScreen(projection, modelview, window.size, fbo, 0); modelview = translate(modelview, vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 107.0f)); modelview = rotate(modelview, 180.0f, vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); modelview = translate(modelview, vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -107.0f)); //score.Draw(projection, modelview, window.size, window.stage, window.shader); tron.Draw(projection, modelview, window.size, window.stage, window.shader); screen.DrawScreen(projection, modelview, window.size, fbo, 0); modelview = translate(modelview, vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 107.0f)); modelview = rotate(modelview, -90.0f, vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); //Draw player (and other objects) modelview = translate(modelview, vec3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f)); modelview = translate(modelview, vec3(0.0f, window.ball_radius, 0.0f)); //make sure balls are on ground modelview = translate(modelview, vec3(xpos, ypos, zpos)); if (debug_mode != 1) player.Draw(projection, modelview, window.size, window.stage, window.shader); modelview = translate(modelview, vec3(-xpos, -ypos, -zpos)); window.num_hit = 0; for (int i = 0; i < window.num_balls; i++) //places the desired number of balls on field { modelview = translate(modelview,; //places in random location if (i == 10) { bomb.Draw(projection, modelview, window.size, window.stage, window.shader, current_time); //Place a bomb (not in lower levels) } else if ( { ball2.Draw(projection, modelview, window.size, window.stage, window.shader, current_time);; //set time and display remaining time above ball DisplayTime(modelview, projection, -,; window.num_hit++; } else { ball.Draw(projection, modelview, window.size, window.stage, window.shader, current_time); } modelview = translate(modelview,; } if (window.num_balls - window.num_hit != window.num_remaining) { window.num_remaining = window.num_balls - window.num_hit; if (window.num_balls >= 10) window.num_remaining--; ostringstream convert3; ostringstream convert2; convert3 << window.num_remaining; if (window.num_balls >= 10) convert2 << window.num_balls - 1 << " + (1!)"; else convert2 << window.num_balls; displayNumRemaining = convert3.str(); displayNumBalls = convert2.str(); window.instructions.pop_back(); window.instructions.pop_back(); window.instructions.push_back("Targets remaining: " + displayNumRemaining + "/" + displayNumBalls); window.instructions.push_back("Time played: " + display_current_time); if (window.num_remaining == 0 ) { ostringstream convert4; window.stage++; debug_mode = 2; window.betweenLevels = true; setLevel(); convert4.clear(); convert4 << window.stage; displayLevel = convert4.str(); window.instructions.pop_back(); window.instructions.pop_back(); window.instructions.pop_back(); window.instructions.push_back("Level: " + displayLevel); window.instructions.push_back("Targets remaining: " + displayNumRemaining + " / " + displayNumBalls); window.instructions.push_back("Time played: " + display_current_time); } } modelview = translate(modelview, vec3(0.0f, -window.ball_radius, 0.0f)); for (int i = 0; i < (int)boxes.size(); i++) //places the desired number of obstacles on field { modelview = translate(modelview,; //places in random location box.Draw(projection, modelview, window.size, window.stage, window.shader); modelview = translate(modelview,; } if (!window.gameStart) //Display start screen { modelview = rotate(modelview, angleH, vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); modelview = scale(modelview, vec3(3.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f)); screen.DrawScreen(projection, modelview, window.size, fbo, 1); //Display intro screen } if (window.betweenLevels) //Display next level screen { modelview = rotate(modelview, angleH, vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); screen.DrawScreen(projection, modelview, window.size, fbo, 2); } if (window.gameOver) //Display losing screen { modelview = rotate(modelview, angleH, vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); screen.DrawScreen(projection, modelview, window.size, fbo, 3); } if (window.gameWon) //Display winning screen { modelview = rotate(modelview, angleH, vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); screen.DrawScreen(projection, modelview, window.size, fbo, 4); } } window.instructions.pop_back(); window.instructions.push_back("Time played: " + display_current_time); //glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); DisplayInstructions(); DisplayCursor(); //display the minimap if (window.minimap) DisplayFunc2(); //Display the clock if (window.clock_on) DisplayFuncClock2(); if (window.hit_something) // display a cracked screen if hit something { DisplayFuncCrack(); } window.hit_something = false; //reset to not show cracked screen } //glFlush(); glutSwapBuffers(); glutPostRedisplay(); // FPS }
void Vectored_Interrupt(int button){ char cString[4], currDiffString[4]; //GLCD_Clear(White); /* Clear graphical LCD display */ GLCD_SetBackColor(Blue); GLCD_SetTextColor(White); switch(button){ case USER_BUTTON: //GLCD_DisplayString(0, 0, __FI, "< --User Button -- >"); switch(currentState) { case WELCOME_SCREEN: // If on the welcome screen, set up difficulty screen GLCD_Clear(White); if(currentDifficulty == 0){ currentDifficulty = 1; } updateNextDifficulty(nextDifficulty); DisplayInstructions(); DrawBarGraph(BAR_X,BAR_Y,currentDifficulty * 20,BAR_HEIGHT,BAR_VALUE); currentState = DIFFICULTY_SCREEN; break; case DIFFICULTY_SCREEN: // Transition to Question Screen updateScoreAndDifficulty(currentScore, currentDifficulty, nextDifficulty); currentDifficulty = nextDifficulty; // Set the difficulty currentState = QUESTION_SCREEN; questionScreen(); // Display the question screen break; case QUESTION_SCREEN: // Question Screen uses countdown timer - no inputs break; case ANSWER_SCREEN: //answerScreen(); currentState = MARKING_SCREEN; // Mark the users answer break; case MARKING_SCREEN: // Mark the users answer attempt markAnswer(); currentDifficulty = nextDifficulty; // Set the difficulty currentState = NEXT_QUESTION; break; case NEXT_QUESTION: // Move on to next question currentDifficulty = nextDifficulty; // Set the difficulty currentState = QUESTION_SCREEN; questionScreen(); // Display the question screen break; }; //GLCD_DisplayString(6, 0, __FI, GenerateRandomString(5)); //doTone = ~doTone; break; case JOYSTICK_SELECT: //GLCD_DisplayString(0, 0, __FI, "< --JSTK Select -->"); // Left available for future program improvements break; case JOYSTICK_UP: //GLCD_DisplayString(0, 0, __FI, "< --JSTK UP -- >"); inputAnswer(JOYSTICK_UP); break; case JOYSTICK_DOWN: //GLCD_DisplayString(0, 0, __FI, "< --JSTK DOWN -- >"); inputAnswer(JOYSTICK_DOWN); break; case JOYSTICK_RIGHT: //GLCD_DisplayString(0, 0, __FI, "< --JSTK RIGHT-- >"); inputAnswer(JOYSTICK_RIGHT); break; case JOYSTICK_LEFT: //GLCD_DisplayString(0, 0, __FI, "< --JSTK LEFT -- >"); inputAnswer(JOYSTICK_LEFT); break; case POTENTIOMETER_TURNED: //sprintf(cString, "%02d", c); switch(currentState) { case DIFFICULTY_SCREEN: nextDifficulty = (c / 3) + 1; nextDifficulty = nextDifficulty > 5 ? 5 : nextDifficulty; sprintf(currDiffString, "%1d", nextDifficulty); //updateScoreAndDifficulty(currentScore, currDifficulty, nextDifficulty); updateNextDifficulty(nextDifficulty); DrawBarGraph(BAR_X,BAR_Y,nextDifficulty * 20,BAR_HEIGHT,BAR_VALUE); //GLCD_SetBackColor(Red); break; case WELCOME_SCREEN: break; default: nextDifficulty = (c / 3) + 1; nextDifficulty = nextDifficulty > 5 ? 5 : nextDifficulty; sprintf(currDiffString, "%1d", nextDifficulty); updateScoreAndDifficulty(currentScore, currentDifficulty, nextDifficulty); break; } break; default: break; } }